Child and Teen Actors in Films and Television
Titles beginning with "H"
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H.E.L.P. (1990; TV Series)
--"The Children's Hour" (1990)
Eugene Byrd
An H.F.C. Fan's Dream (1923) -- see: De droom van een H.F.C.-ertje (1923)
H.I.M.Y.M. (2005-14) -- see: How I Met Your Mother (2005-14)
H.M. Pulham, Esq. (1941, US; Film)
Bobby Cooper as Harry Moulton Pulham Jr as a Boy (12)
Douglas Cooper
Billy Horn
Mickey Martin (Mickey 'One-Shot' Martin) as Office Boy
David Wilmot (David Walter Wilmot) as Joe Bingham as a Boy
H.M.S. Defiant [Damn the Defiant] (1962, GB; Film)
David Robinson as Harvey Crawford
Robin Stewart as Pardoe
H.M.S. Pinafore (1917) -- see: Pinafore (1917)
"H.R. 8438: The Story of a Lost Boy" (1956) -- Episode of: Armstrong Circle Theatre (1950-63, TV Anthology), q.v.
H.R. Pufnstuf (1969-70, US; TV Series)
Jack Wild (regular, 1969-70) as Jimmy
H.S.M. 3 (2008) -- see: High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008)
Ha llegado un angel [An Angel Has Arrived] (1961, ES; Film)
Cesareo Quezadas (Pulgarcito)
Haa mazha marg eklaa (1963, IN; Film)
Master Sachin
Haar jeet [Defeat and Victory] (1972, IN; Film)
Master Alankar
Haathi mere saathi [Elephants, My Companions] (1971, IN; Film)
Junior Mehmood ('Junior')
Hab Sonne im Herzen [Sunshine in My Heart] (1953, DE; Film)
Wolfgang Condrus (Wolfgang Breuer) as Manne
Migg Hess
Urs Hess as Bruno
La Habanera (1937, GE; Film)
Michael Schulz-Dornburg
"The Habit of Art" (2010) -- Episode of: National Theatre Live (2010-14, TV Anthology), q.v.
Ha'boged Hakatan [The Little Traitor] (2007; Film)
Ido Port as Proffy
Hace quince anos (1987, ES; Short)
Juan Diego Botto (Juan Diego Botto Rota)
Hachi: A Dog's Tale [Hachiko: A Dog's Story] (2009; Film)
Robert Capron as Student
Hachiko: A Dog's Story (2009) -- see: Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)
Hack (2002-04, US; TV Series)
Matthew Borish (regular, 2003) as Mikey Olshansky
--"Collateral Damage" (2003)
Ryan Ward as Eric
--"Forgive, But Don't Forget" (2003)
Mark Indelicato as Berge
--"Out of the Ashes" (2003)
Julito McCullum as Cal Milton
--"To Have and Have Not" (2003)
Julito McCullum as Cal Milton
Hackers (1995; Film)
Jesse Bradford (Jesse Bradford Watrouse) as Joey
"Hackidu" (2000) -- Episode of: Everybody Loves Raymond (1996-05, TV Series), q.v.
"Hack's Choice" (1986) -- Episode of: Spirit Bay (1984-86, TV Series), q.v.
Hadaka No Shima (1961, Japan; Film)
Masanori Horimoto as Jiro
Shinji Tanaka as Taro
Hadakakko [The Naked Child] (1961, JP; Film)
Toshitaka Ito as Genta Miura
Hadduta misriya [Egyptian Story] (1982, EG; Film)
Owsama Nadir
Hadleigh (1969-76, UK; TV Series)
--"A Letter to David" (1971)
Len Jones (Wyn Jones) as Billy Roberts
--"Open Verdict" (1971)
Alan Guy as Dave Armitage
Haevnen er sod [Revenge is Sweet] (1911, DK; Film)
Erik Crone
Cai Voigt
Der Haflinger Sepp (1953) -- see: Junges Herz voll Liebe (1953)
Haha no shori [Mother's Victory] (1937, JP; Film)
Masao Hayama
Jun Yokoyama ('Bakudan-Kozo')
Haho, a tenger! [Sea Ahoy!] (1972, HU; Film)
Kovacs Krisztian as Ocsi
Haho, Ocsi! [Hi, Ocsi!] (1971, HU; Film)
Kovacs Krisztian as Balogh Ocsi
Laluja Ferenc
"Hail and Farewell" (1989) -- Episode of: The Ray Bradbury Theater (1985-92, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hail Hero (1969; Film)
Hail the Conquering Hero (1944, US; Film)
Dean Cameron [1]
Merrill Rodin (Merrill Guy Rodin) as Alfie
Hail to the Chief (2000; TV Film)
Kyle Downes as Matthew Cox
Hail to the Chief (1985; TV Series)
--"Episode #1.7" (1985)
Brad Kesten (Brad Garrett Kesten) as Ulysses Stryker
--"Pilot" (1985)
Taliesin Jaffe (Talis Axelrod) as Willy Mansfield
"Hail to the Queen / The Blue Flower" (1965) -- Episode of: Write a Play (1965-67, TV Anthology), q.v.
"Hair Apparent" (1984) -- Episode of: Hill Street Blues (1981-87, TV Series), q.v.
"Hair Brain" (2001) -- Episode of: Round the Twist (1989-01, TV Series), q.v.
"Hair by Mr Bean of London" (1995) -- Episode of: Mr Bean (1990-95, TV Series), q.v.
"Hair Fix-it" (2013) -- Episode of: The Funny Bunch (2013, TV Series), q.v.
"A Hair of the Dog" (1978) -- Episode of: Eight Is Enough (1977-81, TV Series), q.v.
Hair Trigger Baxter (1926, US; Film)
Bobby Nelson (Robert John Nelson)
"The Haircut" (1970) -- Episode of: Making Money and 13 Other Very Short Plays (1970, TV Short), q.v.
Hairspray (1988; Film)
Mark Oliver as Geometry Student
The Hairy Bird (1998) -- see: Strike! (1998)
Hajducka vremena [Daredevil's Time] (1977; Film)
Ramiz Pasic as Iketa
Hak hap 2 (2001) -- see: Black Mask 2: City of Masks (2001)
"Hakeem's New Flame" (2000) -- Episode of: Moesha (1996-01, TV Series), q.v.
El Hakim (1957, DE; Film)
Michael Ande
Hakoiri musume [An Innocent Maid] (1935, JP; Film)
'Tokkan-Kozo' (Tomio Aoki)
Hakon Hakonsen [Shipwrecked] (1990, NO; Film)
Joachim Raphaelson as Ole
Stian Smestad as Hakon Hakonsen
Hakumat (1988, PK; Film)
Habib Jamshid (Jamshid Habib)
"Hal Coaches" (2002) -- Episode of: Malcolm in the Middle (2000-06, TV Series), q.v.
Hal Roach Comedy Carnival (1947) -- see: Curley (1947)
"Hal Sleepwalks" (2005) -- Episode of: Malcolm in the Middle (2000-06, TV Series), q.v.
Die Halbwuchsigen (1929; Film)
Martin Herzberg (Martin Fritz Herzberg) as Hans
Haley (2011; Short)
Alex Long as Orphan Gang Member
Half-a-Dollar Bill (1924, US; Short)
Frankie Darro (Frankie Darrow/Frank Johnson Jr) as Half-a-Dollar Bill
Half a Hero (1953, US; Film)
Hugh Corcoran as Pete Dobson
Bobby Diamond (Robert LeRoy Diamond) as Boy
Joey Larson
Joey Lawson as Billy
Half a Sinner [Alias the Deacon] (1934, US; Film)
Mickey Rooney (Mickey McGuire [1]/ Ninian Joseph Yule Jr) as Willie Clark
Half a Sinner (1940, US; Film)
Sonny Bupp (Moyer MacClairn Bupp) as Willy
Half a Sixpence (1967, GB/US; Film)
Jeffrey Chandler as Kipps as a Boy
Mark Colleano (Mark Sullivan)
Nigel Kingsley as Extra
John Moulder-Brown (John M. Brown)
Half Angel (1936, US; Film)
Douglas Deems (Dougie Deems)
Half Baked (1998; Film)
Michael Colton as Kenny as a Boy
Daniel DeSanto as After School Son
The Half-Blood Prince (2009) -- see: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
"Half Breed" (1976) -- Episode of: Sara (1976, TV Series), q.v.
Half Hour Story (1967-68, UK; TV Series)
--"A Man Inside" (1967)
Darryl Read as Delivery Boy
Half-Life (2008, US; Film)
Alexander Agate as Timothy Wu
Half Nelson (2006; Film)
Jeff Lima as Roodly
"Half-Pint" (1985) -- Episode of: Airwolf (1984-87, TV Series), q.v.
Half Pint Kid (1943) -- see: Harrigan's Kid (1943)
Half Shot at Sunrise (1941, US; Short)
Bobby Larson (Robert Boyce Larson)
Half Term (2005; Film)
Steven Geller as Mark
Half Way to Heaven [Halfway to Heaven] (1929, US; Film)
Nestor Aber (Michael Stuart) as Eric Lee
Half-Way to Hollywood (1938, US; Film)
George Billings (Georgie Billings)
"The Half-Wide Mug" (1959) -- Episode of: Dixon of Dock Green (1955-78, TV Series), q.v.
Halfaouin - Boy of the Terraces (1989) -- see: Halfaouine - L'Enfant des terrasses (1989)
Halfaouine - L'Enfant des terrasses [Asfour Stah; Halfaouin - Boy of the Terraces; The Rooftop Hopper] (1989, France; Film)
Selim Boughedir as Noura (13)
Halfback Buster (1928; Short)
Bobby Newman
The Halfbreed (1949) -- see: Il Mulatto (1949)
Halfway (2009; Film)
Sean Michael Cunningham as Jeremy
Halfway Across the Galaxy and Turn Left (1993-94; TV Series)
Jeffrey Walker (regular, 1993-94) as Qwrk
--"Qwrk Lands on His Feet" (1994)
David Hoflin as Bindy
Halfway to Heaven (1929) -- see: Half Way to Heaven (1929)
Halfway to Heaven (1930) -- see: A mi-chemin du ciel (1930)
Halifax f.p. (1994-02; TV Series)
--"Acts of Betrayal" (1997)
Jared Daperis as Jason Toser
--"Deja Vu" (1997)
Daniel Daperis as Daniel Viney as a Boy
Jared Daperis as Matthew Viney as a Boy
"The Hall of Darkness" (1994) -- Episode of: The Odyssey (1992-94, TV Series), q.v.
Hall Pass (2011; Film)
Macsen Lintz as Gunnar
Hallam Foe [Mister Foe] (2007; Film)
Jamie Bell as Hallam Foe
"Hallelujah" (1993) -- Episode of: American Playhouse (1982, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hallelujah (1993; TV Film)
Dule Hill (Karim Dule Hill)
Hallelujah! (1929, US; Film)
'Stymie' Beard (Matthew Beard)
Hallettsville (2009, US; Film)
John Chilleri as Ghost Boy 3
Ellar Coltrane (Ellar Coltrane Kinney Salmon) as Tyler Jensen as a Boy
"Halliday's Club" (1960) -- Episode of: Klondike (1960-61, TV Series), q.v.
Hallmark Hall of Fame (1951-25; TV Anthology)
--"Aunt Mary" (1979)
Stuart Rogers as Jaguar Fielder
--"Front of the Class" (2008)
Connor Hill (Conner Hill) as Henry
Jake Austin Walker as Brad's Bully
Hallmark Hall of Fame: A Season for Miracles (1999) -- see: A Season for Miracles (1999)
Hallmark Hall of Fame: November Christmas (2010) -- see: November Christmas (2010)
Hallmark Hall of Fame: Plainsong (2004) -- see: Plainsong (2004)
Hallo, Onkel Doc! (1994-00, Germany; TV Series)
--"Der Ausserirdiche" (1998)
Constantin von Jascheroff as Paul Kerner/Gol
Hallo Robbie! (2000-09; TV Series)
--"Der Ausreisser" (2004)
Tim Troeger as Sven
"Halloween" (1958) -- Episode of: Fury (1955-60, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween" (1991) -- Episode of: Beverly Hills 90210 (1990-00, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween" (1996) -- Episode of: 7th Heaven (1996-06, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween" (1997) -- Episode of: Meego (1997, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween" (2002) -- Episode of: All That (1994-05, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween" (2004) -- Episode of: 8 Simple Rules (2002-05, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween" (2005) -- Episode of: Malcolm in the Middle (2000-06, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween" (2010) -- Episode of: Modern Family (2009-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween" (2013) -- Episode of: Trophy Wife (2013-25, TV Series), q.v.
Halloween (1978; Film)
Brian Andrews as Tommy
Adam Hollander as Keith
Halloween [Rob Zombie's Halloween] (2007; Film)
Skyler Gisondo as Tommy Doyle
Daryl Sabara (Daryl Christopher Sabara) as Wesley Rhoades
"Halloween - The Final Chapter" (1995) -- Episode of: Roseanne (1988-97, TV Series), q.v.
Halloween 7 (1998) -- see: Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later (1998)
"Halloween and Javier" (2005) -- Episode of: Rodney (2004-08, TV Series), q.v.
"The Halloween Dream" (1979) -- Episode of: Little House on the Prairie (1974-83, TV Series), q.v.
Halloween: H20 (1998) -- see: Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later (1998)
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later [Halloween: H20] (1998; Film)
Adam Hann-Byrd as Charlie Deveraux
Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later [Halloween 7; Halloween: H20] (1998; Film)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Joey Gordon-Levitt) as Jimmy
"Halloween II" (1986) -- Episode of: Kate and Allie (1984-89, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween II" (2013) -- Episode of: The Middle (2009-25, TV Series), q.v.
Halloween II (1981; Film)
Brian Andrews as Tommy
Adam Gunn as Michael Myers as a Boy
Ty Mitchell as Gary as a Boy
Halloween II (2009; Film)
Matt Lintz (Matthew Lintz) as Mark
"Halloween III" (1995) -- Episode of: Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman (1993-98, TV Series), q.v.
Halloween III: Season of the Witch [Season of the Witch] (1982, US; Film)
Joshua Miller [1] (Joshua John Miller) as Willie Challis
Brad Schachter (Bradley Schachter) as Little Buddy
"Halloween IV" (1992) -- Episode of: Roseanne (1988-97, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween Kiss" (2002) -- Episode of: Do Over (2002, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween Party" (1952) -- Episode of: The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (1952-66, TV Series), q.v.
Halloween Party (1987) -- see: Night of the Demons (1987)
Halloween: Resurrection (2002; Film)
Kyle Labine (Jonathan Kyle Labine) as Teen Party Guy
"Halloween Show" (1977) -- Episode of: Tabitha (1977-78, TV Series), q.v.
"The Halloween Show" (1983) -- Episode of: The Facts of Life (1979-88, TV Series), q.v.
"The Halloween Show" (1997) -- Episode of: George and Leo (1997-98, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween Special" (2005) -- Episode of: Friday Night Slimetime (2005-06, TV Series), q.v.
"A Halloween Story" (1996) -- Episode of: Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (1996-03, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloween-ween" (2012) -- Episode of: The Neighbors (2012-14, TV Series), q.v.
"Halloweenie" (1994) -- Episode of: The Adventures of Pete and Pete (1993-96, TV Series), q.v.
Halloweentown (1998; TV Film)
Phillip van Dyke as Dylan Cromwell
Joey Zimmerman (Joseph Paul Zimmerman) as Dylan Piper
Halloweentown High (2004; TV Film)
Joey Zimmerman (Joseph Paul Zimmerman) as Dylan Piper
Halloweentown II (2001) -- see: Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge (2001)
Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge [Halloweentown II] (2001; TV Film)
Joey Zimmerman (Joseph Paul Zimmerman) as Dylan Piper
Halloweentown IV (2006) -- see: Return to Halloweentown (2006)
Hallroom Boys comedies (1921, US; Series)
Jackie Condon (John Michael Condon)
"The Halls of Terror" (1978) -- Episode of: Kojak (1973-78, TV Series), q.v.
Hallucination (1966) -- see: Hallucination Generation (1966)
Hallucination Generation [Hallucination] (1966; Film)
Claude Gersene
Der Halunkengeiger [The Crooked Fiddler] (1922, GE; Film)
Martin Herzberg (Martin Fritz Herzberg) as Kind
Ham and Bud (1914-16, US; Series)
Wesley Barry (Freckles Barry)
Gordon Griffith (Gordon S. Griffith)
"Ham Sandwich" (2011) -- Episode of: The Good Wife (2009-15, TV Series), q.v.
Hamari beti [Our Daughter] (1950, IN; Film)
Rattan Kumar (Master Rattan)
Hamari manzil [Our Goal] (1949, IN; Film)
Rattan Kumar (Master Rattan)
Hambone and Hillie (1983, US; Film)
Marc Bentley (Marcus Bently) as Danny
Gregory Brown as Pat
Wil Wheaton (Richard William Wheaton III) as Jeff Radcliffe
"The Hambone King" (2012) -- Episode of: Victorious (2010-13, TV Series), q.v.
Hamburg Dockland (2007-13) -- see: Notruf Hafenkante (2007-13)
Hamlet [William Shakespeare's Hamlet] (1996; Film)
Tom Szekeres as Hamlet as a Boy
Hamlet (Stage)
Matthew Blakstad as Player Queen (1982c.)
Hammer Time (1991-99) -- see: Home Improvement (1991-99)
Hammerhead (1968, GB; Film)
Earl Younger
Hammers Over the Anvil (1993; Film)
Ian Welbourne as Cruel Boy
Han Ni Zai Yiki [Together] (2002, China; Film)
Tang Yun as Liu Xiaochun
"Hana Lokomaika'i" (2014) -- Episode of: Hawaii Five-0 (2010-25, TV Series), q.v.
Hanagata senshu [Star Athlete] (1937, JP; Film)
'Tokkan-Kozo' (Tomio Aoki)
Hanamuko no negoto [The Bridegroom Talks in His Sleep] (1935, JP; Film)
'Tokkan-Kozo' (Tomio Aoki)
Hancock [Hidden from Earth] (2008; Film)
Atticus Shaffer
The Hancocks (1976) -- see: The Dark Side of Innocence (1976)
Hancock's Half Hour (1956-60; TV Series)
--"The Oak Tree" (1959)
James Langley
"Die Hand die verletzt" (1995) -- Episode of: The X Files (1993-02, TV Series), q.v.
Hand in Hand (1962) -- see: Te o tsunagu kora (1962)
Hand in Hand (1960, GB; Film)
Denis Gilmore [1]
Philip Needs as Michael O'Malley
Peter Pike
Hand-Made (2011) -- see: Khend-meid (2011)
Hand of Death [Five Fingers of Death] (1961, US; Film)
Butch Patrick (Patrick Lilly) as Davey
The Hand of God (1915, US; Film)
Bobby Connelly
Eine Hand wascht die andere (2012; TV Film)
Kristo Ferkic as Torben Pullmann
"Handball Duel" (2014) -- Episode of: Moone Boy (2012-15, TV Series), q.v.
Hande aus dem Dunkel [Hands from the Darkness] (1933, GE; Film)
Hans Richter
Hande weg von Mississippi [Hands off Mississippi] (2007; Film)
David Kross as Backerlehrling Brockel
Handel's Last Chance (1995; TV Film)
Tod Fennell as Jamie Liam O'Flaherty
Cody Jones as 'Wee' Hugh Brannigan
Handful of Clouds (1930) -- see: The Doorway to Hell (1930)
A Handful of Dust (1988; Film)
Jackson Kyle as John Andrew
"A Handful of Hours" (1960) -- Episode of: Men Into Space (1959-60, TV Series), q.v.
A Handful of Thieves (1969; TV Film)
John Gugolka as Algy
The Handkerchief (1949) -- see: Roomal (1949)
"Handle With Care" (1962) -- Episode of: Z Cars (1962-78, TV Series), q.v.
Handle With Care (1978) -- see: Three Way Love (1978)
Handle With Care (1932, US; Film)
George Ernest (Georgie Ernest/George Ruud Hjorth) as Charlie
Payne Johnson (Payne B. Johnson) as Baby
John Morris
Buster Phelps (Silas Vernon Phelps Jr) as Tommy
Dick Yates
"The Handler" (1992) -- Episode of: The Ray Bradbury Theater (1985-92, TV Anthology), q.v.
"Hands Across the Sea" (1991) -- Episode of: Tonight at 8.30 (1991, TV Series), q.v.
Hands from the Darkness (1933) -- see: Hande aus dem Dunkel (1933)
Hands of a Murderer (1990; TV Film)
Ben Davis as Baker Street Irregular
Hands of a Stranger [The Answer] (1960, US; Film)
Barry Gordon (Barry Vincent Gordon) as Skeet Wilder
The Hands of Cormac Joyce (1972, GB; TV Film)
Dominic Guard
Hands of Hope (1924, US; Film)
Bill Quinn
Hands off Mississippi (2007) -- see: Hande weg von Mississippi (2007)
The Hands that Rob the Cradle (1983) -- see: Summer Girl (1983)
Hands Up, Hitler! (1962) -- see: Psila ta kheria Hitler (1962)
Hands Up! (1912) -- see: Haut les mains (1912)
Hands Up! (1926, US; Film)
George Billings (Georgie Billings)
The Handsome Priest (1989) -- see: Il Prete Bello (1989)
A Handy Man Around the House (1919, US; Short)
Johnny Carr (John Anthony Carr) as Skinnay
Handy Manny (2006-07; TV Series)
--"Join the Club/Manny's Sick Day" (2007)
Robby D. Bruce as Quinn
--"Lost and Found" (2007)
Robby D. Bruce as Quinn
"The Handyman Can't" (2011) -- Episode of: Let's Stay Together (2011-25, TV Series), q.v.
Hang Time (1995-00, US; TV Series)
--"At the Movies" (2000)
Will Rothhaar (William Edward Rothhaar) as Kid #1
--"Big Brother Blues" (1999)
Jake Sakson as Daniel Evans
--"No Smoking" (1997)
Michael Pagan (Michael Jamon Pagan) as Stevie
Hang Your Hat on the Wind (1969; TV Film)
Ric Natoli (Richard Lee Natoli) as Goyo
Hanged Man's Farm (1945) -- see: La ferme du pendu (1945)
Hanggang sa kabila ng daigdig: The Tony Maiquez st (1973; Film)
Zernan Manahan (Shernan Manahan)
Hangin' In (1981-87; TV Series)
--"Li'l Devil" (1987)
Sunny Besen Thrasher as Li'l Devil
--"My Wheels Belong to Daddy" (1982)
Derrick Jones as Leslie
--"You've Got a Friend" (1987)
Sunny Besen Thrasher as Halo
Hangin' With Mr Cooper (1992-97, US; TV Series)
Omar Gooding (regular, 1992-97) as Earvin Rodman
Marquise Wilson (Marquise Trevon Wilson) (regular, 1993-97) as Tyler Foster
--"Coach Counselor" (1996)
Deon Richmond as Lewis
Merlin Santana as Calvin
--"The Curse" (1996)
Brad Bufanda (Fred Joseph Bufanda III/Bradley Joseph) as Darrin
Rickey D'Shon Collins (Rickey Collins) as Charles
--"Father Fairest" (1994)
Kenn Michael (Kenneth Michael Benbow Blank) as Henry
--"Globetrotters" (1996)
Rashaan Nall (Rashaan Harvey Nall) as Mark Cooper as a Boy
--"I Remember Grandpa" (1995)
Rashaan Nall (Rashaan Harvey Nall) as Mark Cooper as a Boy
--"It's a Matter of Principal" (1995)
John Michael Briganti (John Briganti) as Carlos
--"Matinee" (1994)
Brenden Jefferson (Brenden Richard Jefferson)
--"R.O.T.C." (1995)
Deon Richmond as Lewis
Merlin Santana as Calvin
--"Will She or Won't She?" (1996)
Malik Dillard as Sherman
"The Hanging" (1995) -- Episode of: Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years (1995, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hanging at Thunder Butte Creek" (1956) -- Episode of: Frontier (1955-56, TV Series), q.v.
Hanging by a Thread (1979, US; TV Film)
Randy Gray as Alan Durant as a Boy (10)
Michael Sharrett (Michael Stuart Sharrett)
The Hanging Garden (1997; Film)
Ian Parsons as Sweet William as a Boy
"Hanging Pictures" (2010) -- Episode of: 18 to Life (2010-11, TV Series), q.v.
Hanging Up [Aufgelegt!] (2000, USA/Germany; Film)
Ethan Dampf (Ethan Raymond Dampf) as Jesse Marks as a Toddler (4)
Jesse James as Jesse Marks
The Hangman (1943) -- see: Hitler's Madman (1943)
Hangman's Curse [The Veritas Project: Hangman's Curse] (2003; Film)
Jake Richardson (Jacob Matthew Richardson) as Ian Snyder
Douglas Smith [2] (Douglas Alexander Smith) as Elijah Springfield
"Hangman's Island" (1960) -- Episode of: Adventures in Paradise (1959-62, TV Series), q.v.
Hangmen Also Die! [Lest We Forget; Never Surrender; No Surrender; Trust the People] (1943, US; Film)
Billy Roy (William Roy) as Beda Novotny (11)
The Hangover [Stopping in Vegas on the Way to a Wedding] (2009; Film)
Andrew Astor as Eli
Joey Brander as Student
The Hangover Part II (2011; Film)
Dylan Boyack as Doug as a Boy (12)
William Jiang as Chow as a Boy (12)
William A. Johnson as Stu as a Boy (12)
Tanner Maguire (Tanner James Maguire) as Phil as a Boy (12)
Aedin Mincks as Alan as a Boy (12)
Hangover Square (1945, US; Film)
Ernest Bohanon (Ernest John Bohanon)
Norman Wilnor (Norman Willner/Ned Norman)
Hank [Awesome Hank] (2009-10; TV Series)
Nathan Gamble (regular, 2009-10) as Henry Pryor
--"Pilot" (2009)
Gibson Bobby Sjobeck (Gibson Sjobeck) as Kyle
Hank McCune Show The (US; TV Series)
--"Episode dated 25 October 1953" (1953)
'Tiger' Fafara (Luke Fafara/Lucas Fafara II)
Hanky Park (Stage)
Paul Julian Oldham as Nobby (1982c.)
Hann [Him] (2018; Short)
Asgeir Sigurdsson as Andri
Hanna Amon (1951, DE; Film)
Peter Burger
Hanna i societen [Hannah in Society] (1940, SE; Film)
Kaj Hjelm
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986; Film)
Allen De Cheser as Twin
Artie De Cheser as Twin
Fletcher Previn (Fletcher Farrow Previn) as Thanksgiving Guest
"Hannah Comes Home" (1969) -- Episode of: Daniel Boone (1964-70, TV Series), q.v.
Hannah in Society (1940) -- see: Hanna i societen (1940)
"Hannah Montana" (2009) -- Episode of: 3-Minute Game Show (2007-10, TV Series), q.v.
Hannah Montana [Hannah Montana Forever; Secret Idol Hannah Montana] (2006-11; TV Series)
Moises Arias (regular, 2006-11) as Rico
Cody Linley (Cody Martin Linley) (regular, 2006-10) as Jake Ryan
--"Achey Jakey Heart" (2007)
Tanner Maguire (Tanner James Maguire) as Jeffrey
--"Come Fail Away" (2009)
Lucas Cruikshank (Lucas Alan Cruikshank) as Kyle McIntyre
--"Cuffs Will Keep Us Together" (2007)
Jessie Usher (Jessie T. Usher Jr) as Guy
--"Hannah Montana to the Principal's Office" (2010)
Davis Cleveland as Funtopia Boy
--"I Can't Make You Love Hannah If You Don't" (2006)
Daniel Samonas (Daniel Nicholas Patrick Samonas) as Josh
--"I Will Always Loathe You" (2007)
Shane Carther Thomas (Shane Carther) as Kid #1
--"It's the End of the Jake as We Know It" (2010)
David Burrus as Henry
--"Jake . . . Another Little Piece of My Heart" (2009)
Buddy Handleson as Boy
--"Me and Rico Down by the School Yard" (2009)
Teo Olivares (Matthew 'Teo' Olivares) as Max
--"My Boyfriend's Jackson and There's Gonna Be Trouble" (2007)
Drake Kemper (Drake Yearout Kemper) as Vip Future Celebrity
--"New Kid in School" (2006)
Taylor Emerson as Jake Ryan Fan
--"Once, Twice, Three Times Afraidy" (2009)
Teo Olivares (Matthew 'Teo' Olivares) as Max
--"Schooly Bully" (2007)
Matt Prokop as Troy McCann
--"Sleepwalk This Way" (2009)
Teo Olivares (Matthew 'Teo' Olivares) as Max
--"Super(stitious) Girl" (2009)
Cole Sprouse (Cole Mitchell Sprouse) as Cody Martin
Dylan Sprouse (Dylan Thomas Sprouse) as Zack Martin
--"Sweet Home Hannah Montana" (2010)
Davis Cleveland as Boy
--"We're All on This Date Together" (2008)
Aramis Knight as Boy #3
--"What I Don't Like About You" (2009)
Teo Olivares (Matthew 'Teo' Olivares) as Max
Hannah Montana Forever (2006-11) -- see: Hannah Montana (2006-11)
Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009; Film)
Moises Arias as Rico
Mitchel Musso (Mitchel Tate Musso) as Oliver Oken
"Hannah Montana to the Principal's Office" (2010) -- Episode of: Hannah Montana (2006-11, TV Series), q.v.
"Hannelores Fuhrerschein" (1986) -- Episode of: Die Wicherts von nebenan (1986-91, TV Series), q.v.
Hannibal (2001; Film)
Jacob Davis as Janitor/Il Mostro
Hannibal (2013-25; TV Series)
--". . . And The Woman Clothed With the Sun" (2015)
Devan Cohen as Francis Dolarhyde as a Boy
--"Ko No Mono" (2014)
Samuel Faraci as Franklin
--"Oeuf" (2013)
Brendan Heard as Jesse Turner
Hans Andersen (Stage)
Peter Collett (1985c.)
Matthew David as Midshipman (1981)
Paul Hardy (1985c.)
Hans Anderson (Stage)
Jason May (1982c.)
Hans Christian Andersen (1952, US; Film)
Dee Aaker (Dee Forrest Aaker)
Lee Aaker (Lee William Aaker) as Boy
Lonnie Burr (Leonard Burr Babin) as Townchild
Michael Cowan
Darryl Duran
Rudy Lee (Rudy Lee Jr) as Boy
Christian Pasques
Peter Votrian (Peter J. Votrian) as Lars
Joey Walsh as Peter
Hansel and Gretel (1954) -- see: Hansel und Gretel (1954)
Hansel and Gretel (1986; Film)
Hugh Pollard as Hansel
Hansel and Gretel (2002; Film)
Thomas Curtis (Tommy Curtis) as Andrew
Jacob Smith (John Jacob Charles William Smith) as Hansel
Hansel and Gretel (1982; TV Film)
Ricky Schroder (Richard Bartlett Schroder Jr) as Hansel
Hansel und Gretel [Hansel and Gretel] (1954, DE; Film)
Wolfgang Condrus (Wolfgang Breuer)
La Hantise [Obsession] (1912, FR; Film)
Maurice Mathieu
Hanzawa Naoki (2013; TV Film)
Keita Ninomiya
Hao gege [Good Brother] (1925, CN; Film)
Zheng Xiaoqiu
The Happiest Days of Your Life (1950, GB; Film)
William Simons (Bill Simmons)
The Happiest Days of Your Life (1949; TV Film)
Robin Netscher (Robin Ian Netscher)
The Happiest Millionaire (Stage)
Nicholas Hammond as Livingston Biddle (1966c.)
"The Happiest Show on Earth" (1996) -- Episode of: Boy Meets World (1993-00, TV Series), q.v.
Happiness (1917) -- see: La Felicita (1917)
Happiness (1998, US; Film)
Rufus Read as Billy Maplewood (11)
Evan Silverberg as Johnny Grasso (11)
Happiness Is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown (2011; Film)
Austin Lux
"The Happiness Machine" (1992) -- Episode of: The Ray Bradbury Theater (1985-92, TV Anthology), q.v.
Happiness of Us Alone (1961) -- see: Namonaku mazushiku utsukushiku (1961)
Happiness Runs (2010; Film)
Joseph Castanon as Little Mackie
Happy (1933, GB; Film)
Bobby Rietti (Robert Rietty) as Bellhop
"Happy and Glorious" (2001) -- Episode of: The Bill (1984-10, TV Series), q.v.
"Happy Anniversary" (1986) -- Episode of: Valerie (1986-91, TV Series), q.v.
Happy Anniversary (1959, US; Film)
Kevin Coughlin (John Kevin Barry Coughlin) as Ockie Walters
"Happy Bert Day" (2014) -- Episode of: Trophy Wife (2013-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Happy Birthday" (1999) -- Episode of: Felicity (1998-02, TV Series), q.v.
Happy Birthday [Fodselsdagen] (2013; Short)
Mathias Hartmann Niclasen as Thomas
"Happy Birthday Mom" (1982) -- Episode of: The Littlest Hobo (1979-85, TV Series), q.v.
"Happy Birthday Nate" (2008) -- Episode of: Eli Stone (2008-09, TV Series), q.v.
Happy Birthday to Me (1981, Canada; Film)
Happy Birthday, Wanda June (1971, US; Film)
Steven Paul as Paul Ryan
Happy Birthday, Wanda June (Stage)
Scotty Hauser as Paul (2001)
"Happy Borthday" (2005) -- Episode of: Judging Amy (1999-05, TV Series), q.v.
Happy Cabin Song (2011; Short)
Preston Bailey as Sammy
Tai Urban as Camper Boy #1
Happy Campers (2001, US; Film)
Ryan Adams as Bad Boy Billy
Trevor Christensen as Witchitaesque Wes
Moore Cliff as Don't Touch Me Todd
Xavier Hernandez as Upper Income Lawrence
Daniel Kumatz as Red-Capped Rick
Amir Lamei as Sammy the Street Kid
Dustin Rubin as Quirky Quentin
Ryan Triebold as Golden Boy Gus
Bradley Waters as Terrible Twin #2
Matthew Waters as Terrible Twin #1
Joe Worthen as T-Shirt Tommy
Happy Christmas, Miss King [An Avonlea Christmas] (1998; TV Film)
Zachary Bennett as Felix King
Charles Boyland as Rodney/Farm Hand
A Happy Conscience (1941) -- see: Een aardig geval (1941)
Happy Days (1924; Short)
Buddy Messinger (Buddy Messenger)
Walter 'Spec' O'Donnell
Happy Days [Winnie Winkle the Breadwinner and the Rinky Dinks in 'Happy Days'] (1926, US; Short)
Billy Butts (William Charles Allen Butts) as Perry Winkle
Tommy Hicks (Thomas Boudry Hicks) as Baseball Player
Happy Days [New Family in Town] (1974-84; TV Series)
Scott Baio (Scott Vincent James Baio) (regular, 1977-84) as Charles 'Chachi' Arcola
Meeno Peluce (Miro Fiore Peluce) (guest, 1981) as Joey
--"Bringing Up Spike" (1976)
Danny Butch as Spike/Raymond
--"Fonsilectomy" (1977)
Gregg Forrest as Russell
Scotti Marshall (Scott Marshall) as Patrick
--"Football Frolics" (1976)
Christopher St John (Kristoff Saint John/Christoff Saint John) as Booker Brown
--"Not With My Sister You Don't" (1974)
Danny Butch as Spike/Raymond
--"Passages" (1984)
Danny Ponce (Luis Daniel Ponce) as Danny
--"Spunky Come Home" (1977)
Erin Blunt as Wilbur
--"Welcome Home" (1983)
Bo Sharon (Jason Bo Sharon) as Richie Cunningham Jr
Happy Days with Kalimagdora (1968) -- see: Sladky cas Kalimagdory (1968)
Happy Dollar (Stage)
Darryl Duran (1956c.)
Happy-End Am Attersee (1964) -- see: Happy-End am Worthersee (1964)
Happy-End am Worthersee [Happy End By the Worthersee; Happy-End Am Attersee] (1964, AT; Film)
Jan Koester
Happy End By the Worthersee (1964) -- see: Happy-End am Worthersee (1964)
Happy Endings [Staying Together] (1983, US; TV Film)
Robby Kiger (Robert Creighton Kiger) as Bobby Bartlett
Happy Endings (2011-13; TV Series)
--"Baby Steps" (2011)
Jadon Sand (Jadon David Sand/Jadan Sands) as Boy
--"Full Court Dress" (2011)
Austin Kane as Django
--"Grinches Be Crazy" (2011)
Connor Rosen as Joey
--"Sabado Free-Gante" (2012)
Kyle Silverstein (Kyle Red Silverstein) as Martin
--"The Straight Dope" (2013)
Cohl Kenneth Klop (Cohl Klop) as Scalper
Happy Face Murders (1999; TV Film)
Sean Dick (Sean Calvin Dick) as Charlie Severn
"Happy Families" (1964) -- Episode of: Z Cars (1962-78, TV Series), q.v.
"Happy Families" (1998) -- Episode of: Maisie Raine (1998-99, TV Series), q.v.
"Happy Families" (2004) -- Episode of: Holby City (1999-25, TV Series), q.v.
Happy Family (1934) -- see: The Merry Frinks (1934)
"Happy Family" (2003) -- Episode of: Law and Order: Criminal Intent (2001-10, TV Series), q.v.
Happy Family (2011; Short)
Robert Donnelly as Dylan
Happy Gilmore (1996; Film)
Jared van Snellenberg as Caddy in Waterbury
"Happy Halloween" (2011) -- Episode of: Mike and Molly (2010-25, TV Series), q.v.
Happy Holidays (2008; Film)
Noah Crawford as Kirby as a Boy
Tayler Lynch as Patrick as a Boy
R.J. Schines as Alden J. Winslow III as a Boy
Happy Holidays (1954; TV Series)
Anthony Lang (Tony Lang) (regular, 1954) as Roger Holliday
Happy Homecoming (1933) -- see: Heimkehr ins Gluck (1933)
The Happy Hooker (1975, US; Film)
Michael Gelardi as Neighborhood Boy
Happy Jack, a Hero (1910, US; Film)
Jack Pickford (John C. Smith Jr)
The Happy Journey (1956) -- see: The Happy Road (1956)
Happy Land (1943, US; Film)
Jackie Averill
Buddy Barnitz (Harold Barnitz)
Ned Dobson
Elvin Field as Joe
Jerry Hunter
Herbert MacGregor
Georgie Nokes (George Robert Nokes)
Larry Joe Olsen (Larry Olsen) as Russell 'Rusty' Marsh as a Boy (5)
James West as Rusty (12)
Happy Log (2014; Film)
Brock Patrick Kaufman
Caleb Meadows as Corey Cuevas (12)
Happy Mother's Day, Love George [Run Stranger Run] (1973; Film)
Ronny Howard (Ron Howard/Ronald William Howard) as Johnny
"Happy New Year" (1995) -- Episode of: ER (1994-09, TV Series), q.v.
"Happy New Year, Mr Sloane" (2014) -- Episode of: Mr Sloane (2014, TV Series), q.v.
"Happy Pills" (2004) -- Episode of: Reba (2001-07, TV Series), q.v.
"A Happy Place in the Sky" (1977) -- Episode of: Young Ramsay (1977-80, TV Series), q.v.
"Happy Returns" (1971) -- Episode of: A Family at War (1970-72, TV Series), q.v.
"Happy Returns" (1985) -- Episode of: Only Fools and Horses . . . (1981-03, TV Series), q.v.
The Happy Road (1935) -- see: La route heureuse (1935)
The Happy Road [The Happy Journey] (1956, US; Film)
T. Bartlett as David, Earl of Bardingham
Bobby Clark [2] (Robert Eugene Clark) as Danny Andrews
Yves-Marie Maurin as Boy
Jacques Moullieres (Jacky Mouliere)
Jimmy Urbain (James Urbain)
The Happy Road (1957; Film)
Patrick Maurin (Patrick Dewaere) as Boy
"Happy Sixteenth" (1987) -- Episode of: Air Waves (1986-87, TV Series), q.v.
"Happy Slapping" (2008) -- Episode of: Die Pfefferkorner (1999-12, TV Series), q.v.
A Happy Sunday (1988) -- see: Un domingo feliz (1988)
Happy, Texas (1999; Film)
Derek Montgomery as Bully Boy
The Happy Time (1952, US; Film)
Bobby Driscoll (Robert Cletus Driscoll) as Robert 'Bibi' Bonnard
The Happy Time (Stage)
David Du Val as Bibi (1953c.)
Johnny Stewart (1950)
Philip Tramontano (1955c.)
Happy Together (1997, US; Film)
Eddie Alcazar
Happy Town (2010; TV Series)
--"Questions and Antlers" (2010)
Dakota Goyo (Dakota Avery Goyo) as Tommy Conroy as a Boy
"The Happy Tree" (1958) -- Episode of: Tales of Wells Fargo (1957-62, TV Series), q.v.
The Happy Wanderer (1955) -- see: Der Frohliche Wanderer (1955)
The Happy Warrior (1925, US; Film)
Philippe de Lacy as Ralph as a Boy (8)
Bobby Gordon (Robert Edwards) as Rollo as a Boy (10)
Leon Holmes (Leon von Sederholm) as Freckle-Faced Boy
The Happy Years [The Adventures of Young Dink Stover; You're Only Young Twice] (1950, US; Film)
David Bair (David Lynn Bair) as White Mountain Canary
Henry Blair as Harvey Crocker
Robin Camp (Hamid Hamilton Camp) as Butch Sidney
Alan Dinehart III (Mason Alan Dinehart) as Coffee Colored Angel
Donn Gift (Donald Eugene Gift) as Joshua 'Hungry' Smeed/The Big Man
Darryl Hickman (Darryl Gerard Hickman) as Tough McCarty
Jerry Mickelsen (Jerry Herbert Mickelsen) as Cheyenne Baxter
Danny Mummert as Butsey White
Dean Stockwell (Robert Dean Stockwell) as John Humperdink Stover
Leon Tyler (Leon Tyler Sperl) as Edward 'Puffy' Ellis
Bobby Valentine (Robert Valentine) as 'Fatty' Harris
Ralph Votrian as Tacks Booker
Timothy Wellman as Bell Ringer
Happyish (2015; TV Series)
--"Starring David Ogilvy, Anton Chekhov and Gluten E" (2015)
Andrew Bambridge as Fast Eddie Keebler
--"Starring Vladimir Nabokov, Hippocrates and God" (2015)
Andrew Bambridge as Fast Eddie Keebler
Happythankyoumoreplease (2010; Film)
Michael Algieri as Rasheen
Robert Rossi as Boy on Park Bench
Har har du ditt liv [This is Your Life] (1966, SE; Film)
Rick Axberg
Har kommer Pippi Langstrumpf [Here Comes Pippi Longstocking] (1972, SE; Film)
Par Sundberg
Harambee! (1996; TV Film)
Carlton Beener (Aaron Beener) as Jojo Barnes
Harbor Command (1957-58, US; TV Series)
--"Sanctuary" (1958)
Scotty Morrow (Scott Mora) as Victor Mayerling
"Harbor Master" (2007) -- Episode of: Sanctuary (2008-11, TV Series), q.v.
Die Hard 3 (1995) -- see: Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Hard Boiled (1926, US; Film)
Walter 'Spec' O'Donnell as Eddie Blix
The Hard-Boiled Canary [There's Magic in Music] (1941, US; Film)
Richard Clucas (Dick Clucas) as Boy
Charles Eichler
Heimo Haitto
Aryel Keys
Hard Cases (1988-89; TV Series)
--"Episode #1.1" (1988)
Jason Bose Smith (Jason Smith)
Hard Choices (1986; Film)
"Hard Day's Night" (2007) -- Episode of: Rules of Engagement (2007-13, TV Series), q.v.
"A Hard Day's Night" (2003) -- Episode of: 10-8: Officers on Duty (2003-04, TV Series), q.v.
A Hard Day's Night (1964; Film)
David Jaxson as Boy With Tyre
"Hard Day's Pete" (1994) -- Episode of: The Adventures of Pete and Pete (1993-96, TV Series), q.v.
A Hard-Done-By Millionaire (1958) -- see: So ein Millionar hat's schwer (1958)
Hard Hats (2011; Short)
Joseph Castanon as Mervin Jones
Hard Knox (1984; TV Film)
Shane Conrad as Eric Shaner
The Hard Man (1957, US; Film)
Rickie Sorensen (Ricky John Sorensen) as Larry
Hard Off (1999) -- see: La Debandade (1999)
Hard Play (1963) -- see: Strogaya igra (1963)
A Hard Rain [The Flood] (1998, US; Film)
Bobby Foster Anderson (Bobby F. Anderson)
"Hard Ride Home" (1977) -- Episode of: The Oregon Trail (1976-77, TV Series), q.v.
Hard Road (1989, GB; Film)
Max Rennie as Max
"The Hard Sell" (1994) -- Episode of: 99-1 (1994-95, TV Series), q.v.
Hard Strike On a Soft Target (1955) -- see: Coup dur chez les mous (1955)
Hard Time on Planet Earth (1989; TV Series)
--"Losing Control" (1989)
Tim Eyster (Trevor Eyster / Timothy Richard Eyster) as Jonathan Newcomb
--"Rodeo Show" (1989)
Christian Jacobs (Christian Richards Jacobs) as Mark Brady
"Hard Times" (1992) -- Episode of: Herman's Head (1991-94, TV Series), q.v.
The Hard Times of RJ Berger (TV Series)
Paul Iacono as R.J. Berger
Hard to Handle (1933; Film)
Sidney Miller as Boy on Pier
Hard to Kill [Seven Year Storm] (1990; Film)
Jeffrey Bara as Sonny (5)
Zachary Rosencrantz as Sonny Storm (12)
The Hard Way (1942, US; Film)
Georgie Nokes (George Robert Nokes)
Die Hard: With a Vengeance [Die Hard 3] (1995; Film)
Michael Alexander Jackson as Dexter
Hardball (2001; Film)
A. Delon Ellis Jr as Miles
Julian Griffith as Jefferson
Bryan Hearne as Andre
Kristopher Lofton as Clarence
Michael Perkins as Kofi
Brian Reed as Raymont/Ray Ray
Alex Telles as Alex
Dewayne Warren as Jarius/G-Baby
Hardball (1989-90, US; TV Series)
--"The Hunt for Honus Wagner" (1990)
Johnny Galecki (John Mark Galecki)
--"'Till Death Do Us Part" (1989)
Jarrett Lennon (Jarrett Lennon Kaufman) as Billy Villanova
Hardball (1994, US; TV Series)
--"Mike's Release" (1994)
Trenton Knight (Trenton R. Knight) as Timmy
Hardcastle and McCormick (1983-86, US; TV Series)
--"Angie's Choice" (1985)
Bobby Jacoby (Bobby Jayne) as Nicky Bloom
"Hardcopy" (1991) -- Episode of: Silk Stalkings (1991-99, TV Series), q.v.
Hardhat and Legs (1980; TV Film)
Charles Aiken (Charlie Aiken) as Bud Botsford
Hardly a Delinquent (1949) -- see: Apenas un delincuente (1949)
Hardly Working (1980, US; Film)
Stephen Baccus as Peter
Hardware (2003-04; TV Series)
--"Women" (2003)
Paul Child as Motorbike Courier
"The Hardware Store" (1991) -- Episode of: The Wonder Years (1988-93, TV Series), q.v.
The Hardy Boys (1957, US; TV Serial)
Tim Considine (Timothy Daniel Considine) as Frank Hardy
Tommy Kirk (Thomas Harvey Kirk) as Joe Hardy
--"The Mystery of the Applegate Treasure" (1957)
Donald MacDonald as Perry Robinson
The Hardy Boys [The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries] (1977-79; TV Series)
Shane Butterworth (guest, 1977)
The Hardy Boys (1995-96, Canada; TV Series)
--"Telling Lies" (1995)
Jake Goldsbie as Max
The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries (1977-79) -- see: The Hardy Boys (1977-79)
Hare Rama hare Krishna (1971, IN; Film)
Junior Mehmood ('Junior')
Master Satyajit
Harem Holiday (1965) -- see: Harum Scarum (1965)
Hari Laxmi (1953, IN; Film)
Master Babua
Harishchandra Taramati (1970, IN; Film)
Junior Mehmood ('Junior')
Harja - Ein Junge aus der Eisenzeit (1968; TV Film)
Harlan County War (2000; TV Film)
Alex House (lexander Charles Albert House) as Buddy Kincaid
Harlem (1993) -- see: Sugar Hill (1993)
Harlem [Knock Out] (1943, IT; Film)
Gianni Glori (Gianni Musy) as Tony Rossi
Harlem Nights (1989; Film)
Desi Arnez Hines III as The Young Quick
Harlequin (1958) -- see: Paprikajancsi (1958)
Harlequin [Dark Forces; The Minister's Magician] (1980, AU; Film)
Toby Amor as Boy on Raft
Sebastian Hunsley as Boy on Raft
Jeremy Sims as Boy on Raft
Mark Spain as Alex Rast
Harlequin's Diamond Girl (1998) -- see: Diamond Girl (1998)
"Harmony" (2002) -- Episode of: Night Visions (2001-02, TV Anthology), q.v.
Harmony At Home [She Steps Out] (1930; Film)
Dickie Kilby
Harmony Lane (c.1929, US; Film)
Carl Busch (unconfirmed)
Edgar Caldwell (unconfirmed)
Harmony Parade (1936) -- see: Pigskin Parade (1936)
Harmony Row (1933, AU; Film)
Willie Kerr
Harmony's Passions (1999-08) -- see: Passions (1999-08)
"Harmony's Return" (1999) -- Episode of: The Queen's Nose (1995-03, TV Series), q.v.
The Harness (1971, US; TV Film)
Lee Harcourt Montgomery (Lee Montgomery/Lee H. Montgomery) as Tor Shagaras
Harness Fever (1977) -- see: Born to Run (1977)
Harnessing Peacocks (1992; TV Film)
Tom Beasley as Silas Rutter
Jamie Groves (James Groves) as Giles Krull
Harold (2008, US; Film)
Evan Daves as Dennis
Harold Teen [Dancing Fool] (1934, US; Film)
Sidney Miller as Sugar Bowl Patron
A Harom arva [The Three Orphans] (1923, HU; Film)
Szecsi Ferko (Ferenc Szecsi)
Harom het [Three Weeks] (1917, HU; Film)
Szecsi Ferko (Ferenc Szecsi)
The Harp (2005; Film)
Connor Widdows as Kid
A Harp in Hock [The Samaritan] (1927, US; Film)
Junior Coghlan (Frank Coghlan Jr) as Tommy Shannon
Austen Jewell
Billy 'Red' Jones
Harper's Island (2009; TV Series)
--"Sigh" (2009)
Alex Ferris (Alexander Ferris) as Henry Dunn as a Boy
Ryan Grantham as J.D. Dunn as a Boy
"Harpe's Blood" (1961) -- Episode of: Gunsmoke (1955-75, TV Series), q.v.
Harriet Craig (1950, US; Film)
Patric Mitchell (Pat Mitchell) as Danny Frazier
"The Harriet Dinner" (2007) -- Episode of: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (2006-07, TV Series), q.v.
Harriet the Spy (1996; Film)
Gregory Smith (Gregory Edward Smith) as Sport
Dov Tiefenbach (Dov Yosef Tiefenbach) as Boy With the Purple Socks
"Harriet's Happenings" (1978) -- Episode of: Little House on the Prairie (1974-83, TV Series), q.v.
Harrigan's Kid [Half Pint Kid] (1943, US; Film)
Douglas Croft (Douglas Malcom Wheatcroft) as Skip
Bobby Readick as Benny McNeil
Harris and Company (1979, US; TV Series)
David Hubbard (David Raynr) (regular, 1979) as David Harris
Harris Down Under (1988) -- see: Danger Down Under (1988)
Harrison Bergeron (1995; TV Film)
Marc Marut as Todd
Harry (1993-95; TV Series)
--"Episode #2.2" (1995)
Oliver Stone as Billy Trafford
Harry and Paul's Story of the 2s (2014; TV Film)
Archie Lyndhurst as Michael Gambon as a Boy
Elliot Speller-Gillot (Elliott Speller-Mason) as Harry Potter/Dennis from Heaven
Harry and the Hendersons [Bigfoot and the Hendersons] (1987; Film)
Joshua Rudoy as Ernie Henderson
Harry and the Hendersons (1990-93; TV Series)
--"The Bodyguard" (1990)
Thomas Ian Nicholas (Thomas Nicholas) as Scootch
"Harry and the Ogre of Ock" (1986) -- Episode of: Brothers (1984-89, TV Series), q.v.
Harry and Tonto (1974; Film)
Gregg Harris
Harry Black [Harry Black and the Tiger] (1958, GB; Film)
Martin Stephens (Martin Angel Keller) as Michael Tanner
Harry Black and the Tiger (1958) -- see: Harry Black (1958)
Harry Enfield and Chums (1994-97; TV Series)
--"Harry Enfield and His Yule Log Chums" (1997)
Josh Maguire
"Harry Enfield and His Yule Log Chums" (1997) -- Episode of: Harry Enfield and Chums (1994-97, TV Series), q.v.
Harry Goes Into Politics (1933) -- see: Garri zanimayetsa politikoi (1933)
Harry-O (1974-76, US; TV Series)
--"Eyewitness" (1974)
George Spell as Garfield Adams
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens] (2002, US; Film)
Maceo Bhardwaj as Slytherin Student
Sean Biggerstaff as Oliver Wood
Tom Felton (Thomas Andrew Felton) as Draco Malfoy
Rupert Grint (Rupert Michael Grint) as Ron Weasley
Oliver Lavery-Farag as Hogwarts Student
Matthew Lewis as Neville Longbottom
Harry Melling as Dudley Dursley
Hugh Mitchell as Colin Creevey
Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Jacob Radcliffe) as Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2010; Film)
Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Jacob Radcliffe) as Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 [The Deathly Hallows] (2010; Film)
Toby Regbo (Toby Finn Regbo) as Albus Dumbledore as a Boy
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I (2010; Film)
Rupert Grint (Rupert Michael Grint) as Ron Weasley
Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Jacob Radcliffe) as Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005; Film)
Tom Felton (Thomas Andrew Felton) as Draco Malfoy
Rupert Grint (Rupert Michael Grint) as Ron Weasley
Matthew Lewis as Neville Longbottom
Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Jacob Radcliffe) as Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2008; Film)
Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Jacob Radcliffe) as Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince [The Half-Blood Prince] (2009; Film)
Freddie Rose as Year 7 Schoolboy
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007; Film)
Matthew Lewis as Neville Longbottom
Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Jacob Radcliffe) as Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) -- see: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004, US; Film)
Tom Felton (Thomas Andrew Felton) as Draco Malfoy
Rupert Grint (Rupert Michael Grint) as Ron Weasley
Matthew Lewis as Neville Longbottom
Harry Melling as Dudley Dursley
Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Jacob Radcliffe) as Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone [Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone] (2001, US; Film)
Sean Biggerstaff as Oliver Wood
Ben Borowiecki as Diagon Alley Boy
Tom Felton (Thomas Andrew Felton) as Draco Malfoy
Rupert Grint (Rupert Michael Grint) as Ronald 'Ron' Weasley
Oliver Lavery-Farag as Hogwarts Student
Matthew Lewis as Neville Longbottom
Harry Melling as Dudley Dursley
James Phelps as Fred Weasley
Oliver Phelps as George Weasley
Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Jacob Radcliffe) as Harry Potter (10)
Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens (2002) -- see: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Harry Putter and the Sorcerer's Phone (2007; Short)
Andy Scott Harris as Pigblemish Student
"Harry Snubs Laverne" (1989) -- Episode of: Empty Nest (1988-95, TV Series), q.v.
Harry's Cough (1937) -- see: Heinz hustet (1937)
"Harry's Doll" (1979) -- Episode of: Salvage 1 (1979, TV Series), q.v.
"Harry's Excellent Adventure" (1990) -- Episode of: Empty Nest (1988-95, TV Series), q.v.
"Harry's Friend" (1990) -- Episode of: Empty Nest (1988-95, TV Series), q.v.
Harry's War (1981, US; Film)
"Harry's Will" (1990) -- Episode of: MacGyver (1985-92, TV Series), q.v.
Harsh Realm (1999-00, Canada/USA; TV Series)
--"Leviathan" (1999)
Connor Widdows as Boy
--"Manus Domini" (2000)
Devin Douglas Drewitz as Boy
Hart of Dixie (2011-25; TV Series)
Cole Sand (regular, 2013-25) as Harley Wilkes
Hart to Hart (1979-84; TV Series)
Randy Gray (guest, 1979) as Jonathan Hart Jr
--"This Lady Is Murder" (1980)
Johnny Timko (John Timko) as Kid
"Hart van Steen" (2004) -- Episode of: Ernstige delicten (2002-04, TV Series), q.v.
Harts of the West (1993-94, US; TV Series)
Nathan Watt (regular, 1993-94) as Duke Hart
Harukanaru yama no yobigoe [A Distant Cry From Spring] (1980, JP; Film)
Hidetaka Yoshioka as Takeshi Kazami
Harum Scarum [Harem Holiday] (1965; Film)
Joey Russo as Yussef
"Harvest" (1953) -- Episode of: Robert Montgomery Presents (1950-57, TV Anthology), q.v.
Harvest (1953; TV Film)
Peter Lazer as Billy
Harvest Days (1942) -- see: Mountain Rhythm (1942)
Harvest of Fire (1996; Film)
Sam Huntington as Nathan Hostetler
Harvest of Lies (1997) -- see: Seduction in a Small Town (1997)
The Harvester (1936, US; Film)
Billy Diamond
Jimmy Sommerville
"The Harvey Borden Story" (1957) -- Episode of: The Millionaire (1955-60, TV Series), q.v.
The Harvey Girls (1946; Film)
Vincent Graeff (Billy Ray Smith) as Boy
Harvey Middleman, Fireman (1965; Film)
Perry Greene
S. Norman Greene
The Hash-House Hero (1914) -- see: The Star Boarder (1914)
#will (2016; Short)
Malte Myrenberg Gardinger as William
Ruben F. Hultberg as Felix
"Haskells vs Cleavers" (1985) -- Episode of: The New Leave It To Beaver (1984-89, TV Series), q.v.
Haskovy povidky [Stories By Hasek] (1952, CS; Film)
Vladimir Bejval
"Hasta La Vista" (1992) -- Episode of: Evening Shade (1990-94, TV Series), q.v.
The Hasty Marriage (1931, US; Film)
George Billings (Georgie Billings)
Hat, Coat, and Glove (1934, US; Film)
David Durand (David Parker Grey) as Thomas Sullivan
"Hat in the Ring" (1990) -- Episode of: The Bradys (1990, TV Series), q.v.
The Hat Squad (1992-93, US; TV Series)
--"Pilot" (1992)
Gregory Smith (Gregory Edward Smith) as Brian
"Hat Trick" (1987) -- Episode of: Falcon Crest (1981-90, TV Series), q.v.
Hatchet for the Honeymoon [Blood Brides; Il rosso segno della follia] (1969, Italy/Spain; Film)
Pasquale Fortunato (Fortunato Pascuale) as John Harrington as a Boy
Hatching Pete (2009; TV Film)
Jason Dolley (Jason Scott Dolley) as Pete Ivey
Aramis Knight as Wendell Pate
Mitchel Musso (Mitchel Tate Musso) as Cleatis Poole
Hate (1996) -- see: Natural Enemy (1996)
Hate Crime (2005; Film)
Tyler Strother as Boy in Church
Hate Crime (2013; Film)
Sloane Morgan Siegel as Alex
Hatley High (2003; Film)
Jesse Camacho as Jasper
Hatred (1940) -- see: Odio (1940)
Hatred (1973) -- see: Nafrat (1973)
Hats Off to Christmas! (2013; TV Film)
Sean Michael Kyer as Scott
"Hats Off to Larry" (2001) -- Episode of: Ally McBeal (1997-02, TV Series), q.v.
Hatschipuh (1987, DE; Film)
Jan Steinbeck
Hatsukoi Jigokuhen [Nanami, First Love; Nanami: The Inferno of First Love] (1967, Japan; Film)
Akio Takahashi as Shun
Hatsukoi mondou [First Love Questionnaire] (1950, JP; Film)
Tomihiro Aoki
Haunt (2010; Short)
Dawson Dunbar (Dawson Dakota Dunbar) as Will as a Boy
"Haunt You Every Day" (2007) -- Episode of: Grey's Anatomy (2005-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Haunted" (2008) -- Episode of: ER (1994-09, TV Series), q.v.
"Haunted" (2009) -- Episode of: Criminal Minds (2005-25, TV Series), q.v.
Haunted (1995; Film)
Peter England as David Ash as a Boy
Haunted (2002, US; TV Series)
--"Pilot" (2002)
Riley Cantner as Billy Mason
The Haunted (1957) -- see: Curse of the Demon (1957)
"Haunted Board" (2009) -- Episode of: Zeke and Luther (2009-12, TV Series), q.v.
"Haunted Boo Crew" (2014) -- Episode of: Haunted Hathaways (2013-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Haunted Cookie Jar" (2013) -- Episode of: Haunted Hathaways (2013-25, TV Series), q.v.
Haunted Hathaways (2013-25; TV Series)
--"Haunted Boo Crew" (2014)
Nathaniel J. Potvin (Nathanial Potvin) as Billy
--"Haunted Cookie Jar" (2013)
Max Charles as Teddy Munroe
--"Haunted Heartthrob" (2014)
Matthew Josten (Matthew Michael Josten) as Buddy
--"Haunted Play" (2013)
Christian Elizondo as Kid
--"Haunted Telescope" (2014)
Roam Diesel as Jared
--"Haunted Thundermans" (2014)
Jack Griffo as Max Thunderman
Dash Williams as Zombie Kid
"Haunted Heartthrob" (2014) -- Episode of: Haunted Hathaways (2013-25, TV Series), q.v.
Haunted Holidays (1970) -- see: Wakacje z duchami (1970)
Haunted Honeymoon (1986, US; Film)
Alastair Haley as Larry Abbot as a Boy
"The Haunted House" (1966) -- Episode of: The Andy Griffith Show (1960-68, TV Series), q.v.
The Haunted House [The Blake Murder Mystery] (1940, US; Film)
Buddy Swan (Paul B. Swan)
A Haunted House 2 (2014; Film)
Steele Stebbins as Wyatt
"The Haunted House Game" (1997) -- Episode of: Goosebumps (1995-97, TV Anthology), q.v.
Haunted Lighthouse [R.L. Stine's Haunted Lighthouse] (2003; Film)
Bobby Edner (Robert Charles Edner) as Edgar
Matt Weinberg (Matthew Phillip Weinberg) as Mike
The Haunted Mansion (2003; Film)
Marc John Jefferies as Michael
The Haunted Mansion Mystery (1983; TV Film)
Matthew Kolmes as Boy Treasure Hunter
"The Haunted Mask" (1995) -- Episode of: Goosebumps (1995-97, TV Anthology), q.v.
"The Haunted Mask II" (1996) -- Episode of: Goosebumps (1995-97, TV Anthology), q.v.
"Haunted Play" (2013) -- Episode of: Haunted Hathaways (2013-25, TV Series), q.v.
The Haunted School (1986; TV Film)
Tony Blanchard (Toby Blanchard)
Michael Cudlin
The Haunted Ship (1927, US; Film)
Jerry Madden
Haunted Spooks (1920, US; Film)
Ernie Morrison ('Sunshine Sammy' Morrison)
"Haunted Telescope" (2014) -- Episode of: Haunted Hathaways (2013-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Haunted Thundermans" (2014) -- Episode of: Haunted Hathaways (2013-25, TV Series), q.v.
The Haunted Valley (1923, US; Film)
Edouard Trebaol
Haunter (2013; Film)
Peter DaCunha as Robbie
Haunters of the Deep (1984, GB; TV Film)
Gary Simmons
"Haunting" (1988) -- Episode of: Spenser: For Hire (1985-88, TV Series), q.v.
The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It [Don't Think About It] (2007, US; Film)
Elias Brown as Kid in Costume #1
Cody Linley (Cody Martin Linley) as Sean
Alex Winzenread as Max Keller
The Haunting Hour: The Series (2010-13) -- see: R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour (2010-13)
The Haunting of Barney Palmer (1986; TV Short)
Alexis Banas as Barney Palmer (9)
The Haunting of Bryan Becket (2009) -- see: The Skeptic (2009)
The Haunting of Cassie Palmer (1982, New Zealand; TV Film)
Ian Land as Deverill as a Boy
"The Haunting of Deck Twelve" (2000) -- Episode of: Star Trek: Voyager (1995-01, TV Series), q.v.
The Haunting of Patricia Johnson (1996) -- see: The Uninvited (1996)
"Haunting of Taylor House" (1992) -- Episode of: Home Improvement (1991-99, TV Series), q.v.
Der Hauptdarsteller [The Main Actor] (1977, Germany; Film)
Michael Schweiger as Pepe (15)
"Hauptverhandlung" (2007) -- Episode of: Der Landarzt (1987-10, TV Series), q.v.
Das Haus der Krokodile [Victor and the Secret of Crocodile Mansion] (2012; Film)
Kristo Ferkic as Victor Laroche
Das Haus der Krokodile (1975, DE; Serial)
Tommy Ohrner
Ein Haus voll Liebe [A House Full of Love] (1954, AT/DE; Film)
Fritz von Friedl (Fritz Eugen Ferdinand Friedl von Liebentreu)
Der Haustyrann [The Domestic Tyrant] (1959, DE; Film)
Stephan Schwartz
Haut les mains [Hands Up!] (1912, FR; Film)
Anatole Mary (Anatole Abelard)
Haute tension (1988-94; TV Series)
--"Frontiere du crime" (1991)
Ross Hull as Jimmy
Have a Heart (1934, US; Film)
Tommy Bupp (Edmond Thomas Bupp) as Boy Waiting For Ice Cream
Teddy Frye (Ted Frye)
Henry Hanna
Have a Nice Death (2007; Short)
Nolan Gould as Adam Wonderbread
Have Faith (1989; TV Series)
Blake Soper (Blake Sennett/Blake Swendson) (guest, 1989) as Brian
Have Gun, Will Travel (1957-63, US; TV Series)
--"The Calf" (1960)
Don Agradi (Don Grady/Don Agrati) as Lawson
--"Jonah and the Trout" (1962)
Billy Mumy (Charles William Mumy Jr)
--"The Kid" (1961)
Flip Mark (Philip Mark Goldberg) as Silver Strike Moriarity
--"The Teacher" (1958)
Jimmie Baird (Jim Baird) as Morse Weaver
"Have Library Will Travel" (1964) -- Episode of: Petticoat Junction (1963-70, TV Series), q.v.
Have You Ever Wondered? (1947; Short)
George McDonald as Boy in Elevator with Fishing Rod
Have You Heard? Secret Central (2004; Film)
Jesse Moss (Jesse Mosse) as Matt Mitchell
"Have You Seen Me?" (1997) -- Episode of: Touched by an Angel (1994-03, TV Series), q.v.
"Haven" (2001) -- Episode of: Dark Angel (2000-02, TV Series), q.v.
Haven (2010-13; TV Series)
--"Butterfly" (2010)
Ricardo Hoyos (Ricardo Antonio Hoyos) as Bobby Mueller
--"Friend or Faux" (2011)
Connor Price as Henry Stillman
Havenmuziek [Music of the Port; Musique Portuaire] (1937, BE; Film)
Jefke Bruyninckx (Joseph Bruyninckx) as Jefke
Nand Buyl (Ferdinand Buyl) as Nandje
Haversham Hall (2006; TV Film)
Aaron Grady as Max Warble
Having Babies II (1977, US; TV Film)
Michael Le Clair (Mickey Le Clair) as Chris Williams
Having Wonderful Time (1938, US; Film)
Sherwood Bailey (Junior Bailey)
Havoc (2005; Film)
Josh Peck (Joshua Michael Peck) as Josh Rubin
Havoc 2: Normal Adolescent Behavior (2007) -- see: Normal Adolescent Behavior (2007)
Hawaii (2015) -- see: Aloha (2015)
Hawaii (1966; Film)
Robert Oakley as Micah Hale (4)
Clas S. Von Sydow as Micah Hale (14)
Henrik von Sydow as Micah Hale (7)
Hawaii Calls (1938, US; Film)
Bobby Breen (Isadore Borsuk) as Billy Coulter
Pua Lani as Pua
Ruben Maldonado
Jackie McGee
Hawaii Five-0 [McGarrett] (1968-80; TV Series)
--"The Capsule Kidnapping" (1976)
Shawn Sherman as Tadashi
--"How to Steal a Submarine" (1975)
Darby Hinton (Edgar Raymond Darby Hinton) as James Scott
--"The Last of the Great Paperhangers" (1976)
Shawn Sherman as Calvin
--"Presenting . . . in the Center Ring . . . Murder" (1976)
Shawn Sherman as Grandson
Hawaii Five-0 (2010-25; TV Series)
--"Hana Lokomaika'i" (2014)
Kyler Ki Sakamoto (Kyler Sakamoto) as Son
--"Lanakila" (2010)
Mickey Graue (Michael Joseph Graue) as Tourist Son
--"Ohana" (2010)
Colin Ford as Evan Lowry
Hawaiian Eye (1959-63; TV Series)
--"Don't Kiss Me Good-bye" (1961)
Ronnie Dapo (Ronald L. Dapo) as Roger
--"With This Ring" (1960)
Roger Mobley as Stevie Hughes
"Hawk" (1969) -- Episode of: Gunsmoke (1955-75, TV Series), q.v.
Hawk (1966-76, US; TV Series)
--"Do Not Mutilate or Spindle" (1966)
Kenneth Morse (Kenny Morse) as Boy
The Hawk [Trail of the Hawk] (1935, US; Film)
Dickie Jones (Dick Jones / Richard Percy Jones) as Dickie Thomas
Hawkeye (1994-95; TV Series)
--"Hester" (1995)
Mark Hildreth as Gabriel
--"The Vision" (1994)
Jesse Moss (Jesse Mosse) as Wind Shadow
"Hawkeye, the Mother" (1961) -- Episode of: Guestward Ho! (1960-61, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hawkins Family" (1990) -- Episode of: Lifestories (1990, TV Anthology), q.v.
"Hawk's Head" (1956) -- Episode of: Front Row Center (1955, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hawthorne (2009-10; TV Series)
--"The Match" (2010)
Skyler Gisondo
--"A Mother Knows" (2010)
Jared Gilmore (Jared S. Gilmore) as Justin Adams
--"No Exit" (2010)
Jared Gilmore (Jared S. Gilmore) as Justin Adams
--"Road Narrows" (2010)
Jared Gilmore (Jared S. Gilmore) as Justin Adams
Haxnatten [Night of the Witch] (1937, SE; Film)
Goran Bernhard
Hay angeles sin alas (1972; Film)
Ahui (Ahuizotl Camacho Castillo)
"Hay Bale Maze" (2007) -- Episode of: Gilmore Girls (2000-07, TV Series), q.v.
Hayley Wagner, Star (1999; TV Film)
Zack Lipovsky (Zach Lipovsky) as Debate Club Guy
Hazal (1980, TR; Film)
Harun Yesilyurt
The Hazards of Helen, No.102 (1916) -- see: A Daring Chance (1916)
The Hazards of Helen, No.58 (1915) -- see: The Wrong Train Order (1915)
The Hazards of Helen, No.59 (1915) -- see: A Boy at the Throttle (1915)
The Hazards of Helen, No.71 (1915) -- see: The Girl Who Dared (1915)
The Hazards of Helen, No.94 (1916) -- see: At Danger's Call (1916)
The Haze (2012; Short)
Willem Jacobson as George
Hazel (2012; Short)
Maxime Mori as Hazel
Hazel (1961-66; TV Series)
--"A-Haunting We Will Go" (1965)
Richard Correll (Richard T. Correll) as Richie Garrison
--"Hazel the Matchmaker" (1962)
Paul Engle (Paul Martin Engle) as Don Blake
--"Hazel's Pajama Party" (1962)
Paul Engle (Paul Martin Engle) as Don Blake
--"The Investment Club" (1962)
Skip Torgerson (Skip Tourgeson) as Ralph
--"Them New Neighbors is Nice" (1962)
Paul Engle (Paul Martin Engle) as Don Blake
Hazel Kirke (1912, US; Film)
Robert Tansey
"Hazel the Matchmaker" (1962) -- Episode of: Hazel (1961-66, TV Series), q.v.
Hazell (1978; TV Series)
--"Hazell and the Deptford Virgin" (1978)
Kevin Sullivan as Kevin
"Hazell and the Deptford Virgin" (1978) -- Episode of: Hazell (1978, TV Series), q.v.
"Hazel's Pajama Party" (1962) -- Episode of: Hazel (1961-66, TV Series), q.v.
"Hazel's Tree" (2010) -- Episode of: Dead Gorgeous (2010, TV Series), q.v.
"He Came from Four" (2000) -- Episode of: La Femme Nikita (1997-01, TV Series), q.v.
.. . the Earth Did Not Swallow Him (1995; Film)
Jeffrey Licon (Jeffrey Peter Basil Licon)
He Is My Brother (1975, US; Film)
Robbie Rist (Robert Anthony Rist) as Randy Remington
Shawn Sherman as Hinu
"He Knows His Brother" (2008) -- Episode of: Flashpoint (2008-12, TV Series), q.v.
He Laughed Last (1956, US; Film)
Charles Herbert (Charles Herbert Saperstein) as Boy
Jon Provost (Jonathan Provost) as Boy
He Loved Her So (1914) -- see: Twenty Minutes of Love (1914)
He Loved Like He Lied (1920; Film)
Joey Jacobs
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (1956) -- see: En effeuillant la marguerite (1956)
"He Made Good in the City" (1954) -- Episode of: The Red Skelton Show (1951-71, TV Series), q.v.
"The He-Man Woman Hater's Club" (1987) -- Episode of: St Elsewhere (1982-88, TV Series), q.v.
He Married His Wife (1940; Film)
Leonard Kibrick (Leonard Kibrick Warner) as Messenger Boy
He nacido en Buenos Aires [Born in Buenos Aires] (1958, AR; Film)
Oscar Orlegui
He Ran All the Way (1951, US; Film)
Bobby Hyatt (Robert James Hyatt) as Tommy Dobbs
"He Ran for His Life" (1964) -- Episode of: Arrest and Trial (1963-64, TV Series), q.v.
"He Said/She Said" (2001) -- Episode of: Third Watch (1999-05, TV Series), q.v.
He, She and the Boys (1935) -- see: Kare to kanojo to shonentachi (1935)
He Shoots, He Scores (1986-88) -- see: Lance et Compte (1986-88)
He Swore Off Smoking (1913, US; Film)
Yale Boss
He That is Without Sin (1952) -- see: Chi e senza peccato (1952)
"He Thought He Could" (1988) -- Episode of: Married . . . With Children (1987-97, TV Series), q.v.
"He Was Only 12" (1982) -- Episode of: Little House on the Prairie (1974-83, TV Series), q.v.
He Who Gets Slapped (1924, US; Film)
Monty O'Grady (John Montgomery O'Grady)
"He Who Waits" (2003) -- Episode of: The Bill (1984-10, TV Series), q.v.
"Head Case" (2001) -- Episode of: Seven Days (1998-01, TV Series), q.v.
Head Cases (2005; TV Series)
--"Be Your Best You" (2005)
Jake Cherry (Jacob Cherry) as Ryan Payne
--"In the Club" (2005)
Jake Cherry (Jacob Cherry) as Ryan Payne
--"Malpractice Makes Perfect" (2005)
Jake Cherry (Jacob Cherry) as Ryan Payne
--"Pilot" (2005)
Jake Cherry (Jacob Cherry) as Ryan Payne
--"S(elf) Help" (2005)
Jake Cherry (Jacob Cherry) as Ryan Payne
"Head Games" (2000) -- Episode of: Even Stevens (2000-03, TV Series), q.v.
Head in the Clouds (1980) -- see: Tiro al Aire (1980)
Head in the Sand (2009, US; Short)
David Gore as Omar
Anthony Matthew Scott (Anthony Michael Scott) as Makai
"Head of the Class" (1995) -- Episode of: Step By Step (1991-97, TV Series), q.v.
Head of the Class (1986-91; TV Series)
--"Dead Men Don't Wear Pocket Protectors" (1990)
Jason Kristofer as Zach Butler
--"King of Remedial" (1989)
B.J. Barie (John Oellerich) as Tiny
"Head of the Family" (1960) -- Episode of: The Comedy Spot (1960-62, TV Series), q.v.
The Head of the Family (1928, US; Film)
Mickey Bennett (Micky Benett) as Assistant
Head or Tails (1982) -- see: Testa o croce (1982)
Head Over Heels (2001; Film)
Alex Doduk as Boy With Crutches
Headin' East (1937, US; Film)
Kenneth Grant [1]
Louis Herbers as Boy in Gym
Kent Rogers (Kent Byron Rogers) as Boy in Gym
Headin' for Trouble (1931, US; Film)
Andy Shuford (William Shuford) as Bobbie Courtney
Heading for Heaven (1947; Film)
Ralph Hodges as Danny Wingate
"The Headless Ghost" (1996) -- Episode of: Goosebumps (1995-97, TV Anthology), q.v.
The Headless Horseman (1922, US; Film)
Jerry Devine
Headline Hunters (1968, GB; Film)
Leonard Brockwell as Terry Hunter
Jeffrey Chandler as Alec
Stephen Garlick as Peter Hunter
Headline News (1938, US; Film)
Johnny Russell (John Countryman/John Russell)
Headlines (1925, US; Film)
Walter 'Spec' O'Donnell
Headmaster (TV Series)
--"Will the Real Mother of Tony Landis Please Stand" (1970)
Ronny Howard (Ron Howard/Ronald William Howard) as Tony Landis
Headmaster (1977; TV Series)
--"The Public Image" (1977)
Nigel Rhodes
The Headmaster (1921, GB; Film)
Teddy Gordon Craig
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose (1982) -- see: Testa o croce (1982)
Heads or Tails (1997) -- see: J'en suis! (1997)
Heads We Go [The Charming Deceiver] (1933, GB; Film)
Bobby Rietti (Robert Rietty) as Fattorino the Page Boy
"Headshot" (2012) -- Episode of: R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour (2010-13, TV Anthology), q.v.
"Healer" (1985) -- Episode of: The New Twilight Zone (1985-88, TV Anthology), q.v.
"The Healer" (1985) -- Episode of: The New Twilight Zone (1985-88, TV Anthology), q.v.
The Healer [Little Pal] (1935, US; Film)
Frank Conlin
Dix Davis (Peter Dixon Davis)
Tim Davis
Jack Hyam
Daniel Kellogg
Mickey Rooney (Mickey McGuire [1]/ Ninian Joseph Yule Jr) as Jimmy
The Healer (2012; Film)
Joel Courtney as Nick
The Healers (1974, US; TV Film)
Lance Kerwin
Healing Hands (2010; TV Film)
Jackson Odell as Ethan
"A Healing Power" (1988) -- Episode of: Aaron's Way (1988, TV Series), q.v.
"The Healing Woman" (1959) -- Episode of: Wanted: Dead or Alive (1958-61, TV Series), q.v.
"Health Insurance" (2005) -- Episode of: Malcolm in the Middle (2000-06, TV Series), q.v.
"Health Scare" (2001) -- Episode of: Malcolm in the Middle (2000-06, TV Series), q.v.
Hear Me Roar (2013; Short)
James Blakely as Jason/The Lion
Hear My Song (1959) -- see: Escucha mi cancion (1959)
"Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" (1988) -- Episode of: Rin Tin Tin, K-9 Cop (1988-93, TV Series), q.v.
"Hear the Birds?" (2010) -- Episode of: Saving Grace (2007-10, TV Series), q.v.
Hearsay (1948) -- see: The Dark Past (1948)
Hearst Castle: Building the Dream [The Enchanted Castle] (1996; Short)
Ricky Mabe as William Randolph Hearst as a Boy
Heart (1947) -- see: Corazon (1947)
Heart (1974) -- see: Cuore (1974)
Heart (1984) -- see: Cuore (1984)
Heart and Souls (1993; Film)
Jacob Kenner as Duane Dortmueller
Eric Lloyd (David Eric Lloyd Morelli) as Thomas as a Boy
Heart at Anchor (1940) -- see: Herz geht vor Anker (1940)
"Heart Attack" (2010) -- Episode of: The Closer (2005-12, TV Series), q.v.
Heart Beat (1987; Music Video)
Chadd Phinney as Don Johnson as a Boy
A Heart Beats for You (1945) -- see: Ein Herz schlagt fur dich (1945)
The Heart Breaker (1925, US; Film)
Jerry Madden
"The Heart Burglar" (1987) -- Episode of: Charles in Charge (1984-90, TV Series), q.v.
Heart Burn (1942, US; Film)
Darryl Hickman (Darryl Gerard Hickman) as Nephew
Heart Decision (2013; Short)
Davis Desmond as William
The Heart Disposes (1936) -- see: Le Coeur dispose (1936)
"The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" (1996) -- Episode of: Boy Meets World (1993-00, TV Series), q.v.
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (1968, US; Film)
Richard Fingar (Richard Roger Fingar) as Sucker Wells (5)
Jackie Marlowe as Bubber/George Kelly
Gavin Paulin as Spareribs
The Heart Is a Rebel (1958, US; Film)
Scotty Morrow (Scott Mora) as David Foster
The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things [Le Livre de Jeremie] (2004, US; Film)
Jimmy Bennett (James Michael Bennett) as Jeremiah (7)
Cole Sprouse (Cole Mitchell Sprouse) as Jeremiah (11)
Dylan Sprouse (Dylan Thomas Sprouse) as Jeremiah (11)
Heart Like a Wheel (1983; Film)
Byron Thames as John as a Boy
"Heart Like Mine" (2009) -- Episode of: Degrassi: The Next Generation (2001-25, TV Series), q.v.
The Heart Line (1921, US; Film)
Ben Alexander (Nicholas Benton Alexander) as The Child
Heart o' the Hills (1910, US; Film)
Harold Goodwin
Heart of a Champion (1983) -- see: The Terry Fox Story (1983)
Heart of a Champion: The Ray Mancini Story (1985; TV Film)
Carl Steven (Carl Stephen) as Raymond Mancini as a Boy (10)
Heart of a Child (1939) -- see: Corazon de nino (1939)
Heart of a Child (1958, GB; Film)
Richard Williams as Karl Speil
The Heart of a Child (1913, US; Film)
Leland Benham
"Heart of a Dancer" (1986) -- Episode of: Our House (1986-88, TV Series), q.v.
Heart of a Fool (1916, US; Film)
Pat Moore (Patrick William Sheffield/Terrence Moore)
The Heart of a Hero (1916, US; Film)
Charley Jackson
Heart of a Wolf (1922) -- see: The Trap (1922)
Heart of Arizona (1938; Film)
Billy King [1]
Heart of Dance (2013; Film)
Dawson Dunbar (Dawson Dakota Dunbar) as Mike
"Heart of Darkness" (1988) -- Episode of: The Wonder Years (1988-93, TV Series), q.v.
Heart of Fear (2006; Film)
Brandon Bass as Taylor Green
"Heart of Gold" (1957) -- Episode of: The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1955-65, TV Anthology), q.v.
The Heart of Maggie Malone (1914, US; Film)
Roy Clark
The Heart of Nora Flynn (1916, US; Film)
Paul Jacobs (Billy Jacobs)
Heart of Nowhere (2013; Short)
Bill Milner (William Henry Milner) as Max
The Heart of Paris (1931) -- see: Le Coeur de Paris (1931)
The Heart of Rachael (1918, US; Film)
Ben Alexander (Nicholas Benton Alexander) as Jim
Heart of Salome (1927; Film)
Kit Wain (Christopher Henry Wain / Bunny Wain) as Extra
"Heart of Saturday Night" (1995) -- Episode of: Picket Fences (1992-97, TV Series), q.v.
Heart of the Beholder (2005; Film)
Dabir Snell as Partrick
Heart of the City (2001-04) -- see: The Division (2001-04)
Heart of the City (1986-87, US; TV Series)
Andre Gower (Jon Andre Gower) (guest, 1986)
Heart of the Country (1987, GB; Film)
Christian Bale
The Heart of the Lie (1992) -- see: Calendar Girl, Cop, Killer? The Bambi Bembenek Sto (1992)
Heart of the Rio Grande (1942; Film)
Joe Strauch Jr (Joseph Strauch Jr) as Tadpole Millhouse
Heart of the Rockies (1937, US; Film)
Sammy McKim (Sammy McKimskims/John Samuel McKim) as Davey Dawson
The Heart of Youth [The Boy; Young America] (1919, US; Film)
Cameron Coffey
Charles Frohman Everett
Lewis Sargent (Lew Sargent / Louis Sergeant) as Lorenzo
"Heart on a Chain" (1991) -- Episode of: Eerie, Indiana (1991-92, TV Series), q.v.
Heart On Hand (1948) -- see: Le coeur sur la main (1948)
A Heart On Its Own (1955) -- see: Ein Herz bleibt allein (1955)
Heart Royal (1948; Film)
The Heart, She Holler (2011-14; TV Series)
--"Klansgender Rights" (2014)
Sebastian Banes (Sebastian Brodziak)
The Heart Sings (1956) -- see: Serdtse poyot (1956)
The Heart Speaks (1948) -- see: Dil ki awaz (1948)
Heart to Heart (1978) -- see: Confidences pour confidences (1978)
A Heart to Let (1921; Film)
Thomas Carr (Tom Carr) as Howard Kent
Tom Carr (Thomas H. 'Tommy' Carr) as Howard Kent
The Heart Within (1957, GB; Film)
David Hemmings
"Heartache" (2003) -- Episode of: American Dreams (2002-05, TV Series), q.v.
Heartbeat (1972) -- see: Dharkan (1972)
"Heartbeat" (2002) -- Episode of: Caitlin's Way (2000-02, TV Series), q.v.
Heartbeat [Danielle Steel's 'Heartbeat'] (1993; TV Film)
Christian Cousins (Chris Cousins) as Tommy Grant
Victor Di Mattia as Adam Grant
Heartbeat (1988-89; TV Series)
Kenny Morrison (guest, 1988)
--"Prison" (1989)
Michael Faustino (Michael James Faustino) as Nicky Rosetti
Heartbeat [Classic Heartbeat] (1992-09; TV Series)
--"Hollywood or Bust" (1999)
Matthew Lewis as Alan Quigley
A Heartbeat Away (2011; Film)
Levi Miller as Boy Fishing
"Heartbeats in a Tin Box" (1964) -- Episode of: The Human Jungle (1963-64, TV Series), q.v.
"Heartbreak" (1991) -- Episode of: The Wonder Years (1988-93, TV Series), q.v.
The Heartbreak Kid (1972; Film)
Greg Scherick as Boy (10)
The Heartbreak Kid (1993; Film)
Scott Major (Scott Ian Major) as Rivers
The Heartbreak Winner (1980; TV Film)
Mark James [1] as Joey
Heartland (1989, US; TV Series)
Jason Kristofer (regular, 1989) as John Stafford
Heartland (2007-25, Canada; TV Series)
Jack Knight [2] (regular, 2009-10) as Badger
--"Holding Fast" (2008)
Aidan Wilks as Joe Rodriguez
--"Picking Up Little Things" (2007)
K'Sun Ray (Kesun Loder) as Andrew Wyles
--"The Places You'll Go" (2007)
Eddy Martin (Edward Martin) as Paul Turner
A Heartland Christmas (2010, Canada; TV Film)
Matthew Knight as Sam 'Badger' Hawke
"The Heartless Giant" (1988) -- Episode of: The Storyteller (1988-89, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hearts Afire (1992-95; TV Series)
Jordan Benedict (regular, 1993-94) as Russell
Justin Burnette (regular, 1992-94) as Ben Hartman
J. Skylar Testa (regular, 1994-95) as Ben Hartman
--"Love in the Afternoon" (1994)
Jeffrey Licon (Jeffrey Peter Basil Licon) as Donnie
--"The Sock-Her Boys" (1994)
Jeffrey Licon (Jeffrey Peter Basil Licon) as Donnie
--"The Sons of Sissy-Whatsis" (1994)
Jeffrey Licon (Jeffrey Peter Basil Licon) as Donnie
Matthew Linville (Matthew Wesley Linville) as Jason
Hearts Aflame (1923, US; Film)
Richard Headrick (Richard Throop 'Itchie' Headrick) as Bobby Kildare
Hearts and Bones (2000-01; TV Series)
Joel Pitts (regular, 2000-01) as Sam Rose
Hearts and Flowers (1915, US; Film)
Francis Carpenter [1]
Hearts and Hoofs (1928, US; Film)
Frankie Darro (Frankie Darrow/Frank Johnson Jr)
"Hearts and Minds" (1996) -- Episode of: Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman (1993-98, TV Series), q.v.
Hearts and Spangles (1926, US; Film)
Frankie Darro (Frankie Darrow/Frank Johnson Jr) as Bobby
Heart's Anguish (1953) -- see: Dard-e-dil (1953)
Hearts are Thumps (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short)
John Collum as John
Darwood Kaye (Darwood 'Waldo' Kaye/Darwood Kenneth Smith) as Waldo
Sidney Kibrick as Woim
Porky Lee (Gordon Eugene Lee) as Porky
'Spanky' McFarland (George Robert Phillips McFarland) as Spanky
'Alfalfa' Switzer (Carl Dean Switzer) as Alfalfa
'Buckwheat' Thomas (William Henry Thomas) as Buckwheat
Bobby Winkler (Robert Winckler) as Robert
Hearts Divided (1936, US; Film)
Philip 'Lucky' Hurlic (Philip Hurlick / Phillip Raymond Hurlic) as Pippin
Heart's Haven (1922, US; Film)
Frankie Lee (Francis Lee) as Bobbie Laird
Hearts in Atlantis (2001; Film)
Will Rothhaar (William Edward Rothhaar) as Sully (11)
Anton Yelchin (Anton Victorovich Yelchin) as Robert 'Bobby' Garfield
Hearts in Bondage [The Glory Parade] (1936, US; Film)
Sonny Bupp (Moyer MacClairn Bupp) as Boy
Harold Cordes
Rex Downing
Malcolm Hutton
Eugene Jackson (Eugene 'Pineapple' Jackson)
Charles Unger
Hearts in Dixie (1929, US; Film)
'Stymie' Beard (Matthew Beard)
Eugene Jackson (Eugene 'Pineapple' Jackson) as Chinquapin
Hearts in Exile (1929, US; Film)
Leon Holmes (Leon von Sederholm)
Hearts in the Storm (1963) -- see: Kardies stin kategida (1963)
Hearts of Humanity [Shandy] (1932, US; Film)
Jackie Searl (Jackie Searle/John E. Searl) as Shandy O'Hara
Richard Wallace (Dick Wallace) as Joey Bloom
Hearts of Men (1918, US; Film)
George Beban Jr ('Bob White')
Hearts of the World (1918, US; Film)
Ben Alexander (Nicholas Benton Alexander) as Youngest Brother
Marion Emmons as Boy's Second Brother
Francis Marion as The Boy's Third Brother
Hearts of War (2007) -- see: The Poet (2007)
Hearts on Fire (1992) -- see: In Sickness and in Health (1992)
Hearts on Fire (2013) -- see: Second Chances (2013)
Hearts Without Frontiers (1949) -- see: Cuori senza frontiere (1949)
Heartsease (1913, US; Film)
Kenneth Casey
Paul Kelly
Heartstone (2016) -- see: Hjartasteinn (2016)
Heartstones (1996; TV Film)
Danny Dyer as Tom
Heartstopper (TV Series)
Kit Connor as Nick Nelson
Joe Locke as Charlie Spring
"Heartstrings" (1988) -- Episode of: Family Ties (1982-89, TV Series), q.v.
Heat (1983) -- see: Glut (1983)
The Heat Line (1989) -- see: La Ligne De Chaleur (1989)
Heat of the Sun [Mystery!: Heat of the Sun] (1998; TV Film)
Joe Swash (Joseph Swash) as Pimp
"Heat Rash" (1982) -- Episode of: Hill Street Blues (1981-87, TV Series), q.v.
"Heat Wave" (1989) -- Episode of: Baywatch (1989-01, TV Series), q.v.
"Heat Wave" (2004) -- Episode of: Summerland (2004-05, TV Series), q.v.
Heat Wave (1990, US; TV Film)
Roger Grato III as Jason Canfield as a Boy (6)
Charlie Korsmo as Jason Canfield as a Boy (12)
"Heatwave" (1989) -- Episode of: The New Lassie (1989-92, TV Series), q.v.
Heaven and Earth [Entre ciel et terre] (1993; Film)
Sean Stone as Boy
Heaven and Hell (1963) -- see: Tengoku to jigoku (1963)
Heaven and Hell (1966) -- see: Pieklo i niebo (1966)
Heaven and Hell: North and South, Book III [North and South III] (1994, US; Film)
Cameron Finley (Joseph Cameron Finley) as Gus Main
Heaven Can Wait [Birthday] (1943, US; Film)
Scotty Beckett (Scott Hastings Beckett) as Henry van Cleve as a Boy (9)
Gary Gray [1] (Gary Dickson Gray) as Boy in Park
Dickie Jones (Dick Jones / Richard Percy Jones) as Albert van Cleve as a Teen (15)
Bobby Larson (Robert Boyce Larson)
Dickie Moore (John Richard Moore Jr) as Henry van Cleve as a Teen (15)
Nino Pipitone Jr (David Stuart) as Jack van Cleve as a Boy
Christopher Wren (Chris Wren)
Heaven Embezzled (1958) -- see: Veruntreute Himmel (1958)
Heaven Help Us [Catholic Boys] (1985; Film)
Kevin Dillon
Mel Winkler as Willie
Heaven Is a Place That Starts with 'H' (2004, Canada; Short)
Jason Spevack as Andrew
Heaven Is a Playground (1991; Film)
Stavon Lovell Davis as Gus
Heaven Is for Real (2014, US; Film)
Cruise Brown as Bully #1
Connor Corum as Colton Burpo
Heaven Is Waiting (2011) -- see: Midway to Heaven (2011)
Heaven Must Wait (2001) -- see: Diggity's Treasure (2001)
"Heaven Nose, Mister Smith" (1988) -- Episode of: Highway to Heaven (1984-89, TV Series), q.v.
Heaven on a Shoestring (1937, US; Film)
Sidney Kibrick
Heaven On Earth (1927, US; Film)
Leon Janney (Laon Ramon)
Heaven on Earth (1986; TV Film)
Nathan Adamson as Joe Hawthorne
Torquil Campbell as Len Hawkins
Amos Crawley (Amos Rocco Crawley) as Robin Davies
Tony Desmond as Boy Assailant
Heaven Only Knows [Montana Mike] (1947, US; Film)
Michael Chapin as Boy
Gary Gray [1] (Gary Dickson Gray)
Timmy Hawkins (Tim Hawkins/Timmie Hawkins) as Boy in Schoolroom
Dwayne Hickman (Dwayne Bernard Hickman) as Heavenly Pageboy
Jerry Hunter
Jackie Jackson (Jack Jackson)
Peter Miles (Gerald Perreau) as Speck O'Donnell
Heaven Sent (1994; Film)
Vincent Kartheiser (Vincent Paul Kartheiser) as Eddie Chandler
The Heavenly Body (1943; Film)
Buddy Gorman as Newsboy
Heavenly Days (1944, US; Film)
Joel Davis (Joel Benjamin Davis) as Drinkwater
Teddy Infuhr (Theodore Edward Infuhr) as Czech Boy
Maurice Tauzin (Maurice R. Tauzin) as Pepi
Heavenly High (2008; TV Series)
Henry J. Smith 3rd (regular, 2008) as Kourtney 'Bull' Price
Heavenly Love (1964) -- see: Laska nebeska (1964)
Heavens Above! (1963, GB; Film)
Leonard Brockwell
Heaven's Door [Doorway to Heaven] (2013; Film)
Skyler James Sandak (Skyler James) as Darley Allen
Heaven's Gate (1935) -- see: Our Little Girl (1935)
"Heaven's Portal" (2001) -- Episode of: Touched by an Angel (1994-03, TV Series), q.v.
Heavens! My Husband! (1932, US; Short)
Delmar Watson (David Delmar Watson)
The Heavy (2008; Film)
Gregg Sulkin as Teen Two
Heavy Metal (1981; Film)
Thor Bishopric as Boy
Heavy Weights (1995; Film)
Aaron Schwartz as Gerald 'Gerry' Garner
Kenan Thompson as Roy
"The Heavyweight" (1978) -- Episode of: Starsky and Hutch (1975-79, TV Series), q.v.
Heavyweights (1994, US; Film)
Bobby Fain (Robert James Fain III) as Camp Mvp Pitcher
Shaun Weiss (Shawn Weiss) as Josh
The Hebrew Hammer (2003, US; Film)
Jason Fuchs as Hasidic Adolescent
Grant Rosenmeyer (Grant Mandel Rosenmeyer) as Mordechai as a Boy
Dariusz M. Uczkowski as Hasidic Boy / K-Mart Shopper
Jan Uczkowski as K-Mart Shopper
"Heck of a Hanukkah" (2000) -- Episode of: Even Stevens (2000-03, TV Series), q.v.
"Hecking It Up" (2012) -- Episode of: The Middle (2009-25, TV Series), q.v.
Heck's Way Home (1996; TV Film)
Dan Warry-Smith (Daniel Warry-Smith) as Tom Jackson
Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014; Film)
Jakob Davies as Hector as a Boy
Hector's Bunyip (1987, AU; TV Film)
Darren Barrett as Bobby Slater
Scott Bartle as Hector Bailey (6)
Sean Gell as Herakles/Herry
Kenji Konda as Newsboy
Wesley Patten as Michael
Mah Vo as Lim
Hedgehog Friendship (1961) -- see: Die Igelfreundschaft (1961)
Hedgehogs Aren't Born Prickly (1971) -- see: Taralezhite se razhdat bez bodli (1971)
The Hedgehogs' War (1980) -- see: Usadeni dushi (1980)
Heebee Jeebees (Our Gang short) (1927; Short)
Joe Cobb as Joe
Jackie Condon (John Michael Condon) as Jackie
'Farina' Hoskins (Allen Clayton Hoskins Jr) as Farina
Bobby Hutchins ('Wheezer' Hutchins) as Wheezer
Jay R. Smith as Jay R.
Harry Spear (Ginger/Harry Sherman Bonner) as Harry
Heebie Gee-Gees (1952, US; Short)
Rudy Lee (Rudy Lee Jr) as Jockey
"Heeeeere's Lassie" (2012) -- Episode of: Psych (2006-25, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hefferan Family" (1956) -- Episode of: The 20th Century Fox Hour (1955-57, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hefner: Unauthorized [Hugh Hefner: The True Story] (1999; TV Film)
Jake Thomas as Hef as a Boy (9)
Heideschulmeister Uwe Karsten [Village Teacher Uwe Karsten] (1933, GE; Film)
Wolfgang Lohmeyer
Heidi (1937, US; Film)
Peter Arnold
Jack Egger (John Francis Egger)
Ralph Gilliam as Dancer
Gene Reynolds (Eugene Reynolds Blumenthal)
Jimmy Sommerville
Schuyler Standish
Don Stevenson (Donald Stevenson)
Chuck Stubbs (Chuckie Stubbs)
Delmar Watson (David Delmar Watson) as Peter the Goat Boy
Kenneth Wilson
Heidi (1952, Switzerland; Film)
Thomas Klameth as Geissenpeter/Peter the Goatherd
Heidi (1965, AT; Film)
Jan Koester
Heidi (1979, AT; Serial)
Stefan Arpagaus
Heidi (1953, UK; TV Film)
Anthony Green as Organ Grinder
Lance Secretan as Peter
Heidi (1968, US/DE; TV Film)
John Crawley as Klaus
John Moulder-Brown (John M. Brown) as Peter
Heidi (1993; TV Film)
Benjamin Brazier (Ben Brazier) as Peter
Heidi Grows Up (1954; TV Film)
William Simons (Bill Simmons) as Peter
Heidi und Peter (1954, CH; Film)
Thomas Klameth
The Heights (1992; TV Series)
--"No Place Like Home" (1992)
De Juan Guy as Tyree
Der Heilige Hass [Holy Hate] (1921, GE; Film)
Willi Allen
Heimat [Homeland] (1938, Germany; Film)
Arthur Fritz Eugens
Heimaterde [Native Earth] (1941, GE; Film)
Norbert Rohringer
Heimatland [Home Country] (1939, GE; Film)
Martin Schmidhofer
Heimatlos (2000) -- see: Sans famille (2000)
Heimkehr ins Gluck [Happy Homecoming] (1933, GE; Film)
Rudolf Klicks
"Heimlich Hero: The Michelle Shreffler Story" (1999) -- Episode of: Real Kids, Real Adventures (1997-99, TV Anthology), q.v.
Heimweh [Homesickness] (1937, GE; Film)
Wolfgang Kieling
Heintje - ein Herz geht auf Reisen [Ein Herz geht auf Reisen] (1969, DE; Film)
Hein Simons ('Heintje')
Heintje, mein bester Freund [My Best Friend, Heintje] (1969, DE; Film)
Hein Simons ('Heintje') as Heintje Fleming
Heinz hustet [Harry's Cough] (1937, GE; Short)
Peter Bosse as Heinz
Heinz Studio 57 (1954-55) -- see: Studio 57 (1954-55)
The Heir (1954) -- see: Arvingen (1954)
"The Heir of England" (1963) -- Episode of: Richard the Lionheart (1962-63, TV Series), q.v.
"Heir of Neglect" (1988) -- Episode of: Hunter (1984-91, TV Series), q.v.
The Heir of Skjoldborg (1913) -- see: Arvingen til Skjoldborg (1913)
The Heir of Tottisalmi (1940) -- see: Tottisalmen perillinen (1940)
Heir to Trouble (1935, US; Film)
John 'Buz' Buckley
Heirate meine Frau (2005; TV Film)
Marian Losch as Pascal Kroll
"The Heiress" (1979) -- Episode of: Dallas (1978-91, TV Series), q.v.
The Heiress (1949, US; Film)
Bobby Taylor
Heirs of the World (Stage)
Spencer Hicks (1982c.)
"Heist" (2000) -- Episode of: Nash Bridges (1996-01, TV Series), q.v.
Heist (2001; Film)
Christian Maguire
"The Heist" (2003) -- Episode of: Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye (2002-05, TV Series), q.v.
Heixin fu [Evil-Hearted] (1934, CN; Film)
Ge Zuozhi
Held Up [Inconvenienced] (1999; Film)
David Deveau as Delinquent
Sam Gifaldi as Rusty
Held Up (2008; TV Film)
Casey Margolis (Casey Mark Alan Margolis) as Hostage Teen
"Heldentod" (2007) -- Episode of: SOKO 5113 (1978-25, TV Series), q.v.
Helen and Warren (1926, US; Serial)
Jimsy Boudwin (James Boudwin)
Mickey McBan
Helen Intervenes (1915, US; Film)
Leland Benham
Helen West (2002, UK; TV Series)
--"Deep Sleep" (2002)
Harry Eden as Tom Parry
Helga und Michael (1968, DE; Film)
Tommy Ohrner
"Helge" (2011) -- Episode of: Stromberg (2004-12, TV Series), q.v.
Helicopter (1993; Film)
Wayne Collins (Wayne Collins Jr) as Boy on Court
De Juan Guy as Malik's Brother
Den heliga lognen [The Holy Lie] (1944, SE; Film)
Hans Lindgren as Olle/Hotellpiccolo
Hell (2018) -- see: O Inferno (2018)
"Hell and High Water" (1995) -- Episode of: ER (1994-09, TV Series), q.v.
"Hell and High Water" (1996) -- Episode of: Soldier Soldier (1991-97, TV Series), q.v.
Hell and Mr Fudge (2012; Film)
Cody Sullivan as Edward Fudge as a Boy
Hell Bent (1994; Film)
Anthony Johnston as Boy With Bike
Hell Bent for Leather (2007; Short)
Laurence Belcher (Laurence Joseph Belcher) as Seb Hunter as a Boy
The Hell Cat (1934, US; Film)
Sidney Miller as Copy Boy
Hell Drivers (1957; Film)
Anthony John as Boy
Hell Harbor (1930, US; Film)
George Book-Asta (George Bookasta) as Spotty
"Hell Night" (2004) -- Episode of: C.S.I.: Miami (2002-12, TV Series), q.v.
Hell on Earth (2007; TV Film)
Nick Nervies (Nickolas Nervies) as Kurtis
Hell on Frisco Bay (1955, US; Film)
Peter Votrian (Peter J. Votrian) as George Pasmonick
Hell on Ice (1937) -- see: Idol of the Crowds (1937)
Hell Ship Mutiny (1957, US; Film)
Danny Richards Jr as Tatoa
Hell to Eternity (1960, US; Film)
Richard Eyer (Richard Ross Eyer) as Guy as a Boy
Hell Town (1985, US; TV Series)
--"Stumpy Boy" (1985)
Meeno Peluce (Miro Fiore Peluce)
"Hell Week" (2001) -- Episode of: Undeclared (2001-02, TV Series), q.v.
"Hell Week" (2008) -- Episode of: Greek (2007-11, TV Series), q.v.
The Hell With Heroes (1968, US; Film)
Ric Natoli (Richard Lee Natoli) as Urchin
Hellbent (1997) -- see: The Peacekeeper (1997)
Hellborn (1989) -- see: Night Angel (1989)
Hellboy [Super Sapiens] (2004; Film)
Rory Copus as Kid on Rooftop
Helldorado (1934, US; Film)
Philip 'Lucky' Hurlic (Philip Hurlick / Phillip Raymond Hurlic) as Sam Ed
"Heller" (1960) -- Episode of: The Rifleman (1958-63, TV Series), q.v.
The Hellfire Club (1960, GB; Film)
Rupert Osborne (Rupert Osborn) as Thomas Junior
Martin Stephens (Martin Angel Keller) as Jason as a Boy
Hellgate (1989; Film)
Franklin Bester as Laughing Boy
"The Hellgrammite Method" (1988) -- Episode of: The New Twilight Zone (1985-88, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hellhounds of Alaska (1973) -- see: Die Blutigen Geier von Alaska (1973)
Hellion (2013; Film)
Josh Wiggins as Jacob Wilson
Hellion (2012; Short)
Arthur Dale as Wes
Deke Garner as Petey
Tommy Hohl as Jacob
Hellion: The Devil's Playground (2001) -- see: Cubbyhouse (2001)
Hellions (2015; Film)
Peter DaCunha as Remi Vogel
Hello Again (1987; Film)
Thor Fields as Danny Chadman
Hello, Children! (1962) -- see: Zdravstvuite, deti! (1962)
"Hello, Dexter Morgan" (2009) -- Episode of: Dexter (2006-13, TV Series), q.v.
Hello, Dolly! (1969; Film)
Robert Neal Marshall as Boy
Cecil Lester Stout III as Drummer Boy
Hello Down There [Sub-a-Dub-Dub] (1969; Film)
Gary Tigerman as Tommie Miller
Hello, Everybody! (1933, US; Film)
Jerry Tucker (Jerome Harold Schatz) as Bobby Smith
Hello, Frisco, Hello (1943, US; Film)
Jackie Averill
Jimmy Clemons Jr (Jimmy Clemons)
"Hello Goodbye" (1988) -- Episode of: Cagney and Lacey (1982-88, TV Series), q.v.
"Hello Goodbye" (1999) -- Episode of: Just Shoot Me! (1997-03, TV Series), q.v.
Hello-Goodbye (1970; Film)
Didier Haudepin (Didier Audephin) as Raymond
"Hello, Goodbye, Hello" (1969) -- Episode of: Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969-76, TV Series), q.v.
Hello, Great-Grandmama Has Landed (1981) -- see: Alo, aterizeaza strabunica (1981)
Hello Herman (2011; Film)
David Burrus as Jerome Johnson / 'The Kid'
"Hello in There" (1990) -- Episode of: In the Heat of the Night (1988-94, TV Series), q.v.
Hello Larry (1979-80; TV Series)
Geno Andrews (guest, 1979)
John Femia (regular, 1979-80) as Tommy Roscini
Hello, My Name Is Abigail (2012; Short)
Kaidin Michael Stein (Kaidin Stein) as Foster Child
Hello, Sailor (1941) -- see: In the Navy (1941)
Hello, She Lied (1996) -- see: Miami Hustle (1996)
Hello Sister [Clipped Wings; See You in Church] (1930, US; Film)
Jackie Searl (Jackie Searle/John E. Searl) as Timothy
Billy Seay as Norbert
Hello Youth (1956) -- see: Bonjour jeunesse (1956)
Hellraiser: Bloodline [Hellraiser IV; Hellraiser IV: Bloodline Story] (1996; Film)
Courtland Mead (Courtland R. Mead) as Jack
Hellraiser IV (1996) -- see: Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996)
Hellraiser IV: Bloodline Story (1996) -- see: Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996)
"Hell's Bells" (2002) -- Episode of: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-03, TV Series), q.v.
Hell's Cargo (1935) -- see: McGluskey the Sea Rover (1935)
Hell's Crossroads (1934) -- see: Our Daily Bread (1934)
Hell's Five Hours (1958, US; Film)
Ray Ferrell (Raymond Delmer Ferrell) as Eric Brand
Hell's House [Juvenile Court] (1932, US; Film)
Junior Coghlan (Frank Coghlan Jr) as Shorty
Junior Durkin (Trent Bernard Durkin) as Jimmy Mason
Harold Seiling (Hal Seiling)
Hell's Kitchen (1938) -- see: The Devil's Party (1938)
Hell's Kitchen (1939, US; Film)
Byron Armstrong
Howard Dreibelbis
Bobby Jordan as Joey/Joel Richards
Larry Nunn (Richard Larry Nunn) as Boy
Bernard Punsly (Bernard Punsley) as Ouch
Cal Rothenberg (Calvert Rothenberg)
Kenny Williams
Hell's Kitchen Has a Pantry (1938) -- see: The Devil's Party (1938)
Hellship Bronson (1928, US; Film)
Delmar Watson (David Delmar Watson)
Harry Watson
"Helmholtz Resonance" (2003) -- Episode of: Veritas: The Quest (2001-03, TV Series), q.v.
The Help (2004; TV Series)
--"Pilot" (2004)
Graham Murdoch as Douglas Ridgeway
Help for the Holidays (2012, US; TV Film)
Mason Cook (Mason Elston Cook / Mason Cook Elston) as Will Vancamp
Help Help The Globolinks (Stage)
Andrew Cruse (1987)
Help Me Help You (2006-07; TV Series)
--"Fun Run" (2006)
Trevor Einhorn as Max
Help on My Terms (1975, US; TV Film)
Alfred Lutter (Alfred W. Lutter Jr/Alfred Lutter III)
Robbie Rist (Robert Anthony Rist)
Help, Poly (1961-73) -- see: Au secours, Poly, au secours! (1961-73)
Help Trouble (1944) -- see: Nothing But Trouble (1944)
"Help Wanted" (1987) -- Episode of: Punky Brewster (1984-88, TV Series), q.v.
"Help Wanted" (2010) -- Episode of: The Closer (2005-12, TV Series), q.v.
"Help Wanted" (2013) -- Episode of: Cedar Cove (2013-25, TV Series), q.v.
Help Wanted (1982, US; TV Film)
K.C. Martel as Max Welsh
Christopher St John (Kristoff Saint John/Christoff Saint John) as Teddy
Help Wanted: Kids (1986, US; TV Film)
Chad Allen (Chad Allen Lazzari) as Coop
Dion Zamora as Arnold
Help! Here Comes the Family (1971) -- see: Hilfe, die Verwandten kommen (1971)
Help! I'm a Boy (2001) -- see: Hilfe, ich bin ein Junge (2001)
"Help! I'm a Different Height Than Someone Else!" (2013) -- Episode of: Dr Good (2013, TV Series), q.v.
Help! I'm a Fish (2000) -- see: Hjaelp, jeg er en fisk (2000)
Help! I'm Invisible (1951) -- see: Hilfe, ich bin unsichtbar (1951)
Help! My Mother is on the Plane! (1990) -- see: Home Alone (1990)
Help! My Mother's on the Plane! (1990) -- see: Home Alone (1990)
"Helpful Bus" (2009) -- Episode of: PG Porn (2008-09, TV Series), q.v.
"The Helpful Gallaghers" (2013) -- Episode of: Shameless (2011-25, TV Series), q.v.
Helping Grandma (Our Gang short) (1931; Short)
'Stymie' Beard (Matthew Beard) as Stymie
Norman 'Chubby' Chaney as Chubby
Jackie Cooper (John Cooper Jr/Alan Smithee) as Jackie
Donald Haines (Donald 'Speck' Haines) as Speck
'Farina' Hoskins (Allen Clayton Hoskins Jr) as Farina
Bobby Hutchins ('Wheezer' Hutchins) as Wheezer
Bobby Young [1] (Clifton Young/Bobby 'Bonedust' Young) as Bonedust
The Helping Hand (1908, US; Film)
Bobby Harron
Helping Hands (Our Gang short) (1941, US; Short)
Bobby Blake (Robert Blake/Michael James Vijencio Gubitosi) as Mickey
Freddie Chapman (Fred Chapman) as Freddie
Vincent Graeff (Billy Ray Smith) as Billy Ray
James Gubitosi as James
Billy Laughlin ('Froggy' Laughlin) as Froggy
Mickey Laughlin ('Happy' Laughlin) as Mickey
'Spanky' McFarland (George Robert Phillips McFarland) as Spanky
Mickey McGuire [2] (Michael McGuire) as Mickey
'Buckwheat' Thomas (William Henry Thomas) as Buckwheat
Leon Tyler (Leon Tyler Sperl) as Yohnny Yohnson
Helpless (1974) -- see: Majboor (1974)
Helter Skelter (1949; Film)
Johnny Briggs as BBC Page Boy
Helter Skelter (1929, US; Short)
Malcolm Sabiston ('Big Boy'/Malcolm W. Sabiston/Malcolm Sebastian) as Big Boy
Helter Skelter (1976; TV Film)
Josh Albee (Joshua Albee) as Struthers
Helzapoppin (Stage)
Buddy Swan (Paul B. Swan) (1940c.)
Hem ljuva hem [Home Sweet Home] (2001; Film)
Stasse Soulis (Anastasios Soulis) as Stefan
Hemingway (1988, IT/FR/US; TV Film)
Eric Elterman
Scott Weinger as Patrick Hemingway
Hemingway and Gellhorn (2012; TV Film)
Emil Helt (Emil Laage Helt) as Finnish Boy
"Hemlock Diego's Policy Player's Dream Book" (2014) -- Episode of: Hemlock Grove (2013-25, TV Series), q.v.
Hemlock Grove (2013-25; TV Series)
--"Bodily Fluids" (2014)
Samuel Faraci as Jack
Jack Fulton as Jason Blevins
--"Hemlock Diego's Policy Player's Dream Book" (2014)
Samuel Faraci as Jack
Jack Fulton as Jason Blevins
--"Luna Rea" (2014)
Samuel Faraci as Jack
Jack Fulton as Jason Blevins
--"Such Dire Stuff" (2014)
Jack Fulton as Jason Blevins
Det hemmelighedsfulde X [Orders Under Seal; Sealed Orders; The Mysterious X] (1913, DK; Film)
Otto Reinwald as Aeldste Son Af van Hauen
Bjorn Spiro as Johnny/Yngste Son
Hemoglobin (1997) -- see: Bleeders (1997)
Hemorrhage (2015; Short)
Bradley Bundlie (Bradley Hawking Fargo Bundlie) as JJ CHAFFE
"Hemorrhoid Guy" (1994) -- Episode of: In Living Color (1990-94, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hen House" (2006) -- Episode of: Cold Case (2003-10, TV Series), q.v.
A Hen in the Wind (1948) -- see: Kaze no naka no mendori (1948)
The Henderson Kids II (1987; TV Film)
Nathan Croft as Marty Summers
The Hendricks' Divorce (1913; Film)
Theodore Bennett
Henley (2011; Short)
Hale Lytle as Ted Henley
Hennesey (1959-62; TV Series)
--"The Baby Sitter" (1959)
Gary Hunley
--"Hennesey Goes Home" (1959)
Ricky Allen (Richard Allen) as Freddie
--"Hennesey Meets Soupy Sales" (1962)
Tony Montenaro (Anthony C. Montenaro Jr) as Petey
--"The Holdout" (1961)
Greg Irvin (Gregory Irvin) as Nicky Russo
"Hennesey Goes Home" (1959) -- Episode of: Hennesey (1959-62, TV Series), q.v.
"Hennesey Meets Soupy Sales" (1962) -- Episode of: Hennesey (1959-62, TV Series), q.v.
Henpecked (1941) -- see: Blondie in Society (1941)
Henri 4 [Henry of Navarre] (2010; Film)
Kristo Ferkic as Henri IV as a Boy (11)
Henri le Vert (1993; Film)
Andreas Schmid as Henri Le Vert as a Boy
Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout [Henry Aldrich's Code of Honor; Henry: Boy Scout] (1944, US; Film)
Billy Bestor (Billy Bester) as Scout
Conrad Binyon (Conrad Ambress Binyon) as Sunnygrove Scout
Buddy Boles (Buddy Bowles) as Patrol Member
Tommy Brannigan (Tom Brannigan) as Scout
Boots Brown as Patrol Member
Dean Cameron [1]
Hugh Chapman as Patrol Member
Harry Harvey Jr as Scout
Bill Henderson as Patrol Member
Darryl Hickman (Darryl Gerard Hickman) as Peter Kent
David Holt (David Jack Holt) as Irwin Barrett
Cullen Johnson as Boy Scout
Harry McKim (Harry Thorne McKim/Harry McKimskims) as John
David Polonsky as Patrol Member
Colby Ross (Ralph Colby Ross Jr) as Patrol Member
Norman Salling as Patrol Member
Bobby Samarzich (Bobby Smarzich/Bobby Samrich) as Scout
Voyt 'Sonny Boy' Williams (Voyt Williams Jr) as Scout
Bobby Winkler (Robert Winckler) as Scout
Henry Aldrich for President (1941, US; Film)
Jimmy Lydon (James Lydon) as Henry Aldrich
Paul Matthews [1] as Tubby
Charles Smith as Dizzy Stevens
Henry Aldrich Gets Glamour (1943; Film)
Jackie Lindquist (Jack Lindquist)
Henry Aldrich's Code of Honor (1944) -- see: Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout (1944)
Henry and Anthony (2011; Short)
Ian Psaras as Henry
Henry and Dizzy (1941) -- see: Mr Aldrich's Boy (1941)
Henry and Dizzy (1942, US; Film)
'Alfalfa' Switzer (Carl Dean Switzer)
"Henry and the Terrible . . . Day" (2008) -- Episode of: My Own Worst Enemy (2008, TV Series), q.v.
Henry and Verlin (1994, US; Film)
Keegan MacIntosh as Verlin
Henry: Boy Scout (1944) -- see: Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout (1944)
Henry Danger (2014-25, US; TV Series)
Jace Norman (regular, 2014-25) as Henry Hart/Kid Danger (13)
Matthew Zhang (guest, 2014) as Oliver Pook
--"The Space Rock" (2014)
Trenton Rogers as Ron
"Henry Falls in Love" (1985) -- Episode of: Punky Brewster (1984-88, TV Series), q.v.
Henry Fonda and the Family (1962; TV Film)
Flip Mark (Philip Mark Goldberg)
The Henry Fonda Show (1955-56) -- see: The Star and the Story (1955-56)
Henry Fool (1997; Film)
Liam Aiken (Liam Padraic Aiken) as Ned
Henry Goes Arizona [Spats to Spurs] (1939; Film)
Robert Spindola (Bobby Spindola) as Boy on Bus
Henry Hamilton Graduate Ghost (1984, US; TV Film)
Christian Jacobs (Christian Richards Jacobs) as Kurt Landry
"Henry IV" (1995) -- Episode of: Performance (1991-98, TV Anthology), q.v.
The Henry Lee Project (2003) -- see: The Law and Mr Lee (2003)
Henry M. Stanley (1939) -- see: Stanley and Livingstone (1939)
Henry of Navarre (2010) -- see: Henri 4 (2010)
Henry, the Rainmaker (1949, US; Film)
Gary Gray [1] (Gary Dickson Gray) as David Latham
Georgie Nokes (George Robert Nokes) as Georgie Colton
Henry V [The Chronicle History of King Henry the Fift with His Battell Fought at Agincourt in France] (1944, UK; Film)
Anthony Newley (George Anthony Newley) as Boy in English Camp
Henry V (1989, GB; Film)
Christian Bale
Henry V (Stage)
Keith Jayne as Boy (1977)
Peter Llewellyn Williams (Peter Williams) as Fluellen (1982c.)
"Henry VI" (1965) -- Episode of: The Wars of the Roses (1990-91, TV Anthology), q.v.
Henry VIII (1911, GB; Film)
Alfred Willmore (Michael Mac Liammoir)
Henry VIII (2003; TV Film)
Hugh Mitchell as Prince Edward
Henry VIII and His Six Wives (1972, GB; Film)
Simon Henderson
Hens and a King (1973) -- see: Kvocny a kral (1973)
Her 106th Birthday (1958) -- see: Ihr 106. Geburtstag (1958)
Her 12 Men (1954) -- see: Her Twelve Men (1954)
Her Adventurous Night [She Meant No Harm] (1946, US; Film)
Scotty Beckett (Scott Hastings Beckett) as Junior Fry
Her Alibi (1989, UK; Film)
Trevor Soponis as Tony Blackwood
Her Bad Quarter of an Hour (1916, US; Film)
Bobby Connelly
Her Benny (1920, GB; Film)
Sydney Wood
Her Best Move (2007, US; Film)
Daryl Sabara (Daryl Christopher Sabara) as Doogie
Evan Sabara as Kid
Her Big Brother (1914, US; Film)
Roy Hauck
"Her Brother's Keeper" (1997) -- Episode of: Saved by the Bell: The New Class (1993-00, TV Series), q.v.
Her Conscience (1946) -- see: Deception (1946)
Her Corporal (1956) -- see: Ihr Korporal (1956)
Her Dramatic Debut (1913) -- see: Mabel's Dramatic Career (1913)
Her Father Said No (1927, US; Film)
Frankie Darro (Frankie Darrow/Frank Johnson Jr) as Matt Doe
Her Filmland Hero (1915, US; Short)
Gordon Griffith (Gordon S. Griffith) as Gordon
Paul Jacobs (Billy Jacobs)
Her Final Fury: Betty Broderick, the Last Chapter [A Woman Deceived; Till Murder Do Us Part II] (1992; TV Film)
Jordan Christopher Michael (Jordan Michael) as Thomas
Jesse Stock as Gary Wells
Her First Beau (1941, US; Film)
Bobby Larson (Robert Boyce Larson)
Her First Roman (Stage)
Jason Howard [1] (1974c.)
Her First Romance [The Right Man] (1940, US; Film)
Roger Daniel as Donald Whiting
Her First Romance [Girls Never Tell] (1951, US; Film)
Warren Farlow (Warren James Farlow) as Boy
Billy Gray (William Thomas Gray) as Boy at Camp Barracks
Whitey Haupt (Wyatt Davidson Haupt) as Boy
Timmy Hawkins (Tim Hawkins/Timmie Hawkins) as Boy
Jimmy Hunt (James Walter Hunt) as Herbie Foster
Ivor James as Boy
Allen Martin Jr as Bobby/Robert Evans
Bill McKenzie (William Daniel McKenzie) as Boy
Norman Ollestad (Norman Tennyson Ollestad / Norman Ollstead) as Cliff
Larry Simms (Larry Lee Simms) as Military Boy
Arthur Stone as Boy
Tony Taylor as Boy at Camp Barracks
Her Fling (1918, US; Film)
Frankie Lee (Francis Lee)
Her Greatest Story (1916, US; Short)
Frankie Lee (Francis Lee) as Benny King
Her Highness and the Bellboy (1945, US; Film)
Dickie Hall (Richard Hall) as Boy
Her Highness Commands (1931) -- see: Ihre Hoheit befiehlt (1931)
Her Honor (1941) -- see: Design for Scandal (1941)
Her Husband's Affairs (1947, US; Film)
Charley Bates (James Charles Bates) as Boy
John 'Buz' Buckley as Boy
Teddy Infuhr (Theodore Edward Infuhr) as Boy in Toy Store
Her Husband's Faith (1916, US; Short)
Frankie Lee (Francis Lee)
Her Husband's Honor (1916, US; Short)
Frankie Lee (Francis Lee) as Baby Otto
Her Husband's Secret (1925, US; Film)
Frankie Darro (Frankie Darrow/Frank Johnson Jr) as Elliot Owen as a Boy
Her Kingdom of Dreams (1919, US; Film)
Wesley Barry (Freckles Barry) as Office Boy
Her Lucky Night (1945, US; Film)
Robert 'Buzzy' Henry (Dee Henry/Buzz Henry) as Kid
Her Mad Bargain (1921, US; Film)
Ernest Butterworth (Ernest Butterworth Jr) as Jerry Dunn Jr
Her Majesty (2001; Film)
Anton Tennet as Robert Davies
Her Majesty the Queen (1930) -- see: Rani Saheba (1930)
Her Man o' War (1926, US; Film)
Junior Coghlan (Frank Coghlan Jr) as Peterkin Schultz
Her Marriage Vow (1924, US; Film)
Walter Wilkinson
Her Mistake (1918, US; Film)
Russell William Thaw
Her New Yob (1915, US; Film)
Matty Roubert
Her Night of Nights (1922, US; Film)
Mickey Daniels (Richard Daniels Jr)
"Her Old Man and The Sea" (2008) -- Episode of: The Starter Wife (2008, TV Series), q.v.
Her Relatives (1930, US; Short)
Austen Jewell as Horatio
Billy Naylor (William A. Naylor)
Her Reputation (1923; Film)
Eugene Jackson (Eugene 'Pineapple' Jackson) as Boy Pushed Into Pond
Her Right to Live (1917, US; Film)
Bobby Connelly
Her Salvation (1917, US; Film)
Roy Clark
Her Secret Life [Code Name: Dancer; One for the Dancer] (1987; TV Film)
Garette Ratliff (Garette Patrick Ratliff Henson) as Scott
Her, She and Him (1970; Film)
Her Sister's Secret (1947, US; Film)
Winston Severn (Winston Franklin MacArthur Severn) as Billy Gordon
Her Son (1920, GB; Film)
Nicholas Hopson
Her Stepdaughter (1938) -- see: Jeji pastorkyne (1938)
Her Twelve Men [Her 12 Men; Miss Baker's Dozen] (1954, US; Film)
Dee Aaker (Dee Forrest Aaker) as Michael
Tim Considine (Timothy Daniel Considine) as Richard Y. Oliver Jr
Peter Dane as Pete
Aurelio Galli (Aurelio 'Ray' Galli) as Tony
Dale Hartleben (Nelson Dale Hartleben) as Kevin Ellison Clark III
Donald MacDonald as Bobby Lennox
Tim Marxer as Tommy
Patrick Miller [1] (Pat Miller) as Pat
Larry Joe Olsen (Larry Olsen) as Edgar
Owen Pritchard as Boy
Peter Roman as Tim Johnson
Stuffy Singer (Simon Singer) as James Tracy 'Jimmy' Travers
David Stollery (David John Stollery III) as Jeff Carlin
Rex Thompson as Homer Curtis
Peter Votrian (Peter J. Votrian) as Alan Saunders
Herald Playhouse (1951-59) -- see: Schlitz Playhouse of Stars (1951-59)
Herbie Goes Bananas (1980, US; Film)
Joaquin Garay (Joaquin Garay III) as Paco
Herbie, the Love Bug (1982, US; TV Series)
Douglas Emerson (regular, 1982) as Robbie MacLane
Nicky Katt (Nick Agustin Katt) (regular, 1982) as Matthew MacLane
Herbie the Matchmaker (1981, US; Film)
Hercules (1918) -- see: Ercole (1918)
Hercules [Labors of Hercules; Le fatiche di Ercole] (1958; Film)
Guido Martufi as Iphitus as a Teen
Hercules Against the Mongols (1963) -- see: Maciste contro i Mongoli (1963)
Hercules and the Amazon Women (1994; TV Film)
Daniel James
Peter Malloch
David Taylor as Franco
Hercules Challenges Samson (1964) -- see: Ercole sfida Sansone (1964)
Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur (1994; TV Film)
Paul McIvor (Paul McIver) as Aeson
Hercules in the Underworld (1994; TV Film)
Paul McIvor (Paul McIver) as Aeson
Hercules, Samson and Ulysses (1964) -- see: Ercole sfida Sansone (1964)
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (1995-99; TV Series)
--"The Academy" (1999)
Ryan Gosling (Ryan Thomas Gosling) as Zylus
--"The Other Side" (1997)
Paul McIvor (Paul McIver) as Aeson
--"Redemption" (1999)
Daniel Logan as Zaylan
--"When a Man Loves a Woman" (1997)
Paul McIvor (Paul McIver) as Aeson
The Herdsman (1982) -- see: Mu ma ren (1982)
"Here and Now" (1998) -- Episode of: Party of Five (1994-00, TV Series), q.v.
Here and Now (1992-93; TV Series)
Shaun Weiss (Shawn Weiss) (regular, 1992-93) as William
"Here and There" (2005) -- Episode of: ER (1994-09, TV Series), q.v.
Here Come the Boogie Men (1940) -- see: You'll Find Out (1940)
Here Come the Brides (1968-70; TV Series)
Eric Chase (regular, 1969-70) as Christopher Pruitt
--"Absalom" (1970)
Mitch Vogel as Absalom
--"Break the Bank of Tacoma" (1970)
Billy Mumy (Charles William Mumy Jr) as Simon Bill
--"The Deadly Trade" (1969)
Christopher Shea (Christopher Dylan Shea) as Joseph
--"A Man and His Magic" (1968)
Darryl Seman (Darryl Seamen) as Paulie
--"The Man of the Family" (1968)
Stefan Arngrim (Stefan Thor Arngrim) as Tommy
--"The Standoff" (1968)
Gary Dubin (Gary Michael Dubin)
Here Come the Double Deckers! (1970-71, GB; TV Series)
Michael Audreson (regular, 1970-71) as Brains
Here Come the Girls [Champagne for Everybody] (1953, US; Film)
Geoffrey Froner
Jimmy Hunt (James Walter Hunt) as Bang Crosby
Here Come the Munsters (1995; TV Film)
Tommy Bertelsen
Mathew Botuchis (Mathew Paul Botuchis) as Edward Wolfgang 'Eddie' Munster
Here Come the Nelsons [Meet the Nelsons] (1951, US; Film)
Irwin Jay Berniker (Jay Berniker) as Eagle Watching TV
John Hamer (John Hammer) as Cowboy
Ronnie Hooker (Ronny Hooker) as Boy
Tommy Mann as Boy
David Nelson (David Oswald Nelson) as David Nelson (15)
Ricky Nelson (Eric Hilliard Nelson) as Ricky Nelson
Gary Stewart as Boy
Luis Torres Jr (Louis Torres) as Boy at Fairground
Here Come the Tigers (1978, US; Film)
Noel John Cunningham (Noel Cunningham) as Noel 'Peanuts' Cady
Sean P. Griffin as Art 'The Fart' Bullfinch
Max McClellan as Mike 'The Bod' Karpel
Kevin Moore as 'Eaglescout' Terwilliger
Lance Norwood as Ralphy Parks
Micu Oprea as Michael Kaminsky
Ted Oyama as Umeki Siddaharo
Michael Pastore as Roger 'Fingers' Ross
Xavier Rodrigo as Buster/Francis Xavier Rivera
David Schmalholz as Fritz 'Bionic Mouth' Curtis
Jay Schmalholz as Adam Jebb
Philip Scuderi as Danny Mayfield
Andy Weeks as 'Scoop' Maxwell
Todd Weeks as Timmy Deutsch
Andy Wittenstein (Andrew Wittenstein) as Ramrod Steiner
Here Comes Carter [Loudspeaker Lowdown; The Voice of Scandal] (1936, US; Film)
Barry Downing
Here Comes Charlie (1926, US; Film)
Mickey Martin (Mickey 'One-Shot' Martin)
"Here Comes Glory" (1970) -- Episode of: Lassie (1954-74, TV Series), q.v.
Here Comes Gorakh (1938) -- see: Gorakh aya (1938)
Here Comes Kelly (1943, US; Film)
Jo Jo La Savio (Joseph La Savio)
"Here Comes Mr Gordon" (1994) -- Episode of: Thea (1993-94, TV Series), q.v.
Here Comes Mr Jordan (1941, US; Film)
Joe Conti as Newsboy
Billy Dawson (William Trowbridge Dawson) as Johnny
Bobby Larson (Robert Boyce Larson) as Chips
Douglas Madore (Douglas Arthur Madore)
Here Comes Pippi Longstocking (1972) -- see: Har kommer Pippi Langstrumpf (1972)
Here Comes Santa (2015; Short)
Oscar Malcolm as Boy
Here Comes Santa Claus (1984; Film)
Emeric Chapius as Simon (7)
Here Comes the Band (1935, US; Film)
'Spanky' McFarland (George Robert Phillips McFarland) as Spanky Lowry
Here Comes the Boom (2012; Film)
Michael J. Hammett as Non-Citizen
Seth Morgan Romero (Malvin Romero) as High School Student
Here Comes the Cavalry (1941, US; Film)
Casey Johnson
Here Comes the Groom [You Belong To Me] (1951, US; Film)
Chris Appel (Christopher D. Appel) as Marcel Lily
Alain Cavania as Orphan
Freddie Cuellar as Orphan
Fred Fichter as Orphan
Jacky Gencel (Jacques Gencel) as Robert/Bobby
Jacques Gencel as Robert
Claude Guy (Joseph David Louis Claude Guy) as Orphan
Jimmy Hawkins (Jim Hawkins)
Timmy Hawkins (Tim Hawkins/Timmie Hawkins) as McGonigle Boy
Vernon Lenhardt as Orphan
Maurice Martinoli as Orphan
Anthony Mazzola as Orphan
Christian Pasques as Orphan
Angos Perez (Angos Winke) as Orphan
Peter Roman as Orphan
Warren Schannon (Warren Shannon) as Orphan/Mcgonigle Boy
Frank Tarallo as Orphan
Peter Troiekouroff as Orphan
Here Comes the Sun (1945, GB; Film)
Artemus Boys
Here He Comes! (1924, US; Short)
Buddy Messinger (Buddy Messenger)
Walter 'Spec' O'Donnell
"Here I Am" (2000) -- Episode of: Touched by an Angel (1994-03, TV Series), q.v.
Here I Am a Stranger (1939, US; Film)
Delmar Watson (David Delmar Watson) as Shoeshine Boy
Here I Stand . . . (1977; TV Series)
--"Margaret Clitheroe" (1977)
Ashley Knight as Harry Clitherow
"Here in My Arms" (1985) -- Episode of: Knots Landing (1979-93, TV Series), q.v.
"Here Is the Fire" (2011) -- Episode of: Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior (2011, TV Series), q.v.
Here We Are Again (1939) -- see: Ted' zas my (1939)
Here We Come Gathering (1945, GB; Film)
Michael McKeag
"Here We Go Again" (2000) -- Episode of: 7th Heaven (1996-06, TV Series), q.v.
"Here's a Clever Yet Practical Gift Idea" (1989) -- Episode of: The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd (1987-91, TV Series), q.v.
Here's Boomer [Here's Johnny] (1980-82, US; TV Series)
Moosie Drier (guest, 1980)
--"Boomer's East Side Story" (1981)
Todd Bridges (Todd Anthony Bridges) as Turk
John Hollander as Marty
--"Jailbreak" (1980)
Matthew Laborteaux (Matthew Charles Labyorteaux)
--"The Jockey" (1980)
Todd Bridges (Todd Anthony Bridges) as Benny
--"Make 'Em Laugh" (1981)
John Femia as Comic
--"Rocker Boomer" (1981)
Pat Petersen (Patrick J. Petersen)
--"Tell 'Em Boomer Sent You" (1980)
Michael J. Fox (Michael Andrew Fox) as Jackie
Here's Corliss Archer (1954) -- see: Meet Corliss Archer (1954)
"Here's Father" (1954) -- Episode of: Goodyear Television Playhouse (1951-57, TV Anthology), q.v.
Here's Johnny (1980-82) -- see: Here's Boomer (1980-82)
"Here's Just Looking at You, Kid" (1995) -- Episode of: Hudson Street (1995-96, TV Series), q.v.
Here's Love (Stage)
Dewey Golkin as Thomas Mara Jr (1966c.)
Jeffrey Golkin as Harry Finfer (1966c.)
Perry Golkin (1966c.)
Sal Lombardo as Harry Finfer (1966c.)
Here's Lucy (1968-74; TV Series)
Desi Arnaz Jr (Desiderio Alberto Arnaz IV) (regular, 1968-71) as Craig Carter
Here's Your Damn Family (2014; TV Pilot)
Peter DaCunha
Heritage (1920, US; Film)
Matty Roubert
The Heritage (1918, US; Film)
Burwell Hamrick (Burwell Hemerick)
Heritage in the Dust (Stage)
Sidney Friedlander (1935c.)
Heritage of Freedom (c.1966, US; Short)
Donnie Melvin (Don Melvin) (unconfirmed)
The Heritage of Michael Flaherty (1979) -- see: The Outsider (1979)
"Heritage of Wimpole Street" (1951) -- Episode of: Lux Video Theatre (1950-57, TV Anthology), q.v.
Les Heritiers de l'oncle James [Uncle James's Heirs] (1923, FR; Film)
Claude Machin ('Clo-Clo')
Herman (1990, NO; Film)
Anders Danielsen Lie
"Herman the Great" (1964) -- Episode of: The Munsters (1964-66, TV Series), q.v.
Das Hermannchen [Little Hermann] (1936, GE; Film)
Walter Blusch
Hermanos de sangre (1974; Film)
Ahui (Ahuizotl Camacho Castillo)
Los hermanos del Hierro [My Son, the Hero] (1961; Film)
Jose Dupeyron (Sadi Dupeyron) as Reynaldo del Hierro como un Nino
Alfredo Moran as Martin del Hierro como un Nino
"Herman's Child Psychology" (1965) -- Episode of: The Munsters (1964-66, TV Series), q.v.
Herman's Head (1991-94, US; TV Series)
--"Hard Times" (1992)
Edan Gross as Herman Brooks as a Boy
--"Hermo-tivated" (1993)
Bo Sharon (Jason Bo Sharon) as Craig Lumpin
--"How to Succeed in Business Without Really Dying" (1992)
Nicolas Pernisco as Nick Crawford
--"Love and the Single Parent" (1993)
Bradley Pierce (Bradley Michael Pierce) as Brad
--"My Brother, Myself" (1992)
Edan Gross as Herman Brooks as a Boy
"The Hermit" (1960) -- Episode of: Lassie (1954-74, TV Series), q.v.
"Hermo-tivated" (1993) -- Episode of: Herman's Head (1991-94, TV Series), q.v.
"Hero" (1955) -- Episode of: The Honeymooners (1955-71, TV Series), q.v.
"Hero" (1992) -- Episode of: The Wonder Years (1988-93, TV Series), q.v.
"Hero" (2001) -- Episode of: In a Heartbeat (2000-01, TV Series), q.v.
Hero [Accidental Hero; Hero and a Half] (1992, US; Film)
Bobby Foster Anderson (Bobby F. Anderson)
Jordan Bond (Jordan Thomas Bond) as Richie Fletcher
Jeff Kline as Street Kid
James Madio as Joey Laplante
John Merrill (C. John Merrill) as Street Kid
Michael Mullen as Boy in Hospital
Jose Reyes as Boy in Hospital
Martin Starr (Martin Schienle) as Allen Baird, Coma Boy
The Hero (1951) -- see: Saturday's Hero (1951)
"The Hero" (1959) -- Episode of: The Donna Reed Show (1958-66, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hero" (1987) -- Episode of: Bad Boyes (1987, TV Series), q.v.
The Hero (1922, US; Film)
Frankie Lee (Francis Lee) as Andy Lane
Jackie Searl (Jackie Searle/John E. Searl) as Andy Lane Jr
The Hero [Bloomfield] (1969, GB/IL; Film)
Kim Burfield as Nimrod
The Hero (1966-67, US; TV Series)
Bobby Horan (regular, 1966-67) as Paul Garret
A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich (1977; Film)
Erin Blunt as Carwell
Larry B. Scott (Larry Scott) as Benjie
Hero and a Half (1992) -- see: Hero (1992)
Hero at Large (1980, US; Film)
Neill Barry as Teenager
Matteo Cafiso (Matthew Cafiso)
Willy Stern as Bobby
Hero for a Day [Old Grad] (1939, US; Film)
Tommy Bupp (Edmond Thomas Bupp) as Boy #2
Jack Egger (John Francis Egger) as Boy
David Holt (David Jack Holt)
Buster Phelps (Silas Vernon Phelps Jr)
"Hero of the Town" (1959) -- Episode of: Bronco (1958-62, TV Series), q.v.
Hero Stuff (1925) -- see: How Baxter Butted In (1925)
"Hero Worship" (1991) -- Episode of: Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94, TV Series), q.v.
"Hero Worship" (1992) -- Episode of: Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94, TV Series), q.v.
The Herodotus Mystery (1976) -- see: Misterul lui Herodot (1976)
El Heroe (1981) -- see: El Nino del Tambor (1981)
"Heroes" (2011) -- Episode of: Unforgettable (2011-25, TV Series), q.v.
Heroes (Stage)
Jimmy Gallagher (1985c.)
Heroes (2006-10; TV Series)
Joshua Rush (regular, 2009-10) as Sylar as a Boy
--"Chapter Four 'I Am Become Death'" (2008)
Thomas Robinson as Noah
--"Chapter Twenty 'Five Years Gone'" (2007)
Sterling Beaumon (Sterling Martin Beaumon) as Crane Boy
--"Chapter Two 'Ink'" (2009)
Garrett Ryan (Garrett Ryan Ewald) as Christopher Coolidge
"Heroes and Demons" (2005) -- Episode of: The Dead Zone (2002-07, TV Series), q.v.
"Heroes and Villains" (1996) -- Episode of: Only Fools and Horses . . . (1981-03, TV Series), q.v.
"Heroes Are Born" (1970) -- Episode of: Family Affair (1966-71, TV Series), q.v.
Heroes Are Made (1942) -- see: Kak zakalyalas stal (1942)
Heroes for Sale (1933, US; Film)
Ronnie Cosby (Ronald Lee Cosbey) as Bill Holmes
Heroes' Hearts (1927) -- see: Les coeurs heroiques (1927)
Heroes in Yellow and Blue (1940) -- see: Hjaltar i gult och blatt (1940)
The Heroes of Desert Storm (1991; TV Film)
Jamie Haas
The Heroes of Telemark (1965, GB; Film)
Leonard Brockwell
John Moulder-Brown (John M. Brown)
Peter Pike
Heroes of the Flames (1931; Film)
Bobby Nelson (Robert John Nelson) as Jackie Madison
Heroes of the Saddle (1940, US; Film)
Frank E. Bressyl Jr
Darwood Kaye (Darwood 'Waldo' Kaye/Darwood Kenneth Smith) as Al
Bill Mayo
Heroes of the Street (1922, US; Film)
Wesley Barry (Freckles Barry) as Mickey Callahan
Joe Butterworth
Heroes of the West Coast (1940) -- see: Vastkustens hjaltar (1940)
"Heroes Welcome" (2006) -- Episode of: The Nine (2006-07, TV Series), q.v.
"Heroic Measures" (2006) -- Episode of: The Closer (2005-12, TV Series), q.v.
"Heroic Origins" (2014) -- Episode of: Community (2009-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Heros and Demons" (2005) -- Episode of: The Dead Zone (2002-07, TV Series), q.v.
The Hero's Brother (1940) -- see: Brat geroya (1940)
Hero's Island [The Land We Love] (1962, US; Film)
Darby Hinton (Edgar Raymond Darby Hinton) as Jafar
Morgan Mason as Cullen
"The Hero's Journey" (2008) -- Episode of: jPod (2008, TV Series), q.v.
"A Hero's Rest" (2001) -- Episode of: Third Watch (1999-05, TV Series), q.v.
Heros Sans Retour (1962) -- see: Marcia o crepa (1962)
Heros solitaire (2002) -- see: Lone Hero (2002)
"A Hero's Story" (1996) -- Episode of: Wayans Bros. (1995-99, TV Series), q.v.
"A Hero's Welcome" (1970) -- Episode of: A Family at War (1970-72, TV Series), q.v.
Herpes Boy (2009; Film)
Shane Carther Thomas (Shane Carther) as Mark
Herr Bello (2007; Film)
Manuel Steitz as Max Sternheim
Herr der Diebe (2005) -- see: The Thief Lord (2005)
Herr husassistenten [Mr Housemaid] (1939, SE; Film)
Goran Bernhard
Herre med portfolj [Gentleman With Portfolio] (1943, SE; Film)
Anders Nystrom
Herren der Meere [Lords of the Sea] (1922, AT; Film)
Lubinsky Tibi
Die Herrin und ihr Knecht [The Lady and Her Squire] (1929, GE; Film)
Gustl Stark-Gstettenbaur (August Ludwig Gstettenbaur) as Hans
Hers to Hold (1943, US; Film)
Teddy Infuhr (Theodore Edward Infuhr) as Joey
Ein Herz bleibt allein [A Heart On Its Own] (1955, DE; Film)
Wolfgang Condrus (Wolfgang Breuer)
Das Herz der Dinge [At the Heart of Things] (1977, East Germany; TV Film)
Dirk Forster as Jens
Ein Herz geht auf Reisen (1969) -- see: Heintje - ein Herz geht auf Reisen (1969)
Herz geht vor Anker [Heart at Anchor] (1940, GE; Film)
Wolfgang Kieling
Ein Herz schlagt fur dich [A Heart Beats for You] (1945, GE; Film)
Ludwig Meier
Herzen Ohne Ziel (1928) -- see: Corazones sin rumbo (1928)
Herzflimmern - Liebe Zum Leben [Flickering Hearts - Lifeline, Loveline] (2011-12; TV Series)
--"Episode #1.1" (2011)
Nico Liersch as Florian Tremmel
--"Episode #1.2" (2011)
Nico Liersch as Florian Tremmel
He's Charming (1931) -- see: Il est charmant (1931)
"He's Come Undone" (1999) -- Episode of: Providence (1999-02, TV Series), q.v.
He's Just Not That Into You (2009; Film)
Trenton Rogers as Boy (6)
He's My Old Man (1942) -- see: Flight Lieutenant (1942)
"He's Not Heavy, He's My Half-Brother" (2004) -- Episode of: One on One (2001-06, TV Series), q.v.
"He's Our You" (2009) -- Episode of: Lost (2004-10, TV Series), q.v.
"He's Very Heavy, He's My Brother" (2001) -- Episode of: That's Life (2000-02, TV Series), q.v.
"Hester" (1995) -- Episode of: Hawkeye (1994-95, TV Series), q.v.
Hester Street (1975, US; Film)
Paul Freedman as Yossele/Joey
A Hetedik testver [Bobo und die Hasenbande] (1995; Film)
Constantin von Jascheroff as Bobo
Hets [Frenzy] (1944, SE; Film)
Alf Kjellin as Jan-Erik Widgren
Anders Nystrom
L'heure d'ete [Summer Hours] (2008; Film)
Malo Gledhill as Enfant
L'heure du destin [The Hour of Destiny] (1928, FR; Film)
Jimmy Gaillard
Heute blau und morgen blau [Blue Today, Blue Tomorrow; Eine Verruckte Familie] (1957, DE; Film)
Roland Kaiser
Hewitt's Just Different (1977, US; TV Film)
Moosie Drier as Willie Arthur (12)
Tom Gulager as Nubby
Jarrod Johnson as Goose
Christopher Maleki as Palumbo
Hewitt's Just Different (1979, US; TV Short)
Moosie Drier
Hexen [Witches] (Film)
<unknown> (unconfirmed)
Hexen, Hexen (1989) -- see: The Witches (1989)
Hey Arnold! The Movie (2002; Film)
Bobby Edner (Robert Charles Edner) as Jay
Hey Babu Riba (1985, Yugoslavia; Film)
Srdjan Todorovic as Kicha as a Teen
Hey Boy! Hey Girl! (1959, US; Film)
Kim Charney as Buzz
Hey Brother (2015; Film)
Raam Weinfeld as Joe Cooper as a Boy
Hey Dad! (1987-94; TV Series)
Matthew Krok (regular, 1991-94) as Arthur McArthur
"Hey Diddle Diddle" (1988) -- Episode of: Jim Henson's Mother Goose Stories (1987-90, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hey Dude! (1989-91, US; TV Series)
David Lascher (David Scott Lascher) (regular, 1989-91) as Ted
Joe Torres (regular, 1989-91) as Danny
Josh Tygiel (regular, 1989-91) as Buddy
Hey, Hey, It's Esther Blueburger (2008; Film)
Christian Byers as Jacob Blueburger
Hey Jeannie! (1956-58; TV Series)
--"Jeannie the Cook" (1956)
Tommy Duran (Thomas Duran) as Boy
--"Jeannie, the Big Sister" (1957)
Danny Richards Jr as Joey
--"Jeannie, the Westerner" (1957)
Tim Cagney as Tim
--"The Landlord" (1958)
Brian Corcoran as Georgie
Donald Losby (Don Losby / Donald A. Losby Jr) as Jimmy
--"The Orphan" (1958)
Warren Hsieh (Warren Foster Hsieh) as Joe
Hey, Landlord (1966-67; TV Series)
--"Pursuit of a Dream" (1966)
Casey Morgan as Fletcher
Hey Mom! (1959-60) -- see: The Betty Hutton Show (1959-60)
"Hey, Moth, Come Eat the Flame" (1962) -- Episode of: Route 66 (1960-64, TV Series), q.v.
Hey Mulligan [The Mickey Rooney Show] (1954-55; TV Series)
Billy Lunde (guest, 1954)
Hey, Pop! (1932, US; Short)
Billy B. Hayes [1] (William Heyes Jr) as Bill
Hey! Hey! U.S.A.! [Chicago Ben] (1938, GB; Film)
Tommy Bupp (Edmond Thomas Bupp) as Bertie Schultz
Roddy McDowall (Roderick Andrew Anthony Jude McDowall) as Urchin on Dock
The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards (2014; Film)
Tanner Buchanan as Bobby Bell
Rico Rodriguez as Charlie Foster
Hi, Beautiful [Be It Ever So Humble; Pass to Romance] (1944, US; Film)
Tom Brown [2] as Roger
Peter Miles (Gerald Perreau) as Boy
Hi, Buddy (1943, US; Film)
Tommy Cook as Spud Winslow
Dickie Humphreys (Richard W. Humphreys) as Dick Humphries
Jo Jo La Savio (Joseph La Savio)
Norman Ollestad (Norman Tennyson Ollestad / Norman Ollstead) as Norman Ollstead
Drew Roddy (Claude Andrew Roddy) as Pat D.
Bobs Watson (Robert S. Watson) as Tim Martin
Hi, Grandma! (1958, US; TV Film)
Ron Anton (Ronald Anton/Ronny Anton)
Hi Honey - I'm Dead (1991; TV Film)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Joey Gordon-Levitt) as Josh
Hi Honey, I'm Home (1991-92, US; TV Series)
Peter Benson (regular, 1991-92) as Mike Duff
Danny Gura (regular, 1991-92) as Chucky Nielson
Hi-Jinks (2005-06; TV Series)
--"Gilbert Gottfried" (2005)
L.J. Foley as Pranked Boy
"Hi Mom" (1990) -- Episode of: 21 Jump Street (1987-91, TV Series), q.v.
Hi, Neighbor! (Our Gang short) (1934, US; Short)
Wally Albright (Wally Albright Jr) as Wally
'Cotton' Beard (Bobbie Beard) as Cotton
'Stymie' Beard (Matthew Beard) as Stymie
Scotty Beckett (Scott Hastings Beckett) as Scotty Beckett
Tommy Bond (Thomas Ross Bond) as Tommy
Tommy Bupp (Edmond Thomas Bupp) as Tommy
Tony Kales as Tony
'Spanky' McFarland (George Robert Phillips McFarland) as Spanky
Donald Proffitt as Donald
Marvin Trin as Bubbles
Jerry Tucker (Jerome Harold Schatz) as Jerry
Hi, Nellie! (1933, US; Film)
Sidney Miller as Louie
Hi, Ocsi! (1971) -- see: Haho, Ocsi! (1971)
Hi-Yo Silver! (1940, US; Film)
Dickie Jones (Dick Jones / Richard Percy Jones) as Boy
Sammy McKim (Sammy McKimskims/John Samuel McKim)
Hi! Hi! (1931) -- see: Ohe! Ohe! (1931)
Hiawatha (1952, US; Film)
Gary Jackson [1] (Gary Lee Jackson)
Hibernation (2005, UK; Short)
Adam Arnold as Jason
Hiccups (2010-11; TV Series)
--"Flirt Locker" (2011)
Donnie MacNeil as Tristan
--"Millie Meet Stan" (2010)
Quinn Lord as Boy
Hick (2011; Film)
Christopher Coakley as Kid #1
Hickey and Boggs (1972, US; Film)
Winston Spell
"Hidden" (1995) -- Episode of: The Commish (1991-95, TV Series), q.v.
Hidden (2014; Short)
Garrett Wareing as William
Hidden [Hide and Seek; Mi cang] (2021; Short)
Wu Chih-Hsuan as Wu Pin-Rui
Lin Yu-Lun as Xiao-Wei
Hidden Agenda [The Osirus Project] (2002; Film)
Jordan Garrett as Scotty Bannock
"Hidden Agendas" (2001) -- Episode of: Peak Practice (1993-02, TV Series), q.v.
The Hidden Fortress (2001) -- see: La Forteresse suspendue (2001)
The Hidden Fortune (1992) -- see: There Goes the Neighborhood (1992)
Hidden from Earth (2008) -- see: Hancock (2008)
Hidden Hands (2002) -- see: Esconde la mano (2002)
Hidden Hills (2002-03; TV Series)
Trevor Matthews (guest, 2003) as Movie Patron
--"The Birth" (2002)
Sammy Kahn as Doug as a Boy
--"The Concert" (2003)
Jordan Garrett as Boy
--"The Getaway" (2002)
Christopher Gerse (Christopher Ryan Gerse) as Boy
--"Pilot" (2002)
Sammy Kahn as Doug as a Boy
Hidden Howie [Hidden Howie: The Private Life of a Public Nuisance] (2003-05, US; TV Series)
Mitchel Musso (Mitchel Tate Musso) (regular, 2003-05) as Alex Mandel
Hidden Howie: The Private Life of a Public Nuisance (2003-05) -- see: Hidden Howie (2003-05)
Hidden in America (1996; TV Film)
Dan Petronijevic (Daniel Petronijevic) as Kenny
The Hidden Maja (1951) -- see: Die Verschleierte Maja (1951)
"The Hidden One" (1958) -- Episode of: The Loretta Young Show (1953-61, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hidden Paradise (1958) -- see: Paraiso Escondido (1958)
Hidden Pleasures (1976) -- see: Los Placeres Ocultos (1976)
Hidden Power (1939, US; Film)
Dickie Moore (John Richard Moore Jr)
The Hidden Power (1936) -- see: Sabotage (1936)
Hidden River (1947) -- see: Rio escondido (1947)
The Hidden Room (1991-93; TV Series)
--"After the Crash" (1993)
Caley Wilson as Billy
--"Jillie" (1993)
Zachary Bennett as Mike
--"Marion and Jean" (1993)
Brandon Bone as Johnny
--"Stark in Love" (1993)
Robert Bednarski as Tommy
"Hidden Truth" (2003) -- Episode of: A Touch of Frost (1992-10, TV Series), q.v.
The Hidden Truth (1919, US; Film)
Ben Grauer
The Hidden Wall (c.1950, US; Short)
Roger Nilsson (unconfirmed)
The Hidden Woman (1922, US; Film)
Russell William Thaw
Hide and Seek (1961) -- see: Ti Lovis (1961)
"Hide and Seek" (1991) -- Episode of: Counterstrike (1990-93, TV Series), q.v.
"Hide and Seek" (1994) -- Episode of: SeaQuest DSV (1993-97, TV Series), q.v.
Hide and Seek (1998) -- see: Catch Me If You Can (1998)
"Hide and Seek" (2001) -- Episode of: Wild Kat (2001, TV Series), q.v.
"Hide and Seek" (2004) -- Episode of: Stargate: Atlantis (2004-09, TV Series), q.v.
"Hide and Seek" (2009) -- Episode of: NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2003-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Hide and Seek" (2013) -- Episode of: Cleaners (2013-14, TV Series), q.v.
Hide and Seek (2021) -- see: Hidden (2021)
Hide and Seek (1972, UK; Film)
Gary Kemp (Gary James Kemp) as Chris Barker
Peter Newby as Keith Lawson/The Deptford Dodger
Hide and Seek [Machboim] (1980; Film)
Doron Tavori as Uri
Hide and Seek (2005; Film)
Josh Flitter as Boy
Hide and Seek: Playing Dangerous 2 (1996) -- see: Playing Dangerous 2 (1996)
Hide and Shriek (Our Gang short) (1938; Short)
Gary Jasgar as Junior
Leonard Landy as Percy
Porky Lee (Gordon Eugene Lee) as Porky
'Alfalfa' Switzer (Carl Dean Switzer) as Alfalfa
'Buckwheat' Thomas (William Henry Thomas) as Buckwheat
Hide in Plain Sight (1980; Film)
Andrew Fenwick (Andy Fenwick) as Andy Hacklin
Hide 'n' Seek (1998, US; Film)
Noah J. Wilson
Hide Out (1930, US; Film)
Jackie Hanlon (Jack Hanlon) as Jerry
Hide-Out (1934, US; Film)
Mickey Rooney (Mickey McGuire [1]/ Ninian Joseph Yule Jr) as Willie/William Miller
"Hide Sight" (2010) -- Episode of: C.S.I.: NY (2004-13, TV Series), q.v.
Hide Your Smiling Faces (2013; Film)
Ryan Jones as Tommy
Ivan Tomic as Ian
Nathan Varnson as Eric
Hideaway (1937, US; Film)
Tommy Bond (Thomas Ross Bond) as Oscar Peterson
The Hideaway (1991) -- see: Mov og Funder (1991)
The Hideaways (1973) -- see: From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs Basil E. Frankweiler (1973)
Hideous Mutant Freekz (1993) -- see: Freaked (1993)
"Hideout" (1959) -- Episode of: Richard Diamond, Private Detective (1957-60, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hideout" (1955) -- Episode of: Waterfront (1954-56, TV Series), q.v.
Hider in the House (1989, US; Film)
Johnny Green (John Green Jr) as Bernard
Kurt Christopher Kinder as Neil Dreyer
Hiding Game (2011; Short)
Tai Urban as Aiden
Hiding in Plain Sight (2012; Film)
Robert Michael Szot as Taylor Barnes
Hiding Out [Adult Education] (1987; Film)
Claude Brooks as Clinton
Keith Coogan (Keith Mitchell) as Patrick Morenski
"The Hiding Place" (1959) -- Episode of: The Detectives (1959-62, TV Series), q.v.
The Hiding Place (1977) -- see: Ich zwing dich zu leben (1977)
The Hiding Place (2000) -- see: A Smaller Place (2000)
Hier irrt Schiller [Schiller is Wrong] (1936, GE; Film)
Wolfgang Kieling
Hierba mala (2019; Short)
Ari Lopez as Pedro
Hige no chikara [Moustache Power] (1931, JP; Film)
'Tokkan-Kozo' (Tomio Aoki)
The Higgins Family (1938, US; Film)
Bobby Crandall
High 8 (2002) -- see: Short Cuts (2002)
High and Dry (1953) -- see: The Maggie (1953)
"High and Dry" (2004) -- Episode of: 7th Heaven (1996-06, TV Series), q.v.
High and Low (1963) -- see: Tengoku to jigoku (1963)
"High Anxiety" (1993) -- Episode of: Full House (1987-95, TV Series), q.v.
"High Art" (2013) -- Episode of: Workaholics (2011-25, TV Series), q.v.
High Barbaree (1947, US; Film)
Paul Dunn
Jimmy Hunt (James Walter Hunt) as Alec Brooke as a Boy
Claude Jarman Jr as Alec Brooke (In Credits (14)
William McKeever Riley as Office Boy
The High Chaparral (1967-71, US; TV Series)
--"Fiesta" (1970)
Miguel Alejandro as Pedro
--"For the Love of Carlos" (1969)
John Hernandez as Apache Boy #1
Armando Islas as Carlos Ruis
--"Spokes" (1970)
Vince van Patten (Vincent van Patten) as Culley
--"Ten Little Indians" (1968)
Armando Islas as Choddi
"High Class Type of Mongrel" (1959) -- Episode of: Alcoa Theatre (1957-60, TV Anthology), q.v.
High Conquest (1947, US; Film)
Joel Colin
Gary Gray [1] (Gary Dickson Gray) as Boy on Train
Billy Kimbley (William Kimbley)
Mickey Kuhn (Theodore Matthew Michael Kuhn Jr) as Peter Oberwalder Jr
Mitchell Singing Boys (St Brendan's Boy Choir)
"High Control" (1991) -- Episode of: MacGyver (1985-92, TV Series), q.v.
The High Cost of Loving (1958; Film)
Brian Corcoran as Mason Boy
"High Explosive" (1978) -- Episode of: CHiPs (1977-83, TV Series), q.v.
High Fidelity (Stage)
Billy King [2] (1966c.)
High Flyers (1999; TV Series)
Brandon Burns (regular, 1999) as Bert
Benjamin Schmideg (regular, 1999) as Jj
High Flying Spy (1972, US; TV Film)
Vince van Patten (Vincent van Patten)
High Gear (1933) -- see: The Return of Casey Jones (1933)
High Gear [The Boy Friends: High Gear] (1931; Short)
Mickey Daniels (Richard Daniels Jr) as Mickey Daniels
"The High Ground" (1990) -- Episode of: Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94, TV Series), q.v.
"High Hopes" (2002) -- Episode of: Taken (Series), q.v.
High Hopes (1981, UK; Documentary)
Christopher Haley as Himself
Jonathan Haley as Himself
Nicholas Haley as Himself
High Hopes: Saving Private Ryan (1999; TV Film)
Mark Bishop [2] as Kid
High Incident (1996-97; TV Series)
Trey Bingham (guest, 1996c.)
Anthony Echegoyen (guest, 1997c.)
Matthew L. Fishman (guest, 1997c.)
Emile Hirsch (Emile Davenport Hirsch) (guest, 1996)
Hale Johnson (guest, 1996c.)
Paul Langdon (Paul Robert Langdon) (guest, 1996) as Manuel
Jesse Littlejohn (Jesse William Littlejohn) (guest, 1996) as Ryan Willitz
Jose Felipe Padron (guest, 1997c.)
Josh Michael Rose (guest, 1997c.)
Jacob Smith (John Jacob Charles William Smith) (guest, 1997c.)
Hayden Tank (guest, 1996c.)
--"Knock, Knock" (1997)
Adam Wylie as Timmy Martin
A High Jinx (1925, US; Film)
Mickey McBan
"High Life" (1975) -- Episode of: Softly Softly: Task Force (1969-76, TV Series), q.v.
The High Life (1989, US; TV Pilot)
Matthew Lawrence (Matthew William Lawrence) as Dion Minetti
Michael Miceli as Frank Minetti
The High Lodge of Revelatory Pleasures (2013; Short)
Tyger Drew-Honey as Tristan
"High Lonesome" (1960) -- Episode of: Stagecoach West (1960-61, TV Series), q.v.
High Lonesome (1994) -- see: A Father For Charlie (1994)
High Midnight (1979, US; TV Film)
Noah Hathaway (Noah Leslie Hathaway)
High Mountain Rangers (1988, US; TV Series)
Shane Conrad (regular, 1988) as Cody Hawkes
[Michael Shimp] (guest, 1988) (unconfirmed)
High Noon (1952, US; Film)
Lee Aaker (Lee William Aaker) as Boy
Rodney Freese
High Noon (2000; TV Film)
Noel Fisher as Billy
"High on the Hog" (1968) -- Episode of: My Three Sons (1960-72, TV Series), q.v.
High on the Range (1924) -- see: Notch Number One (1924)
High Rise Donkey (1980, UK; Film)
Leigh Gotch as Andrew Everitt
High Road (1980-03) -- see: Take the High Road (1980-03)
High Road to China (1983; Film)
Peter Llewellyn Williams (Peter Williams) as Prince Franjien Khan
High School (1940, US; Film)
Michael Conroy as Boy
Lon McCallister (Herbert Alonzo 'Buddy' McCallister Jr)
Johnny Pirrone (John Pirrone Jr) as Terry
Marvin Stephens as Bill
High School Circa '65 (1979; Film)
Efren Montes
Michael Sandico
Ricky Sandico (Rico Sandico)
"High School Musical" (2008) -- Episode of: Miss Guided (2008, TV Series), q.v.
High School Musical (2006; TV Film)
Corbin Bleu as Chad Danforth
Shawn Carter as Skater Dude Dancer
High School Musical 2 [High School Musical 2: Extended Edition] (2007; TV Film)
Shawn Carter as Dancer
High School Musical 2: Extended Edition (2007) -- see: High School Musical 2 (2007)
High School Musical 2: Sing It All or Nothing! (2007; TV Film)
Corbin Bleu as Chad Danforth
High School Musical 3: Senior Year [H.S.M. 3; High School Musical: The Movie] (2008; Film)
Shawn Carter as Dancer
Justin Martin [2] as Donny
Matt Prokop as Jimmie Zara
High School Musical 4 (2009; TV Film)
Justin Martin [2] as Donny
High School Musical: The Movie (2008) -- see: High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008)
High Seas (1942) -- see: The Adventures of Martin Eden (1942)
High Sierra Search and Rescue (1995; TV Series)
Nicholas Banko (Nick Banko) (regular, 1995)
--"If You Have to Ask the Price" (1995)
Aaron Freeman as Jason
High Society (Our Gang short) (1924; Short)
Joe Cobb as Joe
Jackie Condon (John Michael Condon) as Percy
Mickey Daniels (Richard Daniels Jr) as Mickey
'Farina' Hoskins (Allen Clayton Hoskins Jr) as Farina
Andy Samuel as Andy
Sonny Loy Warde as Sonny Loy
High Speed (1932, US; Film)
Mickey Rooney (Mickey McGuire [1]/ Ninian Joseph Yule Jr) as Buddy Whipple
High Spirits (1988; Film)
Paul O'Sullivan as Graham Clay
Matt Wright (Matthew Wright) as Woody Clay
High Stakes (1986; Film)
Devin O'Brien as Bo Baker (8)
High Stakes (1997; TV Film)
Brendan Fletcher
High Tension [Trouble Makers] (1936, US; Film)
Dewey Bender as Messenger Boy
Marvin Stephens
High Tide (1988; Film)
Marc Gray as Jason
"High Time" (1985) -- Episode of: Trapper John, M.D. (1979-86, TV Series), q.v.
High Time (1960, US; Film)
Patrick Adiarte as T.J. Padmanagham
High Treason (1929, GB; Film)
Johnny Singer (John Harold Singer) as Boy
High Wall (1947, US; Film)
Bobby Hyatt (Robert James Hyatt) as Richard Kenet
"High Water" (1954) -- Episode of: Waterfront (1954-56, TV Series), q.v.
High, Wide and Handsome (1937, US; Film)
Tommy Bupp (Edmond Thomas Bupp) as Boy
A High Wind in Jamaica (1965; Film)
Martin Amis as John Thornton
Henry Beltran as Harry
Jeffrey Chandler as Edward
The Highbinders (1926, US; Film)
Ben Alexander (Nicholas Benton Alexander) as Roy Marshall
Higher Ground (1988; TV Film)
Brandon Marsh
Higher Ground (2000; TV Series)
Cameron Bright (regular, 2000) as Peter Scarbrow as a Boy
Hayden Christensen (Hayden Christiansen) (regular, 2000) as Scott Barringer
Kyle Downes (regular, 2000) as Ezra Friedken
The Higher Mercy (1912, US; Film)
Kenneth Casey
The Higher Mortals (1993; Film)
Fergus Brazier as Wayne
Tat Whalley as Jake
"Higher Powers" (1996) -- Episode of: Chicago Hope (1994-00, TV Series), q.v.
Higher Than the Himalayas (1975) -- see: Himalaya se ooncha (1975)
Highlander [Highlander: The Series] (1992-98, CA/FR; TV Series)
--"The Lamb" (1994)
Myles Ferguson as Kenny
Jesse Moss (Jesse Mosse) as Sean
--"Manhunt" (1996)
Kevin Hansen as Clayton Hobart
Rhys Williams (Rhyse Williams) as Talbot
--"Reunion" (1995)
Myles Ferguson as Kenny
--"Revenge of the Sword" (1993)
Jai West (Jai Tatsuto West / Jei Uesuto) as Kid
--"Sins of the Father" (1997)
Dean Cook as Max Leiner as a Boy
--"Under Colour of Authority" (1994)
Gregory Smith (Gregory Edward Smith) as Kid
Highlander: The Series (1992-98) -- see: Highlander (1992-98)
Highly Dangerous (1950, GB; Film)
Lance Secretan as Alan
Highway 191 (2008; Short)
Brandon Robinson as Boyfriend
Highway Patrol (1955-59; TV Series)
--"Dan Sick" (1958)
Jimmie Baird (Jim Baird) as Tommy Norton
--"License Plates" (1956)
Paul Engle (Paul Martin Engle) as Jimmy James
--"Officer's Wife" (1957)
Scotty Morrow (Scott Mora) as Jimmy Wylie
--"Prison Break" (1955)
Bobby Mittelstaedt (Robert Alan Mittelstaedt) as Billy Peterson
--"Runaway Boy" (1956)
Bradley Mora (Bradley Steven Mora/Brad Morrow) as Jimmy Adams
Highway to Freedom (1942) -- see: Joe Smith, American (1942)
Highway to Heaven (1984-89, US; TV Series)
--"All the Colors of the Heart" (1987)
Brandon Bluhm (Brandon Clay Bluhm) as Jerry
--"Alone" (1986)
Danny McMurphy as Larry Payne
--"Amazing Man" (1987)
Matt Feemster as Brian
Garette Ratliff (Garette Patrick Ratliff Henson) as Stevie Douglas
Josh Williams (Josh C. Williams) as Jason
--"Another Kind of War, Another Kind of Peace" (1986)
G. Adam Gifford (Adam Gifford) as Gang Leader
Ernie Reyes Jr as Michael Nguyen
--"Another Song for Christmas" (1984)
Daniel Brown as Eddy (5)
Matt Shakman (Matthew Shakman)
--"As Difficult as ABC" (1985)
Devoreaux White (De'voreaux White) as Terry
--"Back to Oakland" (1988)
Kenny Ford as Julias
--"Birds of a Feather" (1985)
Gino De Mauro as Richie Morgan
Paul Walker (Paul W. Walker) as Eric Travers
--"Bless the Boys in Blue" (1985)
Darron R. Walker as Boy #2
Philip Waller (Philip N. Waller) as Boy #3
--"Catch a Falling Star" (1984)
Christian Jacobs (Christian Richards Jacobs) as Danny
Bobby Jacoby (Bobby Jayne) as Brock Gaylord
--"Children's Children" (1986)
Kevin Gage as Boy #1
Michael Patton-Hall as Boy #2
--"Choices" (1989)
Dante Basco as Champ Hopkins
--"Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind" (1986)
Jason Marin as Gary
Danny Nash as Jeff
Jerry Supiran as Adam
--"Code Name: Freak" (1986)
Jeffrey Bryan Davis (Jeffrey Davis) as Chip/Christopher Gunn
--"The Correspondent" (1988)
Troy Davidson as Louis as a Toddler (4)
Ty Miller as Louis as a Teen (17)
Will Nipper (Will Estes) as Louis as a Boy (11)
--"Country Doctor" (1988)
Jaime McEnnan (Jamie McEnnan) as Robbie
--"The Devil and Jonathan Smith" (1985)
Tyler Jones (B. Tyler Jones) as Bobby
R.D. Robb as Little Devil
--"A Dolphin Song for Lee" (1988)
Josh Williams (Josh C. Williams) as Bobby Bradley
--"A Dream of Wild Horses" (1987)
Jason Horst as Richie
--"Dust Child" (1984)
Mark Everett (Mike Evers / Manuel Velasco / Manuel Benitez) as Jeff
Jason Fan as Kid #2
Leon Fan as Kid #1
Christian Hoff as Steve
Billy Jacoby (Billy Jayne / William Jayne) as Brad Gaines
K.C. Martel as Larry Everett
--"Fight for Your Life" (1987)
Martin Davis as Kid #1
--"For the Love of Larry" (1986)
Ryan Bollman as Chris
Matt Norero as Larry Glazer
--"Going Home, Going Home" (1985)
Sean de Veritch as Kid
Cory 'Bumper' Yothers (Bumper/Cory Yothers) as Boy
--"Goodbye, Mr Zelinka" (1989)
Patrick Collar as Boy #1
Brian Krause as Boy #2
--"Heaven Nose, Mister Smith" (1988)
Christian Cousins (Chris Cousins) as Hope
Joseph Cousins as Faith
--"The Hero" (1987)
Jaime McEnnan (Jamie McEnnan) as Matthew Daley
--"Hotel of Dreams" (1984)
Douglas Emerson as Donny Wells
--"I Was a Middle Aged Werewolf" (1987)
Jimmy Gatherum as Ron
Edan Gross as Kid
Elden Henson (Elden Ryan Ratliff) as Alan Bailey
Georg Olden as Sid
Ian Petrella as Big Kid
--"I Was a Middle-Aged Werewolf" (1987)
Raffi di Blasio (Raffaele Sandro Di Blasio) as Boy
--"It's a Dog's Life" (1987)
Garette Ratliff (Garette Patrick Ratliff Henson) as Tommy
--"Keep Smiling" (1986)
Donald Thompson [2] as Matt
--"Man's Best Friend" (1987)
Brandon Bluhm (Brandon Clay Bluhm) as Kid
Eric Fry as Kid #2
Jacob Kenner as Kid
Danny Pintauro (Daniel John Pintauro) as Alex
--"Merry Christmas From Grandpa" (1989)
Will Nipper (Will Estes) as Samuel Hays as a Boy (7)
John Thornton as Tom Kifer Jr
Ryan Todd as Ronald Hays II
--"A Mother's Love" (1987)
Jeffrey Baum (Jeff Baum) as Billy Rucker
Michael Faustino (Michael James Faustino) as Jason Barnett
Christian Guzek as Jimmy Barnett
Coleby Lombardo (Coleby Jason Lombardo) as John Barnett
Byron Thames as Josh Barnett
--"Normal People" (1987)
Brian Austin Green (Brian Green) as Matthew Evans
Jason Marin as Jerry Meyers
--"Oh Lucky Man" (1986)
James Brown III as Junior
Curt Cornelius as Henry
Ian Giatti as Brady
Marcello Krakoff as Marvin
--"One Winged Angels" (1985)
Wil Wheaton (Richard William Wheaton III) as Max
--"The People Next Door" (1987)
Gabriel Damon (Gabriel Damon Lavezzi) as Bobby Martin
--"Plane Death" (1984)
David Faustino (David Anthony Faustino) as Robbie Down
--"Popcorn, Peanuts and Cracker Jacks" (1985)
Anthony R. Bernal as Jimmy
David Friedman as Kevin
Rocky Krakoff (Rocky) as Boy #1
Larry O. Williams (Larry O. Williams Jr) as Bubba Tilley
--"The Right Thing" (1985)
Matthew Laborteaux (Matthew Charles Labyorteaux) as Matt Haynes
--"The Silent Bell" (1989)
Ben Ryan Ganger (Ben Ganger) as Jason
Nathan Nishiguchi as Bal
Malachi Pearson (Malachi Kenneth Pearson) as Andrew
--"A Song for Jason" (1985)
Michael Bacall (Michael Stephen Buccellato) as Jimmy
Sean Griffin as Timmy
Joshua Miller [1] (Joshua John Miller) as Jason Winner
Vonni Ribisi (Antonio Giovanni Ribisi) as Curtis Johnson
--"The Source" (1989)
Marc Bentley (Marcus Bently) as Student
--"A Special Love" (1986)
J.J. Babinski as Boy #1
Josh Brolin as Josh Bryant
Paul Walker (Paul W. Walker) as Todd Bryant
--"Summer Camp" (1989)
Luis Anaya as Boy #1
Brandon Bluhm (Brandon Clay Bluhm) as Jerry
Christopher Burton (Chris Burton) as Mike
Justin Gocke (Justin Earle Gocke) as Eric
--"That's Our Dad" (1986)
R.J. Williams (Robert Jackson Williams) as Joey
--"To Bind the Wounds" (1986)
Christopher Burton (Chris Burton) as Tim Charles Jr as a Boy (10)
Chad Cowgill as Gary as a Teen
--"To Touch the Moon" (1984)
Tony LaTorre as Tony
Barret Oliver as Arthur Nealy
--"The Torch" (1986)
Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Mark-Paul Harry Gosselaar) as Rolf Baltic
David Kaufman as Joseph Soloman
--"Wally" (1987)
Blake Soper (Blake Sennett/Blake Swendson) as Stevie Markham
--"The Whole Nine Yards" (1989)
Chad Allen (Chad Allen Lazzari) as Ricky Diller
Craig Johnson (Craigus R. Johnson) as Boy #1
David Seaman Jr (David Seaman) as Paul
Dion Zamora as Randy Crow
--"Whose Trash Is It Anyway?" (1988)
Glenn Walker Harris Jr (Glenn Harris) as Boy
--"With Love, the Claus" (1987)
Joshua Berg as Robbie
Billy O'Sullivan (Billy O'/Arthur William O'Sullivan V) as Matty Burke
Kris Stall as Tommy
Highway to Hell (1992; Film)
Jarrett Lennon (Jarrett Lennon Kaufman) as Adam
La Hija de la otra [Someone's Daughter] (1951, MX; Film)
Jaime Jimenez Pons
"Hijack" (1980) -- Episode of: The Professionals (1977-83, TV Series), q.v.
Hijack! (1975, GB; Film)
James Forlong as Jack
"The Hijackers" (1965) -- Episode of: The F.B.I. (1965-74, TV Series), q.v.
El Hijo de John Lennon (2002, Spain; Short)
Junio Valverde (Junio Valverde Gimeno) as Pablo
Hijo de la calle [Son of the Street] (1949, AR; Film)
Andres Poggio
El Hijo de nadie [Nobody's Son] (1946, MX; Film)
Joaquin Roche Jr
El hijo prodigo (1969; Film)
Juliancito Bravo (Julian Bravo Mora) as Antonio Jr
Hijos de la oscuridad [Sons of Darkness] (1951, MX; Short)
Jaime Jimenez Pons
Los Hijos de nadie (1996, MX; TV Series)
Imanol (Imanol Goenaga Marti) (regular, 1996)
Los Hijos que yo sone [The Sons I Dream Of] (1964, MX; Film)
Juliancito Bravo (Julian Bravo Mora) as Alfredo Como Un Nino
"The Hike" (1958) -- Episode of: The Donna Reed Show (1958-66, TV Series), q.v.
Hikikomori (2006; Short)
Junio Valverde (Junio Valverde Gimeno)
"Hilary's Date" (1989) -- Episode of: Sister Kate (1989-90, TV Series), q.v.
Hilda Lessways (1959; TV Series)
--"Episode #1.5" (1959)
Terry Raven as Page Boy
Hilda Petersen, Poste Restante (1935) -- see: Hilde Petersen postlagernd (1935)
Hilde Petersen postlagernd [Hilda Petersen, Poste Restante] (1935, GE; Film)
Gunther Brackmann
Horst Teetzmann
Hilfe, die Verwandten kommen [Help! Here Comes the Family] (1971, DE; Film)
Tommy Ohrner
Hilfe, ich bin ein Junge [Help! I'm a Boy] (2001, DE; Film)
Philipp Blank as Oskar/Vierauge
David Kross as Paddy
Felix Maue (Felix Benjamin Maue) as Ritter/Knight Marek
Jonas Potthoff as Ritter/Knight
Sven Kristof Schmidt as Ritter/Knight
Nick Seidensticker as Mickey/Emma
Ivo Slomann as Ritter/Knight
Franz Paul Stiller as Attila
Tim Troeger as Lenni
Hilfe, ich bin unsichtbar [Help! I'm Invisible] (1951, DE; Film)
Adi Lodel (Adolph Lodel)
Hilfe, meine Schwester kommt! (2008; TV Film)
Nicolas Schinseck as Eric Peters
Hill Street Blues (1981-87, US; TV Series)
--"Can World War III Be an Attitude?" (1981)
Guillermo San Juan as Gypsy Boy
--"Choice Cut" (1981)
Panchito Gomez as Hector Ruiz
--"The Cookie Crumbles" (1987)
E'Lon Cox (E'Lon) as Nephew
Brandon Stewart as John Metcalf
--"Freedom's Last Stand" (1982)
Nyles Harris as Boy
--"Fuchs Me? Fuchs You!" (1984)
Erick Ornelas as Miguel
--"Hair Apparent" (1984)
Guillermo San Juan as Gypsy Boy
--"Heat Rash" (1982)
Guillermo San Juan as Gypsy Boy
--"Hill Street Station" (1981)
Panchito Gomez as Hector Ruiz
--"Moon Over Uranus: The Final Legacy" (1983)
Devoreaux White (De'voreaux White) as Kid
--"Moon Over Uranus: The Sequel" (1983)
Erick Ornelas as Miguel
--"Personal Foul" (1982)
Guillermo San Juan as Gypsy Boy
--"Presidential Fever" (1981)
Guillermo San Juan as Gypsy Boy
--"Ratman and Bobbin" (1984)
Bumper Robinson as Kid
--"Requiem for a Hairbag" (1982)
Brandon Goldstein as Brandon Mizell
--"The Rise and Fall of Paul the Wall" (1984)
Leaf Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix/Joaquin Raphael Bottom) as Daniel Flowers
--"Santaclaustrophobia" (1982)
Khalif Bobatoon
--"Scales of Justice" (1986)
Hakeem Abdul-Samad (Hakeem) as Kid
--"The World According to Freedom" (1982)
Guillermo San Juan as Gypsy Boy
--"Your Kind, My Kind, Humankind" (1981)
Panchito Gomez as Hector Ruiz
"Hill Street Station" (1981) -- Episode of: Hill Street Blues (1981-87, TV Series), q.v.
Hiller and Diller (1997-98; TV Series)
Jonathan Osser (Jonathan Stuart Osser / Jonathan Cease) (regular, 1997) as Josh Hiller
Hill's Angels (1979) -- see: The North Avenue Irregulars (1979)
Hill's End (1988, AU; TV Film)
Jason DeGiorgio as Paul Mace
Haydon Samuels (Hayden Samuels) as Harvey
Clayton Williamson as Adrian Fiddler
The Hills of Heaven (1978, UK; TV Film)
David Haddow as Billy Walsh
Hills of Home [Master of Lassie] (1948, US; Film)
Henry Blair as Boy
Richard Glynn as Boy
James Wethered as Alan Burnbrae (16)
Hills of Kentucky (1927, US; Film)
Billy Naylor (William A. Naylor)
Billy Kent Schaeffer
Hills of Peril (1927, US; Film)
Buck Black (Bret Black)
The Hills of Utah (1951; Film)
Teddy Infuhr (Theodore Edward Infuhr) as Boy Leading Gene Into Trap
The Hills Run Red (1966) -- see: Un fiume di dollari (1966)
Hillside (1990-92) -- see: Fifteen (1990-92)
The Hillside Stranglers (1989) -- see: The Case of the Hillside Stranglers (1989)
Him (2018) -- see: Hann (2018)
Him and His Magic (1980, UK; TV Film)
Gora Dasgupta as Boy at Shop's Till
Raymond Persaud as Boy
Himalaya se ooncha [Higher Than the Himalayas] (1975, IN; Film)
Master Rajoo (Master Raju / Raju Shrestha)
Himlaspelet [Mystery Play] (1942, SE; Film)
Anders Nystrom
Ein Himmlischer Freund (2003; TV Film)
Marian Losch as Julian Kaiser
Hin Helgu Ve [Pojkdrommar; The Sacred Mound] (1993, Iceland; Film)
Steinthor Rafn Matthiasson as Gestur
The Hindenburg (1975, US; Film)
Johnny Scott Lee (Johnny Lee) as Paul Breslau
Stephen Manley (Stephen Michael Manley) as Peter Breslau
"Hindsight" (2002) -- Episode of: ER (1994-09, TV Series), q.v.
Hindustan ki kasam [Soldier's Oath] (1973, IN; Film)
Master Rajoo (Master Raju / Raju Shrestha)
"Hinter der Fassade" (2004) -- Episode of: Der Landarzt (1987-10, TV Series), q.v.
Hip Hop Harry (2006-08, US; TV Series)
--"Fancy Footwork" (2006)
Ryan Andres (Ryan Nicolas Andres) as Ryan
Brandon Bass
--"Finding Your Talent" (2007)
Ryan Andres (Ryan Nicolas Andres) as Ryan
--"Just Give It a Try" (2007)
Ryan Andres (Ryan Nicolas Andres) as Ryan
--"My Music Is My Music" (2007)
Ryan Andres (Ryan Nicolas Andres) as Ryan
Hip-Hop Headstrong (2010, US; Film)
Trevor Gagnon (Trevor Michael Gagnon) as Billy
Hip Kids (2012; Short)
J.J. Totah as Billy
Hipolito el de Santa (1950, MX; Film)
Jaime Jimenez Pons
Hippies [A Big Bunch of Hippies] (1999; TV Series)
--"Disgusting Hippies" (1999)
Alex Dawson as Cyril
Ben Ridgeway as Adrian
Hippodrome (1959) -- see: Geliebte Bestie (1959)
The Hired Gun (1957, US; Film)
Bart Bradley (Bartley Louis Braverman / Bart Braverman) as Pablo
"Hired Mother" (1953) -- Episode of: General Electric Theatre (1954-62, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hired Wife (1940; Film)
Charles Smith as Leo
Hiroshima Maiden (1988, US; TV Short)
Michael Bacall (Michael Stephen Buccellato) as Pete
Brandon Crane as Sam
Stephen Dorff (Stephen Dorff Jr) as Johnny
Brandon Little as Leo
Christopher Kennedy Masterson (Chris Masterson) as Timmy
Kenny Morrison as Ted
Thomas Ian Nicholas (Thomas Nicholas)
"Hiroshima, Mon Frere" (1989) -- Episode of: The Wonder Years (1988-93, TV Series), q.v.
Hiroshima: Out of the Ashes (1990, US; TV Film)
Nathan Nishiguchi as Akira
Rand Takeuchi as Masa
Das Hirtenlied vom Kaiserthal [Shepherd's Song from the Kaiserthal] (1956, AT; Film)
Michael Ande
"His and Hers" (1968) -- Episode of: Family Affair (1966-71, TV Series), q.v.
His and Hers (1990; TV Series)
Blake Soper (Blake Sennett/Blake Swendson) (regular, 1990) as Noah Lambert
His Brother's Keeper (1939, GB; Film)
Roddy McDowall (Roderick Andrew Anthony Jude McDowall) as Boy
His Butler's Sister (1943, US; Film)
Blayney Lewis (Blayney Lewis Fleischman)
His Children's Children (1923, US; Film)
Edwin Mills (Master Edwin Mills)
Kit Wain (Christopher Henry Wain / Bunny Wain) as Boy
His Daughter Peter (1955) -- see: Seine Tochter ist der Peter (1955)
His Dearest Possession (1919, GB; Film)
Eric Barker
His Divorced Wife (1919, US; Film)
Pat Moore (Patrick William Sheffield/Terrence Moore)
His Face Was Their Fortune (1946) -- see: Personality Kid (1946)
"His Father's Keeper" (1954) -- Episode of: Fireside Theatre (1949-56, TV Anthology), q.v.
His Father's Son (1957) -- see: Outlaw's Son (1957)
His First Car (1924; Short)
Leon Holmes (Leon von Sederholm) as Freckle Faced Boy
His First Commission (1909, US; Film)
Yale Boss
His First Degree (1924; Short)
Buddy Messinger (Buddy Messenger)
His First Experience (1913, US; Film)
Roswell Johnson
His First Love (1933) -- see: Seine erste Liebe (1933)
His First Sweetheart (1914, GB; Film)
Tommy Collet
His Foster-Brother (1935) -- see: Son frere de lait (1935)
His Honor -- Penrod (1932, US; Short)
Ed Edwards as Vermin Washington
David Gorcey (David Condon) as Sam Williams
Billy B. Hayes [1] (William Heyes Jr) as Penrod Schofield
Bobby Jordan as Member of Penrod's Gang
Jackie Kelk as Georgie Bassett
Edward Ryan (Eddie Ryan Jr) as Member of Penrod's Gang
Paul White as Herman Washington
His Honor Penrod (1932; Short)
David Gorcey (David Condon) as Sam Williams
Billy Hayes as Penrod Schofield
His Hour (1924, US; Film)
Bubbles Noisom (George Frederick Noisom)
Jack Parker (Jack 'Buddy' Parker)
"His Inheritance" (1956) -- Episode of: The Loretta Young Show (1953-61, TV Anthology), q.v.
His Last Christmas (1952) -- see: Son dernier Noel (1952)
His Last False Step (1919, US; Short)
Don Marion [2] (John Henry Jr / Don Marion Davis)
His Last Haul (1928, US; Film)
Billy Seay as Mike
His Last Trick (1920) -- see: Sein letzter Trick (1920)
His Life Before Him (1977) -- see: La Vie devant soi (1977)
His Lying Heart (1916, US; Film)
Joey Jacobs
Paul Jacobs (Billy Jacobs)
His Majesty Goes Astray (1958) -- see: Majestat auf Abwegen (1958)
His Master's Ghost [More Winners: His Master's Ghost] (1990, AU; TV Film)
Simon Grey as Colin 'Flea' Nash
Scott Major (Scott Ian Major) as Martin Taylor
David Presser as Jason Pengalli
His Mother's Hope (1912, US; Film)
William Porter Jr
His Mother's People (1921, US; Film)
Frankie Lee (Francis Lee)
His Night Out (1935, US; Film)
Tommy Bupp (Edmond Thomas Bupp) as Boy
Billy Burrud (Bill Burrud) as Jimmie
Donald Haines (Donald 'Speck' Haines) as Office Boy
David Leo Tillotson (David Tillotson [1]) as Boy
Jerry Tucker (Jerome Harold Schatz) as Boy
His Other Love (1933) -- see: Son autre amour (1933)
His Other Woman (1957) -- see: Desk Set (1957)
His Own Law (1923, US; Film)
Wesley Barry (Freckles Barry) as Buddy Emerson
His People [Proud Heart] (1925, US; Film)
Albert Bushaland
Bobby Gordon (Robert Edwards) as Sammy Cominsky as a Boy
His Price a Few Dollars (1964) -- see: Su precio unos dolares (1964)
His Private Life (1928, US; Film)
Coy Watson Jr (James Caughey Watson Jr)
His Private Secretary (1933, US; Film)
Mickey Rentschler (Milton Rentschler) as Boy
His Reward (1914, US; Film)
Leland Benham
His Secretary (1925, US; Film)
Elmo Billings (Elmo G. Ludwick)
His Sister (1913, US; Short)
Roy Clark
His Sister's Kids [Fatty's Naughty Nephews] (1913, US; Short)
Gordon Griffith (Gordon S. Griffith) as Nephew #2
Paul Jacobs (Billy Jacobs)
His Son (1941) -- see: Sein Sohn (1941)
"His Story II" (2004) -- Episode of: Scrubs (2001-10, TV Series), q.v.
His Turn (2013; TV Film)
Jack Fulton as David Willow
"His Weight in Wildcats" (1956) -- Episode of: The Roy Rogers Show (1951-57, TV Series), q.v.
Histoire d'Adrien [Adrien's Story; The Story of Adrien] (1980, FR; Film)
Bernard Sautereau as Adrien Enfant
Une Histoire De Cirque (1927) -- see: Croquette (1927)
L'histoire de l'Oie [The Tale of Teeka] (1998, Canada; TV Film)
Maxime Desbiens-Tremblay (Maxime Desbiens Tremblay) as Maurice as a Boy
Histoire d'un poisson rouge [The Golden Fish] (1959, France; Short)
Une Histoire sans importance (1980; Film)
Bernard Flamain as Claude (16)
Histoires extraordinaires (1969) -- see: Spirits of the Dead (1969)
Historia de un gran amor [Story of a Great Love] (1942, MX; Film)
Narciso Busquets as Manuel Venegas Como Un Nino
Historia zoltek cizemki [Story of a Yellow Slipper] (1961, PL; Film)
Marek Kondrat
Historias para no dormir (1964-82; TV Series)
--"La bodega" (1966)
Pedro Mari Sanchez (Pedro Marin / Pedro Maria Sanchez Tercero)
"The Historical Andersons" (1956) -- Episode of: Father Knows Best (1954-63, TV Series), q.v.
Historical History (c.1924, US; Film)
Kenneth Johnson [1] (unconfirmed)
Historien om en gut [A Boy's Story] (1919, NO; Film)
Esben Lykke-Seest
History Is Made at Night (1937; Film)
Payne Johnson (Payne B. Johnson) as Boy on Ship
History Lesson (1956) -- see: Urok istorii (1956)
The History Lesson (2010; Short)
Dawson Holder (Chase Dawson) as Sam
History of Baseball (c.1940, US; Film)
Billy Connelly (unconfirmed)
Cal Rothenberg (Calvert Rothenberg) (unconfirmed)
The History of Mr Polly (1980, UK; TV Film)
Andrew Furlong as Willie Punt
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1997) -- see: Tom Jones (1997)
A History of Violence (2005; Film)
Connor Price as Kid
Evan Rose as Hulk Boy
The History of White People in America (1985; TV Film)
Christian Jacobs (Christian Richards Jacobs) as Tommy Harrison
The History of White People in America: Volume II (1986; TV Film)
Christian Jacobs (Christian Richards Jacobs) as Tommy Harrison
History Trail (1985c., UK; TV Anthology)
--"The Church and the Village" (1985)
Simon Osborne (unconfirmed)
"Hit and Run" (1961) -- Episode of: Dr Kildare (1961-66, TV Series), q.v.
"Hit and Run" (1977) -- Episode of: Eight Is Enough (1977-81, TV Series), q.v.
"Hit and Run" (1991) -- Episode of: The New Lassie (1989-92, TV Series), q.v.
"Hit and Run" (1994) -- Episode of: ER (1994-09, TV Series), q.v.
"Hit and Run" (2013) -- Episode of: NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2003-25, TV Series), q.v.
Hit and Run [Revenge Squad] (1982; Film)
Joey Lawrence (Joseph Lawrence Mignogna Jr) (unconfirmed)
Hit Him Again (1914) -- see: The Fatal Mallet (1914)
The Hit Man (1991; TV Film)
Dante Basco as Pauly
"Hit Man/The Swimmer" (1979) -- Episode of: Fantasy Island (1977-84, TV Series), q.v.
Hit Parade of 1943 [Change of Heart] (1943, US; Film)
Cordell Hickman
Hit the Open Man (1974) -- see: Cornbread, Earl and Me (1974)
Hit the Road (1941, US; Film)
Bernard Punsly (Bernard Punsley) as Ape
Bobs Watson (Robert S. Watson) as Pesky
"Hit the Road, Chad" (1986) -- Episode of: Who's The Boss? (1984-92, TV Series), q.v.
Hit the Saddle (1937, US; Film)
Sammy McKim (Sammy McKimskims/John Samuel McKim) as Tim Miller
A Hitch in Time [Professor Wagstaff's Time Machine] (1978; Film)
Michael McVey as Paul Gibson
Hitchhike! (1974; TV Film)
Jeff Williams as Ken Reardon Jr
"Hitchhiker" (2003) -- Episode of: Cold Case (2003-10, TV Series), q.v.
The Hitchhiker (1983-90; TV Series)
--"Out Of The Night" (1985)
Ricky Paull Goldin (Ricky G. Paul) as Peter
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005; Film)
Jack Stanley as Lunkwill
Hitler From Our Street (1975) -- see: Hitler iz naseg sokaka (1975)
The Hitler Gang (1944, US; Film)
Robert Anderson (Bobby Anderson [1])
Ernest Bohanon (Ernest John Bohanon)
Boots Brown
Blayney Lewis (Blayney Lewis Fleischman)
Leon Tyler (Leon Tyler Sperl)
Christopher Wren (Chris Wren)
Hitler iz naseg sokaka [Hitler From Our Street] (1975, Yugoslavia; Film)
Bogo Ropotar as Johann
Hitler: The Last Ten Days (1973; Film)
Hitler: The Rise of Evil (2003; TV Film)
Thomas Sangster (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) as Adolf Hitler (10)
Hitler Youth Quex (1933) -- see: Hitlerjunge Quex (1933)
Hitlerjunge Quex [Hitler Youth Quex] (1933, GE; Film)
Jurgen Ohlsen as Heini
Hans Richter
Rolf Wenkhaus
Hitler's Children (1943, US; Film)
Billy Brow
Harry Duff (Henry J. Duff) as Boy
Cullen Johnson as German Boy
Orley Lindgren (Orls/Orley Harold Lindgren) as Fritz
Jackie Lindquist (Jack Lindquist)
Harry McKim (Harry Thorne McKim/Harry McKimskims) as Boy
Christopher Wren (Chris Wren)
James Zaner (Jimmy Zahner/James Zahner)
Hitler's Hangman (1943) -- see: Hitler's Madman (1943)
Hitler's Madman [Hitler's Hangman; The Hangman] (1943, US; Film)
Robert Ferrero
Gary Gray [1] (Gary Dickson Gray) as Boy
Hugh Maguire (Hugh John Maguire) as Boy
Richard Nichols (Richard Franklin Nichols) as Bartonek Boy
Truman van Dyke
Hitler's S.S.: Portrait in Evil [S.S.] (1985, UK; TV Film)
Jonathan Hills
Jonathan Mallett
Shaun O'Sullivan
Gary Pelzman
Michael Penn
Alistair Smith
Scott Whitmore-Smith
Tony Young
Hitler's SS: Portrait in Evil (1985; TV Film)
Jody Andrews (Jodie Andrews) as Hans Hoffmann as a Boy
Caspian Batory as Hans Hoffmann (11)
"Hitman" (2005) -- Episode of: Kojak (2005, TV Series), q.v.
The Hitman (1991, US/CA; TV Film)
Salim Grant (Salim Dolphine Ulysses Grant) as Tim Murphy
Hitori musuko [The Only Son] (1936, JP; Film)
Masao Hayama
'Tokkan-Kozo' (Tomio Aoki)
Hitters Anonymous (2005; Film)
Daniel Samonas (Daniel Nicholas Patrick Samonas) as Charley
Hittin' the Trail (1937, US; Film)
Tommy Bupp (Edmond Thomas Bupp) as Billy Reed
Hitting Home [Obsessed] (1988, CA; TV Film)
Mathew Mackay as Tony
Jacob Tierney (Jacob Daniel Tierney) as David Hughes
Hitting the High Spots (1918, US; Film)
Gordon Griffith (Gordon S. Griffith) as Jack Randolph
Hitting the Jackpot (1949) -- see: Blondie Hits the Jackpot (1949)
Hitz (1989) -- see: Judgement (1989)
Hjaelp, jeg er en fisk [A Fish Tale; Help! I'm a Fish] (2000; Film)
Sebastian Jessen as Svip
Hjaltar i gult och blatt [Heroes in Yellow and Blue] (1940, SE; Film)
Tom Olsson
Hjartasteinn [Heartstone] (2016; Film)
Baldur Einarsson as Thor
Hjulskojterne (1908) -- see: Rulleskojterne (1908)
HLATV [Hollywood Local Access Television] (2009; Film)
Matthew Glen Johnson as Acting Coach's Son
H'mida (1966, EG/TU; Film)
Amor Aouini
Francois Lefebvre
"Ho, Ho, Hogans" (1990) -- Episode of: Valerie (1986-91, TV Series), q.v.
Ho Ho Nooooooo!!! It's Mr Bill's Christmas Special (1996; Film)
Jack Salvatore Jr as Little Brother
Hoa-Binh [Peace] (1970, France; Film)
Phi Lan as Hung (10)
"Hoaliday" (2004) -- Episode of: Still Game (2002-07, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hoarder and the Boarder" (1961) -- Episode of: Pete and Gladys (1960-62, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" (2014) -- Episode of: Did You Watch . . .? (2014, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles" (2003) -- Episode of: Gilmore Girls (2000-07, TV Series), q.v.
Hobby Lobby [The Charley Weaver Show] (1959-60, US; TV Series)
Randy Gaynes (guest, 1959)
"The Hobo Story" (1954) -- Episode of: The Public Defender (1954-55, TV Series), q.v.
The Hoboken Chicken Emergency (1984; TV Film)
Peter Billingsley (Peter Billingsley-Michaelsen)
A Hobo's Christmas (1987; TV Film)
Harley Cross as Bobby Grovner
Die Hochstaplerin [The Crooked Lady] (1943, GE; Film)
Norbert Rohringer
Die Hochzeitsreise [Eine Nervensage gegen alle; The Wedding Trip] (1969; Film)
Dieter Hallervorden Jr as Angelo Galoppini
Hockey Night (1984, Canada; TV Film)
Yannick Bisson as Spear Kozak
Hocus Pocus (1993; Film)
Omri Katz (Omri Haim Katz) as Max Dennison
"Hodgepodge" (2007) -- Episode of: Reno 911! (2003-09, TV Series), q.v.
Hoedown (1950; Film)
Myron Welton (Danny Welton) as Contestant
Hog Wild (1974, US; TV Film)
Nicolas Beauvy as Hank
Clay O'Brien (Clay O'Brien Cooper) as Sterling Melborne
The Hogan Family (1986-91) -- see: Valerie (1986-91)
Hogan's Alley (1912, US; Film)
Yale Boss
Philip Tannura
Hogan's Alley (1925, US; Film)
Leon Holmes (Leon von Sederholm)
Bubbles Noisom (George Frederick Noisom)
Hogy allunk fiatelember? [Well, Young Man?] (1963, HU; Film)
Kosztolanyi Balazs
Hohenfeuer [Alpine Fire] (1985, Switzerland; Film)
Thomas Nock as Bub/The Boy/Franzi
Hojas sueltas (2006; Film)
Felix Lopez as El
Hol Volt, Hol Nem Volt [A Hungarian Fairy Tale; It Was and It Wasn't] (1986, HU; Film)
Vermes David as Andris
Holby (1999-25) -- see: Holby City (1999-25)
Holby City [Holby] (1999-25; TV Series)
--"All Before Them" (2014)
Alex Lawther as Fred Bamber
--"Getting Even" (2001)
Danny Worters as Lee Heylin
--"Happy Families" (2004)
Sonny Brown as Lewis Brady
--"I'm Not in Love" (2001)
Ben Tibber as Nathan
--"It's Kinda Rock 'n' Roll" (2005)
Dane Carter as Oliver Wright
--"The Mourning After" (2001)
Ben Tibber as Nathan
--"My No.1 Fan" (2010)
Elliot Speller-Gillot (Elliott Speller-Mason) as Sami
--"Night Shift" (2001)
Joel Pitts as Oliver Eastwood
--"Runaway" (2001)
Rory Copus as Owen Latham
--"Shadow of a Doubt" (2002)
Brock Everitt-Elwick as Jamie
--"Stop All the Clocks" (2010)
Lloyd Howells as Charlie Caffrey
--"Winner Takes All" (2001)
Rory Copus as Owen Latham
Hold (2009; Film)
Ian Patrick as Boy in Church
"The Hold" (2008) -- Episode of: The Guard (2008-09, TV Series), q.v.
Hold Autumn In Your Hand (1945) -- see: The Southerner (1945)
Hold Back the Dawn [Memo to a Movie Director; The Golden Door] (1941, US; Film)
Bobby Callahan (Robert Callahan)
Charles Flickinger
Reigh Lang
Billy Lee [1] (Billy Lee Schlensker) as Tony
Bobby Robb
Drew Roddy (Claude Andrew Roddy)
Tommy Way
Voyt 'Sonny Boy' Williams (Voyt Williams Jr) as Sam
"Hold Fire" (1988) -- Episode of: The Bill (1984-10, TV Series), q.v.
"Hold My Hand" (2005) -- Episode of: Six Feet Under (2001-05, TV Series), q.v.
"Hold On Tight" (2001) -- Episode of: Judging Amy (1999-05, TV Series), q.v.
Hold That Girl (1934, US; Film)
Jay Walter Ward (Jay Ward) as Warren
Hold That Tiger (c.1935, US; Film)
Peter Arnold (unconfirmed)
"Hold the Door/Flatastrophe" (2015) -- Episode of: Odd Squad (2014-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Hold the Phone" (2004) -- Episode of: Hope and Faith (2003-06, TV Series), q.v.
Hold-Up (1985; Film)
Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge as Enfant Au Lapin
Hold-up en musique [Musical Hold-Up] (1952, FR; Film)
Georges Poujouly
Hold Your Man (1933, US; Film)
Bobby Caldwell
Hold Your Temper (1943; Film)
Casey Johnson
"Holding Fast" (2008) -- Episode of: Heartland (2007-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Holding On" (2012) -- Episode of: House M.D. (2004-12, TV Series), q.v.
Holding on (1977, UK; TV Series)
Eddy Bumstead (Edmund Bumstead) (guest, 1977)
Sean Humphreys (guest, 1977)
--"Episode #1.1" (1977)
Reggie Winch (Reginald Winch) as Boy
--"Episode #1.4" (1977)
Wayne Brooks as Harry Wheelwright as a Boy
Holding the Fort (1980-82, UK; TV Series)
Dax Jackson (guest, 1982c.)
"The Holdout" (1961) -- Episode of: Hennesey (1959-62, TV Series), q.v.
"The Holdouts" (1966) -- Episode of: Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1965-67, TV Series), q.v.
The Holdovers (2023; Film)
Ian Dolley as Alex Ollerman
Adison Finkler as Barton Boy
"The Hole" (1997) -- Episode of: Gun (1997, TV Series), q.v.
The Hole [The Hole 3D] (2009; Film)
Nathan Gamble as Lucas
Quinn Lord as Annie Smith
The Hole 3D (2009) -- see: The Hole (2009)
A Hole in the Head (1959, US; Film)
Eddie Hodges as Alvin 'Ally' Manetta
A Hole in the Head (Stage)
Larry Hart (1959c.)
The Hole in the Wall (1972; TV Series)
Nigel Rathbone (regular, 1972) as Stephen
Holes (2003, US; Film)
Zane Holtz (Zane-Ray Brodie Holtz) as Lewis / 'Barfbag'
Brenden Jefferson (Brenden Richard Jefferson) as Rex/'X-Ray'
Shia LaBeouf (Shia Shaide LaBeouf) as Stanley 'Caveman' Yelnats IV
Noah Poletiek (Noah Drake Poletiek) as Brian / 'Twitch'
Jake M. Smith as Squid
Khleo Thomas (Khaleed Leon Thomas) as Zero/Hector Zeroni
"Holes: With Khleo Thomas: 1" (2004) -- Episode of: Super Short Show (2002-06, TV Series), q.v.
Holiday (1931) -- see: Jour de vacances (1931)
Holiday (2000) -- see: En vacances (2000)
The Holiday (1962) -- see: Kanikuli (1962)
"Holiday Affair" (1955) -- Episode of: Lux Video Theatre (1950-57, TV Anthology), q.v.
Holiday Affair (1949, US; Film)
Gordon Gebert (Gordon Alan Gebert III) as Timmy Ennis
Robert Lyden (Robert Leyden) as Boy
Holiday Affair (1996; TV Film)
Curtis Blanck as Timmy Ennis
Holiday Camp (1948, UK; Film)
The Holiday Child (1943) -- see: Das Ferienkind (1943)
Holiday for a Dog (1980) -- see: Prazdniny pro psa (1980)
Holiday for Lovers (1959, US; Film)
Danny Bravo (Danny Zaldivar) as Boy
Michael Davis
Holiday for Sinners [Days Before Lent] (1952, US; Film)
Dominic Delgarde (Domenick Delgarde) as Italian Boy
Butch Freeman
Howard Martin as Boy
Jimmy Moss (Jimmie Moss/James Moss) as Boy With Priest
Holiday for Yvette (1964) -- see: Vacaciones para Ivette (1964)
Holiday Heart (2000; TV Film)
Rhys Williams (Rhyse Williams) as Deuce
Holiday in Britain (1974) -- see: Jutalomutazas (1974)
Holiday in Havana (1949; Film)
Tito Renaldo
Holiday in Mexico (1946, US; Film)
Paul Hilton as Boy
Lawrence Long Jr
Roddy McDowall (Roderick Andrew Anthony Jude McDowall) as Stanley Owen
Nino Pipitone Jr (David Stuart) as French Boy
A Holiday in Storyland (1930, US; Film)
Raymond Erlenborn
Holiday Inn (1942, US; Film)
Shelby Bacon as Vanderbilt
Ralph Hodges
Jackie Lindquist (Jack Lindquist)
Holiday on the Buses (1973; Film)
Adam Rhodes as Little Arthur
Holiday Reunion (2003) -- see: Thanksgiving Family Reunion (2003)
A Holiday Romance [A Song for the Season] (1999; TV Film)
Nathan Carter as Hal
"Holiday Spirit" (2007) -- Episode of: Ghost Whisperer (2005-10, TV Series), q.v.
A Holiday to Remember (1995; TV Film)
Kyle Fairlie (James Kyle Fairlie) as William
The Holiday Treasure (1973) -- see: The Thanksgiving Treasure (1973)
"Holiday Weekend" (1961) -- Episode of: Dr Kildare (1961-66, TV Series), q.v.
Holiday With a Gangster (1951) -- see: Vacanze col gangster (1951)
Holidays (1940) -- see: Giorni di festa (1940)
The Holidays (1924) -- see: Les Vacances (1924)
Holidays at Immenhof (1957) -- see: Ferien auf Immenhof (1957)
Holidays on the River Yarra (1991; Film)
Justin Connor as Danny
Holidaze (2013; TV Film)
Peter DaCunha as Jake
"Holier Than Thou, Too" (1991) -- Episode of: Homefront (1991-93, TV Series), q.v.
Hollandmadel [Dutch Girl] (1953, DE; Film)
Wolfgang Jansen
Hollands jeugd [Dutch Youth] (1934, NL; Film)
Henkie Klein
Die Hollies (2003; TV Film)
Willi Gerk as Sven Ladewig
"The Holliman Kid" (1996) -- Episode of: Police Rescue (1991-96, TV Series), q.v.
Hollow Point (1987) -- see: The Wild Pair (1987)
The Hollow Tree (2008; Short)
Dariusz M. Uczkowski as David Wolfincrass
Holloway's Treasure (1924, GB; Short)
Mickey Brantford (Michael Brantford) as Master Holloway
"Holly" (1980) -- Episode of: Eight is Enough (1977-81, TV Series), q.v.
"Holly" (2001) -- Episode of: The Famous Jett Jackson (1998-01, TV Series), q.v.
The Holly and the Ivy (1955; TV Film)
Alan Coleshill as Carol Singer
Hollyoaks (1995-25; TV Series)
Charlie Wernham (regular, 2013-15) as Robbie Roscoe
--"Episode #1.1936" (2007)
Devon Anderson [1] (Devon Carlo Anderson) as Sonny Valentine
Holly's Heroes (2005; TV Series)
Jared Daperis (regular, 2005) as Ralph Owen
Hollywood (1923, US; Film)
Johnny Fox Jr (John Walter Fox)
King Gates
Dean Riesner (Dinky Dean)
Hollywood Boulevard (1996, US; Film)
Nathan Lawrence (Nathan James Lawrence)
Hollywood Canteen (1944, US; Film)
John 'Buz' Buckley
The Hollywood Dog (1993; TV Series)
Matthew Brooks (regular, 1993) as Tyler
A Hollywood Halloween (2011; Short)
Callan Wilson as Rob
Hollywood Homicide (2003; Film)
Paul Butcher (Paul Matthew Hawke Butcher) as Van Family Son
Hollywood Hotel (1937, US; Film)
Sonny Bupp (Moyer MacClairn Bupp) as Boy
Bobby Callahan (Robert Callahan)
Don Henderson
Roger McGee (Roger Lee McGee)
Jackie Morrow as Page Boy
David Leo Tillotson (David Tillotson [1]) as Boy
Freddie Walburn (Fred 'Slicker' Walburn)
The Hollywood Knights (1980; Film)
Marc Jefferson as Black Kid
Hollywood Local Access Television (2009) -- see: HLATV (2009)
Hollywood Madam (1994) -- see: Lady In Waiting (1994)
Hollywood Nightmare (1989-96) -- see: Tales from the Crypt (1989-96)
Hollywood Off-Ramp (2000; TV Series)
--"Simple Simon" (2000)
Dillon Moen
Hollywood on Parade (1932, US; Short)
Frankie Darro (Frankie Darrow/Frank Johnson Jr) as Telegram Messenger
Hollywood Opening Night (1951-53; TV Anthology)
--"Somebody I Know" (1952)
Skip Torgerson (Skip Tourgeson)
"Hollywood or Bust" (1999) -- Episode of: Heartbeat (1992-09, TV Series), q.v.
Hollywood or Bust (1985c., UK; TV Series)
Vincent Matthews (guest, 1985c.)
Lee Ross (guest, 1985c.)
Hollywood Round-Up (1937, US; Film)
Roger Daniel
Dickie Jones (Dick Jones / Richard Percy Jones) as Dickie Stephens
James Zaner (Jimmy Zahner/James Zahner)
Hollywood Safari (1997; Film)
Ted Jan Roberts (T.J. Roberts) as Josh Johnson
Hollywood Shuffle (1987; Film)
Craig Johnson (Craigus R. Johnson) as Stevie Taylor
Hollywood Story (1951, US; Film)
Louis Lettieri (Louis Michael Lettieri) as Jimmy Davis
Hollywood Vice Squad [The Boulevard] (1986; Film)
Vaughn Tyree Jelks (Vaughn Jelks)
Hollywoodland [Truth, Justice and the American Way] (2006, US; Film)
Austin MacDonald
Zach Mills as Evan Simo
The Holm Murder Case (1938) -- see: Mordsache Holm (1938)
Holnap kezdodik az elet [Life Begins Tomorrow] (1924, HU; Film)
Lazar Gida
Holocaust [Holocaust: The Story of the Family Weiss] (1978, US; TV Film)
James Anbach (Jim Anbach) as Peter Dorf as a Boy
Edward Gilkrist as Peter Dorf as a Boy
Jeremy Levy
Holocaust: The Story of the Family Weiss (1978) -- see: Holocaust (1978)
Holt videk [Dead Landscape] (1971, HU; Film)
Elisztratov Szergej
Holy Blood (1989) -- see: Santa Sangre (1989)
The Holy Child (2001) -- see: Le divin enfant (2001)
Holy Crap, I'm Trapped (2013; Short)
Elijha Hammill as Ramone
Holy Hate (1921) -- see: Der Heilige Hass (1921)
Holy Innocents (1984) -- see: Los Santos inocentes (1984)
Holy Joe [Man of Miracles] (1999; TV Film)
Christopher Jones as Eddie
Holy Land (2015; Film)
Miles Elliot as D.J. Waldie as a Boy
The Holy Lie (1936) -- see: Star for a Night (1936)
The Holy Lie (1944) -- see: Den heliga lognen (1944)
Holy Man (1998, US; Film)
Aaron Elbaz as Glue-Gun Boy
Holy Matrimony (1994, US; Film)
Keith Cron as Hutterite Boy
John Goldes as Older Boy #1
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Joey Gordon-Levitt) as Ezekiel/Zeke (12)
John Hagen as Hutterite Boy
Bret Peterson as Older Boy #2
Bubba Smith as Hutterite Boy
"Holy Matrimony!" (2009) -- Episode of: Brothers and Sisters (2006-11, TV Series), q.v.
Holy Mountain (1973) -- see: La Montana Sagrada (1973)
"Holy Rollers" (2012) -- Episode of: The Secret Life of the American Teenager (2008-13, TV Series), q.v.
Holy Sapien (2008; Film)
Charlie McDermott as Phineas
"The Holy Terror" (1953) -- Episode of: The Range Rider (1951-53, TV Series), q.v.
The Holy Terror (1963) -- see: Bebert et l'Omnibus (1963)
The Holy Terror (Our Gang short) (1929; Short)
Joe Cobb as Joe
'Farina' Hoskins (Allen Clayton Hoskins Jr) as Farina
Bobby Hutchins ('Wheezer' Hutchins) as Wheezer
Harry Spear (Ginger/Harry Sherman Bonner) as Harry
Hombre (1967, US; Film)
Peter Lazer as Billy Lee Blake
El Hombre de la isla [The Man of the Island] (1959, ES; Film)
Miguelito Gil
El Hombre del Saco [The Bogeyman] (2002, Spain; Short)
Inigo Garces (Inigo Fernandito Marcos Garces) as Tito
Fernando Tielve as Ivan
Junio Valverde (Junio Valverde Gimeno) as Nemo
Hombre o demonio [Man Or Demon] (1940, MX; Film)
Narciso Busquets
"The Hombre Who Came to Dinner" (1968) -- Episode of: The Mothers-In-Law (1967-69, TV Series), q.v.
Hombres do mar [Men of the Sea] (1938, MX; Film)
Narciso Busquets
"Home" (1996) -- Episode of: The X Files (1993-02, TV Series), q.v.
"Home" (1997) -- Episode of: Early Edition (1996-00, TV Series), q.v.
"Home" (2012) -- Episode of: Drop Dead Diva (2009-12, TV Series), q.v.
Home (2015, US; Film)
Cody Sullivan as Alex as a Teen
Home (2003, US; Short)
Timmy Deters (Timothy Deeters) as Max
Martin Spanjers as Jake
Home (2012, US; Short)
Malik Peters as Temikeh
Home (1987, US; TV Film)
Jody Lambert as Brian Costigan
Home (1983, Australia; TV Series)
Justin Connor (regular, 1983) as Danny
Jason Donovan (regular, 1983)
"Home, a Loan" (2003) -- Episode of: Oliver Beene (2003-04, TV Series), q.v.
"Home Again" (1990) -- Episode of: Falcon Crest (1981-90, TV Series), q.v.
"Home Alone" (1992) -- Episode of: Step by Step (1991-97, TV Series), q.v.
"Home Alone" (1999) -- Episode of: Nothing Too Good for a Cowboy (1999-00, TV Series), q.v.
Home Alone [Help! My Mother is on the Plane!; Help! My Mother's on the Plane!] (1990, US; Film)
Jedidiah Cohen as Rod McCallister
Kieran Culkin (Kieran Kyle Culkin) as Fuller McCallister
Macaulay Culkin (Macaulay Carson Culkin) as Kevin McCallister
Matt Doherty as Steffan
Michael Maronna (Michael C. Maronna) as Jeff McCallister
Devin Ratray (Devin D. Ratray) as Buzz McCallister
Jeffrey Wiseman as Mitch Murphy
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992, US; Film)
Jedidiah Cohen as Rod McCallister
Kieran Culkin (Kieran Kyle Culkin) as Fuller McCallister
Macaulay Culkin (Macaulay Carson Culkin) as Kevin McCallister
Jonathon Gentry (Jonathan Gold) as Choir Boy
Michael Maronna (Michael C. Maronna) as Jeff McCallister
Devin Ratray (Devin D. Ratray) as Buzz McCallister
Kevin Thomas (Kevin G. Thomas) as Geeky Kid
Home Alone 3 (1997; Film)
Alex D. Linz (Alex David Linz/Alex Linz) as Alex Pruitt
Seth Smith as Stan Pruitt
Home Alone 4 (2003; TV Film)
Mike Weinberg (Michael Weinberg) as Kevin McCallister
Home Alone 5 (2012) -- see: Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (2012)
"Home Alone Again" (1991) -- Episode of: In Living Color (1990-94, TV Series), q.v.
Home Alone: Alone in the Dark (2012) -- see: Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (2012)
Home Alone: The Holiday Heist [Home Alone 5; Home Alone: Alone in the Dark] (2012, USA/Canada; TV Film)
Peter DaCunha as Mason
Home and Away (1988-25; TV Series)
Ryan Clark (regular, 1991-05)
Justin Connor (regular, 1989) as Danny Farnsworth
Zac Drayson (regular, 1998-05) as Will Smith
Brendan McKensy (regular, 1998-05) as Duncan Stewart
Justin Rosniak (Justin Rozniak) (regular, 1988-95) as Joe Lynch
Carl Snell (regular, 1993) as Toby Harris
Adam Willits (Adam Charles Willits) (regular, 1988-08) as Steven Matheson
--"Episode #1.3293" (2002)
Christopher Egan as Nick Smith
--"Episode #1.3872" (2005)
Tobi Atkins as Henry Hunter
--"Episode #1.3875" (2005)
Tobi Atkins as Henry Hunter
--"Episode #1.4980" (2009)
Lachlan Campbell as Jamie
Home and Away: Secrets and the City (2002; Film)
Christopher Egan as Nick Smith
A Home, Any Home (2011; Short)
Jaden Michael as Boy
Home at Last (1988, US; TV Short)
Adrien Brody as Billy (13)
Sascha Radetsky as Olaf
Joel Savani as Danny (12)
Kimber Shoop (Kimber Shoop III) as Sven
Home at Six (Stage)
Guy Lockwood (1966c.)
Home Brew (1920) -- see: A Fireside Brewer (1920)
Home Country (1939) -- see: Heimatland (1939)
The Home Court (1995-96, US; TV Series)
Robert Hy Gorman (Robert Gorman) (regular, 1995-96) as Marshall
Kyle Thomas (guest, 1995)
Phillip van Dyke (regular, 1995-96) as Ellis Solomon
--"Between a Shamrock and a Hard Place" (1995)
Bradley Pierce (Bradley Michael Pierce) as Patrick Shaughnessy
--"Pilot" (1995)
Larry Dorn Jr as Kevin
"Home Duties" (1990) -- Episode of: Embassy (1990-92, TV Series), q.v.
Home Early (1939; Short)
Jimmy Lydon (James Lydon) as Junior Doakes
Home Farm (c.1982; Film)
Richard Evans (unconfirmed)
John Periccos (unconfirmed)
Michael Tillyer (unconfirmed)
Home Farm Twins (1999-05; TV Series)
Tom Felton (Thomas Andrew Felton) (regular, 2005) as Adam Baker
Home Fires (1992; TV Series)
Justin Gocke (Justin Earle Gocke) (regular, 1992)
Whit Hertford (Whitby Flint Hertford) (guest, 1987) as Will
Jarrad Paul (regular, 1992) as Jesse Kramer
Brandon Stewart (regular, 1992)
Home Fires Burning (1988, US; TV Film)
Neil Patrick Harris as Lonnie Tibbetts
Home for Christmas (1990; TV Film)
Noah Plener as Justin Spencer
Home for the Holidays (1913) -- see: Three Little Vagabonds (1913)
Home for the Holidays (1995; Film)
Zack Duhame as Walter Wedman Jr
"Home for the Homicide" (1998) -- Episode of: Profiler (1996-00, TV Series), q.v.
Home Free (1988, US; TV Film)
Teddy Abner (Theodore Eric Abner/Theo Caesar) as Jerome Noonan
Jonathan Brandis (Jonathan Gregory Brandis)
Ben Hoag
Donnie Jeffcoat (Don Jeffcoat Jr)
Home Free (1993, US; TV Film)
Scott McAfee as Lucas
"Home from the Sea" (1983) -- Episode of: Magnum P.I. (1980-88, TV Series), q.v.
The Home Front (1944) -- see: Nothing But Trouble (1944)
"The Home Front" (1983) -- Episode of: Nanny (1981-83, TV Series), q.v.
Home Improvement [Hammer Time; Tool Time] (1991-99, US; TV Series)
Sean Baca (guest, 1991) as Tough Kid in Arcade
Zachery Ty Bryan (Zachery Tyler Bryan) (regular, 1991-97) as Bradley 'Brad' Taylor
Taran Noah Smith (Taran Smith) (regular, 1991-97) as Mark Taylor
Jonathan Taylor Thomas (Jonathan Weiss) (regular, 1991-97) as Randy Taylor
--"Clash of the Taylors" (1998)
Kaylan Romero as Ronnie
--"Family Un-Ties" (1997)
Adam Hendershott (Adam Benjamin Hendershott) as Kevin
--"Godot No, No" (1995)
Raffi di Blasio (Raffaele Sandro Di Blasio) as Boy
--"Haunting of Taylor House" (1992)
Aaron Freeman as Curtis
Rider Strong (Rider King Strong) as Danny
--"Insult to Injury" (1997)
Derek Montgomery as Gary Phelps
--"The Karate Kid Returns" (1997)
Zachary Bostrom (Zach Bostrom) as Chad
Seth Dillon (Seth Dillion) as Kevin
--"Karate or Not, Here I Come" (1993)
Ryan Tomlinson as Artie
--"A Night to Dismember" (1998)
Kaylan Romero as Ronnie
--"Rebel Without Night Driving Privileges" (1998)
Kaylan Romero as Ronnie
--"Some Like It Hot Rod" (1994)
Christopher Ogden as Steven
--"What a Drag" (1998)
Kaylan Romero as Ronnie
--"What About Bob?" (1992)
Aaron Freeman as Curtis
--"Wild Kingdom" (1991)
Cody Burger (Cody Michael Burger) as Cub Scout #3
Rickey D'Shon Collins (Rickey Collins) as Cub Scout #1
Everett Wong [1] as Cub Scout #2
Adam Wylie as Jimmy Wagner
--"The Write Stuff" (1998)
Justin Shenkarow (Justin Shenkaro / Justin Moran Shenkarow) as Matt
Home in Oklahoma (1946, US; Film)
Lanny Rees (Lanny Eliot 'Sonny' Rees) as Duke Lowery
Home in Wyomin' (1942; Film)
Joe Strauch Jr (Joseph Strauch Jr) as Tadpole Millhouse
"Home Invasions" (2012) -- Episode of: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (1999-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Home Is the Hero" (1986) -- Episode of: Spenser: For Hire (1985-88, TV Series), q.v.
"Home Is Where the Ducks Are" (2000) -- Episode of: Ed (2000-04, TV Series), q.v.
"Home Is Where the Heartache Is" (1999) -- Episode of: Chicago Hope (1994-00, TV Series), q.v.
"Home is Where You Run Away From" (1968) -- Episode of: Green Acres (1965-71, TV Series), q.v.
The Home Maker (1925, US; Film)
Maurice Murphy (Maurice Meehan Murphy) as Henry
Gerald Pierce (Billy Gerald Pierce)
Billy Kent Schaeffer as Stevie
"Home Movie" (2004) -- Episode of: All About the Andersons (2003-04, TV Series), q.v.
Home Movie (2008; Film)
Lucian Maisel as Christian McNamara
"Home Movies" (2010) -- Episode of: My Generation (2010, TV Series), q.v.
Home Movies (1979; Film)
Keith Gordon as Dennis Byrd
"Home-O-Apathy" (1998) -- Episode of: Working (1997-99, TV Series), q.v.
"A Home of One's Own" (1962) -- Episode of: Dixon of Dock Green (1955-78, TV Series), q.v.
A Home of Our Own (1993, US; Film)
Miles Feulner as Murray Lacey (11)
Edward Furlong as Shayne Lacey
T.J. Lowther as Craig Lacey (6)
A Home of Our Own (1975, US; TV Film)
Fabian Escobedo
Guillermo San Juan as Julio as a Boy
Home of the Brave (1996-99) -- see: Promised Land (1996-99)
"Home of the Brave" (2000) -- Episode of: Walker, Texas Ranger (1993-01, TV Series), q.v.
Home of the Brave (1996, US; TV Film)
Eddie Karr as Nathaniel Greene
Austin O'Brien (Austin Taylor O'Brien) as Joshua Greene
Home of the Brave (2002, US; TV Film)
Patrick Stogner (Patrick Lawrence Stogner) as Sam Briggs
Home on the Range (1946, US; Film)
Bobby Blake (Robert Blake/Michael James Vijencio Gubitosi) as Cub Garth
Timmy Hawkins (Tim Hawkins/Timmie Hawkins)
"Home Run" (2005) -- Episode of: 7th Heaven (1996-06, TV Series), q.v.
A Home Run For Love (1978, US; TV Short)
Ronnie Scribner (Ronald Adam Scribner) as Sammy Greene
"Home Shopping" (1993) -- Episode of: Saved by the Bell: The New Class (1993-00, TV Series), q.v.
The Home Show (1988-94; TV Series)
William Noll (guest, 1994c.)
Home Sweet Home (2001) -- see: Hem ljuva hem (2001)
Home Sweet Home (1924, US; Film)
Richard Headrick (Richard Throop 'Itchie' Headrick)
"Home, Sweet Home: The Rainforest" (2009) -- Episode of: Barney and Friends (1992-10, TV Series), q.v.
Home Sweet Homeless (1988; TV Short)
Chance Michael Corbitt (Chance Corbitt Jr)
Michael Faustino (Michael James Faustino) as Jimmy
Home Sweet Homicide (1946, US; Film)
Dean Stockwell (Robert Dean Stockwell) as Archie Carstairs
Home Team [Une combinaison gagnante] (1998; Film)
David Deveau as Pineapple
Anthony Etesonne-Bedard as Four Eyes
Tyler Hynes as Chip
Ryan Slater (Ryan J. Slater) as Julian
The Home Temple (1957) -- see: Gharer math (1957)
Home to Stay (1978; TV Film)
David Stambaugh as Joey Brewster
Home Town Story (1951, US; Film)
Jimmy Moss (Jimmie Moss/James Moss)
Home Work (1935, US; Film)
Delmar Watson (David Delmar Watson)
Homeboy (1988, US; Film)
Teddy Abner (Theodore Eric Abner/Theo Caesar) as Street Tough
"Homecoming" (1980) -- Episode of: Flo (1980-81, TV Series), q.v.
"Homecoming" (2003) -- Episode of: The Twilight Zone (2002-03, TV Anthology), q.v.
"Homecoming" (2005) -- Episode of: Masters of Horror (2005-07, TV Anthology), q.v.
"Homecoming" (2008) -- Episode of: Miss Guided (2008, TV Series), q.v.
"Homecoming" (2011) -- Episode of: Sanctuary (2008-11, TV Series), q.v.
Homecoming (1996, US; TV Film)
William Greenblatt as Sammy Tillerman
Trever O'Brien (Trever Branden O'Brien) as James Tillerman
"The Homecoming" (1988) -- Episode of: Street Legal (1986-94, TV Series), q.v.
"The Homecoming" (2007) -- Episode of: Kyle XY (2006-09, TV Series), q.v.
The Homecoming: A Christmas Story (1971; TV Film)
David W. Harper as Jim-Bob Walton
Eric Scott as Ben
Jon Walmsley as Jason
"Homecoming Crashed" (2010) -- Episode of: Life Unexpected (2010-11, TV Series), q.v.
"The Homecoming Dance" (1961) -- Episode of: The Donna Reed Show (1958-66, TV Series), q.v.
"Homefront" (1980) -- Episode of: Goodtime Girls (1980, TV Series), q.v.
"Homefront" (1998) -- Episode of: The Pretender (1996-00, TV Series), q.v.
Homefront (1991-93, US; TV Series)
--"All Good Things" (1993)
Brent Corman as Boy
Jeffrey Roth [2] as Boy #2
--"Holier Than Thou, Too" (1991)
Nicholas Rutherford as Trick-Or-Treater
--"The Lemo Tomato Juice Hour" (1992)
Ryan McWhorter as Boy
Homeland (1938) -- see: Heimat (1938)
Homeland (2011-25; TV Series)
--"Prophecy" (2011)
Rohan Chand as Issa
--"The Smile" (2012)
King Hoey as Prep School Student
"Homeless" (2001) -- Episode of: Blue Murder (2001-04, TV Series), q.v.
Homer and the Wacky Doughnut Machine (1977, US; TV Film)
Michael Le Clair (Mickey Le Clair) as Homer
Homeroom (1989, US; TV Series)
Jahary Bennett (regular, 1989) as Devon Robinson
Trent Cameron (regular, 1989) as Sam
Raffi di Blasio (Raffaele Sandro Di Blasio) (guest, 1989)
Ben Ryan Ganger (Ben Ganger) (guest, 1989) as Ben
Carl Jerome 'Chuckie' Hampton (guest, 1989) as Boy #1
Shaun Hunter (Shawn Hunter) (guest, 1989) as Shaun
Kenneth Shaun Marcum-Spears (guest, 1989) as Shaun
Billy Dee Willis (regular, 1989) as Donald
Homeschooled (2011; TV Film)
Jacob Bertrand as Abel
"Homesick" (1996) -- Episode of: Law and Order (1990-10, TV Series), q.v.
Homesick (1928, US; Film)
Harry Watson
Homesickness (1937) -- see: Heimweh (1937)
"Homestead" (2001) -- Episode of: Star Trek: Voyager (1995-01, TV Series), q.v.
Homesteaders of Paradise Valley (1947, US; Film)
Bobby Blake (Robert Blake/Michael James Vijencio Gubitosi) as Little Beaver
The Homestretch [Endspurt] (1947, US; Film)
Fernando Alvarado as Mexican Boy
Jose Alvarado as Mexican Boy
Tommy Cook as Pablo Artigo
George Enconomides as Gypsy Boy
Michael Enconomides as Gypsy Boy
Robert Espinoza [1] as Mexican Boy
Miguel Tapia as Mexican Boy
Hometown (1939) -- see: Back Door to Heaven (1939)
Hometown U.S.A. (1979; Film)
Bradley Lieberman (Bradley Alan Lieberman) as Murphy
"Homeward Borne" (1957) -- Episode of: Playhouse 90 (1956-61, TV Anthology), q.v.
Homeward Bound (1980, US; TV Film)
Moosie Drier
Homeward Bound (2002; TV Film)
Jake Richardson (Jacob Matthew Richardson) as Alex Ashton
Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco (1996, US; Film)
Kevin Chevalia (Kevin Timothy Chevalia) as Jamie Seaver
Keegan MacIntosh as Tucker
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993, US; Film)
Kevin Chevalia (Kevin Timothy Chevalia) as Jamie Seaver
Benj Thall as Peter Burnford
"Homework" (2003) -- Episode of: My Dad's the Prime Minister (2003-04, TV Series), q.v.
Homework [Growing Pains; Short People] (1982; Film)
Lanny Horn (Lanny A. Horn) as Ralph
"Homewrecker" (2003) -- Episode of: The Shield (2002-08, TV Series), q.v.
"Homewrecker for the Holidays" (2000) -- Episode of: Tucker (2000-01, TV Series), q.v.
Homicide (1993-99) -- see: Homicide: Life on the Street (1993-99)
Homicide: Life on the Street [Homicide] (1993-99; TV Series)
--"Blood Ties" (1997)
Marc John Jefferies as Jack Collins
--"Every Mother's Son" (1995)
Sean Nelson as Ronnie Sayers
--"The Night of the Dead Living" (1993)
Kenn Michael (Kenneth Michael Benbow Blank) as James Hill
L'homme a la Buick [The Man With the Buick] (1967, FR; Film)
Jean-Francois Maurin (Jean-Francois Vlerick) as Un Enfant
L'homme aux mains d'argile [Clay-Handed Man] (1949, FR; Film)
Christian Martaguet
L'Homme Blesse [The Wounded Man] (1984, France; Film)
L'homme du jour [Man of the Day] (1936, FR; Film)
Robert Lynen
Un Homme est mort [A Man is Dead; The Outside Man] (1972, FR/IT; Film)
Jackie Earle Haley
Les Hommes D'airain (1941) -- see: Andorra (1941)
Homo Erectus [National Lampoon's The Stoned Age] (2007, US; Film)
Derek Chase Hickey (Derek Chase) as Thudnik's Friend
Nick Krause (Nicholas Krause) as Thudnik as a Boy
Cole McKeel as Ishbo as a Boy (12)
R.J. Schines as Museum Boy
Hondo [They Called Him Hondo] (1953, US; Film)
Lee Aaker (Lee William Aaker) as Johnny Lowe
Hondo (1967, US; TV Series)
Buddy Foster (Lucius Fisher Foster IV) (regular, 1967) as Johnny Dow
Hondo and the Apaches (1967, US; Film)
Buddy Foster (Lucius Fisher Foster IV) as Johnny Dow
"Honest Evie" (1989) -- Episode of: Out of This World (1987-91, TV Series), q.v.
Honest Hutch (1920, US; Film)
Edouard Trebaol
Frank Trebaol (Francis Trebaol)
Yves Trebaol
Honesty - the Best Policy (1926, US; Film)
Mickey Bennett (Micky Benett) as Freckled Boy
"Honesty Night" (1998) -- Episode of: Boy Meets World (1993-00, TV Series), q.v.
Honey (1979) -- see: La Miel (1979)
"Honey" (2013) -- Episode of: Degrassi: The Next Generation (2001-25, TV Series), q.v.
Honey (2003; Film)
Lil Romeo (Percy Romeo Miller Jr) as Benny
Zachary Williams as Raymond
Honey Bear (1961) -- see: The Two Little Bears (1961)
Honey Boy (2019; Film)
Noah Jupe as Otis Lort (12)
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid (1992; Film)
Robert Oliveri (Robert Dane Oliveri) as Nick Szalinski
Honey, I Shrunk the Audience (1995, US; Short)
Robert Oliveri (Robert Dane Oliveri) as Nick Szalinski
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids [Microkids] (1989, US; Film)
Thomas Wilson Brown (Tom Brown [3]) as Russell 'Russ' Thompson Jr
Robert Oliveri (Robert Dane Oliveri) as Nick Szalinski
Jared Rushton (Jared Michael Rushton) as Ronald 'Ron' Thompson
Carl Steven (Carl Stephen) as Tommy Pervis
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (1997; TV Series)
Thomas Dekker (Thomas Alexander Dekker) (regular, 1997) as Nick Szalinski
--"Honey, I'm Haunted" (1997)
Lachlan Murdoch as Hugo
--"Honey, I'm in the Mood for Love" (1998)
Thomas Ian Nicholas (Thomas Nicholas) as Damon
--"Honey, I'm Wrestling With a Problem . . . and the Chief" (1998)
Ashley Brown as Crowd Kid
--"Honey, We're Stuck in the 70's" (1997)
Shayn Solberg as Andy as a Boy
--"Honey, You're Living in the Past" (1997)
Jesse Moss (Jesse Mosse) as Howard
--"They Call Me the Space Cowboy Honey" (1997)
Matthew Lemche (Matt Lemche) as Wayne Szalinski as a Boy
"Honey, I'm Haunted" (1997) -- Episode of: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (1997, TV Series), q.v.
"Honey, I'm in the Mood for Love" (1998) -- Episode of: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (1997, TV Series), q.v.
"Honey, I'm Wrestling With a Problem . . . and the Chief" (1998) -- Episode of: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (1997, TV Series), q.v.
The Honey Siege (1959, GB; TV Series)
Lyndon Davies (guest, 1987)
Anthony Richmond (regular, 1959) as Riquet
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves (1996; Film)
JoJo Adams as Ricky King
Bryson Aust as Vincent
Theodore Borders (Theo Borders) as Trey
Bug Hall (Brandon H. Hall) as Adam Szalinski
Jake Richardson (Jacob Matthew Richardson) as Mitch Szalinski
"Honey, We're Stuck in the 70's" (1997) -- Episode of: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (1997, TV Series), q.v.
"Honey, You're Living in the Past" (1997) -- Episode of: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (1997, TV Series), q.v.
Honeychile (1951, US; Film)
Bradley Mora (Bradley Steven Mora/Brad Morrow) as Larry
Honeymoon Deferred (1940, US; Film)
Douglas Madore (Douglas Arthur Madore)
Leon Tyler (Leon Tyler Sperl) as Singing Messenger Kid
Frankie Ward (Frank Ward)
Honeymoon in Bali [Are Husbands Necessary?; My Love for Yours] (1939, US; Film)
Bennie Bartlett (David Bartlett) as Jack the Singing Telegram Boy
Johnnie Morris as Office Boy
"Honeymoon in Mexico" (1955) -- Episode of: TV Reader's Digest (1955-56, TV Anthology), q.v.
Honeymoon Lodge (1943, US; Film)
Blayney Lewis (Blayney Lewis Fleischman)
The Honeymooners (1955-71, US; TV Series)
--"The Babysitter" (1955)
Peter Lazer as Harvey Wohlstetter Jr
"The Honeymooners: Confusion - Italian Style" (1966) -- Episode of: The Jackie Gleason Show (1952-70, TV Series), q.v.
"The Honeymooners: To Whom It May Concern" (1967) -- Episode of: The Jackie Gleason Show (1952-70, TV Series), q.v.
"The Honeymooners: Two for the Money" (1967) -- Episode of: The Jackie Gleason Show (1952-70, TV Series), q.v.
Honeysuckle Rose [On the Road Again] (1980; Film)
Joey Floyd as Jamie Bonham
Hong Kong [Bombs Over China] (1951, US; Film)
Danny Chang (Daniel Pan Yih Chang) as Wei Lin
Hong Kong Confidential (1958; Film)
Michael Barry [1] (Michael Lewis Barry) as Prince Abdul of Thamin
De honger [The Hunger] (2013; Short)
Vincent Collin as Broere
Honhar [One Who Promises] (1936, IN; Film)
Shahu Modak
The Honkers (1971, US; Film)
Teddy Eccles (Theodore Edward Eccles) as Bobby Lathrop
Honky-Donkey (Our Gang short) (1934, US; Short)
Wally Albright (Wally Albright Jr) as Wally
'Stymie' Beard (Matthew Beard) as Stymie
Scotty Beckett (Scott Hastings Beckett) as Scotty Beckett
Tommy Bond (Thomas Ross Bond) as Tommy
Philbrook Lyons as Philbrook
'Spanky' McFarland (George Robert Phillips McFarland) as Spanky
Honky Tonk (1941; Film)
Payne Johnson (Payne B. Johnson) as Western Boy
Honky Tonk Freeway (1981, US; Film)
Peter Billingsley (Peter Billingsley-Michaelsen)
Shane Keller as Jim Hansen
Honkytonk Man (1982, US; Film)
Kyle Eastwood as Whit
"L'honneur des grandes neiges" (1994) -- Episode of: Tales of the Wild (1994-95, TV Series), q.v.
"Honor" (2005) -- Episode of: Cold Case (2003-10, TV Series), q.v.
Honor Among Men (1924, US; Film)
Walter Wilkinson as Crown Prince Kaloney as a Boy
"Honor Among Thieves" (1990) -- Episode of: The Flash (1990-91, TV Series), q.v.
Honor Bound (1988, US; Film)
Elijah Wood (Elijah Jordan Wood)
"Honor Bright" (1961) -- Episode of: Zane Grey Theatre (1956-61, TV Anthology), q.v.
"Honor Code" (2001) -- Episode of: The Practice (1997-04, TV Series), q.v.
"Honor Code" (2005) -- Episode of: NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2003-25, TV Series), q.v.
"An Honor for Oz" (1966) -- Episode of: The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (1952-66, TV Series), q.v.
The Honor System (2003; Film)
Carter Jenkins (Carter Mark 'Hollywood' Jenkins) as Peg
Rob Pinkston as Smart Ass Kid
Marquis Scott as Asphalt
Kyle Swann as Johnny
"Honor Thy Grandfather" (1987) -- Episode of: Webster (1983-89, TV Series), q.v.
"Honor?" (1991) -- Episode of: Blossom (1990-95, TV Series), q.v.
The Honorable Algernon (1913, US; Film)
Frank Butterworth
The Honorable Young Lady (1936) -- see: A Meltosagos kisasszony (1936)
Honour (1969) -- see: Iffet (1969)
"The Honourable Housewife" (1988) -- Episode of: House Rules (1988-89, TV Series), q.v.
Honzikova cesta [Johnny's Journey; Johnny's Travels] (1956, CS; Film)
Mirek Cervenka
"Hood Sweet Hood" (1999) -- Episode of: The Parent 'Hood (1995-99, TV Series), q.v.
The Hoodlum (1919, US; Film)
Jackie Condon (John Michael Condon)
Buddy Messinger (Buddy Messenger) as Dish Lowry
Hoodlum and Son (2003; Film)
Myles Jeffrey (Myles David Jeffrey) as Archie Ellroy
The Hoodlum Saint (1946, US; Film)
Charley Bates (James Charles Bates) as Johnny Ryan's Brother
Dwayne Hickman (Dwayne Bernard Hickman) as Johnny Ryan
Hoods (1998; Film)
Vincent Berry (Vince Berry) as Carmine Dellarosa
Hoodwink (2004; Short)
Lucian Maisel as Jake
Hoofbeats (1999) -- see: Running Free (1999)
Hook (1991, US; Film)
Bryce Armstrong
Dante Basco as Rufio
Andre Bollinger
Jasen Fisher (Jasen Lee Fisher) as Ace
Ryan Francis as Peter as a Boy
Kevin Gasca
Bogdan Gheorghe
Raushan Hammond (Raishon Hammond) as Thud Butt
Alison Healing
Jacob Hoffman as Little League Player
Charlie Korsmo as Jack Banning
James Madio as Don't Ask
Isaiah Robinson as Pockets
Ahmad Stoner (Reginald Ahmad Stoner) as No Nap
Thomas Tulak as Too Small
Alex Zuckerman as Latchboy
Hook and Ladder (Our Gang short) (1932, US; Short)
Sherwood Bailey (Junior Bailey) as Spud
'Stymie' Beard (Matthew Beard) as Stymie
Buddy MacDonald (Thomas MacDonald) as Speck
Kendall McComas ('Breezy Brisbane' McComas) as Breezy Brisbane
'Spanky' McFarland (George Robert Phillips McFarland) as Spanky
Dickie Moore (John Richard Moore Jr) as Dickie
Harold 'Bouncy' Wertz (Harold Eugene Wertz Jr) as Bouncy
Hooked (1925, US; Short)
Tommy Hicks (Thomas Boudry Hicks)
"Hooked on Comics" (2003) -- Episode of: Yes, Dear (2000-06, TV Series), q.v.
"Hooky" (1988) -- Episode of: Mr Belvedere (1985-90, TV Series), q.v.
"Hoop Dreams" (1995) -- Episode of: Minor Adjustments (1995-96, TV Series), q.v.
"Hoop Schemes" (1997) -- Episode of: Malcolm and Eddie (1996-00, TV Series), q.v.
Hooperman (1987-89; TV Series)
--"Baby on Board" (1988)
Matthew Brooks
Hooper's Last Chase (1971) -- see: Hoopers letzte Jagd (1971)
Hoopers letzte Jagd [Hooper's Last Chase] (1971, DE; Film)
Florian Halm
The Hoosier Boy (Stage)
Norman Wilnor (Norman Willner/Ned Norman) (1941c.)
"Hoosier Daddy" (2008) -- Episode of: In Plain Sight (2008-10, TV Series), q.v.
A Hoosier Romance (1918, US; Film)
Paul Jacobs (Billy Jacobs)
The Hoosier Schoolboy [Forgotten Hero; Yesterday's Hero] (1937, US; Film)
Mickey Martin (Mickey 'One-Shot' Martin)
Bradley Metcalfe (Bradley Metcalfe Jr) as Roger Townsend
Mickey Rooney (Mickey McGuire [1]/ Ninian Joseph Yule Jr) as Shocky Carter
The Hoosier Schoolmaster (1924, US; Film)
Tom Brown [1] (Tommy Brown/Thomas Edward Brown) as Shocky Thompson
The Hoosier Schoolmaster [The Schoolmaster] (1935, US; Film)
Frank Bellan (Francis Bellan)
Tommy Bupp (Edmond Thomas Bupp) as Shocky
Bruce Cooke
Tim Davis
Teddy Frye (Ted Frye)
Jack Hunsaker
Daniel Kellogg
Charles Unger
Hoot (2006, US; Film)
Logan Lerman (Logan Wade Lerman) as Roy Eberhardt
Cody Linley (Cody Martin Linley) as Mullet Fingers
The Hoot Gibson Show (1950c.; TV Series)
Steve Brent (guest, 1950c.) (unconfirmed)
"Hoover and the Bomb" (1979) -- Episode of: Delta House (1979, TV Series), q.v.
Hop Harrigan (1946, US; Serial)
Robert 'Buzzy' Henry (Dee Henry/Buzz Henry) as Jackie Nolan
Hopalong Cassidy (1949-54, US; TV Series)
--"Don't Believe in Ghosts" (1953)
Anthony Sydes (Thomas Anthony Sydes) as Billy Murdock
Hopalong Cassidy and the Forty Thieves (1944) -- see: Forty Thieves (1944)
Hopalong Rides Again (1937; Film)
Billy King [1]
Hope (1997; TV Film)
Lee Norris (Lee Michael Norris) as Billy October
"Hope and Benny in Agent's Office" (1957) -- Episode of: The Jack Benny Program (1950-65, TV Series), q.v.
Hope and Faith (2003-06; TV Series)
Brett Murphy (regular, 2003-06) as Edwin
--"Hold the Phone" (2004)
Martin Campetta as Kid
Hope and Glory (1987, UK/US; Film)
Jody Andrews (Jodie Andrews) as Member of Roger's Gang
Sebastian Rice Edwards (Sebastian Rice-Edwards) as Bill Rohan
Nicky Taylor as Roger
Hope and Glory (1999-00; TV Series)
--"Episode #2.2" (2000)
David Rhys-Morris as School Boy
Hope City (2014; Short)
Zachary Haven as Sam
Hope Floats (1998, US; Film)
Cameron Finley (Joseph Cameron Finley) as Travis
Hope High (2002; Film)
Sam Marshall as Johnny Bluemore
Hope Island (1999-00; TV Series)
--"A Rising Tide Takes All Boats" (2000)
Devin Douglas Drewitz as Larry
--"Twenty Sailors Around a Buttonhole" (2000)
Michal Suchanek [2] as Cory
"Hope Springs Paternal" (2014) -- Episode of: Shameless (2011-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Hope You're Good, Smiley Face" (2009) -- Episode of: Mercy (2009-10, TV Series), q.v.
"Hopeless" (2011) -- Episode of: How I Met Your Mother (2005-14, TV Series), q.v.
Hopelessly in June (2011; Film)
Zachary Mitchell [2] as Daleon Myers as a Teen
Hopelessly Lost (1973) -- see: Sovsem propashchi (1973)
"The Hopes and Fears" (1986) -- Episode of: Spenser: For Hire (1985-88, TV Series), q.v.
Hoppa hogst (1989; Film)
Ramses Del Hierro Ericstam as Stig
Hopper (1936) -- see: Cigalon (1936)
L'Hor Vert [Vertical Horizon] (1993; Short)
La Hora Bruja (1985, Spain; Film)
La hora de la verdad [The Moment of Truth] (1945, MX; Film)
Daniel Pastor
Hora Marcada (1986-90; TV Series)
--"En espera de la noche" (1989)
Yair de Rubin (Jair De Rubin) as Joaquin
Hora once (1968-74; TV Series)
--"Los desterrados de Poker Flat" (1972)
Pedro Mari Sanchez (Pedro Marin / Pedro Maria Sanchez Tercero)
Horace and Tina (2001; TV Series)
--"Dancing Partners" (2001)
Alexander Ramsey as Simon Birdwood
--"Number One Again" (2001)
Neil Vinson as Kid
Horatio (Stage)
David Murphy as Ragged Dick (1974c.)
Horatio Alger Updated: Frank and Fearless (1983, US; TV Film)
Blake Brocksmith as Nicholas Thorne
Thor Fields as Jasper Kent
Ian Heath as Harry Fitch
Horatio Hornblower: The Mutiny (2001, UK; Film)
Hordubalove [Hordubal's People; The Hordubals] (1937, CS; Film)
Filip Davidik as Filipek
The Hordubals (1937) -- see: Hordubalove (1937)
Hordubal's People (1937) -- see: Hordubalove (1937)
Horis goneis ki adelfia (1964; Film)
Vangelis Joannides (Vangelis Ioannidis) as Young Kostas
Horizon (1964-25, UK; TV Anthology)
--"The Life of Carl Jung" (1985)
Stevie-Lee Pattinson
"The Horn Blows at Midnight" (1953) -- Episode of: Omnibus (1952-59, TV Anthology), q.v.
The Horn Blows at Midnight (1945, US; Film)
Bobby Blake (Robert Blake/Michael James Vijencio Gubitosi) as Junior Purplinsky
Boots Brown
Donald Brown [2] (Don Brown)
Jackie Lou Brown (Jackie Brown)
Tom Brown [2] as Boy
Freddie Chapman (Fred Chapman)
Don Davis (Donald Davis)
Robert Ferrero
Eugene 'Zeke' Holland (Ezekiel Eugene Holland) as Kid
Jimmy Luke as Tubby
Gerald Mackey
Douglas Madore (Douglas Arthur Madore)
Tommy O'Neill as Messenger
Eddie 'Red' Small (Eddie Small) as Skinny
Buddy Swan (Paul B. Swan) as Kid
Hornet's Nest [Children at Their Games; Il Vespaio] (1970, IT/US; Film)
Giuseppe Cassuto as Franco
Amedeo Castracane as Tonio
Mark Colleano (Mark Sullivan) as Aldo
Giancarlo Colombaioni as Romeo
Ronald Colombaioni as Mikko
Valerio Colombaioni as Arturo
Giuseppe Coppola as Rico
Luigi Criscuolo as Paolo
Gaetano Danaro as Umberto
Vincenzo Danaro as Silvio
Daniel Dempsey as Giorgio
Mauro Gravina as Carlo
Daniel Keller as Ticchio
Mauro Orsi as Luigi
Maurizio-Fabrizio Tempio as Mario
"The Horns-of-the-Dilemma Affair" (1966) -- Episode of: The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. (1966-67, TV Series), q.v.
Horns Off a Billy Goat (2009; Short)
Dalton O'Dell as Mischievous Son
Horouci srdce [Burning Heart] (1962, CS; Film)
Jiri Polak
The Horrible Honchos (1977; TV Film)
Billy Jacoby (Billy Jayne / William Jayne) as Ivan
Christian Juttner as Hollis
Christopher Maleki as C.C.
The Horrible House on the Hill (1974) -- see: Peopletoys (1974)
Horrid Henry: The Movie (2011; Film)
Tyger Drew-Honey as Stuck-Up Steve
Lloyd Howells as Rude Ralph
Billy Kennedy as Weeping William
Ross Marron as Perfect Peter
Freddie Rose as Schoolboy
Theo Stevenson as Horrid Henry
Joshua-James Thomas as Goody Goody Gordon
Harvey Walsh as Schoolboy
Horror House (2012; Film)
Zachary Haven as Ben
The Horse (1982) -- see: At (1982)
A Horse Called Jester (1979, GB; Film)
Paul Hayden as Bill
Paul Medford (Paul J. Medford) as Leroy
Paul Morris as Moses
Horse-Cart Driver (1972) -- see: Tangewala (1972)
"A Horse Has a Big Head -- Let Him Worry!" (1962) -- Episode of: Naked City (1958-63, TV Series), q.v.
Horse in the House (1978, UK; TV Film)
Keith Macey
"Horse of a Similar Color" (1962) -- Episode of: Outlaws (1960-62, TV Series), q.v.
The Horse of Pride (1980) -- see: Le Cheval D'Orgueil (1980)
The Horse Soldiers (1959, US; Film)
The Horse Thief (1913, US; Short)
Gordon Griffith (Gordon S. Griffith) as Horse Thief
Paul Jacobs (Billy Jacobs)
The Horse Whisperer (1998; Film)
Ty Hillman as Joey Booker
Austin Schwartz as Twin #2
Dustin Schwartz as Twin #1
The Horse Without a Head (1963, GB; Film)
Denis Gilmore [1] as Tatave
Sean Keir as Bonbon
Vincent Winter as Fernand
The Horseman (1964) -- see: Konnikut (1964)
Horsemen (2009; Film)
Liam James as Sean Breslin
The Horsemen (1971, US; Film)
Mark Colleano (Mark Sullivan)
Horsemen of the Sierras (1949, US; Film)
Tommy Ivo
Horses in Winter (1988; Film)
Jacob Tierney (Jacob Daniel Tierney) as Ben Waxman (9)
The Horse's Mouth (1958, GB; Film)
Denis Gilmore [1]
John Langley
Horsie (1951) -- see: Queen for a Day (1951)
"The Hose" (2012) -- Episode of: The Middle (2009-25, TV Series), q.v.
"Hospital" (1998) -- Episode of: Ellen (1994-98, TV Series), q.v.
"Hospital Blues" (1996) -- Episode of: Saved by the Bell: The New Class (1993-00, TV Series), q.v.
Hospital Central (2000-10; TV Series)
--"Ciento doce" (2004)
Junio Valverde (Junio Valverde Gimeno)
Hospital Massacre [X-Ray] (1982, US; Film)
Billy Jacoby (Billy Jayne / William Jayne) as Harry as a Boy
Hospital Services (1946, GB; Film)
Brian Weske
Hosszu az ut hazaig [It's a Long Way Home; The Long Walk Home] (1960, HU; Film)
Sebok Misi (Mihaly Sebok) as Joska
Hosszu Vagta (1983) -- see: The Long Ride (1983)
Hosszu vagta [Brady's Escape] (1983, USA/Hungary; Film)
Kelly Reno as Miki
"Hostage" (1951) -- Episode of: Pulitzer Prize Playhouse (1950-52, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hostage (2005, US; Film)
Jimmy Bennett (James Michael Bennett) as Tommy Smith
Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak as Sean Mack
"The Hostage" (1958) -- Episode of: Northwest Passage (1958-59, TV Series), q.v.
The Hostage (1966, US; Film)
Danny Martins
"The Hostage Child" (1962) -- Episode of: Rawhide (1959-66, TV Series), q.v.
Hostage Negotiator (2001; Film)
Connor Widdows as Brian Foley
Hostages (1943, US; Film)
Charley Bates (James Charles Bates) as Peter
Hostages (2013-14; TV Series)
Mateus Ward (regular, 2013-14) as Jake Sanders
The Hostages (1975; Film)
Stephen Garlick as Peter
Peter Marshall as Tim
"Hostages to Fortune" (1963) -- Episode of: The Rifleman (1958-63, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hostess with the Mostest" (1957) -- Episode of: Playhouse 90 (1956-61, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hostile Advances: The Kerry Ellison Story (1996; TV Film)
Dan Petronijevic (Daniel Petronijevic) as Tim
"The Hostile Heart" (1974) -- Episode of: Medical Center (1969-76, TV Series), q.v.
Hostile Hostages (1994) -- see: The Ref (1994)
Hostile Intentions (1994, US; Film)
Romeo Fabian (Romeo Rene Fabian) as Carlito
"The Hostiles" (1959) -- Episode of: Law of the Plainsman (1959-62, TV Series), q.v.
Hostinec u kamenneho stolu [The Inn With the Stone Gallery] (1949, CS; Film)
Antonin Mikulic
Hot and Cold (1989) -- see: Weekend at Bernie's (1989)
The Hot Box (1972; Film)
The Hot Chick (2002; Film)
Matt Weinberg (Matthew Phillip Weinberg) as Booger
"Hot Date" (1983) -- Episode of: CHiPs (1977-83, TV Series), q.v.
"Hot Dog" (1999) -- Episode of: The Famous Jett Jackson (1998-01, TV Series), q.v.
Hot Dog (1932, US; Short)
Ed Edwards as Vermin Washington
David Gorcey (David Condon) as Sam Williams
Billy Hayes as Penrod Schofield
Billy B. Hayes [1] (William Heyes Jr) as Penrod Schofield
Bobby Jordan as Member of Penrod's Gang
Jackie Kelk as Georgie Bassett
Edward Ryan (Eddie Ryan Jr) as Member of Penrod's Gang
Paul White as Herman Washington
Hot Dogs (1931) -- see: On the Loose (1931)
"Hot for Teacher" (1992) -- Episode of: Blossom (1990-95, TV Series), q.v.
The Hot Gang (1924) -- see: Tyoplaya kompaniya (1924)
Hot in Cleveland (2010-25, US; TV Series)
--"Elka's Snowbird" (2011)
Max Charles as Marcus
--"The Emmy Show" (2011)
Mason Cook (Mason Elston Cook / Mason Cook Elston) as Austin
--"The Play's the Thing" (2010)
Mark Indelicato as Zack
--"Sisterhood of the Travelling SPANX" (2011)
Riley B. Smith as Jacob
The Hot Karl (2001; Film)
Riley Cantner
Hot Lead and Cold Feet (1978, US; Film)
Michael Sharrett (Michael Stuart Sharrett) as Marcus
"Hot Line" (1980) -- Episode of: Trapper John, M.D. (1979-86, TV Series), q.v.
Hot Luck (1928, US; Short)
Malcolm Sabiston ('Big Boy'/Malcolm W. Sabiston/Malcolm Sebastian) as Big Boy
Hot Money (1993) -- see: Money for Nothing (1993)
Hot News (1928, US; Film)
Walter 'Spec' O'Donnell as Spec
A Hot Noon (1964) -- see: Gorechto Pladre (1964)
Hot Off the Press (1935, US; Film)
Mickey Rentschler (Milton Rentschler)
Charles Rosebrook
"Hot Pants" (2002) -- Episode of: 7th Heaven (1996-06, TV Series), q.v.
"Hot Potato" (1998) -- Episode of: Viper (1996-99, TV Series), q.v.
Hot Pursuit (1984; TV Series)
Troy Bishop (Troy Carl Bishop) (guest, 1984) as Danny
The Hot Rock (1972, US; Film)
Andrew Monzon
Hot Rod [Rebel of the Road] (1979; TV Film)
Randy Gray as Lefty
Hot Rod Brown, Class Clown (1990, US; TV Short)
Daniel Collins as Ripper
Bobby Jacoby (Bobby Jayne) as Hedgy
Tobey Maguire (Tobias Maguire) as Rodney 'Hot Rod' Brown
Cory Tyler (Cory Lane Tyler) as Song
"Hot Rod Herman" (1965) -- Episode of: The Munsters (1964-66, TV Series), q.v.
Hot Rods to Hell [52 Miles to Midnight] (1967; Film)
Peter Oliphant as Boy
Tim Stafford as Jamie Phillips
The Hot Shoe Show (1983-84, UK; TV Series)
Daniel Chamberlain (guest, 1984c.)
Chris Chandler (guest, 1984c.)
Danny Cunningham (guest, 1984c.) as Dancer
Richard Holgate (guest, 1984c.)
Alan Justice (guest, 1984c.) as Tap Dancer
Charles Peat (guest, 1984c.) as Dancer
Garey Powell (guest, 1984c.)
Andre Winch (guest, 1984c.)
"Hot Shot" (1981) -- Episode of: Bellamy (1981, TV Series), q.v.
Hot Shots [Bringing Up Joey] (1956, US; Film)
Philip Phillips (Phil Phillips) as Joey Munroe
Hot Shots! 2 (1993) -- see: Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)
Hot Shots! Part Deux [Hot Shots! 2] (1993; Film)
Charlie Abrahams as Snatched Baby
Hot Spur (1968; Film)
"Hot Stuff" (1995) -- Episode of: Baywatch (1989-01, TV Series), q.v.
Hot Stuff [The Best Bust of All] (1979, US; Film)
David deLuise as David Fortunato
Michael DeLuise (Michael Robert DeLuise) as Boy With Fish
Peter deLuise as Peter Fortunato
Hot Summer Daze (2006; Short)
John Chilleri
Hot Summer Winds (1991, US; TV Film)
Rand Takeuchi as Seigo
Hot Tamale (2006; Film)
Christian Boewe (Christian Alan Boewe) as Harlan Woodriff as a Boy
"Hot Tub" (2004) -- Episode of: Malcolm in the Middle (2000-06, TV Series), q.v.
"Hot Under the Collar" (1989) -- Episode of: Rin Tin Tin, K-9 Cop (1988-93, TV Series), q.v.
Hot Water (1924, US; Film)
Mickey McBan as Bobby/Her Little Brother
Billy Rinaldi as Boy
Hot Water [The Jones Family in Hot Water; Too Much Limelight] (1937, US; Film)
George Ernest (Georgie Ernest/George Ruud Hjorth) as Roger Jones
Billy Mahan (William Mahan) as Bobby Jones
Buster Slaven (Matthew Bradley Slaven) as Red
Hot Wires (1931; Short)
Donald Haines (Donald 'Speck' Haines) as Speck
Hotbox (2009; TV Series)
--"Episode #1.4" (2009)
Gage Munroe
Hotdogs and Doughnuts (2008) -- see: Extreme Movie (2008)
Hotel [Arthur Hailey's Hotel] (1983-88, US; TV Series)
--"Cry Wolf" (1985)
Mackenzie Astin (Mackenzie Alexander Astin) as Ben
--"Deceptions" (1983)
Jeremy Licht (Jeremy Adam Licht) as Cat Locatelli
--"Hotel [Pilot]" (1983)
Vernon Scott as Wayne Gardner
--"Identities" (1985)
Danny Ponce (Luis Daniel Ponce) as Anthony
--"New Beginnings" (1985)
Mackenzie Astin (Mackenzie Alexander Astin) as Josh Erikson
--"Prized Possessions" (1987)
Justin Gocke (Justin Earle Gocke) as Jason Garfield
--"Transitions" (1984)
River Phoenix (River Jude Bottom) as Kevin
--"Wins and Losses" (1985)
Harold P. Pruett (Harold 'P' Pruett) as Rod
Hotel Berlin (1945, US; Film)
Dickie Tyler as Bellboy Number 6
Hotel de la Plage [Beach Hotel] (1977, FR; Film)
Lionel Melet
Hotel del Sol (1998; TV Series)
Phillip van Dyke (regular, 1998)
Hotel du Libre-Echange [Free Trade Hotel] (1934, FR; Film)
Serge Grave
Hotel for Dogs [Das Hundehotel] (2009, US; Film)
Jake T. Austin (Jake Toranzo Austin Szymanski) as Bruce
Georgie Del Junco as Kid
Troy Gentile as Mark
Kenny Vibert as Jason
"Hotel Hangout" (2005) -- Episode of: The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (2005-08, TV Series), q.v.
Hotel Imperial (1958-60; TV Series)
--"Changes in the Staff" (1960)
Gordon Pleasant as Page Boy
--"The Cinderella in 104" (1960)
Gordon Pleasant
--"The Leopardess in 424" (1960)
Gordon Pleasant as Page Boy
The Hotel New Hampshire (1984, UK/CA/US; Film)
Seth Green (Seth Benjamin Gesshel-Green) as Egg
Nicholas Podbrey as Boy With Rifle
"Hotel of Dreams" (1984) -- Episode of: Highway to Heaven (1984-89, TV Series), q.v.
Hotel Paraiso (2018; Short)
Piero Arce Alvarez as Abel
Giannantonio Martinez as Omar
Hotel Secrets (1928) -- see: Hotelgeheimnisse (1928)
Hotel Sorrento (1995; Film)
Ben Thomas as Troy Moynihan
"Hotel [Pilot]" (1983) -- Episode of: Hotel (1983-88, TV Series), q.v.
Hotelgeheimnisse [Hotel Secrets] (1928, GE; Film)
Bobby Burns
"Hotline" (2001) -- Episode of: The Famous Jett Jackson (1998-01, TV Series), q.v.
Hotspot (2013; Film)
Harvey Walsh as Alex
Hott 4 Hill (2007; Short)
Shane Carther Thomas (Shane Carther) as Child/Chorus
HottieBoombaLottie (2008; Film)
Zachary Allen as Asher as a Boy
Hou$e of Lie$ (2012-25) -- see: House of Lies (2012-25)
Houdini (1953; Film)
Jon Gardner (John Gardner) as Boy
Houdini (1998, US; TV Film)
Emile Hirsch (Emile Davenport Hirsch) as Harry Houdini as a Boy
Hound-Dog Man (1959, US; Film)
Dennis Holmes as Spud McKinney
Hound Dogs (2011; TV Film)
Gavin Tomas' Brooks as Bat Boy
Ty Parker (Ty Parker Schuette) as Hound Dog Fan
The Hound of Silver Creek (1928, US; Film)
Billy 'Red' Jones
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939, US; Film)
Jack Egger (John Francis Egger) as Boy
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1983, UK; TV Film)
Daniel Chamberlain
Hounded (2001, US; TV Film)
John Armstrong as Hall Monitor
Steven Bendik as Bill Lipka
Shia LaBeouf (Shia Shaide LaBeouf) as Ronny van Dusen
Tahj Mowry (Tahj D. Mowry / Tahj Dayton Mowry) as Jay Martin
Adam Steele as Andy
The Hour Before the Dawn (1944, US; Film)
Ernest Severn (Ernest Hubbard Smuts Severn) as Willie
Raymond Severn as Jim Hetherton as a Boy
The Hour of Destiny (1928) -- see: L'heure du destin (1928)
Hour of the Wolf (1968) -- see: Vargtimmen (1968)
House (2004-12) -- see: House M.D. (2004-12)
House (1986, US; Film)
Eric Silver as Jimmy Cobb
Erik Silver as Jimmy Cobb
Mark Silver as Jimmy Cobb
House (2008; Film)
Jacob Bertrand as Boy
"The House" (2002) -- Episode of: The Dead Zone (2002-07, TV Series), q.v.
House 5 (1990) -- see: La casa 5 (1990)
The House Across the Street (1949; Film)
Billy Gray (William Thomas Gray) as Boy
House Arrest (1995, US; Film)
Mooky Arizona as Matt Finley
Kyle Howard as Grover Beindorf (14)
Patrick McTavish (Patrick Lawrence McTavish)
Josh Wolford
The House at 12 Rose Street (1980, US; TV Short)
Moosie Drier as Bobby Miller
David Hollander (David Jack Hollander) as Nicky Miller
David Hubbard (David Raynr) as Willis M. Franklin
Chris Petersen as Jack Barrett
Timothy Roesch (Timmy Roesch/Timothy P. Roesch) as Dave
House Blend (2002; TV Series)
Josh Hutcherson (Joshua Ryan Hutcherson) (regular, 2002) as Nicky Harper
House Broken (2009, US; Film)
Drew Matthews as Apartment Kid
Nick Nervies (Nickolas Nervies) as Brando
The House Bunny (2008; Film)
Gabriel Rydel-Jurgens as Orphan Boy
The House By the Cemetery (1982) -- see: Quella villa accanto il cimitero (1982)
"House Call" (1960) -- Episode of: The Detectives (1959-62, TV Series), q.v.
House Calls (1979-82, US; TV Series)
--"Kensington Follies" (1980)
Shavar Ross (Shavar Malik Ross)
--"Rising Cost of Poverty" (1982)
Justin Dana
--"A Slight Case of Quarantine" (1980)
David Hollander (David Jack Hollander) as Kevin
House Cleaning (1919, US; Short)
Johnny Carr (John Anthony Carr) as Skinnay
"A House Divided" (2000) -- Episode of: Touched by an Angel (1994-03, TV Series), q.v.
A House Divided (1918, US; Film)
Charles Stuart Blackton as Charles
A House Full of Love (1954) -- see: Ein Haus voll Liebe (1954)
"House Guest" (1962) -- Episode of: The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1955-65, TV Anthology), q.v.
"House Guests" (1992) -- Episode of: Blossom (1990-95, TV Series), q.v.
The House I Live in (1945, US; Short)
Freddie Chapman (Fred Chapman)
Michael Clifton
Teddy Infuhr (Theodore Edward Infuhr)
Harry McKim (Harry Thorne McKim/Harry McKimskims)
Ronnie Ralph (Ronald Ralph Pacini) as Danny
Merrill Rodin (Merrill Guy Rodin)
A House in the Woods (1977, US; TV Film)
Scott Baio (Scott Vincent James Baio) as Lonny
The House in the Woods (1971) -- see: La Maison des bois (1971)
House M.D. [Dr House; House] (2004-12; TV Series)
--"All In" (2006)
Daylon Reese as Michael
--"Big Baby" (2009)
Andy Scott Harris as Johnny
--"Cane and Able" (2006)
Skyler Gisondo as Clancy Green
--"The Confession" (2011)
Blake Bertrand as David Harris
--"Control" (2005)
Joshua Miller [3] (Joshua Milton Miller) as Ricky van Der Meer
--"Cursed" (2005)
Dennis Bendersky as Davey
Daryl Sabara (Daryl Christopher Sabara) as Gabriel Reilich
--"Emancipation" (2008)
Nathan Gamble as Evan
Kyle Silverstein (Kyle Red Silverstein) as Jona
--"Family" (2007)
Dabir Snell as Matty
Jascha Washington as Nick
--"Games" (2007)
Spencir Bridges as Kid #3
--"Gut Check" (2012)
Will Shadley as Duncan Falconer
--"Holding On" (2012)
Joshua Rush as Ryan
--"Instant Karma" (2009)
Tanner Maguire (Tanner James Maguire) as Jack
--"Joy to the World" (2008)
Lucas Till (Lucas Daniel Till) as Simon
--"The Mistake" (2005)
Sterling Beaumon (Sterling Martin Beaumon) as Boy Magician
--"One Day, One Room" (2007)
Drew Matthews as Kid
--"Painless" (2009)
Jake Cherry (Jacob Cherry) as Zach
--"Poison" (2005)
John Patrick Amedori as Matt Davis
--"A Pox on Our House" (2010)
Aaron Refvem (Aaron Pierce Refvem / Aaron Revfem) as Roger
--"Ugly" (2007)
Khleo Thomas (Khaleed Leon Thomas) as Kenny
--"Whac-A-Mole" (2006)
Tanner Blaze (Tanner Blaze Whitlock) as Will Walters
House Nearby (1950) -- see: Casa de vecindad (1950)
The House Next Door (1914; Film)
Johnny Jones (Charles Edward Peil Jr) as Boy
"House of Blues" (1997) -- Episode of: Wings (1990-97, TV Series), q.v.
"House of Blues" (1998) -- Episode of: The Brian Benben Show (1998-00, TV Series), q.v.
House of Bones (2010; TV Film)
Jake Austin Walker as J.J.
House of Buggin' (1995; TV Series)
--"Episode #1.3" (1995)
Michael Sash as John Leguizamo as a Boy
--"Episode #1.8" (1995)
Michael Sash as Jimmy
"House of Caduceus" (1994) -- Episode of: Side Effects (1994-96, TV Series), q.v.
House of Cards (1969; Film)
Barnaby Shaw as Paul de Villemont
House of Cards (1992, US; Film)
John Henderson as Bart Huber
Shiloh Strong (Shiloh King Strong) as Michael Matthews
House of Cards (2013-25; TV Series)
--"Chapter 2" (2013)
Jamie McIntyre as Bruce Woodbury
--"Chapter 4" (2013)
Ben Hyland as Kevin Russo
--"Chapter 5" (2013)
Ben Hyland as Kevin Russo
--"Chapter 9" (2013)
Ben Hyland as Kevin Russo
House of D (2004; Film)
Mark Richard Keith as Pitcher
Anton Yelchin (Anton Victorovich Yelchin) as Tommy Warshaw
House of Dark Shadows (1970; Film)
David Henesy as David Collins
The House of Dies Drear (1984, US; TV Film)
Richard Mills as Kenneth Small
Shavar Ross (Shavar Malik Ross) as Thomas Small
House of Dracula (1945, US; Film)
Gregory Marshall (Gregory Muradian)
"House of Evil" (1972) -- Episode of: Circle of Fear (1972-73, TV Anthology), q.v.
The House of Fear (1915, US; Film)
Yale Boss
Johnny Carr (John Anthony Carr)
Stephen Carr
House of Frankenstein (1997; TV Film)
Colton James as Denny
House of Fury (2005; Film)
Jake Strickland
House of Hammer (1980, UK; TV Anthology)
Lee Carpenter (guest, 1980)
Mark Fisher (guest, 1980)
Justin Ford (guest, 1980)
House of Lies [Hou$e of Lie$] (2012-25; TV Series)
--"" (2013)
Skyler Gisondo as Dylan
--"Episode #3.9" (2014)
Cody Sullivan as Coltrane
--"Family Values" (2013)
Jake Elliott (Jakob Sarkissian) as Dancer #3
"The House of Luthor" (1994) -- Episode of: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993-97, TV Series), q.v.
"House of Mirrors" (1972) -- Episode of: Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969-76, TV Series), q.v.
The House of Mirrors (1916; Film)
Jack Curtis
House of Mystery (1935) -- see: La maison du mystere (1935)
The House of Mystery (1922) -- see: La Maison de mystere (1922)
"The House of No Return" (1997) -- Episode of: Goosebumps (1995-97, TV Anthology), q.v.
"House of Pain" (2008) -- Episode of: The Cleaner (2008-09, TV Series), q.v.
House of Payne [Tyler Perry's House of Payne] (2006-12, US; TV Series)
--"Do the Hustle" (2012)
Bobb'e J. Thompson (Bobbe'J Turner-Thompson) as Deshawn
--"Paternity and Fraternity" (2007)
David Lambert as Jalen
--"The Payne Gang" (2011)
Bobb'e J. Thompson (Bobbe'J Turner-Thompson) as Deshawn
The House of Rothschild (1934, US; Film)
Cullen Johnson as Rothschild Boy
Gerald Pierce (Billy Gerald Pierce) as Rothschild Boy
House of Sand and Fog (2003; Film)
Jonathan Ahdout as Esmail
Max Jansen Weinstein as Nate
House of Satisfaction (2008; Film)
Jaymie Dornan as Eliot
House of Settlement (1949) -- see: Mr Soft Touch (1949)
The House of the Bories (1969) -- see: La Maison des Bories (1969)
"The House of the Rising Flan" (1986) -- Episode of: L.A. Law (1986-94, TV Series), q.v.
The House of the Spirits (1993; Film)
Josh Maguire as Pedro as a Boy
House of Women (1962, US; Film)
Drew Vigen (Drew Forrest) as Tommy
The House of Yes (1997, US; Film)
David Love
The House on 92nd Street [Now It Can Be Told] (1945, US; Film)
Tom Brown [2] as Intern
"The House on Hyde Street" (1973) -- Episode of: The Streets of San Francisco (1972-77, TV Series), q.v.
"The House on Judas Street" (1955) -- Episode of: Pepsi Cola Playhouse (1953-55, TV Anthology), q.v.
The House on Telegraph Hill (1951, US; Film)
Gordon Gebert (Gordon Alan Gebert III) as Christopher
House on the Hill (1970) -- see: Quarantined (1970)
"The House Painter" (1956) -- Episode of: Father Knows Best (1954-63, TV Series), q.v.
House Painting (2010; Short)
Mateus Ward as Larry Sloan as a Boy
"House Party" (1996) -- Episode of: Flash Forward (1996-97, TV Series), q.v.
"House Party" (2010) -- Episode of: Jonas (2009-10, TV Series), q.v.
The House Party (1915, US; Film)
Albert Hackett
House Party: Tonight's the Night (2013; Film)
Sven Ruygrok as Simon
Julian Works as Dj Bootytime
House Rules (1988-89; TV Series)
--"The Honourable Housewife" (1988)
Jeffrey Walker as Youngest Son
The House That Bled to Death (1980; TV Film)
Daniel Kipling
The House That Half Jack Built (1979; TV Short)
Kevin Dudley
Aidan McNulty
Tim Rail
The House That Jack Built (1911, US; Film)
Jack Pickford (John C. Smith Jr)
The House That Screamed (1969) -- see: La Residencia (1969)
"A House to Die For" (1995) -- Episode of: Wings (1990-97, TV Series), q.v.
The House With a Clock in Its Walls (1979) -- see: Once Upon a Midnight Scary (1979)
The House with a Clock in its Walls (2018; Film)
Owen Vaccaro as Lewis Barnavelt
The House with the Golden Windows (1916, US; Film)
Paul Jacobs (Billy Jacobs)
House Without Windows (1975) -- see: Seven Alone (1975)
Houseboat (1958, US; Film)
Charles Herbert (Charles Herbert Saperstein) as Robert Winters
Paul Petersen (William Paul Petersen) as David Winters
Housebound (2000; Film)
Jesse Joseph Rambis (Jesse Rambis) as Kid #1
Houseguest (1995; Film)
Chauncey Leopardi as Jason Young
The Housekeeper (1986) -- see: A Judgment in Stone (1986)
Housekeeping (2013, US; Short)
Landon Gimenez
Housemaster (1938, GB; Film)
Henry Hepworth
Houses Without Fences (1973) -- see: Kushti bez ogradi (1973)
Housewife (1934, US; Film)
Ronnie Cosby (Ronald Lee Cosbey) as Buddy Reynolds
"Housey House" (1998) -- Episode of: The Bill (1984-10, TV Series), q.v.
Houston, We've Got a Problem (1974, US; Film)
Eric Shea as Mikey Matthews
How a Horseshoe Upset a Happy Family (1913, US; Film)
Yale Boss
How a Legend Was Born (1976) -- see: Tak Nachinalas Legenda (1976)
"How About a Friendly Shrink?" (2010) -- Episode of: Desperate Housewives (2004-12, TV Series), q.v.
How Baxter Butted In [Hero Stuff] (1925, US; Film)
Turner Savage as Jimmy Baxter
How Billy Kept His Word (1914, GB; Film)
Eric Desmond (Reginald Sheffield)
How Bobby Called Her Bluff (1914, US; Film)
Yale Boss
How Bobby Joined the Circus (1912, US; Film)
Yale Boss
"How Can People Be So Mean? (Ft. GloZell Green)" (2012) -- Episode of: Eric Finley: Comment Counselor (2012, TV Series), q.v.
"How Chance Made Lincoln President" (1955) -- Episode of: TV Reader's Digest (1955-56, TV Anthology), q.v.
How Cissy Made Good (1915, US; Film)
Bobby Connelly
How Could You Jean? (1918, US; Film)
Wesley Barry (Freckles Barry) as Morley Boy
Burwell Hamrick (Burwell Hemerick) as Morley Boy
How Do I Love Thee? (1970; Film)
Clinton Robinson as Tommy Waltz as a Boy (11)
How Do I Tell My Child? (1970) -- see: Wie sag ich's meinem Kinde (1970)
How Do the Holes Get Into the Cheese? (1932) -- see: Wie kommen die Locher in den Kase? (1932)
How Do We Tell Our Children? (1945) -- see: Wie sagen wir es unseren Kindern? (1945)
How Do You Know (2010; Film)
Jacob Bertrand as Boy
"How Do You Know if it's Really Love?" (1970) -- Episode of: The Courtship of Eddie's Father (1969-72, TV Series), q.v.
How Do You Like My Sister? (1963) -- see: Comment trouvez-vous ma soeur? (1963)
"How Do You Spell Faith" (1998) -- Episode of: Touched by an Angel (1994-03, TV Series), q.v.
How Do You Want Me? (1998-99; TV Series)
--"Floppy, But Not Too Floppy" (1998)
Max Beavis as School Boy
"How Fantasy Football Stole Christmas" (2013) -- Episode of: Sketchy (2012-14, TV Series), q.v.
"How Green Was My Grass" (1968) -- Episode of: Bewitched (1964-72, TV Series), q.v.
How Green Was My Valley (1941, US; Film)
Robert Anderson (Bobby Anderson [1])
Roddy McDowall (Roderick Andrew Anthony Jude McDowall) as Huw Morgan
Harry McKim (Harry Thorne McKim/Harry McKimskims) as Boy
Clifford Severn Jr as Mervyn
'Mister' Wells
How Green Was My Valley (1975, UK; TV Film)
Dominic Guard as Huw Morgan
Rhys Powys as Huw Morgan as a Child
"How Howard Won His C" (1962) -- Episode of: Bachelor Father (1957-62, TV Series), q.v.
How I Got Into College (1989; Film)
Leon Fan as Asian Student
"How I Got My Gash" (2009) -- Episode of: Beautiful People (2008-09, TV Series), q.v.
"How I Got My Shrunken Head" (1998) -- Episode of: Goosebumps (1995-97, TV Anthology), q.v.
"How I Got Over" (1994) -- Episode of: Thea (1993-94, TV Series), q.v.
How I Kidnap the Baby (1976) -- see: Come ti rapisco il pupo (1976)
How I Live Now (2013; Film)
Tom Holland (Thomas Stanley Holland) as Isaac
How I Met Your Mother [H.I.M.Y.M.] (2005-14; TV Series)
--"Baby Talk" (2010)
Jadon Sand (Jadon David Sand/Jadan Sands) as Rob Greenberg
--"Benefits" (2009)
Ethan Dizon as Ben
--"Columns" (2007)
Preston Bailey as Kindergartner
--"Disaster Averted" (2011)
Dusan Brown as Kid
--"Dowisetrepla" (2007)
Michael William Arnold (Michael Arnold) as Marshall's Son
--"The Fight" (2008)
Davis Cleveland as Andy
Ethan Dizon as Ben
--"Hopeless" (2011)
Will Shadley as Jj Whitaker
--"How Lily Stole Christmas" (2009)
Zachary Gordon (Zachary Adam Gordon) as Boy
--"Last Cigarette Ever" (2009)
Tyler Peterson as Marshall Eriksen as a Boy (13)
--"Legendaddy" (2011)
Will Shadley as Jj Whitaker
--"Life Among the Gorillas" (2006)
Tyler Peterson as Marshall Eriksen as a Boy (13)
--"Murtaugh" (2009)
Andrew Astor as Addison
Charlie Stewart as Kenny
--"The Pre-Nup" (2012)
Blake Bertrand as Marvin Eriksen Jr
Gibson Bobby Sjobeck (Gibson Sjobeck) as Marcus Eriksen
--"Right Place Right Time" (2009)
Tanner Maguire (Tanner James Maguire) as Barney Stinson as a Boy (12)
Austin Majors as Matthew Panning as a Boy (12)
--"Showdown" (2007)
Tanner Maguire (Tanner James Maguire) as Barney Stinson as a Boy (12)
--"Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of the Slap" (2009)
Jonathan Morgan Heit as Boy
--"Something Blue" (2007)
Gattlin Griffith (Gattlin Tadd Griffith) as Boy
--"Something Old" (2013)
Billy 4 Johnston (Billy Johnston) as Tanner
Albert Tsai as Kaden
--"The Stinsons" (2009)
Zachary Gordon (Zachary Adam Gordon) as Grant
--"Twelve Horny Women" (2012)
Jake Elliott (Jakob Sarkissian) as Marvin Eriksen as a Teen (14)
--"Who Wants to Be a Godparent" (2012)
Jake Elliott (Jakob Sarkissian) as Marvin Eriksen as a Teen (14)
August Maturo as Marvin Eriksen as a Boy (6)
--"The Yips" (2007)
Tanner Maguire (Tanner James Maguire) as Barney Stinson as a Boy (12)
How I Play Golf, by Bobby Jones No.5 (1931) -- see: The Medium Irons (1931)
How I Saved the President (1995) -- see: The Undercover Kid (1995)
"How I Saved the Senator" (1990) -- Episode of: 21 Jump Street (1987-91, TV Series), q.v.
How I Spent My Summer (1990) -- see: Camp Cucamonga (1990)
How I Survived the Zombie Apocalypse (2009; Film)
Booboo Stewart (Nils Allen Stewart Jr / BooBoo Torra) as Son
How I Won the War (1968; Film)
"How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation" (1989) -- Episode of: The Wonder Years (1988-93, TV Series), q.v.
How it Was With Dooms (2005) -- see: Duma (2005)
"How Jack Found Mary" (1954) -- Episode of: The Jack Benny Program (1950-65, TV Series), q.v.
"How Lily Stole Christmas" (2009) -- Episode of: How I Met Your Mother (2005-14, TV Series), q.v.
How Litt1e Peter Visited Lenin (1924) -- see: Kak Petyunka yezdil k Ilyichi (1924)
How Many Miles to Babylon (1982, UK; TV Film)
Oscar O'Lochlainn as Alex as a Boy
How Many Roads (1969) -- see: The Lost Man (1969)
How Mary met Frederick, Rebus the donkey, Ploughman the kangaroo, and . . . (1969) -- see: Hur Marie traffade Fredrik, asnan Rebus, kangarun Ploj och . .
How McDougall Topped the Score (1924, US; Film)
Wesley Barry (Freckles Barry) as McDougall Jr
How Millie Became an Actress (1912, US; Film)
Paul Kelly
"How Much Do You Love Your Kid?" (2003) -- Episode of: The Twilight Zone (2002-03, TV Anthology), q.v.
How My Dad Killed Dracula (2008; Short)
Maxim Knight as Todd
How She Move (2007; Film)
Brennan Paul Gademans (Brennan Gademans) as Quake
"How Sock Met Mandy" (1955) -- Episode of: The People's Choice (1955-58, TV Series), q.v.
How Spry I Am (1942, US; Film)
Paul Bryant (Paul C. Bryant)
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998; Film)
Michael Pagan (Michael Jamon Pagan) as Quincy Payne
Michael J. Pagan (Michael Jamon Pagan) as Quincy Payne
How Sweet It Is (2013; Film)
Gibson Bobby Sjobeck (Gibson Sjobeck) as Timmy
How Sweet It Is! (1968, US; Film)
Donald Losby (Don Losby / Donald A. Losby Jr) as Davey
How the Boys Fought the Indians (1912, US; Film)
Yale Boss
Andy Clark
"How The Finch Stole Christmas" (1999) -- Episode of: ER (1994-09, TV Series), q.v.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas [As; Dr Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christm; The Grinch] (2000; Film)
Ben Bookbinder as Augustus Maywho (8)
Aaron Hamill as Extra
Mason Lucero as Who Boy
How the Hell am I Normal? (2013-25) -- see: The Goldbergs (2013-25)
"How the Light Gets In" (2013) -- Episode of: Cracked (2013, TV Series), q.v.
How the West Was Won (1962, US; Film)
Kim Charney as Sam Prescott
Stanley Livingston (Stanley Bernard Livingston) as Prescott Rawlings
Bryan Russell as Zeke Prescott
Joey Scott
How the West Was Won [The Macahans] (1977, US; TV Film)
Todd Lookinland (Eric Todd Lookinland) as Joshua Hanks
Pat Petersen (Patrick J. Petersen)
Guillermo San Juan as Jeremiah
How the West was Won (1978-79, US; TV Series)
Justin Lundin (guest, 1978-79) as Boy
Kristopher Marquis (Kris Marquis) (guest, 1978) as Tommy Gant
Pat Petersen (Patrick J. Petersen) (guest, 1978) as Jeffrey
David Yanez (guest, 1978) as Manuel
--"The Forgotten" (1979)
Brad Wilkin as Billy Twiggs
"How to Be a Hero Without Really Trying" (1963) -- Episode of: My Favorite Martian (1963-66, TV Series), q.v.
How to be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days (1983, US; TV Film)
B.J. Barie (John Oellerich) as Norbert Sandhill
Ned Boyd as Frankie Crimpley
Neal Fauntleroy as Bully
Ilan Mitchell-Smith (Ilan M. Mitchell-Smith) as Milo Crimpley
Jason O'Neill as Bully
How to Be a Woman and Not Die (1991) -- see: Como ser mujer y no morir en el intento (1991)
How to Be a Woman and Not Die Trying (1991) -- see: Como ser mujer y no morir en el intento (1991)
How to Be Indie (2009-11; TV Series)
Dylan Everett (Dylan Philip Everett) (regular, 2009-11) as Marlon Parks
How to Beat the High Co$t of Living (1980, US; TV Film)
"How to Build a Brand" (2014) -- Episode of: Survivor's Remorse (2014-25, TV Series), q.v.
How to Bury Betty (2008; Short)
Brandon Salgado as George as a Boy
How to Eat Fried Worms (2006, US; Film)
Alexander Agate as Donny Pickett
Stephan Bender
Luke Benward (Luke Aaron Benwerd) as Billy
Philip Bolden (Philip Daniel Bolden) as Bradley
Blake Garrett (Nolan Blake Garrett) as Plug
Andrew Gillingham as Techno Mouth
Alexander Gould (Alexander Jerome Gould) as Twitch
Adam Hicks (Adam Paul Nielson Hicks) as Joe
Nick Krause (Nicholas Krause) as Nigel
Ryan Malgarini as Benjy
Ty Panitz as Woody
Austin Rogers as Adam Simms
Blake Garrett Rosenthal as Plug
Herman Whitney III as Sea Turtle
How to Eat Like a Child (1980, US; TV Film)
Corey Feldman (Corey Scott Feldman)
Andy Freeman (Andrew Freeman)
Brandon Goldstein
Billy Jacoby (Billy Jayne / William Jayne)
John Louie (John Corwin Louie) as John
Georg Olden
Ricky Segall
"How to Get a Head in Show Business" (1997) -- Episode of: Cybill (1995-98, TV Series), q.v.
How to Get the Man's Foot Outta Your Ass (2003) -- see: Baadasssss! (2003)
How to Handle Women (1928, US; Film)
Elmo Billings (Elmo G. Ludwick)
"How to Kill a Monster" (1996) -- Episode of: Goosebumps (1995-97, TV Anthology), q.v.
"How to Kill a Soldier" (1966) -- Episode of: Blue Light (1966, TV Series), q.v.
"How to Kiss Hello" (2007) -- Episode of: October Road (2007-08, TV Series), q.v.
"How to Kiss Hello" (2008) -- Episode of: October Road (2007-08, TV Series), q.v.
How to Make a Monster (2001; TV Film)
Aaron Fors (Aaron L. Fors) as Kid
How to Make an American Quilt (1995, US; Film)
Will Nipper (Will Estes) as Boy at Party
Jonah Rooney
Matthew Zusser (Matt Zusser) as Pres
How to Make It in America (2010-11; TV Series)
--"Unhappy Birthday" (2010)
John D'Leo as Apartment Brother
How to Make Love Like an Englishman (2014; Film)
Giovanni Pizarro as School Kid
How to Marry a Millionaire (1957-59, US; TV Series)
--"The Brat" (1957)
Tommy Nolan (Butch Bernard/Bernard Girouard) as Austin Beaumont Jr
--"It's a Dog's Life" (1957)
Jimmy West (Jimmie West)
How to Raise a Baby (1938, US; Film)
Ricardo Cezon (Ricardo Lord Cezon)
"How to Raise a Boy" (1955) -- Episode of: Cavalcade of America (1952-57, TV Anthology), q.v.
How to Rock (2012; TV Series)
--"How to Rock a Part-Time Job" (2012)
Suraj Partha as Boy
--"How to Rock a Yearbook" (2012)
Luis Anthony as Ollie
"How to Rock a Part-Time Job" (2012) -- Episode of: How to Rock (2012, TV Series), q.v.
"How to Rock a Yearbook" (2012) -- Episode of: How to Rock (2012, TV Series), q.v.
"How to Steal a Submarine" (1975) -- Episode of: Hawaii Five-0 (1968-80, TV Series), q.v.
"How to Succeed in Business" (1973) -- Episode of: The Brady Bunch (1969-74, TV Series), q.v.
"How to Succeed in Business Without Really Dying" (1992) -- Episode of: Herman's Head (1991-94, TV Series), q.v.
"How to Succeed in Day Care" (1988) -- Episode of: Day by Day (1988-89, TV Series), q.v.
"How To Succeed in Television Without Really Trying" (1968) -- Episode of: Green Acres (1965-71, TV Series), q.v.
How Tommy Saved His Father (1912, US; Film)
Kenneth Casey
"How Ugly Is He?" (1984) -- Episode of: The Cosby Show (1984-92, TV Series), q.v.
How Villains Are Made (1914; Short)
Gordon Griffith (Gordon S. Griffith) as Villain
Howard Hawks' Monkey Business (1952) -- see: Monkey Business (1952)
Howard Stern's Private Parts (1997) -- see: Private Parts (1997)
The Howards of Virginia [The Tree of Liberty] (1940, US; Film)
Conrad Binyon (Conrad Ambress Binyon) as Neighbor Boy
Bobby Callahan (Robert Callahan)
Douglas Cooper
William Crankshaw
Ralph Gilliam
J. Franklin Harrison (Jay Harrison)
Dickie Jones (Dick Jones / Richard Percy Jones) as Matt Howard as a Boy (12)
Bobby Larson (Robert Boyce Larson)
Leonard Lawrence
Richard Lyon as Peyton Howard as a Boy
Kent O'Dell
Buster Phelps (Silas Vernon Phelps Jr) as Thomas Jefferson (11)
Jerry Rush as Peyton
Glenn Stokes
Howards' Way (1985-90; TV Series)
--"Episode #5.5" (1989)
Kelly George as Ted
--"Episode #5.6" (1989)
Kelly George as Ted
"The Howler" (2001) -- Episode of: The Nightmare Room (2001-02, TV Anthology), q.v.
"The Howling Ghost" (2013) -- Episode of: Spooksville Freak Files (2013, TV Series), q.v.
A Howling Success (1923; Short)
Buddy Messinger (Buddy Messenger) as Hotel Bellhop
How's Business (1991, GB; Film)
Benjamin Brazier (Ben Brazier)
How's Your Father? (1979-80; TV Series)
--"The One That Got Away" (1980)
Michael McVey as Boy #1
--"Wedding Bells" (1979)
Keith Jayne as Peter Simkin
Hrabenka z Podskali [The Countess of Podskal] (1925, CS; Film)
Adolf Branald
Hsiao taofan [Teenage Fugitive] (1984, TW; Film)
Wang C.
Hu$tle (2004) -- see: Hustle (2004)
Huang Tudi [Yellow Earth] (1984, CN; Film)
Liu Qiang
Liu Quiang
Hubertusjagd [St Hubert's Hunt] (1959, DE; Film)
Sascha Hehn
Huck and the King of Hearts (1993; Film)
Chauncey Leopardi as Huck
Jacob Vargas as Pedro
Huck Finn (1973) -- see: Sovsem propashchi (1973)
Huck Finn in the 20th Century (1982, US; TV Film)
Sheff Chastain (Sheffield Chastain) (unconfirmed)
Huckleberry Finn (1939) -- see: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1939)
Huckleberry Finn (1960) -- see: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1960)
Huckleberry Finn (1919, US; Film)
Gordon Griffith (Gordon S. Griffith) as Tom Sawyer
Howard Ralston as Boy
Lewis Sargent (Lew Sargent / Louis Sergeant) as Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn (1920; Film)
Gordon Griffith (Gordon S. Griffith) as Tom Sawyer
Lewis Sargent (Lew Sargent / Louis Sergeant) as Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn (1931, US; Film)
Jackie Coogan (John Leslie Coogan Jr) as Tom Sawyer
Junior Durkin (Trent Bernard Durkin) as Huckleberry Finn
Dannie Mac Grant (Daniel M. Grant)
Jackie Searl (Jackie Searle/John E. Searl) as Sidney Sawyer
Huckleberry Finn (1974, US; Film)
Jeff East as Huckleberry Finn
John Schwartzman as Boy at Auction
Huckleberry Finn (Stage)
Raymond Pearson (1939c.)
Huckleberry Finn (1975, US; TV Film)
Clint Howard as Arch
Ronny Howard (Ron Howard/Ronald William Howard) as Huckleberry Finn
Donny Most
Huckleberry Finn (1952; TV Series)
--"Jackson's Island" (1952)
John Levitt as Tommy Barnes
--"The Widow Douglas's" (1952)
John Levitt as Tommy Barnes
Huckleberry Finn and His Friends [The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and His Friends] (1979, US; TV Series)
Bernie Coulson (regular, 1979) as Sid Sawyer
Sammy Snyders (regular, 1979) as Tom Sawyer
Ian Tracey (regular, 1979) as Huckleberry Finn
--"Love in Bloom" (1979)
Stuart Mackenzie as Boy
--"Welcome, Neighbor" (1979)
Chris Lippingwell as New Boy
Hud (1963; Film)
David Kent as Donald
Hudodelci (1987; Film)
Marko Ratic as Decak
The Hudson Brothers Razzle Dazzle Show (1974-75; TV Series)
Scott Fisher [1] (regular, 1974-75)
Hudson Street (1995-96, US; TV Series)
Mikey Becker (guest, 1995)
Jordan Benedict (guest, 1995)
Frankie J. Galasso (Frankie Galasso) (regular, 1995-96) as Mickey Canetti
Grant Hoover (guest, 1995)
--"Here's Just Looking at You, Kid" (1995)
David Netter as Charlie
--"Mickey the Hood" (1995)
Jesse Stock as Joey Capazolla
Hue and Cry (1946, GB; Film)
Douglas Barr
The Blood & Thunder Boys
Hue and Cry (1947; Film)
Johnny Briggs
Huele a gas (1986; Film)
Christopher Lago
!Huff (2004-06) -- see: Huff (2004-06)
Huff [!Huff] (2004-06; TV Series)
Anton Yelchin (Anton Victorovich Yelchin) (regular, 2004-06) as Byrd Huffstodt
--"Christmas Is Ruined" (2005)
Skyler Gisondo as Jackson Coleman
--"Cold Day in Shanghai" (2004)
Alex Black as Tim Winnick
Jesse Plemons as Dawson James
--"Lipstick on Your Panties" (2004)
Alex Black as Tim Winnick
The Hugga Bunch (1985, US; TV Film)
Carl Steven (Carl Stephen) as Andrew Severson
Hugh Hefner: The True Story (1999) -- see: Hefner: Unauthorized (1999)
The Hughleys (1998-02, US; TV Series)
Dee Jay Daniels (Dorjan Lyndell Daniels) (regular, 1998-02) as Michael Hughley
Connor Matheus (regular, 1998-99) as Otto (9)
--"Bored of the Rings" (2002)
Ian Meltzer as Otto
--"Directed by Darryl Hughley" (2002)
Ian Meltzer as Otto
--"Go with the Flow" (2001)
Kenneth Schmidt (Kenneth Eugene Schmidt) as Larry
--"I Beat the Kids Honey" (1999)
Sean Marquette as Tommy
--"I'm Dreaming of a Slight Christmas" (2001)
Philip Bolden (Philip Daniel Bolden) as Philip
--"Jump the Jump" (2002)
DeVaughn Nixon (DeVaughn W. Nixon / De'Vaughn Walter Nixon) as Derek / Kevin
--"Jungle Gym Fever" (1999)
Jake Dinwiddie as Ralph
--"Mid-Wife Crisis" (2001)
Brenden Jefferson (Brenden Richard Jefferson) as Danny
Martin Spanjers as Myles
--"One Foot in the Grave-y" (2002)
Ian Meltzer as Otto
--"Stormy Weather" (2002)
Ian Meltzer as Otto
--"When Darryl Bumped Sally" (2001)
Martin Spanjers as Myles
"Hugo" (1981) -- Episode of: Maybury (1981-83, TV Series), q.v.
Hugo [The Invention of Hugo Cabret] (2011; Film)
Shaun Aylward as Street Kid
Asa Butterfield (Asa Maxwell Thornton Farr Butterfield) as Hugo Cabret
Gulliver McGrath as Rene Tabard as a Boy
Ed Sanders (Edward Sanders) as Rene Tabard's Brother as a Boy
Hugo and Josephine (1967) -- see: Hugo och Josefin (1967)
Hugo och Josefin [Hugo and Josephine] (1967, SE; Film)
Fredrik Becklen as Hugo
Fredrik Becklin as Hugo
"Huh" (1998) -- Episode of: Any Day Now (1998-02, TV Series), q.v.
L'Huitre et la perle (1964; TV Film)
Didier Haudepin (Didier Audephin) as Clay
Hukum ka ekka [Ace of Spades] (1939, IN; Film)
Anant Marathe
"Hulk Arnold" (1993) -- Episode of: The Wonder Years (1988-93, TV Series), q.v.
Hull High (1990; TV Series)
--"Episode #1.1" (1990)
Carl Steven (Carl Stephen) as Michael
Hullabaloo (2001-06) -- see: Ramdam (2001-06)
Hullabaloo (1940, US; Film)
Payne Johnson (Payne B. Johnson) as Boy
Larry Nunn (Richard Larry Nunn) as Terry Merriweather
Hullabaloo (1965-66; TV Series)
Robert Ader (guest, 1965)
Ronnie Douglas (guest, 1965)
Edward Luis Espinoza (guest, 1965)
Hum panchhi ek dai ke [We Birds of One Branch] (1956, IN; Film)
Romi Kapoor (Master Romi)
Hum sub chor hain [The Criminals] (1973, IN; Film)
Master Satyajit
"The Human Bomb" (1955) -- Episode of: Captain Midnight (1954-58, TV Series), q.v.
Human Cargo (1936, US; Film)
Billy O'Brien (Billie O'Brien)
Human Cargo (2004; TV Film)
Devin Douglas Drewitz as Cameron Fischer
Wright Ngubane as Noba
The Human Clay (1955) -- see: El Barro humano (1955)
The Human Comedy (1943, US; Film)
Conrad Binyon (Conrad Ambress Binyon) as Gang Member
Darryl Hickman (Darryl Gerard Hickman) as Lionel
David Holt (David Jack Holt)
Jackie 'Butch' Jenkins (Jack Dudley Jenkins) as Ulysses MacAuley
Payne Johnson (Payne B. Johnson) as Boy Stealing Peaches
Darwood Kaye (Darwood 'Waldo' Kaye/Darwood Kenneth Smith)
Gerald Mackey
Douglas Madore (Douglas Arthur Madore)
Anthony Mazzola as Hajohn Ara
Dickie Meyers
Drew Roddy (Claude Andrew Roddy)
Mickey Rooney (Mickey McGuire [1]/ Ninian Joseph Yule Jr) as Homer MacAuley
Bobby Samarzich (Bobby Smarzich/Bobby Samrich) as Gang Member
'Alfalfa' Switzer (Carl Dean Switzer) as Augie
Freddie Walburn (Fred 'Slicker' Walburn)
Rudy Wissler (Rudy Breiker Wissler / Ruddy Whistler) as Gang Member
The Human Comedy (1964, US; TV Series)
Jimmy Honer (regular, 1964) as Ulysses MacAuley
Tim Rooney (Timothy Rooney) (regular, 1964) as Homer MacAuley
Human Dregs (1920) -- see: Zavorra umana (1920)
"The Human Element" (1970) -- Episode of: Nanny and the Professor (1970-71, TV Series), q.v.
"The Human Equation" (1955) -- Episode of: Science Fiction Theatre (1955-57, TV Anthology), q.v.
"The Human Factor" (1959) -- Episode of: Markham (1959-60, TV Series), q.v.
The Human Factor (1980; Film)
Gary Forbes as Sam
The Human Factor (1992, US; TV Series)
Dylan Day (guest, 1992) as Jory D'Arch (7)
The Human Fish (1931; Short)
Billy Haggerty (Master Billie Haggerty)
Mickey Rentschler (Milton Rentschler)
"Human Gas" (2004) -- Episode of: Alienated (2003-04, TV Series), q.v.
Human Giant (2007-08, US; TV Series)
--"Duffel Bag of Death" (2008)
Bobb'e J. Thompson (Bobbe'J Turner-Thompson) as Bobb'e J
--"I Want More Corn Chowder" (2008)
Bobb'e J. Thompson (Bobbe'J Turner-Thompson) as Bobb'e J
--"Kneel Before Zerg" (2007)
Bobb'e J. Thompson (Bobbe'J Turner-Thompson) as Bobb'e J
--"Let's Go" (2007)
Bobb'e J. Thompson (Bobbe'J Turner-Thompson) as Bobb'e J
--"Lil 9-11" (2007)
Andrew Astor as President Bush as a Boy
--"Still Here, Man. Still Here." (2008)
Bobb'e J. Thompson (Bobbe'J Turner-Thompson) as Bobb'e J
--"Ta Da" (2007)
Anthony del Negro as Lemonade Boy
The Human Jungle (1954; Film)
Steve Stevens
The Human Jungle (1966, GB; Film)
Mark Lester (Mark Alexander Letzer)
The Human Jungle (1963-64, GB; TV Series)
--"Heartbeats in a Tin Box" (1964)
Christopher Witty as Stone
--"Success Machine" (1964)
Michael Audreson as Robin
Human Nature (Stage)
Edwin Mills (Master Edwin Mills) as Dicky Langdon (1925)
"The Human Operators" (1999) -- Episode of: The Outer Limits (1995-02, TV Anthology), q.v.
The Human Side (1934, US; Film)
George Ernest (Georgie Ernest/George Ruud Hjorth) as Tom Sheldon
Dickie Moore (John Richard Moore Jr)
Human Sparrows (1926) -- see: Sparrows (1926)
Human Target (1992, US; TV Series)
--"Pilot" (1992)
Luke Edwards (Lucas Daniel Edwards) as Sam
The Human Tragedy (1944) -- see: Radio Bugs (Our Gang short) (1944)
Humanite (1925) -- see: Le Coeur des gueux (1925)
"The Humanization of Herbert T. Peabody" (1970) -- Episode of: Nanny and the Professor (1970-71, TV Series), q.v.
Humanoids from the Deep [Roger Corman Presents Humanoids from the Deep] (1996, US; TV Film)
Patrick McTavish (Patrick Lawrence McTavish) as Junior Lamb
Shane Sweet (Christopher Shane Sweet) as Timmy Sanders
Humans (1919) -- see: Menschen (1919)
Humans (2015-25; TV Series)
--"Episode #1.1" (2015)
Theo Stevenson as Toby
"Humbug" (1995) -- Episode of: The X Files (1993-02, TV Series), q.v.
Humdinger (2012; Film)
Jake Ryan (Jake Schlueter) as Sonny Magowitz as a Boy
"Humiliated" (2000) -- Episode of: Nikki (2000-02, TV Series), q.v.
"Humilithon" (2002) -- Episode of: Malcolm in the Middle (2000-06, TV Series), q.v.
Humlog [We People] (1951, IN; Film)
Rattan Kumar (Master Rattan)
The Hummingbird Tree (1992; Film)
Tom Beasley as Alan Holmes
"Humongous Growth" (2002) -- Episode of: Will and Grace (1998-06, TV Series), q.v.
Humoreska [Humoresque] (1939, CS; Film)
Vladimir Salac as Hynek as a Teen
Humoresque (1939) -- see: Humoreska (1939)
Humoresque (1920, US; Film)
Milton Berlinger (Mendel Berlinger / Milton Berle)
Bobby Connelly
Humoresque (1946, US; Film)
Gary Armstrong ('Rusty' Armstrong)
Bobby Blake (Robert Blake/Michael James Vijencio Gubitosi) as Paul Boray as a Boy
Tommy Cook
Paul Dunn
Charles Kenworthy
Humpty Dumpty (1951) -- see: The Guy Who Came Back (1951)
"Humpty Dumpty" (1988) -- Episode of: Jim Henson's Mother Goose Stories (1987-90, TV Anthology), q.v.
"Humpty Dumpty" (1999) -- Episode of: ER (1994-09, TV Series), q.v.
"Humpty Dumpty" (2007) -- Episode of: Super Why! (2007-09, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hunch" (1959) -- Episode of: Lawman (1958-62, TV Series), q.v.
Hunchback (1982) -- see: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1982)
The Hunchback (1914, GB; Film)
Eric Desmond (Reginald Sheffield)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939, US; Film)
Richard Murray Court (Richard Court)
Teddy Frye (Ted Frye)
Mitchell Singing Boys (St Brendan's Boy Choir)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Stage)
Adam Paredes (Adam Robert Paredes) (1997c.)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame [Hunchback] (1982, UK; TV Film)
Joey Baxter
Andrew Brooks
Floyd Elsworth
Christopher Lee
Neil Mogey
Darren Traynor
Das Hundehotel (2009) -- see: Hotel for Dogs (2009)
"Hundeleben" (2010) -- Episode of: Danni Lowinski (2010-13, TV Series), q.v.
Hundra dragspel och en flicka [100 Accordions and a Girl] (1946, SE; Film)
Anders Nystrom
Hundred Days After Childhood (1975) -- see: Sto Dnej Possle Detstwa (1975)
Hung (2009-11; TV Series)
--"Fat Off My Love or I'm the Allergen" (2010)
Gabreon Womack as Little Charlie
--"I, Sandee or This Sex. Which Is. Not One." (2011)
Gabreon Womack as Little Charlie
--"A Monkey Named Simian or Frances is Not a Fan" (2011)
Gabreon Womack as Little Charlie
"Hung Out to Dry" (2010) -- Episode of: Moises Rules! (2009-10, TV Series), q.v.
Hungama [Chaos] (1971, IN; Film)
Junior Mehmood ('Junior')
A Hungarian Fairy Tale (1986) -- see: Hol Volt, Hol Nem Volt (1986)
Hunger (2001; Film)
Drake Johnston as Boy
The Hunger (2013) -- see: De honger (2013)
"The Hunger Games" (2014) -- Episode of: Did You Watch . . .? (2014, TV Series), q.v.
Hungry Arms (1926, US; Film)
Leon Holmes (Leon von Sederholm)
"The Hungry Falcons" (1978) -- Episode of: The Devil's Crown (1978, TV Series), q.v.
"Hungry Games" (2012) -- Episode of: Up in Arms (2011-14, TV Series), q.v.
A Hungry Heart (1917; Film)
Ray Carrara
Hungry Hill [Vendetta] (1947, GB; Film)
Richard Thomas [1] as Sam Donovan as a Boy
Anthony Wager (Tony Wager) as Wild Johnnie Brodrick as a Boy
A Hunk O' Blue (1933) -- see: A Man's Castle (1933)
Hunt (2018) -- see: Jakt (2018)
"The Hunt" (1963) -- Episode of: Kraft Mystery Theatre (1961-65, TV Anthology), q.v.
"The Hunt for Honus Wagner" (1990) -- Episode of: Hardball (1989-90, TV Series), q.v.
The Hunt for the I-5 Killer (2011; TV Film)
Alex Ferris (Alexander Ferris) as Eric
The Hunt for the Shadowman (2014; Short)
Skyler James Sandak (Skyler James) as Knight #2
Dakota Sky as Knight #1
Hunt the Boot (1962) -- see: Die Jagd nach dem Stiefel (1962)
"Hunted" (1988) -- Episode of: Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1985-88, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hunted [The Stranger in Between] (1952, GB; Film)
Jon Whiteley (Jon James Lamont Whiteley) as Robbie
Hunted (1979; Film)
Gerhard Anklam as Franz
Olaf Schmechel as Karlchen
"The Hunted" (1967) -- Episode of: Cimarron Strip (1967-68, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hunted" (2000) -- Episode of: The Immortal (2000-01, TV Series), q.v.
The Hunted (2003; Film)
Bobby Preston
Hunted in Holland (1961, GB; Film)
Sean Scully as Tim
Jacques Verbrugge as Piet
The Hunted Lady (1977; TV Film)
Panchito Gomez as Johnny Ute
Hunted Man (1950) -- see: Le Traque (1950)
Hunted Men (1932) -- see: Stvani lide (1932)
Hunted Men [Crime Gives Orders] (1938, US; Film)
Sonny Bupp (Moyer MacClairn Bupp) as Boy
Tommy Bupp (Edmond Thomas Bupp) as Boy
Sammy McKim (Sammy McKimskims/John Samuel McKim)
Delmar Watson (David Delmar Watson) as Robert 'Butch' Harris
Hunter (1984-91; TV Series)
--"Crossfire" (1987)
Larenz Tate as Sporty's Nephew
--"Death Signs" (1988)
David Kurs as Trevor
--"Fagin 1986" (1986)
Jacob Vargas as Emilio
--"Heir of Neglect" (1988)
Chad Allen (Chad Allen Lazzari) as Danny Sanderson
--"Rape and Revenge" (1985)
Danny Ponce (Luis Daniel Ponce) as Ignacio
"Hunter Country" (1978) -- Episode of: James at 15 (1977-78, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hunter Hunted" (1980) -- Episode of: Vega$ (1978-81, TV Series), q.v.
The Hunter is a Fugitive (1946, US; Film)
Mark Dennis (John Mark Dennis)
"Hunters" (1999) -- Episode of: Law and Order (1990-10, TV Series), q.v.
"The Hunters" (1988) -- Episode of: The New Twilight Zone (1985-88, TV Anthology), q.v.
The Hunter's Duck (Stage)
Pat McCall as Frank (1943c.)
Hunters of the Reef (1978, US; TV Film)
Moosie Drier
Huntersaurus (2011; Short)
Jayden Greig as Hunter
"Hunting" (2008) -- Episode of: Aliens in America (2007-08, TV Series), q.v.
Hunting for Love (1956) -- see: Kinigontas ton erota (1956)
Hunting the Jingo Bird (Stage)
John Zizak as J.R. (1966c.)
"A Hunting We Will Go" (2000) -- Episode of: The Brothers Garcia (2000-03, TV Series), q.v.
The Huntress (2000-01; TV Series)
--"Kidnapped" (2000)
Greyson Erik Pendry as Todd Schiffer
--"The Quest" (2001)
Adam Wylie as Zack
Huozhee [To Live] (1994, Hong Kong; Film)
Hur Marie traffade Fredrik, asnan Rebus, kangarun Ploj och . . . [How Mary met Frederick, Rebus the donkey, Ploughman the kangaroo, and . . .] (1969, SE; Film)
Fredrik Becklen
Hurra, die Schule brennt [Great! The School's on Fire; Hurrah, the School's On Fire] (1969, DE; Film)
Hein Simons ('Heintje') as Jan
Hurra, unsere Eltern sind nicht da [Hurrah, Our Parents Aren't There] (1970, DE; Film)
Tommy Ohrner
Hurrah, Our Parents Aren't There (1970) -- see: Hurra, unsere Eltern sind nicht da (1970)
Hurrah, the School's On Fire (1969) -- see: Hurra, die Schule brennt (1969)
Hurricane (1974; TV Film)
Stephen Rogers [1] as Peter Damon
The Hurricane (1937; Film)
Layne Tom Jr as Mako
Hurricane at Pilgrim Hill (1950, US; TV Film)
Billy Gray (William Thomas Gray) as Johnny/Big Mouth's Grandson
"The Hurricane at Pilgrim Hill" (1950) -- Episode of: The Magnavox Theatre (1950, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hurricane Sam (1990, US; TV Pilot)
Christopher Castile (Christopher Jon 'Lear Jet' Castile) as Neil Gianelli
Ben Savage (Bennett Joseph Savage) as Sam
Hurricane Smith (1941, US; Film)
Robert Ferrero
Casey Johnson
Frankie Ward (Frank Ward)
Hurricane Streets (1997; Film)
Carlo Alban as Benny
David Roland Frank as Chip
Hurry Sundown (1966; Film)
Michael Henry Roth as Timmy McDowell
David Sanders as Wyatt McDowell
Steve Sanders as Charles McDowall
Husarenfieber [Hussar Fever] (1925, GE; Film)
Waldemar Pottier
Husarenliebe [Hussar Love] (1932, GE; Film)
Kenneth Rive
The Husband (2013; Film)
Siam Yu as Bully #2
Husband As Joint Owner (1963) -- see: Un Marito in condominio (1963)
Husbands and Lovers (1924, US; Film)
Dicky Brandon (Richard Ellison Brandon / Dick Brandon) as Boy
Husband's Holiday (1931, US; Film)
Dickie Moore (John Richard Moore Jr)
Husbonden (1989; TV Film)
Anton Glanzelius as Kalle
"Hush" (1986) -- Episode of: Tales from the Darkside (1983-88, TV Anthology), q.v.
Hush . . . Hush, Sweet Charlotte [Cross of Iron; What Ever Happened to Cousin Charlotte?] (1964, US; Film)
Kelly Flynn as Boy
Tommy R. Leap (Tommy Leap)
John Megna (John Ingolia) as New Boy
Michel Petit (Michael Petit) as Gang Leader
Hush Little Baby [Mother of Pearl; The Stepmother] (1993; TV Film)
Illya Woloshyn as Dylan
Hush Money (1921, US; Film)
Jerry Devine
Hush Money (1931, US; Film)
Ronnie Cosby (Ronald Lee Cosbey) as Baby
The Hushed Hour (1919, US; Film)
Ben Alexander (Nicholas Benton Alexander) as Gondy
Hussar Fever (1925) -- see: Husarenfieber (1925)
Hussar Love (1932) -- see: Husarenliebe (1932)
Hustle (1975, US; Film)
Steve Shaw (Steven Shaw / Daniel J. Selby) as Kid in Elevator
Hustle [Hu$tle] (2004; TV Film)
Devon Bostick as Kid
Hustle and Heat (2003) -- see: Ride or Die (2003)
The Hustler (2009; TV Series)
--"Can't Knock the Hustler" (2009)
Zach Cumer (Zachary Cumer Skidelsky) as Joe 'Meat'
--"McDonnelly's Suprise" (2009)
Zach Cumer (Zachary Cumer Skidelsky) as Joe 'Meat'
--"Pinata Hustler" (2009)
Jake Elliott (Jakob Sarkissian) as Kid
--"Stake Out on Meat's House" (2009)
Zach Cumer (Zachary Cumer Skidelsky) as Joe 'Meat'
Huwag mo akong limutin (1960; Film)
Danilo Jurado (Danny Jurado)
Huyendo del Halcon [Fly from the Hawk] (1966, ES; Film)
Pedro Mari Sanchez (Pedro Marin / Pedro Maria Sanchez Tercero) as Bobby Horton
Den hvide hingst [The White Stallion] (1961, DK; Film)
Stig Wilner
Hvor bjergene sejler [Where Mountains Float] (1955, DK; Film)
Lars Henning-Jensen (Lars Henning Jensen)
Hvor skal jeg vaere? [What Shall I Be?] (1955, DK; Film)
Dagfinn Holmberg
"Hyde's Birthday" (2002) -- Episode of: That '70s Show (1998-05, TV Series), q.v.
L'Hydrolution (1989; Film)
Robinson Stevenin
Hyper Sapien: People From Another Star (1986, US; Film)
Ricky Paull Goldin (Ricky G. Paul) as Robert
Hyperion Bay (1998-99; TV Series)
--"Static" (1998)
Jacob Smith (John Jacob Charles William Smith) as Boy on Tour
Hypnotize Me (2011; Film)
Brett Lapeyrouse as Marcus
Hypocrite (1979) -- see: Bagula bhagat (1979)
The Hypocrites (1914; Film)
"The Hypocritic Oath" (2000) -- Episode of: Becker (1998-04, TV Series), q.v.
The Hypocritic Oath (2009; Film)
Shane Stephenson as Michael as a Boy (6)
Hysperia (2011; Film)
Brandon Buescher as Samson Blaine
Hysteria (2010; Film)
Nolan Gould as Boy
Hywel Gwynfryn (1985c., UK; TV Series)
Rhydian James Wilson (guest, 1985c.) (unconfirmed)
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