Child and Teen Actors in Films and Television
Actors With Surnames beginning with "P"
Unverified Actor entries are enclosed in [square brackets]
Format for title listings:
Main Title [Alternate Title] ("TV Episode Name") (year, medium) as Character Name
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Jason Pabon
I'll Always Be Anthony (1996; Film) as Anthony as a Boy
Andrew Pace
Suburbia (1983; Film) as Ethan Johnson
Daniel Robert Pace
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-00)
Jackson Pace - b.19Feb1999
Barney and Friends [Barney] (2006; TV Series) "Mother Goose/Fairy Tales" as Adam
Barney and Friends [Barney] (2006; TV Series) "Pets and Vets" as Adam
The Gray Man (2007; Film) as Billy Gaffney
Law and Order: Criminal Intent [Law and Order: CI] (2007; TV Series) "Depths" as Kid
Never Forever (2007; Film) as Adam
Everybody Hates Chris (2008, US; TV Series) "Everybody Hates Mother's Day" as Boy
Queen Sized (2008; TV Film) as Will
Ace in the Hole (2009; TV Film) as Eddie Morella
Cool Dog (2009; Film) as Jimmy Warner
Jeffrey Ryan Pace
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-00)
Janos Pach
The Boys of Paul Street [A Pal utcai fiuk] (1968, Hungary/USA; Film) as Szabo Younger
James Pachebo
Beasts of No Nation (2015, US; Film) as Small Boy Unit Soldier #3
Robert Pacheca
Silence Living in Houses (1999, US; Short)
Steven Pacheco
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Ronald Ralph Pacini -- see: Ronnie Ralph
Ronnie Pacini
(Academy Players Directory) (1941)
Chace Paddack
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-01)
Tim Padden
(Academy Players Directory) (1956)
Josh Paddock
(Academy Players Directory) (1999-00)
Whitney Padgett
(Academy Players Directory) (1985-87)
Danny Padilla
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Frank Padilla
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Manuel Padilla -- see: Manuel Padilla Jr
Manuel Padilla Jr (Manuel Padilla) - b.13May1956;d.29Jan2008
(Academy Players Directory) (1963-74)
Dime with a Halo (1963, US; Film)
The Littlest Hobo (1963, US; TV Series)
The Young and the Brave (1963, US; Film)
Robin and the 7 Hoods [Robin and the Seven Hoods] (1964, US; Film) as Boy
Black Spurs (1965, US; Film) as Manuel
Sylvia (1965, US; Film) as Pancho
Taffy and the Jungle Hunter (1965, US; Film) as Beau
Tarzan's Jungle Rebellion [Tarzan and the Blue Stone of Heaven] (1965, US; TV Pilot) as Jai
Tarzan (1966-69, US; TV Series) as Jai
Tarzan and the Valley of Gold [Tarzan 66] (1966, US; Film) as Ramel
Tarzan and the Great River (1967, US; Film) as Pepe
Tarzan and the Perils of Charity Jones (1967, US; Film) as Jai
Tarzan's Deadly Silence (1967, US; Film) as Jai
Tarzan's Jungle Rebellion (1967, US; Film)
Gunsmoke [Marshal Dillon] (1968; TV Series) "The Pack Rat" as Sancho
Cutter's Trail (1969, US; TV Film) as Paco Avila
The Great White Hope (1970, US; Film) as Paco
A Man Called Horse (1970, US; Film) as Leaping Buck
American Graffiti (1973, US; Film) as Carlos
Vincent Padilla
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Corey Padnos
(Academy Players Directory) (2001-04)
Jose Felipe Padron
The Perez Family (1995, US; Film) as Felipe Perez
ER [Emergency Room] (1996, US; TV Series) "A Shift in the Night" as Omar
(Academy Players Directory) (1997)
High Incident (c.1997; TV Series)
Julian Paeth - b.05Mar1987
Alphateam - Die Lebensretter im OP (1998; TV Series) "Liebesschmerz" as Florian Brotesser
Die Pfefferkorner (1999-04; TV Series) as Fiete
Die Cleveren (2001; TV Series) "Jungfrauenschnaps" as Philip Born
Die Cleveren (2002; TV Series) "Im Namen der Liebe" as Philip Born
Broti und Pacek - irgendwas ist immer (2003; TV Series) "Die Verschworung" as Robert Sternberg
Die Cleveren (2003; TV Series) "Born und die Frauen" as Philip Born
Die Cleveren (2003; TV Series) "Engelchen flieg" as Philip Born
Die Cleveren (2003; TV Series) "Todesspiel" as Philip Born
Der Landarzt [The Country Doctor] (2004; TV Series) "Hinter der Fassade" as Peer Moser
Der Landarzt [The Country Doctor] (2004; TV Series) "Schweigepflicht" as Peer Moser
Alex Paez (Alexander Paez) - b.25Jul1963
The Magic Hat (1977, US; TV Short) as Andy
The Stowaway (1977; TV Short) as Peter
Alex and the Wonderful Doo Wah Lamp (1978; TV Short) as Alex
Carnival Circus [The First & Only Unicorn City Combined Kids Carnival Circus
is Coming Soon to Your Local Neighborhood; Tickets Now At Box
Office; Live Menagerie! Talent Audition! Come Early for Best Seats]
(1978; TVShort)
as Andy
New York City Too Far From Tampa Blues (1979; TV Film)
Alexander Paez -- see: Alex Paez
Michael Pagan (Michael Jamon Pagan) - b.12Jan1985
Black Scorpion [Roger Corman Presents Black Scorpion] (1995, US; TV Film) as Kid
Alien Avengers [Roger Corman Presents Alien Avengers; Welcome to Planet Earth] (1997, US; TV Film) as Kid
Hang Time (1997, US; TV Series) "No Smoking" as Stevie
Fallen (1998; Film) as Sam
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998; Film) as Quincy Payne
Killers in the House [Captivity] (1998, US; TV Film) as Malik Sawyer
Up, Up and Away [Superboy Scott] (2000, Canada/USA; TV Film) as Scott Marshall
Black Scorpion [Roger Corman Presents Black Scorpion] (2001, US; TV Series) "An Officer and a Prankster" as Kid
The Gospel (2005; Film) as David Taylor as a Teen
The Shield (2005, US; TV Series) "Bang" as Big Crane
Michael J. Pagan (Michael Jamon Pagan)
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-99)
Fallen (1998; Film) as Sam
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998; Film) as Quincy Payne
Rusty: A Dog's Tale [Rusty: The Great Rescue] (1998, US; Film) as Dylan Wilson
Up, Up and Away [Superboy Scott] (2000, Canada/USA; TV Film) as Scott Marshall (13)
Geno Pagano
(Academy Players Directory) (1964)
Chris Page (Christopher Page)
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-81)
Little House on the Prairie [Little House: A New Beginning] (1977, US; TV Series) "Blizzard" as Joey Bowers
Christopher Page -- see: Chris Page
Max Page
The Young and the Restless [The Innocent Years] (2009-11; TV Series)
Prime Suspect (2011-12; TV Series) as Owen Webb
Randy Page
(Academy Players Directory) (1964)
Sam Page
The Lost Prince (2003, UK; TV Film) as Alexei as a Boy
Wish You Were Here (2005; Film) as David Dunsmore
Tony Page
Fawlty Towers (1975, GB; TV Series) "Gourmet Night" as Ronald Heath
Hunter Page-Lochard
Dramatically Black (2004; Short) as Frankie
Brian Paget
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Ian Paget
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Eddie Pagett - b.14Apr1944
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars [Herald Playhouse; Schlitz Playhouse] (1955, US; TV Anthology) "The Girl Who Scared Men Off"
The Kettles in the Ozarks (1956, US; Film) as Sammy
The Leather Saint (1956; Film) as Yankee Boy
Slander (1957; Film) as Boy
Leave It To Beaver [It's a Small World; Wally and the Beaver] (1961, USA; TV Series) "Wally and Dudley" as Danny
Leave It To Beaver [It's a Small World; Wally and the Beaver] (1961, USA; TV Series) "Wally's Chauffeur" as Boy #1
Gary Pagett (Gary Glen Pagett) - b.26Feb1941
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Come to the Stable (1949, US; Film) as Johnnie Matthews
Again . . . Pioneers (1950; Film) as Tom
The Killer That Stalked New York [Frightened City] (1950, US; Film) as Baseball Kid
Mister 880 [Old 880] (1950, US; Film) as Boy
My Blue Heaven (1950, US; Film) as Mark Pringle
Week-End With Father [Weekend With Father] (1951, US; Film) as Eddie Lewis
Ma and Pa Kettle at Home (1954, US; Film) as George Kettle
Father Knows Best [I Told You So] (1955, US; TV Series) "Close Decision" as Joe Phillips
Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955, US; Film) as William 'Bill' Holloway as a Boy (12)
The Private War of Major Benson (1955, US; Film) as Cadet Lt. Molony
Jeanne Eagels (1957, US; Film) as Wise Teenager
Edwin Paice
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Stephen Paice - b.24Jul1970
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
A Better Class of Person [Too Young to Fight, Too Old to Forget] (1985, UK; TV Film)
Bugsy Malone (c.1985; Stage) as Luie
Jackie Paige
Tomorrow and Tomorrow (1932, US; Film)
(Children's Casting Directory) (1935)
Life Returns (1935, US; Film)
Danger Patrol (1937; Film)
Jeffrey Paige III
(Academy Players Directory) (1976)
Ronald Paige -- see: Ronnie Paige [1]
Ronald D. Paige
The Jack Benny Program [The Jack Benny Show; The Lucky Strike Program] (1957, US; TV Series) "The Airport" as Boy on Skates
(Academy Players Directory) (1963)
Ronnie Paige [1] (Ronald Paige)
Merry-Go-Round of 1938 (1937; Film)
Boys Town (1938, US; Film) as Jimmy
Crime School (1938, US; Film)
Sons of the Legion (1938, US; Film) as Boy
Test Pilot (1938, US; Film)
Fisherman's Wharf (1939, US; Film) as Gang Member
They Asked For It (1939, US; Film) as Newsboy
Sweet Rosie O'Grady (1943, US; Film) as Newsboy
Ronnie Paige [2]
(Academy Players Directory) (1974)
Brian Painchaud - b.30Jun1966;d.27Jul1986
Who Has Seen the Wind? (1977, CA/UK; Film) as Brian O'Connal
Jonathan Painchaud
Mario (1984, Canada; Film) as Denis
Walter Painter
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Geoffrey Pais
La Classe de neige [The Class Trip] (1998, France; Film) as Enfant
Dylan Paiz
Cinderella: A Lesson in Compromise (1981, US; TV Short) as Carlos
David Palacio
Chaos (2011; TV Series) "Proof of Life" as Shoe Shine Boy
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days [Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3] (2012, USA/Canada; Film) as Spag Union Boy
Jesus Palacio
Ya no duermo [I Don't Sleep Anymore] (2020; Short)
Diego Palacios
(Academy Players Directory) (1981-84)
Gustavo Palacios
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Maurico Palacios
(Academy Players Directory) (1981-84)
Jeff Paladini
Marathon Man (1976, US; Film) as Babe as a Boy
Mimmo Palermi ('Mimmo') - b.1917;d.Aug1925
Paradiso [Paradise] (1923, IT; Film)
La Freccia nel cuore [Arrow in the Heart] (1924, IT; Film)
La Via del peccato [Street of Sin] (1924, IT; Film)
Jackie Paley
(Academy Players Directory) (1974)
Phillip Paley
(Academy Players Directory) (1973-74)
Michael Paliwoda
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Kent Paller
(Academy Players Directory) (1987)
Victor Pallett
(Academy Players Directory) (1972-74)
Jeffrey Pallotta
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-01)
Brian Palmer [1]
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Brian Palmer [2]
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-90)
Christopher Palmer
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Darren Palmer
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Eddie Palmer
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-90)
Eric Palmer
(Academy Players Directory) (1985)
Garrett Palmer
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Jeremy Palmer
(Academy Players Directory) (2002)
Jimmie Palmer
Tale of the Navajos (1949; Film)
Joel Palmer - b.06Mar1986
Lonesome Dove (1989, US; TV Film) as Luke Wyatt
Crow's Nest (1991, US; TV Pilot) as Mikey/Michael Crosetti
Liar, Liar [Liar, Liar: Between Father and Daughter] (1992, Canada; TV Film) as Patrick Farrow
Final Appeal (1993, US; TV Film) as Tommy
Moment of Truth: A Child Too Many (1993, Canada/USA; TV Film) as Adam
Morning Glory (1993, USA/Canada; Film) as Donald Wade
The X Files [The X-Files; X-File] (1993, Canada; TV Series) "Conduit" as Kevin Morris
Madison (1994, Canada; TV Series) "True Colours" as Corby
Someone Else's Child [Lost and Found] (1994, USA/Canada; TV Film) as Nelson Reed
The Commish (1995, Candad/USA; TV Series) "The Kid" as Kevin Colyer
Falling from the Sky: Flight 174 [Freefall: Flight 174] (1995, US; TV Film) as Chris Dion
Lonesome Dove [Lonesome Dove: The Series] (1995, Canada/USA; TV Series) "Wild Horses" as Luke Wyatt
The Outer Limits [The New Outer Limits] (1995, Canada/USA; TV Anthology) "Under the Bed" as Andrew Rosman
The X Files [The X-Files; X-File] (1995, Canada; TV Series) "The Calusari" as Charlie/Michael Holvey
Poltergeist: The Legacy (1996, Canada/USA; TV Series) "Sins of the Father" as David
Seduction in a Small Town [Harvest of Lies] (1997, US; TV Film) as David Jenks
Final Run (1999; TV Film) as Kevin Singer
Poltergeist: The Legacy (1999, Canada/USA; TV Series) "Still Waters" as Matt Thomas
John Palmer
The Curse of King Tut's Tomb (1980, UK; TV Film) as Fishbait
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
The King and I (c.1982; Stage) as Prince Chulalongkorn
Richard Palmer
Five on a Treasure Island (1957, GB; Serial)
Saint Joan (1957, GB/US; Film)
Treasure at the Mill (1957, GB; Film)
Treasure Island (1958, GB; Serial)
Whirlpool (1959, GB; Film)
A French Mistress (1960, GB; Film) as Milsom
Linda (1960, GB; Film)
Russell Palmer
(Children's Casting Directory) (1940)
Beyond Tomorrow [And So Goodbye] (1940, US; Film)
Dark Command (1940, US; Film)
Little Frontier (c.1940, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
The Weaver Family (c.1940, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Syd Palmer
The Gang Show [The Gang] (1937, GB; Film) as Syd
Zach Palmer (Zachariah Palmer)
Flying Lessons (2008; Short) as Dylan
Forgotten Pills (2010; Film) as Sean as a Teen (15)
Fly Away (2011; Film) as Dylan
Swallow (2011; TV Film) as Vance
A Day in The Life of Your Cats (2012; Short) as Jack
Zachariah Palmer -- see: Zach Palmer
Joseph Palmieri
(Academy Players Directory) (1969-70)
Dante Palminteri
After School (2014; Short) as Danny
Lenny Palminteri
(Academy Players Directory) (1968)
David Palos
(Academy Players Directory) (1998)
Kenneth Palos
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Maciej Wilson Palulis
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Damon Pampolina
MMC [Club MMC; The Mickey Mouse Club] (1989-94, US; TV Series)
Gary Panansky -- see: Gary Morgan
Nicholas Pandolfi
To Serve Them All My Days (1980, UK; TV Film) as Stratton Forkes
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
The Elephant Man (1982, UK; TV Film)
Jansen Panettiere
The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry (2008; Film) as Dustin
Brandon Panis
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Sanford Panitch
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Ty Panitz - b.Apr1999
Bones (2005; TV Series) "The Man in the Fallout Shelter" as Parker Booth
Yours, Mine and Ours (2005, US; Film) as Ethan Beardsley
The Angriest Man in Suburbia (2006; TV Film) as Mikey
How to Eat Fried Worms (2006, US; Film) as Woody
Because I Said So (2007; Film) as Lionel
Garry Pankhurst - b.1952
Skippy [Skippy the Bush Kangaroo] (1965-68, AU; TV Series) as Sonny Hammond
The Intruders (1969, AU; Film) as Sonny Hammond
A. Pankratov
Vreditel [The Damager] (1929, SU; Film)
Dino Pantazis
(Academy Players Directory) (1995)
Connor Panzner
Grown Ups (2010, US; Film) as Robideaux as a Boy
Marco Paoletti - b.1949
Il Ferroviere [Man of Iron; The Railwayman] (1955, IT; Film)
Il Maestro [The Schoolmaster; The Teacher and the Miracle] (1957, IT/ES; Film)
Dagli Appennini alle Ande (1958, IT/AR; Film)
El Lazarillo de Tormes [Lazarillo; The Little Guide from Tormes] (1959, ES; Film) as Lazarillo
Shane Paoletti
(Academy Players Directory) (1973-74)
Warren Paoletti
(Academy Players Directory) (1973-74)
Connor Paolo
Alexander (2004; Film) as Alexander as a Teen
Nick Paonessa
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Andy Pap
The Last Escape (1969; TV Film)
Bruce Papa
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
The King and I (c.1966, US; Stage) as Louis Leonowens
The Mike Douglas Show (c.1966; TV Series)
Oliver! (c.1966, US; Stage)
The Sound of Music (c.1966, US; Stage) as Kurt Von Trapp
Street Scene (c.1966, US; Stage) as Willie Maurrant
Petro Papakosta
Partizani i vogel Velo [Little Partisan Velo] (1980, AL; Film)
Chad Pape
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-88)
Bryce Papenbrook
(Academy Players Directory) (2001-04)
Thomas Papp
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Mike Pappas
(Academy Players Directory) (1977)
Nicholas Pappone - b.29Sep1987
Courthouse (1995; TV Series)
Outbreak (1995, US; Film) as Boy on Plane
Picket Fences (1995, US; TV Series) "Saint Zach" as Mark Burton
Terror in the Shadows [Night of Reunion] (1995, US; TV Film) as Kevin
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-01)
The Young and the Restless [The Innocent Years] (1996-99, US; TV Series) as Phillip Chancellor McNeil
Ally McBeal (1997, US; TV Series) "Pilot" as Billy (7)
Pierre Paquet
Les Cent Camarades (1948; Film) as Claude
Jean Paqui (Jean-Francois de Thunel, Chevalier d'Orgeix) - b.15Apr1921
L'assommoir [Deadfall] (1933, FR; Film)
Ame de clown [A Clown's Soul] (1934, FR; Film)
La maison du mystere [House of Mystery] (1935, FR; Film)
Antonio Parac - b.1998
Koko i duhovi [Koko and the Ghosts] (2011; Film) as Koko
Zagonetni djecak [The Mysterious Boy] (2013; Film) as Koko (14)
Max Paradise
Wild Tigers I Have Known (2006, US; Film) as Joey
Adam Paredes (Adam Robert Paredes)
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-02)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (c.1997, US; Stage)
Luke Matthew Paredes
(Academy Players Directory) (2000-07)
Michael Peter Paredes
(Academy Players Directory) (2000-11)
Nathan Parent
La nouvelle guerre des boutons [War of the Buttons] (2011, France; Film) as Camus
Thomas Parfitt
The Turn of the Screw (2011; TV Film) as Miles
Sean Parhm
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Michael A. Paris
(Academy Players Directory) (1957-58)
Robby Paris
(Academy Players Directory) (1974-77)
Roger C. Paris (Roger Paris)
(Academy Players Directory) (1963-66)
Russell Paris
(Academy Players Directory) (1962-63)
Andrew Livingston Parker
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-89)
Anthony Parker
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Chase Parker
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-03)
Christopher Lee Parker
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-94)
Clive Parker
Christmas Present (1985; TV Film) as Gos
Donald McKay Parker III -- see: Trey Parker
Erik Parker
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
Hutch Parker
Up the Academy [Mad Magazine's Up the Academy; The Brave Young Men of Weinber; The Brave Young Men of Weinberg] (1980, US; Film) as Oliver
Jack Parker (Jack 'Buddy' Parker)
(The Standard) (1923-30)
The Light Giver (1923, US; Film) as Pete the Mountain Boy
(The Screen Artist) (1924-26)
His Hour (1924, US; Film)
The Roughneck [Thorns of Passion] (1924, US; Film) as Boy
The Thief of Bagdad (1924, US; Film)
The Bugle Call (1927, US; Film)
What Every Girl Should Know [The Girl] (1927, US; Film)
Four Devils (1929, US; Film) as Charles as a Boy
And So To Bed (c.1930, US; Stage)
Woodrow Wilson (c.1930, US; Stage) as Sammy
Jacob Parker - b.14Feb1985
Evening Shade (1990-94, US; TV Series) as Will Newton
A Killing in a Small Town [Evidence of Love] (1990; TV Film) as Sean Morrison
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
The Power Within [Power Man] (1995, US; Film) as Deke Dryer
Joe Parker
(The Standard) (1928)
Joey Parker
(Academy Players Directory) (1950-51)
John Parker
The Locust (1985; TV Short) as Tim
Milo Parker
Robot Overlords (2014; Film) as Connor
Ghosthunters [Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails] (2015; Film) as Tom Thompson/Tom Tomsky
Mr Holmes (2015; Film) as Roger
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016; Film) as Hugh
Rusty Parker
Aladdin (1958; TV Film)
Imitation of Life (1959; Film)
Odds Against Tomorrow (1959, US; Film)
That Kind of Woman (1959, US; Film)
The Sid Caesar Show (c.1964, US; TV Variety)
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
Anniversary Waltz (c.1966, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Comic Strip (c.1966, US; Stage) as Iggy
A Garden in the Sea (c.1966, US; Stage)
A Journey With Strangers (c.1966, US; Stage)
Naked City [The Naked City] (c.1963, US; TV Series)
Oliver! (c.1966, US; Stage)
Take Me Along (c.1966, US; Stage)
Shea Parker
(Academy Players Directory) (2004-08)
Steven Parker
The Learning Tree (1969, US; Film) as Boy in Courtroom
Steven C. Parker (Steven Christopher Parker) - b.08Jan1989
Air (2004; Film) as Carey
Traces (2004; Film) as Robert as a Boy
ER [Emergency Room] (2005, US; TV Series) "Here and There" as Gus
Malcolm in the Middle (2005, US; TV Series) "Tiki Lounge" as Freshman Boy
Rebound (2005, US; Film) as Wes 'The Sledgehammer' Burcher (13)
Rodney [That's Just Rodney; That's My Rodney] (2005; TV Series) "To Hell and Back" as Darryl
Stacked (2005; TV Series) "Pilot" as Teen
Testing Bob (2005; TV Film) as Joseph Petty
Bad Blood (2006, US; Film) as Alfred Snickers McDougal
Little Miss Sunshine (2006; Film) as Boy
Living with Uncle Ray (2006; Film) as Jimmy
Man in the Chair (2006; Film) as Projectionist
My Suicide (2006; Film) as Gamer
South of Pico (2006, US; Film) as Michael
Parental Guidance Suggested (2007; Film) as Doug
Steven Christopher Parker
(Academy Players Directory) (2005-06)
Thurman Parker
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-79)
Trey Parker (Donald McKay Parker III) - b.30May1972
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-89)
Small Wonder (1988, US; TV Series) "See No Evil/Vicki's Glasses" as Fred
Caddie Woodlawn (1989, US; TV Film) as Tom Woodlawn
Newsies [Newsboys; The News Boys] (1992, US; Film) as Kid Blink
Ty Parker (Ty Parker Schuette)
CeReality (2011, US; TV Film) as Clark Parker/Super Son
Hound Dogs (2011; TV Film) as Hound Dog Fan
Jimmy Kimmel Live! [The Jimmy Kimmel Project] (2012, US; TV Series) "Episode #10.223" as Bully #2
Jimmy Kimmel Live! [The Jimmy Kimmel Project] (2012, US; TV Series) "Episode #10.231" as Team Captain #1
Jimmy Kimmel Live! [The Jimmy Kimmel Project] (2012, US; TV Series) "Episode #10.247" as Johnny
Another Dirty Movie (2013; Film) as Classroom Student #1
Ender's Game (2013, US; Film) as Salamander / Dragon
Jimmy Kimmel Live! [The Jimmy Kimmel Project] (2013, US; TV Series) "Episode #11.55" as Teen
The Ladies and The Gents (2013; TV Series) "Bitches Be Crazy" as Joe Teen Boy
Bambi Cottages (2014; TV Film) as Nathan Burke
Childrens Hospital (2014; TV Series) "Fawlty Hospital" as Kip
Jimmy Kimmel Live! [The Jimmy Kimmel Project] (2014, US; TV Series) "Kobe Bryant/Lake Bell/Pharrell Williams" as Todd/Teen Camper
Scenes from Powned (2014; Short) as Eric Marino as a Teen
Tiger Orange (2014; Film) as Chet as a Teen
Victor Parker
(Academy Players Directory) (1975-78)
Wannie Parker
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-79)
William Hugh Parker -- see: Corky Pigeon
Blake Parkin
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-77)
Eric Parkin
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-77)
Greg Parkin
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-90)
Tim Parkison - b.06Jan1965
All the Kind Strangers [Evil in the Swamp] (1974, US; TV Film) as Gilbert
Braden Parks
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Nick Parks
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Ryan Parks
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Van Dyke Parks - b.03Jan1943
Bonino (1953, US; TV Series) as Andrew Bonino
Campbell Playhouse [Campbell Summer Soundstage] (1954; TV Anthology) "Al Toolum and His Buddy Leo"
Campbell Playhouse [Campbell Summer Soundstage] (1954; TV Anthology) "The Corner Druggist"
Goodyear Television Playhouse [Goodyear Playhouse] (1954; TV Anthology) "Here's Father"
Kraft Television Theatre [Kraft Theatre; Ponds Theatre] (1954, US; TV Anthology) "Elisha and the Long Knives" as Elisha
Studio One [Studio One in Hollywood; Studio One Summer Theatre; Summer Theatre] (1954; TV Anthology) "12:30 A.M." as Eddie Stone
The Elgin TV Hour (1955; TV Anthology) "Crime in the Streets" as Richie Dane
Studio One [Studio One in Hollywood; Studio One Summer Theatre; Summer Theatre] (1955, US; TV Anthology) "The Broken Spur" as Robbie
Studio One [Studio One in Hollywood; Studio One Summer Theatre; Summer Theatre] (1955, US; TV Anthology) "The Prince and the Puppet" as Lawrence Alden
Windows (1955; TV Series) "The Calliope Tree"
The Alcoa Hour (1956, US; TV Anthology) "Man on Fire" as Ted
General Electric Theatre [G.E. Theatre; G.E. True Theater] (1956; TV Anthology) "The Golden Key" as Horace
The Kaiser Aluminum Hour (1956; TV Anthology) "Man on the White Horse" as Bobby
Kraft Television Theatre [Kraft Theatre; Ponds Theatre] (1956, US; TV Anthology) "The Devil as a Roaring Lion"
Star Tonight (1956; TV Anthology) "A Trip to Czardis"
The Swan (1956, US; Film) as George
The Kaiser Aluminum Hour (1957; TV Anthology) "So Short a Season" as Boy
A Gift for Heidi (1958, US; Film) as Peter
Brenner (1959; TV Series) "Family Man" as Jay Joplin
Tyler Parkyn
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Keith Parnell
(Academy Players Directory) (1972-74)
Steven Paro
The Makutu on Mrs Jones (1983, NZ; TV Short) as Winti
Nicolas Parodi
La Fracture du Myocarde [Cross My Heart] (1990, CA; Film)
Jimmy 'Blue' Parr
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-77)
Cory Parravano - b.07Oct1989
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-02)
Diagnosis Murder [Dr Mark Sloan] (2000, US; TV Series) "Too Many Cooks" as Rene Fontineau as a Boy
The X Files [The X-Files; X-File] (2000, Canada; TV Series) "En Ami" as Jason McPeck
Fair Play (2002, US; Short) as Elliot
Young Seinfeld (2002; Short) as Kramer as a Boy
Ghost Dog: A Detective Tail (2003; TV Film) as Robby
Andy Richter Controls the Universe (2004; TV Series) "Bully the Kid" as Fake Jake
Paul Parrett
Everybody Hates Chris (2006, US; TV Series) "Everybody Hates Elections" as Jello Kid
Everybody Hates Chris (2006, US; TV Series) "Everybody Hates Promises" as Kid #2
M.O.G. (2006; Film) as Sean as a Boy
Everybody Hates Chris (2007, US; TV Series) "Everybody Hates Hall Monitors" as Hall Monitor
Ross Parrett - b.17Nov1978
Oliver Twist (1982, UK; TV Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Gianluca Parrila
Marilena de la P7 (2006, Romania; Short) as Matei/Dintosu
Paul Parris -- see: Paul Adams
Gordon Parrish
(Classified Stage-Screen Children's Album) (1929)
Hunter Parrish - b.13May1987
Sleepover (2004, US; Film) as Lance
C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation [C.S.I.: Las Vegas] (2005; TV Series) "Gum Drops" as Jeremy McBride
Premonition (2005; Film) as Charlie
Steal Me (2005; Film) as Tucker
Summerland (2005; TV Series) "The Pleiades" as Tracy Hart
Weeds (2005; TV Series) "Dead in the Nethers" as Silas Botwin
Weeds (2005; TV Series) "Fashion of the Christ" as Silas Botwin
Weeds (2005; TV Series) "Free Goat" as Silas Botwin
Weeds (2005; TV Series) "Good Shit Lollipop" as Silas Botwin
Weeds (2005; TV Series) "Lude Awakening" as Silas Botwin
In Justice (2006; TV Series) "Confessions" as Kevin
R.V. [R.V.: Runaway Vacation] (2006, US; Film) as Earl Gornicke
Skater Boys (2006; TV Series) "Sex and Candy" as Sam Johnson
Robert Parrish - b.04Jan1916;d.04Dec1995
Mother Machree (1927, US; Film)
Olympic Games (Our Gang short) [Warm Up] (1927, US; Short) as Robert
Sunrise [Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans] (1927; Film) as Boy
Yale vs Harvard (Our Gang short) (1927, US; Short)
The Divine Lady (1928, US; Film) as Powder Monkey
Four Sons (1928, US; Film)
Riley the Cop (1928, US; Film) as Boy
(Classified Stage-Screen Children's Album) (1929)
The Iron Mask (1929, US; Film) as Page
Men Without Women (1929, US; Film) as Boy
(The Standard) (1930-31)
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930, US; Film) as Schoolboy
The Big Trail (1930, US; Film) as Pioneer Boy
The Racketeer (1930, US; Film) as Street Urchin
The Right to Love [A Right to Love] (1930, US; Film) as Willie
Up the River (1930, US; Film) as Boy
The Adventures of Penrod and Sam [Penrod and Sam] (1931, US; Film)
Annabelle's Affairs (1931, US; Film)
City Lights [City Lights: A Comedy Romance in Pantomime] (1931, US; Film) as Newsboy
I Take This Woman (1931; Film) as Boy
Scandal Sheet (1931, US; Film) as Copy Boy
Forbidden (1932, US; Film) as Office Boy
The Miracle Man (1932, US; Film) as Bellhop
Scandal for Sale (1932, US; Film) as Copyboy
Doctor Bull (1933; Film) as Teenager
This Day and Age (1933; Film) as Student
Judge Priest (1934; Film)
Billy Parrott
DeGrassi Jr High (1987-90, CA; TV Series) as Shane McKay
Warren Parrott
Round the Twist (1989, AU; TV Series) "Wunderpants" as Sports Boy
George S. Parry (George Parry)
A Christmas to Remember (1978, US; TV Film) as Rusty
A Special Kind of Love [Special Olympics] (1978, US; TV Film) as Matthew Gallitzin
Noel Parry
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947-48)
Jonathan Parson
Just Like Dad (1995, US; TV Film) as Bobby
Colton Parsons (Colton John Parsons) - b.05Oct1992
Before the Big Game (2004; Short) as David
The Invisible Dog (2005; Short) as Henry
Night Stalker (2005; TV Series) "Three" as John Dunmore
Enemies (2006; TV Pilot) as Bubba as a Boy
Misconceptions (2006; TV Series) as Student
Mud Show (2006; TV Film)
Cold Case (2007, US; TV Series) "Offender" as Damon Childress as a Boy
The Sopranos (2007; TV Series) "Chasing It" as Boy
Law and Order [Law and Order Prime] (2008; TV Series) "Lost Boys" as Caleb Friendly
Away We Go (2009; Film) as James
Ian Parsons
The Hanging Garden (1997; Film) as Sweet William as a Boy
John Parsons
The Great Expedition (1959; Film)
Ugly Parsons
The Boy Rangers (1912; Film)
Brian Part - b.24Mar1962
(Academy Players Directory) (1975-79)
Little House on the Prairie [Little House: A New Beginning] (1975-77, US; TV Series) as Carl Sanderson Edwards
The Secret Life of T.K. Dearing (1975, US; TV Film) as Dugger
Birch Interval (1977; Film) as Samuel
Return from Witch Mountain (1978, US; Film) as Goon
Project U.F.O. [Project Blue Book] (1979; TV Series) "Sighting 4024: The Scoutmaster Incident" as Sam Robbins
Eight Is Enough (1981, US; TV Series) "Vows" as Friend
Max Dugan Returns (1983, US; Film) as Kevin
Suraj Partha - b.03Mar1997
Glee [Glee: Road to Sectionals] (2011; TV Series) "Pot O' Gold" as Pony
How to Rock (2012; TV Series) "How to Rock a Part-Time Job" as Boy
Ender's Game (2013, US; Film) as Alai
Jimmy Partman
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Johnny Partman
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
John Partridge
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
William Parven
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-92)
Michael Pas - b.21Sep1966
De Witte van Sichem [Filasse; Whitey from Sichem] (1980, BE; Film) as Schooljongen
Tomica Pasaric
Sedmi kontinent [Siedma Pevnina; The Seventh Continent] (1960, YU; Film)
Alfonsino Pasca
Paisa' [Countryman; Paisan] (1946, IT; Film)
Au revoir Monsieur Grock [Goodbye Mr Grock] (1949, FR; Film)
Bobby Paschal - b.1984
Three Wishes (1995, US; Film) as Ball Player
Fortunato Pascuale -- see: Pasquale Fortunato
Ramiz Pasic
Hajducka vremena [Daredevil's Time] (1977; Film) as Iketa
Letaci velikog neba [Fliers of the Open Skies] (1977; Film) as Ante
Force 10 from Navarone (1978; Film) as Mallory's Boy
Jelenko (TV Series) as Ivo
Christian Pasques - b.25Apr1942
An American in Paris (1951, US; Film) as Boy With Bubble Gum
Here Comes the Groom [You Belong To Me] (1951, US; Film) as Orphan
(Academy Players Directory) (1952-58)
Hans Christian Andersen (1952, US; Film)
Little Boy Lost (1953, US; Film) as Boy
The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954, US; Film) as Boy
Oklahoma! (1955, US; Film)
Untamed [Katie Called Katje] (1955, US; Film) as Joubert as a Boy
Franck Pasquier
Le Dernier Metro [The Last Metro; The Last Tube Train] (1980, FR; Film) as Jacquot
Dominic Passarelli
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Thomas Passendorfer
Zabijcie czarna owce [Kill the Black Sheep] (1971, PL; Film)
Spencer Passingham - b.13Apr1967
The Squad (1980, UK; TV Series) as Porky
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Franz Passler
Das Ferienkind [Lomalapsi; The Holiday Child] (1943, DE; Film) as Hans 'Gusti' Muller
Adrien Pastor
Action Verite [Truth or Dare] (1998; Short) as Paul
Daniel Pastor
Virgen que forjo una patria [The Virgin Who Created a Country] (1942, MX; Film)
Las aventuras de Cucuruchito y Pinocho [The Adventures of Cucuruchito and Pinocho] (1943, MX; Film)
Cristobal Colon [Christopher Columbus] (1943, MX; Film)
La Barraca [The Farmhouse] (1945, MX; Film)
La culpable [Guilty Woman] (1945, MX; Film)
La hora de la verdad [The Moment of Truth] (1945, MX; Film)
Marina (1945, MX; Film)
El ahijado de la muerte [Death's Godchild] (1946, MX; Film)
Ave de paso [Bird of Passage] (1946, MX; Film)
La otra [The Other Woman] (1946, MX; Film)
Por un amor [For One Love] (1946, MX; Film)
Tabare (1946, MX; Film)
Michael Pastore
Here Come the Tigers (1978, US; Film) as Roger 'Fingers' Ross
Dante Pastula - b.02Apr1997
Friends (2003, US; TV Series) "The One Where Ross is Fine" as Frank Buffay Jr Jr [Sic]
The Polar Express (2004, US; Film) as Boy
Ablution (2007; Short) as Moshe
'Patata' (Aldo Mezzanotte) - b.c.1908;d.Oct1926
Lilliput (1919-21, IT; Series)
Die Eiserne Faust [The Iron Fist] (1921, GE; Film)
Der Konig der Manege [King of the Sawdust Ring] (1921, GE; Film)
Die Todesleiter [The Ladder of Death] (1921, GE; Film)
Mutahi Pataxo
At Play in the Fields of the Lord (1991; Film) as Mutu
Carson Pate
Stuckey's Last Stand (1980, US; Film) as Bobby
Christopher Pate
(Academy Players Directory) (1966)
Anish Patel
Little Britain (2003; TV Series) "Bath of Beans" as Boy in Classroom
Jake Patellis - b.17Aug1977
Ghostwriter (1992, USA/UK; TV Series) "Ghost Story" as THABTO 4
The Good Life (1994, US; TV Series) as Paul Bowman
Alex Paterson - b.23Jan1970
A Month in the Country (1981; Stage) as Kolya
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Arun Pathela
Around the World in 80 Days (1989, US/IT/DE; TV Film) as Kiru
Lance Paton
Goosebumps [Ultimate Goosebumps] (1996, CA; TV Anthology) "Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes" as Joe Burton
Douglas Patotzka
(Academy Players Directory) (1981-83)
Bobby Patrick
(Screen Children/Screen Children's Year Book) (1943)
Butch Patrick (Patrick Lilly) - b.02Aug1953
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-71)
The Detectives [The Detectives, Starring Robert Taylor] (1961; TV Series) "The Legend of Jim Riva" as Bobby
Hand of Death [Five Fingers of Death] (1961, US; Film) as Davey
The Two Little Bears [Honey Bear] (1961, US; Film) as Billy Davis
Alcoa Premiere (1962, US; TV Anthology) "The Time of the Tonsils" as Wesley
Ben Casey (1962; TV Series) "A Pleasant Thing for the Eyes"
Pressure Point [Point Blank] (1962, US; Film) as Imaginary Playmate
Bonanza [Ponderosa; Ride the Wind] (1963, US; TV Series) "The Prime of Life" as Jody Fletcher
A Child is Waiting (1963, US; Film) as Student
Death Valley Days [Call of the West; The Pioneers; Trails West; Western Star Theater] (1963, US; TV Anthology) "Kingdom for a Horse" as Tommy
My Favorite Martian [My Favourite Martian] (1963; TV Series) "How to Be a Hero Without Really Trying" as Stevie
The Real McCoys [The McCoys] (1963; TV Series) as Greg Howard
Mister Ed [Mr Ed] (1964, US; TV Series) "Don't Laugh at Horses" as Tommy Slater
Mister Ed [Mr Ed] (1964, US; TV Series) "Ed the Desert Rat" as Stevie
The Munsters (1964-66; TV Series) as Edward Wolfgang 'Eddie' Munster
One Man's Way (1964, US; Film) as John Peale
Rawhide (1964; TV Series) "Incident of the Pied Piper"
I Dream of Jeannie (1966; TV Series) "My Master the Author" as Richard
Munster, Go Home (1966, US; Film) as Edward Wolfgang 'Eddie' Munster
Pistols 'n' Petticoats (1966; TV Series) "A Crooked Line" as Chad Turner
The Monkees (1967; TV Series) "The Christmas Show" as Melvin Vandersnoot
Way Down Cellar (1967, US; TV Film) as Frank
Family Affair (1968, US; TV Series) "By a Whisker" as Frankie
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band (1968, US; Film) as Johnny de John
The Young Loner (1968, US; TV Film) as Bumper/Frank Wilson
80 Steps to Jonah (1969, US; Film) as Brian
Daniel Boone (1969, US; TV Series) "Copperhead Izzy" as Black Cat Jack
Marcus Welby, M.D. [Robert Young, Family Doctor] (1969, US; TV Series) "All Flags Flying" as Sailor Ballinger
My Three Sons (1969, US; TV Series) "Goodbye Forever" as Gordon Dearing
My Three Sons (1969, US; TV Series) "Teacher's Pet" as Gordon Dearing
The Phantom Tollbooth [The Adventures of Milo in the Phantom Tollbooth] (1969, US; Film) as Milo
Adam-12 (1970, US; TV Series) "Log 15: Exactly 100 Yards" as Tony Niccola
Adam-12 (1970, US; TV Series) "Log 75: Have a Nice Weekend" as Paul Foster
Lidsville (1971-73; TV Series) as Mark
The Sandpit Generals [The Defiant; The Wild Pack] (1971; Film) as No Legs
The Wild Pack [The Sandpit Generals] (1972; Film)
Chris Patrick
(Academy Players Directory) (1966-76)
Garry Patrick - b.24Sep1971
Tales Out of School (1982, UK; TV Anthology) "Made in Britain"
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Hal Patrick
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Ian Patrick - b.11Nov2002
Hold (2009; Film) as Boy in Church
Midgets vs Mascots (2009; Film) as Ian
The Other Side of Paradise (2009; Film) as Photograph Kid #1
Looper (2012; Film) as Beggar Kid
The Neighbors (2012-14; TV Series) as Dick Butkus
Wanderlust (2012; Film) as Grisham
Jackie Patrick
(Screen Children/Screen Children's Year Book) (1943)
Kellan Patrick
(Academy Players Directory) (2001-03)
Kevin Garrison Patrick
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-03)
Michael Steven Patrick
(Academy Players Directory) (1995)
Sean Patrick (Sean G. Patrick)
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-88)
Webster (1985, US; TV Series) as Raymond
Mr Belvedere (1988, US; TV Series) "Graduation" as Boy #2
Steven Patrick
(Academy Players Directory) (1969-76)
James Patten - b.25Mar1975
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
Nancy Astor (1982, UK; TV Film)
Chance in a Million (1984, UK; TV Series)
The Bill (c.1985, UK; TV Series)
Bottle Boys (c.1985, UK; TV Series)
Santa Claus [Santa Claus: The Movie] (1985, US; Film) as 14th Century Boy
Turtle Diary [Turtle Summer] (1985; Film)
A Tale of Two Cities (1989, UK/FR; TV Film) as Jerry Jeune
Thomas Patten
Mike (2010; Film) as Mike
Neverland (2011, UK; TV Film) as Twins
Wesley Patten
Hector's Bunyip (1987, AU; TV Film) as Michael
Bobby Patterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1964-67)
Cjon Damitri Patterson
The Sea Gypsies (1978; Film) as Jesse
Colin Patterson
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
David Patterson
The Secret Garden (1975, GB; TV Film) as Colin Craven
Dennis Patterson
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Jason Patterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Jason Charles Patterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Jonathan Matthew Patterson (Jonathan Patterson) - b.12Mar1985
Children of the Corn: The Gathering [Children of the Corn IV] (1996, US; Film) as Charlie McLellan
ER [Emergency Room] (1996, US; TV Series) "Fear of Flying" as Zach #2
ER [Emergency Room] (1996, US; TV Series) "Union Station" as Zach Herlihy
(Academy Players Directory) (1997-98)
Sitting in Limbo (1997; Film) as Johnny
Weird Science (1997; TV Series) "Family Affair" as Henry
7th Heaven [Seventh Heaven] (1998, US; TV Series) "Like a Harlot" as Kyle
Joshua Patterson - b.12Mar1985
Children of the Corn: The Gathering [Children of the Corn IV] (1996, US; Film)
Sitting in Limbo (1997; Film) as Josh
Weird Science (1997; TV Series) "Family Affair" as Henry
(Academy Players Directory) (1998)
7th Heaven [Seventh Heaven] (1998, US; TV Series) "Like a Harlot" as Casey
Mike Patterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Pat Patterson
Coal Miner's Daughter (1980, US; Film)
Paul Patterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1968)
Rahsaan Patterson
Kids Incorporated [Kids Inc.] (1985; TV Series)
(Academy Players Directory) (1987)
Sidekicks [Karate Kid and Co.; The Last Electric Knight] (1987, US; TV Series) as Derrick
Rodney Patterson
Gandhi (1982; Film)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984, US; Film)
Top Secret (1984; Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
The King and I (c.1985; Stage)
Young Sherlock Holmes [El Secreto de la Piramide; Pyramid of Fear; Young Sherlock Holmes and the Pyramid of Fear] (1985, GB; Film)
Ronnie Patterson
Beware My Lovely [Day Without End; One False Move; The Ragged Edge] (1952, US; Film) as Boy
Thomas Richard Patterson II
(Academy Players Directory) (1997)
Michael Patterson-Crohn
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Stevie-Lee Pattinson
The Paper Lads (c.1979, UK; TV Series)
Saturday Shake-Up (1979, UK; TV Series)
Andy Robson (1982-83, UK; TV Series) as Alec Cowen
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Horizon (1985, UK; TV Anthology) "The Life of Carl Jung"
Mad About Magic (c.1985, UK) (unconfirmed)
Dylan Patton (Dylan Michael Patton) - b.13Jul1992
Paradise, Texas (2005; Film) as Tyler Cameron
Sheeba [Crab Orchard; So Others May Live] (2005; Film) as Clay Thomas
That's So Raven [Absolutely Psychic; That's So Raven!] (2005; TV Series) "Goin' Hollywood" as Justin Banks
Crab Orchard (2006; Film) as Clay Thomas
Cold Case (2007, US; TV Series) "Blackout" as Matt Merriman as a Boy
First Strike (2007; Film) as Dustin Tyler
Jamie Patton
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Michael Patton-Hall
Highway to Heaven (1986, US; TV Series) "Children's Children" as Boy #2
James Patts (Jamie Patts)
(Academy Players Directory) (1981-83)
Jamie Patts -- see: James Patts
Andrew Paul -- see: Andy Paul
Andy Paul (Andrew Paul)
(Academy Players Directory) (1964)
Bugsy Malone (1976, GB; Film) as O'Dreary
Bill Paul
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Chris Paul
(Academy Players Directory) (1963-66)
Colby Paul - b.01Jul1992
The Bernie Mac Show (2005, US; TV Series) "Stone Nuts" as Drew Benson
The Comeback (2005; TV Series) "Valerie Hangs with the Cool Kids" as Kevin Chambers
Deal (2005; TV Film) as Ryan
NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service [NCIS] (2005; TV Series) "The Voyeur's Web" as Skateboard Kid #1
Night Stalker (2005; TV Series) "The Five People You Meet in Hell" as Jeffrey Linman
Supernatural (2006, US; TV Series) "Something Wicked" as Michael
Ghost Whisperer (2007; TV Series) "Delia's First Ghost" as Grant Powers
Pandemic (2007; TV Film) as Gil Whitlock
Pushing Daisies (2007; TV Series) "Corpsicle" as Abner Newsome
Rules of Engagement (2007; TV Series) "Hard Day's Night" as Bully
Union Jackass (2007; TV Series) "Pilot" as David Ritchie
Zip (2007; TV Film) as Nelson Stringer
Fringe (2009, US; TV Series) "Snakehead" as Matt Jarvis
The Mentalist (2009, US; TV Series) "Red Rum" as Brad Elkins
Star Trek [Star Trek XI; Star Trek Zero; Star Trek: The Future Begins] (2009, US; Film) as Vulcan Bully
C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation [C.S.I.: Las Vegas] (2010; TV Series) "Fracked" as Scott
Pretty Little Liars [PLL] (2010; TV Series) "Can You Hear Me Now?" as Sperling
David Paul
Testimony of Two Men (1977, US; TV Film) (unconfirmed)
Derek Paul
(Academy Players Directory) (1998)
Edward Paul
(Academy Players Directory) (1957-64)
Ellis Paul
Do Children Count? (1917, US; Series)
A Modern Mother Goose (1917, US; Film) as Tommy
Our Boys (1917, US; Film)
The Saint's Adventure (1917, US; Film) as Sid Farley
Seventy and Seven (1917, US; Film)
Erik Paul
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Jack Paul
The Little Straw Wife (1915, US; Film)
Joyce's Strategy (1916, US; Film)
Do Children Count? (1917, US; Series)
Little Shoes (1917, US; Film)
A Modern Mother Goose (1917, US; Film) as Jack
Jarrad Paul
(Academy Players Directory) (1989-94)
A Family for Joe [Regular Joe] (1990, US; TV Film) as Chris Bankston (9)
Home Fires (1992; TV Series) as Jesse Kramer
Jason Paul
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-81)
Jordan Paul
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Michael Paul
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-90)
P.R. Paul
(Academy Players Directory) (1975-78)
Ricky G. Paul -- see: Ricky Paull Goldin
Robert C. Paul
(Academy Players Directory) (1999)
Steven Paul
Making Money and 13 Other Very Short Plays (1970, US; TV Short) "The Haircut"
Pigeons [The Sidelong Glances of a Pigeon Kicker] (1970, US; Film)
Happy Birthday, Wanda June (1971, US; Film) as Paul Ryan
Child's Play (1972, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1973-76)
(Players Guide [New York]) (1974)
The Edge of Night [The Edge of Darkness] (c.1974, US; TV Series)
Faith For Today (c.1974; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Lemon Sky (c.1974, US; Stage) as Jerry
The Secret Storm (c.1974, US; TV Series)
To Tell the Truth (c.1974; TV Series)
Ken Pauley
(Academy Players Directory) (1970)
Gavin Paulin
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (1968, US; Film) as Spareribs
Paulist Choristers & Men
The ThornBirds (1983)
Paulist Choristers of California
The Most Joyful Mystery (1980, US; TV Short)
Marcus T. Paulk (Marcus Paulk)
3rd Rock from the Sun [Encounters of the Personal Kind; Life As We Know It] (1998, US; TV Series) "When Aliens Camp" as Jimmy
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
The Nightmare Room (2001, US; TV Anthology) "Scareful What You Wish For" as Ryan
Jack Paulson
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
Derek Dimir Pavelcic
(Academy Players Directory) (1997)
Paolo Pavesi
1900 [Novecento] (1976, IT; Film) as Alfredo
William Pavey - b.25Jun1992
Barney and Friends [Barney] (1998; TV Series)
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction? [Beyond Belief] (1998, US; TV Series) "When I Was Big" as Jeremy McBain
Miracle on the 17th Green (1999; TV Film) as Derek
Traffic (1999; TV Film) as Benjamin
Christy: Return to Cutter Gap [Christy: The Movie] (2000, US; TV Film) as Sam Houston
Seven Days [Seven Days: The Series] (2000; TV Series) "Time Gremlin" as Issac Mentnor
The Division [Heart of the City] (2001; TV Series) "There But For Fortune" as Benjamin
Night Visions [Night Terrors] (2001, CA/US; TV Anthology) "My So-Called Life and Death" as Brian
So Weird [Too Weird] (2001, CA/US; TV Series) "Gone Fishin'" as Boy
Torin Pavia
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Eric Pavitt (Walter Eric Pavitt) - b.07Jul1922;d.Nov2001
The Bells of St Mary's (1928, GB; Film)
Warned Off (1928, GB; Film)
Auld Lang Syne (1929, GB; Film)
The Black Hand Gang (1930, GB; Film)
Greek Street (1930, GB; Film)
My Friend the King (1931, GB; Film)
Stamboul (1931, GB; Film)
Reunion (1932, GB; Film)
Strip, Strip, Hooray! [Let's Go Naked] (1932, GB; Film)
Radio Parade (1933, GB; Film)
My Old Dutch (1934, GB; Film) as Boy
Paris Plane (1934, GB; Film)
Sing As We Go (1934, GB; Film)
Can You Hear Me, Mother? (1935, GB; Film)
Children of the Fog (1935, GB; Film)
Get Off My Foot (1935, GB; Film)
Faithful (1936, GB; Film)
Find the Lady (1936, GB; Film)
The Lonely Road (1936, GB; Film)
Queen of Hearts (1936, GB; Film)
Radio Lover (1936, GB; Film)
Dangerous Fingers (1937, GB; Film)
Walter Eric Pavitt -- see: Eric Pavitt
Sunny Pawar
Lion (2016; Film)
Tim Pawluk
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Eric Pawsen
The Odyssey [The Jellybean Odyssey] (1994, CA; TV Series) "The Greatest Show on Earth" as Groan
Jim Paxton
(Academy Players Directory) (1958-62)
Gilles Payant
Big Red (1962, US; Film) as Rene Jean-Paul Dumont
Joachim Payen
La nouvelle guerre des boutons [War of the Buttons] (2011, France; Film) as Un Velrans
Dennis Paylow
(Academy Players Directory) (1958)
Mike Paylow
(Academy Players Directory) (1957-58)
Pat Paylow
(Academy Players Directory) (1957-58)
Steve Paylow
(Academy Players Directory) (1957-58)
Leave It To Beaver [It's a Small World; Wally and the Beaver] (1957, USA; TV Series) "Beaver Gets 'Spelled" as Boy #2
Bradley Payne
The Pigeon That Worked a Miracle (1958, US; Film)
Brandon Payne
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Carl Payne
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Daniel Payne
Children of the Full Moon (1980, UK; TV Film) as Boy
Geoffrey Payne
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Oliver Payne
The Theory of Everything (2014; Film) as Robert Hawking as a Boy (8)
Pan [Peter Pan] (2015; Film) as Miner
Steven Craig Payne
(Academy Players Directory) (1957)
Kurtis Payton
In the Heat of the Night (1989, US; TV Series) "The Creek" as Virgil Tibbs as a Boy
In the Heat of the Night (1990, US; TV Series) "Hello in There" as Odell Tyler
In the Heat of the Night (1992, US; TV Series) "Odessa" as Alvin Talmon
Randy Payton
(Academy Players Directory) (1975)
Theo Paziot
La guerre des boutons [War of the Buttons] (2011, FR; Film) as Un Longeverne
Felipe Pazos -- see: Felipe Pazos Jr
Felipe Pazos Jr (Felipe Pazos) - b.22Nov1944
The Old Man and the Sea (1958, US; Film) as The Boy/Manolin
Manuel Pazos
Brecha (2009, ES; Film) as Dani (15)
Wylie Peach
Lil' River Rats and the Adventure of the Lost Treasure [Lil' Treasure Hunters] (2003, US; Film) as Swimming Bad Kid
Sean Peake
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
James Pearce
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-81)
Peter Pearce
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-81)
Barry Pearl (Barry Lee Pearl) - b.29Mar1950
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
Bye Bye Birdie (c.1966, US; Stage) as Randolph
Daphne (c.1966; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Directions (1966; TV Series)
Oliver! (c.1966, US; Stage) as Artful Dodger
Richard III (c.1966, US; Stage)
A Thousand Clowns (c.1966, US; Stage) as Nick Burns
The World of Sholom Aleichem (c.1966, US; Stage)
P.J. [Criss Cross; New Face in Hell] (1968, US; Film) as Kid
The Adventures of the Prince and the Pauper (1969, US; Film) as Tom Canty
Lloyd Pearl -- see: Lloyd Perl
Max Pearlman
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-00)
Michael Pearlman (Michael J. Pearlman) - b.15Nov1972
One Trick Pony (1980, US; Film) as Matty Levin (8)
Muggable Mary, Street Cop (1982, US; TV Film) as Eric Glatzle
Soup for One (1982, US; Film) as Allan as a Boy
Jacobo Timerman: Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number (1983, US; TV Film) as Javier
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-93)
Charles in Charge (1984-85, US; TV Series) as Jason Michael Pembroke
Kate and Allie (1987, US; TV Series) "Dearly Beloved" as Jamie
Russell Pearlman
(Academy Players Directory) (1997)
Christopher Pearman
Spit McPhee [The Adventures of Spit McPhee; The True Story of Spit McPhee] (1988, AU; TV Film) as Ben Arbuckle
[Kelly Pearsall]
Teen Father (1986, US; TV Short)
Andrew Pearson
Penmarric (1979, UK; TV Series)
The Squad (1980, UK; TV Series)
Grange Hill (1981, UK; TV Series) "Episode 4.11" as Neil
Grange Hill (1981, UK; TV Series) "Episode 4.15" as Neil
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Aladdin (c.1982; Stage) as Genie
The Little and Large Show (c.1982, UK; TV Series)
Secret Army (c.1979, UK; TV Series)
To the Manor Born (c.1981, UK; TV Series)
Anthony Pearson - b.26May1973
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Great Expectations (c.1985; Stage) as Pip as a Boy
Oliver! (c.1985; Stage) as Oliver
David H. Pearson
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
J.R. Pearson
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
James Warren Pearson
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-98)
Jody Pearson
(Academy Players Directory) (1963-71)
Johnny Frederick Pearson
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-98)
Kevi Pearson
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-81)
Malachi Pearson (Malachi Kenneth Pearson) - b.12Jun1981
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-97)
Highway to Heaven (1989, US; TV Series) "The Silent Bell" as Andrew
Lola (1989, US; Film) as Donald Baltic
Valerie [The Hogan Family; Valerie's Family] (1990, US; TV Series) "Prom, Lies and Videotape" as Joel
Nathan Pearson - b.15Sep1993
Criminal Minds (2007, US; TV Series) "Seven Seconds" as Teenager
iCarly (2007, US; TV Series) "iRue the Day" as Edgar
iCarly (2008; TV Series) "iDon't Want to Fight" as Jeremy
iCarly (2008; TV Series) "iNevel" as Jeremy
iCarly (2008; TV Series) "iWant to Date Freddie" as Jeremy
Miss Guided (2008; TV Series) "High School Musical" as Student
What Would Jesus Do? (2008; Short) as Abel
Eastbound and Down (2009; TV Series) "Chapter 1" as AV Kid
Sharing God Kid Style (2009; Film) as Abel
Paul Pearson
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Raymond Pearson
(Academy Players Directory) (1939-41)
Huckleberry Finn (c.1939, US; Stage)
The Ape (1940, US; Film) as Victor
George Washington Slept Here (c.1941, US; Stage) as Raymond
Then Came Rollo (c.1941, US; Stage) as Rollo
Robert Pearson (Robert John Pearson)
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-87)
Stephen Pearson
Circus Boy (1957, US; TV Series) "The Clemens Boys" as Jody Clemens
The Donna Reed Show (1958, US; TV Series) "The Hike" as Eddie
Merry Andrew (1958, US; Film) as School Boy
The Donna Reed Show (1959, US; TV Series) "Jeff Joins a Club" as Zack/Zachary Blake
The Donna Reed Show (1959, US; TV Series) "Jeff vs Mary" as Zack/Zachary Blake
The Donna Reed Show (1959, US; TV Series) "The Report Card" as Zack/Zachary Blake
Z Cars (1964; TV Series) "A Man . . . Like Yourself" as Kenny Schofield
[Jesse Pease]
A Cry in the Dark [Evil Angels] (1988, AU/US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Kelly Pease
(Players Guide [New York]) (1976)
Ira Sleeps Over (1978; Film) as Reggie
3-2-1 Contact (1980, US; TV Series) "Noisy/Quiet: Music" as Zach
The Private History of a Campaign That Failed (1981, US; TV Film) as Cab
Robbers, Rooftops and Witches (1981, US; TV Anthology) "Framing Story" as Ned
Charles Peat - b.23Sep1969
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
The King and I (c.1982; Stage) as Louis Leonowens
The Sound of Music (c.1982; Stage) as Friedrich Von Trapp
The Hot Shoe Show (c.1984, UK; TV Series) as Dancer
Bugsy Malone (c.1985; Stage) as Policeman
Forty Years On (c.1985; Stage) as Ledbetter
That's My Boy (c.1985; Stage) as Tommy Hawkins
Lance Peatman
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-93)
Bear Pebley
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Dhmiter Pecani
DEBATIK (1961, AL; Film)
Joaquin Pecheur
(Academy Players Directory) (1976)
Brad Peck
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Charles Peck - b.03Apr1922;d.May1994
Dead End [Cradle of Crime; Dead End: Cradle of Crime] (1937, US; Film) as Philip Griswold
A Christmas Carol [Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol] (1938, US; Film) as Dick Wilkins
Judge Hardy's Children (1938, US; Film) as Tommy MacMahon
Mad About Music (1938, US; Film) as Henry
Of Human Hearts [Benefits Forgot] (1938, US; Film) as Chauncey Ames
Orphans of the Street [Strongheart] (1938, US; Film) as Boy
Sons of the Legion (1938, US; Film) as Clarence Houston
Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever (1939, US; Film) as Tommy MacMahon
Boy Slaves [Pure in Mind; Saints Without Wings] (1939, US; Film) as Snob
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew (1939, US; Film) as Ben Pepper
Tower of London (1939, US; Film) as Page Boy
(Academy Players Directory) (1940)
Five Little Peppers at Home (1940, US; Film) as Ben Pepper
Five Little Peppers in Trouble [Five Little Peppers at School] (1940, US; Film) as Ben Pepper
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk (1940, US; Film) as Boy
Out West with the Peppers (1940, US; Film) as Ben Pepper
The Courtship of Andy Hardy (1942, US; Film) as Tommy MacMahon
Obliging Young Lady (1942, US; Film) as Johnny
Ethan Peck (Ethan Gregory Peck) - b.02Mar1986
Charlie Grace (1995; TV Series) "One Simple Little Favor" as Tyler
Marshal Law (1996; TV Film) as Josh Coleman
The Drew Carey Show (1999; TV Series) "Drew and the Gang Law" as Kid
Passport to Paris (1999; Film) as Michel
Pumpkin Hill (1999; Film) as Joey
That '70s Show [Teenage Wasteland; The Kids are Alright] (2000, US; TV Series) "Reefer Madness" as Michael Kelso as a Boy
That '70s Show [Teenage Wasteland; The Kids are Alright] (2002, US; TV Series) "Class Picture" as Michael Kelso as a Boy (13)
The O'Keefes (2003, US; TV Series) "Festival of Birth" as Wade
Em and Me [Moondance] (2004; Film) as Jimmy
George Peck
Knowing Me, Knowing You With Alan Partridge (1995, UK; TV Series) "Knowing Me, Knowing Yule With Alan Partridge" as Boy Soprano
Harvard Peck
(Academy Players Directory) (1940)
Dark Command (1940, US; Film)
Jake Peck
The Three Stooges (2012; Film) as Teddy as a Boy
Belle's (2013; TV Series) "Whole Hog"
Bunheads (2013; TV Series) "The Astronaut and the Ballerina" as Lonnie
Connected (2013; Short) as Gamer Kid
Major Crimes (2013; TV Series) "Curve Ball" as Hunt Massey as a Boy
Snake and Mongoose (2013; Film) as Joey (4)
Josh Peck (Joshua Michael Peck) - b.10Nov1986
The Amanda Show [Moody's Point] (2000, US; TV Series) as Josh
The Newcomers (2000, US; Film) as Slim/Danny
Snow Day (2000; Film) as Wayne Alworth
What Ever Happened to Robot Jones? (2000; TV Film) as Lenny
(Academy Players Directory) (2001-04)
ER [Emergency Room] (2001, US; TV Series) "Thy Will Be Done" as Nick Stevens
Mad TV Live and Almost Legal (2001; TV Film)
Max Keeble's Big Move [7th Grade Heart Attack; Trouble Kids] (2001, US; Film) as Robe/Robert
MADtv (2002; TV Series) "Episode #7.24" as Jeffrey Lugz
Spun (2002; Film) as Fat Boy
Drake and Josh (2004-07; TV Series)
Mean Creek (2004; Film) as George Tooney
Havoc (2005; Film) as Josh Rubin
Drake and Josh Go Hollywood (2006; Film) as Josh Nichols
Special (2006; Film) as Joey
Joshua Michael Peck -- see: Josh Peck
Paul Peck
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Steven Peck
Moonrise (1948, US; Film) as Danny Hawkins as a Boy (7)
Matthew Peckinpah
The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970; Film) as Matthew
Junior Bonner (1972; Film) as Tim Bonner
Vincent Pecorella
Gloria (1980, US; Film) as boy in bitch mother's apartment
Josh Peden -- see: Joshua Peden
Joshua Peden (Josh Peden)
(Academy Players Directory) (1985)
The New Lassie (1989, US; TV Series) "Lassie at Last" as Basketball Player
The Wonder Years (1991, US; TV Series) "The Candidate" as Callio
The Wonder Years (1991, US; TV Series) "Day One" as Callio
The Wonder Years (1991, US; TV Series) "Denial" as Callio
Freddie Pedersen
Boy of Two Worlds [Paw; The Lure of the Jungle] (1959, NL/DK; Film)
Max Pedersen
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-93)
Niels Bendtsen Pedersen
Flemming og Kvik [Flemming and Kvik] (1960, DK; Film) as Frederik
William Pedranti
(Academy Players Directory) (1981)
Pedrito -- see: Pedrito Fernandez
Mario Peebles -- see: Mario van Peebles
William Peecher
(Academy Players Directory) (2011)
Kyle Peek
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Loren Peele
Sin of Innocence [Two Young People] (1986, US; TV Film) as Kyle Colleran
Nick Peelman
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-97)
Brandon Peeples
(Academy Players Directory) (2000)
Hendrik Peeters
Wild Vlees [Wild Youth] (2022; Short) as Bram
Jeremiah Peevyhouse
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-92)
Joshua Peevyhouse
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-92)
Murder, She Wrote (1989, US; TV Series) "Double Exposure" as Tommy
Major Dad (1993, US; TV Series) "The Spell of Grease Paint" as Tommy Shaker
Baptistin Peghaire
La nouvelle guerre des boutons [War of the Buttons] (2011, France; Film) as Un Velrans
Robert Pehrson
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-80)
Charles Edward Peil Jr -- see: Johnny Jones
Mike Peil
(Academy Players Directory) (1968-74)
Rick Peil
(Academy Players Directory) (1968-72)
Dusan Pekic
Rane [The Wounds] (1998, Yugoslavia; Film) as Pinki
Oliver P. Peldius - b.20Jan1989
Glasblasarns barn [The Glassblower's Children] (1998, Sweden; Film) as Klas
Florian Pelissier
La nouvelle guerre des boutons [War of the Buttons] (2011, France; Film) as Un Longeverne
Barney Pell
Aunt Mary (1979, US; TV Film) as Sam Jessup
American Pop (1981; Film)
Lee Pell
(Academy Players Directory) (1974-75)
Matteo Pellarin
Cuore [Heart; Il tamburino sardo] (1984, IT; Film)
Christopher Pellett
When Michael Calls (1971, US; TV Film) as Peter Mathes
Tim Pelligrino
The Young Runaways (1978, US; TV Film) as Freddie Doyle
Matthew Lee Pelosi
The New Guy (2002, US; Film) as Dizzy Harrison as a Boy
Adam Pelty
Bad Boys (1983, US; Film) as Teen Gun Dealer
Welcome Home, Bobby (1986, US; TV Film) as Boy on Balcony
Meeno Peluce (Miro Fiore Peluce) - b.26Feb1970
Starsky and Hutch (1977, US; TV Series) "The Crying Child" as Guy Mayer
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-86)
Eight Is Enough (1978, US; TV Series) "Who's on First?"
The Ghost of Flight 401 (1978, US; Film) as Billy
The Incredible Hulk (1978, US; TV Series) "Married" as Boy
Kojak (1978, US; TV Series) "The Halls of Terror" as Christopher
Night Cries (1978, US; TV Film) as Ian Whitney
The Pirate (1978, US; TV Film) as Muhammed (10)
The Amityville Horror (1979, US; Film) as Matt/Matthew
The Bad News Bears (1979-80, US; TV Series) as Tanner Boyle
Don't Go Near the Park [Curse of the Living Dead; Nightstalker; Sanctuary for Evil; The Ancient Curse of the Damned] (1979, US; Film) as Nick (8)
Fast Friends (1979, US; TV Film) as Josh Roman
Lou Grant (1979, US; TV Series) "Denial" as Nick
Benson (1980, US; TV Series) as Alexei
Diff'rent Strokes [45 Minutes From Harlem] (1980, US; TV Series) "Football Father" as Miller
The Jazz Singer (1980, US; Film)
The Jeffersons (1980, US; TV Series) "All I Want For Christmas" as Billy
The Love Boat (1980, US; TV Series) "That's My Dad/The Captain's Bird/Captive Audience" as Scotty
Scout's Honor (1980, US; TV Film) as Big Ace
Tenspeed and Brown Shoe (1980, US; TV Series) "The Millionaire's Life"
Best of the West (1981-82, US; TV Series) as Daniel Best
Happy Days [New Family in Town] (1981; TV Series) as Joey
Misunderstood Monsters (1981, US; TV Short) as Stanley
Million Dollar Infield (1982, US; TV Film) as Joshua Miller
Voyager from the Unknown (1982, US; TV Film) as Jeffrey Jones (12)
Voyagers! (1982-83, US; TV Series) as Jeffrey Jones (12)
World War III (1982, US; TV Film) as Andrei Gorny
The A-Team (1983, US; TV Series) "Pros and Cons" as Joey
Manimal (1983, US; TV Series) "Scrimshaw" as Corky Morgan
Scarecrow and Mrs King (1983, US; TV Series) "The ACM Kid" as Aleksei Kalnikov
Remington Steele (1984, US; TV Series) "A Pocketful of Steele" as Jackie Crawford
Silver Spoons (1984, US; TV Series) "Spare the Rod" as Toby
W*A*L*T*E*R (1984, US; TV Film) as Elstin
Detective in the House (1985, US; TV Series) as Todd Wyman
Hell Town (1985, US; TV Series) "Stumpy Boy"
Punky Brewster (1985, US; TV Series) "Henry Falls in Love" as Zack
Miro Fiore Peluce -- see: Meeno Peluce
Antony Peluso
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Frank Peluso Jr
Brothers (1989, US; TV Series) "The Road Yet Taken" as Boy
Giuseppe Peluso
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Abraham [The Bible - Abraham] (1993, DE; TV Film) as Ishmael (16)
Gary Pelzman
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Angels (c.1983, UK; TV Series)
The Bride (1985; Film)
Hitler's S.S.: Portrait in Evil [S.S.] (1985, UK; TV Film)
Minder (c.1985, UK; TV Series)
Carlos Pena - b.15Aug1989
ER [Emergency Room] (2004; TV Series) "Shot in the Dark" as Arlo Escobar
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (2004, US; TV Series) "Sick Days; Spelling Bee" as King Bee
Judging Amy (2005; TV Series) "You Don't Know Me" as Diego Valdesera
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (2005, US; TV Series) "Notes; Best Friends" as King Bee
Summerland (2005; TV Series) "Sledgehammer" as Student
Don Pena
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Jon Pena
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Joseph Penalosa
(Academy Players Directory) (2000)
Andres Penate
Dear Dumb Diary (2013; TV Film) as Boy Dancer
David Pendelton
Luke Was There (1976, US; TV Short) as Luke
Tommy Pender - b.31Dec1963
Mind Where You're Going (1972, GB; Film)
Steptoe and Son Ride Again (1973, GB; Film)
The Water Babies [Slip Slide Adventures] (1977, GB/PL; Film) as Tom (12)
Oaklee Pendergast
EastEnders [EastEnders25] (2008; TV Series) as Felix
Casualty [Casual+y] (2012; TV Series) "Death and Doughnuts" as Will Forrester
Casualty [Casual+y] (2012; TV Series) "Duty of Care" as Will Forrester
The Impossible [Lo imposible] (2012, Spain/USA; Film) as Simon Bennett (5)
Wer (2013; Film) as Peter Porter
The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death (2015; Film) as Edward
Dnyanesh Pendharkar
Aai mi kuthe javoo [Where Shall I Go, Mother?] (1972, IN; Film)
Greyson Erik Pendry - b.07Aug1990
Man on the Moon [Der Mondmann] (1999; Film) as Michael Kaufman as a Boy
Trinity (1999; TV Series) "Breaking In, Breaking Out, Breaking Up, Breaking Down" as Kyle
The Huntress (2000; TV Series) "Kidnapped" as Todd Schiffer
Strong Medicine (2000, US; TV Series) "Misconceptions" as Charlie
ER [Emergency Room] (2001, US; TV Series) "Piece of Mind" as Leo
Judging Amy (2001, US; TV Series) "The Claw Is Our Master" as Evan Marilla
Kshitij Pendurkar
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story [Walk Hard] (2007, US; Film) as Dewey Rahim
Willard Peng
(Academy Players Directory) (1989-90)
Milton Penick
(Academy Players Directory) (1966)
Dawa Penior
Long Ago and Far Away (1985, Bhutan; TV Anthology) "As Long as He Can Count the Cows" as Dawa
Andrew Penn
The Wild Heart (1967, US; TV Short) as The Brother (10)
Jacob Zelik Penn
Thicker Than Blood: The Larry McLinden Story [The Larry McLinden Story] (1994; TV Film) as Larry McLinden Jr
Kenny Penn
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-97)
Michael Penn
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Hitler's S.S.: Portrait in Evil [S.S.] (1985, UK; TV Film)
Return to Waterloo (1985, UK; Film)
Sean Penn (Sean Justin Penn) - b.17Aug1960
Little House On The Prairie [Little House: A New Beginning] (1974, US; TV Series) "The Legend of Tinker Jones" as Kid
Adam Pennebaker
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
BJ Pennington
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Ciaran Pennington
The Ray Bradbury Theater (1992, CA; TV Anthology) "By the Numbers" as The Boy
Spencer Pennington (Spencer B. Pennington)
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-04)
Yellow (1998; Film)
One Small Hero (1999, US; Film) as Billy
Malcolm in the Middle (2003, US; TV Series) "Academic Octathlon" as Nerd Ricky
Taylor Pennington
(Academy Players Directory) (1985)
Jay Penrake
Pollen (2015; Short) as Boy
Peter Penrose
Almost a Divorce (1931, GB; Film)
Sorrell and Son (1933, GB; Film)
Lorna Doone (1934, GB; Film)
The Man Who Changed His Name (1934, GB; Film)
The Old Curiosity Shop (1935, GB; Film)
Eric Penta
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
Jake Pentland -- see: Jake McLaine
Alan Pentony
Frankie Starlight (1995; Film) as Frankie Bois as a Boy
Irvine Penvose
Mickey McGuire comedies (1927-34, US; Series)
Abie's Irish Rose (1928, US; Film)
Smitty comedies (c.1928, US; Series)
(Classified Stage-Screen Children's Album) (1929)
Say It With Songs [Little Pal; My Little Pal] (1929, US; Film)
Tenderfoot Surveyor (c.1929, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Kyle Pepi
(Academy Players Directory) (2000-02)
The X Files [The X-Files; X-File] (2000, Canada; TV Series) "Invocation" as Billy Underwood
Ryan Pepi
(Academy Players Directory) (2000-02)
The X Files [The X-Files; X-File] (2000, Canada; TV Series) "Invocation" as Billy Underwood
William Martin Peplon -- see: Martin Good Rider
Anthony Peplow
The Queen Street Gang (1968; TV Series) as Speedy
Z Cars (1968; TV Series) "Blame It on Father Christmas" as Alan
The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm (1969; TV Series) "Branestawm and Paper" as Envelope
The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm (1969; TV Series) "Branestawm's Disappearing Abolisher" as Boy
Buddy Pepper (Jack R. Starkey) - b.21Apr1922;d.07Feb1993
Gangster's Boy (1938, US; Film) as Jitterbug Dancer
That Certain Age (1938, US; Film) as Friend
Streets of New York [The Abe Lincoln of Ninth Avenue] (1939, US; Film) as Flatfoot/Newsboy
Military Academy (1940, US; Film) as Cadet
Seventeen (1940, US; Film) as Johnnie Watson
Varsity Vanities (1940; Short)
Dennis Pepper (Dennis Michael Enfield) - b.17Nov1944
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-58)
The Jack Benny Program [The Jack Benny Show; The Lucky Strike Program] (1956, US; TV Series) "George Gobel/Red Skelton Show" as Beverly Hills Beaver Scout
Leave It To Beaver [It's a Small World; Wally and the Beaver] (1963, USA; TV Series) "Lumpy's Scholarship" as Denny
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet [Ozzie and Harriet; The Adventures of the Nelson Family] (1964, US; TV Series) "A Bedtime Story" as Dennis
Douglas Peppiatt
The Fir Tree (1979, CA; TV Short) as Willy
Soli per le strade [Alone in the Streets] (1954, IT; Film) as Peppino
Leif Per
(Academy Players Directory) (1969-70)
Rad Pera -- see: Radames Pera
Radames Pera (Rad Pera) - b.14Sep1960
A Dream of Kings (1969, US; Film) as Stavros Matsoukas
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-76)
Incident in San Francisco (1971, US; Film)
Night Gallery [Rod Serling's Night Gallery] (1971, US; TV Anthology) "Silent Snow, Secret Snow" as Paul
Gidget Gets Married (1972, US; TV Film)
Lassie [Jeff's Collie; Timmy and Lassie] (1972, US; TV Series) "Dream Seeker" as Willy Carson
Lassie [Jeff's Collie; Timmy and Lassie] (1972, US; TV Series) "Vigil of the Stork" as Willy Carson
Kung Fu (1972-75; TV Series) as Caine/Grasshopper as a Boy
Little House On The Prairie [Little House: A New Beginning] (1974-76, US; TV Series) as John Edwards
Anthony Peraino
The Legend of Billie Jean [Fair is Fair] (1985, US; Film) as Kid in Crowd #1
Antony Peraino
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-87)
Justin S. Pereira
Oliver! (2003, US; Stage) as Oliver Twist (11)
Luis Pereira
(Academy Players Directory) (1989)
Patrick Pereira - b.29Jun1971
Master of the Game (1984, US; TV Film)
Pop Pirates (1984, UK; Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Bugsy Malone (c.1985; Stage)
Pedro Pereira - b.30Jan1970
Master of the Game (1984, US; TV Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Martin Perels - b.16Nov1960
Q and Q (1978, NL; Film)
David Perets
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Viktor Perevalov -- see: Vitya Perevalov
Vitya Perevalov (Viktor Perevalov) - b.17Feb1949;d.05Jul2010
Tambu-Lambu (1957, SU; Film)
Gorod zazhigayet ogni [The Town Lights Up] (1958, SU; Film)
Marya - iskussnitsa [Mary the Nimble Weaver; The Magic Weaver] (1959, SU; Film) as Ivanushka
Sombrero (1959, SU; Film)
Baltiskoye nebo [Baltic Sky] (1961, SU; Film)
Starozhil [The Old-Timer] (1961, SU; Film) as Andrei Krutikov
Alfredo Perez
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947-48)
Angos Perez (Angos Winke) - b.04Sep1944
(Academy Players Directory) (1951)
Here Comes the Groom [You Belong To Me] (1951, US; Film) as Orphan
Lydia Bailey (1952, US; Film)
Anthony Perez
Popi (1975-76, US; TV Series) as Junior/Abraham Rodriguez Jr
Bruno Perez
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-80)
Elliott Perez
(Academy Players Directory) (1995-96)
ER [Emergency Room] (c.1996, US; TV Series)
Ismael Perez ('Poncianito')
Bamba (1948, MX; Film)
Maclovia (1948, MX; Film)
Medianoche [Midnight] (1948, MX; Film)
Prision de suenos [Prison of Dreams] (1948, MX; Film)
Pueblerina [Town Girl] (1948, MX; Film)
Duelo en las montanas [Duel in the Mountains] (1949, MX; Film)
El Rey del barrio [King of the Neighborhood] (1949, MX; Film)
Yo soy charro de levita [Rough But Respectable] (1949, MX; Film)
Bullfighter and the Lady (1950, US; Film)
Inmaculada [Spotless] (1950, MX; Film)
Siempre tuya [Forever Yours] (1950, MX; Film)
Victimas del pecado [Victims of Sin] (1950, MX; Film)
El Papelerito [The Paper-Boy] (1951, MX; Film)
El Ruisenor del barrio [The Local Nightingale] (1951, MX; Film)
La Bestia magnifica [The Gorgeous Beast] (1952, MX; Film)
Angeles de la calle [Angels of the Street] (1953, CU/MX; Film)
Orquideas para mi esposa [Orchids for My Wife] (1953, MX; Film)
Dos mundos y un amor [Two Worlds, One Love] (1954, MX; Film)
La Rebelion de los colgados [Revolt of the Failures] (1954, MX; Film)
Tu vida entre mis manos [Your Life in My Hands] (1954, MX; Film)
El Tesoro de la Isla de Pinos [Treasure On the Isle of Pines] (1955, MX/CU; Film)
El Camino de la vida [The Road of Life] (1956, MX; Film)
Leonel Perez
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Lucas Perez
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Nacho Perez
Mala Educacion [Bad Behavior; Bad Education] (2004; Film) as Ignacio as a Boy
Pepito Perez
Golden Earrings (1947, US; Film)
Timmy Perez
(Academy Players Directory) (1973)
Vincent Perez
(Academy Players Directory) (1977)
Asher Pergament
The Adams Chronicles (1976, US; TV Film) as Tommy Adams
Vinnie Pergola
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
John Periccos
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Home Farm (c.1982; Film) (unconfirmed)
Paolo Perin
DeGrassi Jr High (1988-91, CA; TV Series) as Chico
Patrick Periz -- see: Patrick St-Pierre
Andrew Perkins
Odd Balls [All Shook Up!] (1984, CA; Film) as Spiz Jessom
Brandon Perkins
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-88)
Damian Perkins
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
James Perkins
Get Real (1998; Film) as Steven Carter as a Boy
Jason Perkins
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Michael Perkins
Hardball (2001; Film) as Kofi
Osgood Perkins
Psycho II (1983; Film)
Robert Perkins
(Academy Players Directory) (1979)
Travis Perkins
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Lloyd Perl (Lloyd Pearl) - b.15Jan1909;d.14Mar1993
Let Katy Do It (1915, US; Film)
Little Dick's First Case (1915, US; Film)
The Defenders (1916, US; Film)
A Sister of Six (1916, US; Film) as Allan
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp (1917, US; Film)
Cheerful Givers (1917, US; Film) as Orphan
Treasure Island (1917, US; Film) as Black Dog
Ace High (1918, US; Film) as Jean Rivard (10)
The Girl with the Champagne Eyes (1918, US; Film)
Luis Perla
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Jerico Perlas
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Evan Perley
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Alex Perloff
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Jan Perlstein
(Academy Players Directory) (1970)
Miklos Perlus - b.23Mar1977
Rin Tin Tin, K-9 Cop [Katts and Dog] (1988, CA; TV Series) "Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil"
Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1990; TV Series) "Proof of the Pudding" as Peter Craig
Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1991; TV Series) "Old Quarrels, Old Love" as Peter Craig
Iron Eagle IV (1995, CA; Film) as New Kid
Ready or Not (1995, Canada; TV Series) "Just Friends" as Jamie
Bobbi Permanent
Ups and Downs [Prep School] (1981; Film) as Jed Spencer
Billy Perna
City Across the River (1949, US; Film)
Close to My Heart (1951, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1952)
Mara Maru (1952, US; Film)
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima [The Miracle of Fatima] (1952, US; Film)
Trouble Along the Way [Alma Mater] (1953, US; Film) as Boy
Nicolas Pernisco - b.30May1978
Grunt! The Wrestling Movie (1985; Film) as Shouting Fan
The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987, US; Film) as Gangster Kid 1
Herman's Head (1992, US; TV Series) "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Dying" as Nick Crawford
Geoff Pero
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-87)
Gerald Perreau -- see: Peter Miles
Jean-Marc Perret - b.10Apr1975
Prince Caspian and the Dawn Treader (1989; TV Film) as Prince Caspian
Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader [The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian] (1989, UK; TV Film) as Prince Caspian
The Silver Chair [The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair] (1990, UK; TV Film) as Prince Caspian
Chad Perrigo
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Chip Perrin
(Academy Players Directory) (1944)
Fred Perrin
The Boy King (1986; TV Film) as Martin Luther King Jr age 10 (10)
Maxence Perrin - b.1996
Les Choristes [Die Kinder des Monsieur Mathieu; The Choir] (2004, FR; Film) as Pepinot
Scott Perrin
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Joseph Perrino - b.1982
Sleepers (1996, US; Film) as Shakes/Lorenzo Carcaterra as a Boy
Johnny Perrone
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-77)
Jake Perruccio
(Academy Players Directory) (2005-07)
Alex Perry
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-03)
Andrew Perry
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Bradley Steven Perry (Bradley Perry) - b.23Nov1998
Choose Connor [The Politician] (2007, US; Film) as School Boy
Magnificent Max (2007, US; Short) as Georgie Rosenthal
Without a Trace [Vanished; W.A.T.] (2008, US; TV Series) "Closure" as Charlie
The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (2009, US; Film) as Don Ready as a Boy
Old Dogs (2009, US; Film) as Soccer Kid
Opposite Day (2009, US; Film) as Security Guard
Who Shot Mamba? (2009, US; Film) as David
Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas! (2011, US; TV Film) as Gabe Duncan
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure (2011, US; Film) as Roger Elliston
Good Luck Charlie (2010-14, US; TV Series) as Gabe Duncan
Mighty Med (2013-25, US; TV Series) as Kaz
Pants on Fire (2014, US; TV Film) as Jack Parker
Charles Bates Perry
The Sun Comes Up [Sun in the Morning] (1949, US; Film) as Orphan
Jaerial M. Perry
(Academy Players Directory) (2001-04)
Jimmy Perry
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-58)
Kevin Perry
Conrack (1974, US; Film) as Kevin
Kyrian Perry
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-04)
Matthew Perry (Matthew Langford Perry) - b.19Aug1969
240-Robert (1979; TV Series) "Bank Job" as Arthur
Not Necessarily the News (1983; TV Series) "Audrie in Love" as Bob
Charles in Charge (1985; TV Series) "The Wrong Guy" as Ed Stanley
Silver Spoons (1986, US; TV Series) "Rick Moves Out" as Davey
Stephen Perry -- see: Stevie Perry
Stevie Perry (Stephen Perry) - b.07Jul1952
General Electric Theatre [G.E. Theatre; G.E. True Theater] (1958; TV Anthology) "Auf Wiedersehen" as Joe Louis
(Academy Players Directory) (1959-63)
The Man in the Net (1959, US; Film) as Leroy/Alonzo's Son
The Sound and the Fury (1959, US; Film) as Luster
The Twilight Zone (1959, US; TV Anthology) "The Big Tall Wish" as Henry
This Rebel Breed [Lola's Mistake; The Black Rebels; Three Shades of Love] (1960, US; Film) as George
A Raisin in the Sun (1961, US; Film) as Travis Younger
Tunney Perry
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-58)
Raymond Persaud
Deep Waters (1978, UK; Film) as Zaki
Him and His Magic (1980, UK; TV Film) as Boy
The Squad (1980, UK; TV Series)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
D'Vaughn Pershing
(Academy Players Directory) (1946)
Brian Personette
Kids Like These (1987, US; TV Film) as David (8)
Eugene Persson (Gene Persson/Eugene Clair Persson) - b.12Jan1934;d.06Jun2008
Swell Guy (1946, US; Film) as Jackie
The Egg and I (1947, US; Film) as Teddy Kettle
Trail Street (1947, US; Film) as Boy
Welcome Stranger (1947, US; Film) as Boy
Ma and Pa Kettle [The Further Adventures of Ma and Pa Kettle] (1949, US; Film) as Teddy Kettle
The Stratton Story (1949, US; Film) as Monty Stratton Jr as a Boy
Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm [Ma and Pa Kettle Back Home; The Further Adventures of Ma and Pa Kettle] (1950, US; Film) as Ted Kettle
Ma and Pa Kettle Go To Town [Going to Town; Ma and Pa Kettle in New York] (1950, US; Film) as Willie Kettle
(Academy Players Directory) (1951)
On Dangerous Ground [Dark Highway; Mad With Much Heart] (1951, US; Film) as Boy #2
Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair [Ma and Pa Kettle at the County Fair] (1952, US; Film) as Teddy Kettle
Eugene Clair Persson -- see: Eugene Persson
Gene Persson -- see: Eugene Persson
Leandro Peschiutta
Vuelve [Come Back] (2011, AR; Film) as Nino/Doble de Gabriel
Jakub Pesek
The Reflection in the Eye of a Dead Fish (1998, Czech Republic; Short) as Tommy
Gabin Pesenti
La nouvelle guerre des boutons [War of the Buttons] (2011, France; Film) as Un Longeverne
Leo B. Pessin (Leo Pessin)
Letter From an Unknown Woman (1948, US; Film) as Stefan Brand Jr
David and Bathsheba (1951, US; Film) as David as a Boy
Andrew Stephan Pessoa -- see: Andy Pessoa
Andy Pessoa (Andrew Stephan Pessoa) - b.30Oct1995
My Name Is Earl (2005; TV Series) "Pilot" as Kenny as a Boy
Fishy (2006; Film) as Billy
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [It's Always Sunny] (2006; TV Series) "The Gang Gives Back" as Duck's Team Kid
Medium (2006; TV Series) "Four Dreams" as Boy
My Name Is Earl (2006; TV Series) "Dad's Car" as Kenny as a Boy
Two and a Half Men (2006; TV Series) "Apologies for the Frivolity" as Andy
If I Had Known I Was a Genius [Genius: If Only I Had Known] (2007; Film) as Gifted Kid
Scrubs [Scrubs: Med School] (2007, US; TV Series) "My Friend with Money" as Bobby
Lower Learning (2008; Film) as Walter
My Name Is Earl (2008; TV Series) "The Magic Hour" as Kenny as a Boy
My Name Is Earl (2008; TV Series) "We've Got Spirit" as Kenny as a Boy
Wish (2008; Film) as Noah
Wizards of Waverly Place (2008; TV Series) "Beware Wolf" as Alfred
Wizards of Waverly Place (2008; TV Series) "Smarty Pants" as Alfred
Chuck (2009; TV Series) "Chuck Versus the Best Friend" as Morgan as a Boy
When We Were Pirates (2009; Film) as Marvin
Zeke and Luther (2009-10, US; TV Series) as Stinky Cast/Garrett Delfino
Jim Pete
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-72)
Brian Peter
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Hans Peter Peterhans - b.19May1914
Wilhelm Tell (1923, GE; Film)
Deutsche Helden in schwerer Zeit [German Heroes in Hard Times] (1924, GE; Film)
Der Kleine Herzog [The Little Duke] (1924, GE; Film)
Der Wilderer [The Poacher] (1925, GE; Film)
Zur Chronik von Grieshuus [Junker Hinrichs Verbotene Liebe; The Grey House Chronicles] (1925, GE; Film)
Xavier Norman Petermann
Mario (1984, Canada; Film) as Mario
Andre Peters
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
Casey Peters
(Academy Players Directory) (1959-69)
All the Fine Young Cannibals (1960, US; Film)
Christopher Peters
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-77)
Evan Peters - b.20Jan1987
Clipping Adam (2004; Film) as Adam Sheppard
The Days (2004; TV Series) as Cooper Day
Phil of the Future (2004; TV Series) "Future Tutor" as Seth Wosmer
Phil of the Future (2004; TV Series) "Pheromonally Yours" as Seth Wosmer
Phil of the Future (2004; TV Series) "Unification Day" as Seth Wosmer
Phil of the Future (2004; TV Series) "We'll Fix It in Editing" as Seth Wosmer
Sleepover (2004, US; Film) as Russell
Phil of the Future (2005; TV Series) "Corner Pocket" as Seth Wosmer
John Pagano Peters -- see: Jon Peters
Jon Peters (John Pagano Peters) - b.02Jun1945
The Ten Commandments [Prince of Egypt] (1956, US; Film) as Boy on Donkey Crossing Red Sea
Keith Peters
(Academy Players Directory) (1962-71)
Wagon Train [Major Adams, Trail Master] (1964, US; TV Series) "Little Girl Lost" as Boy
The Jack Benny Program [The Jack Benny Show; The Lucky Strike Program] (1965, US; TV Series) "Jack Adopts Son" as Boy #2
M.G. Peters
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Malik Peters
Before He Fell (2010; Short) as Marquis
Knucklehead (2010, US; Film) as Boy in Stage Play
Home (2012, US; Short) as Temikeh
Looper (2012; Film) as Boy Vagrant
Ender's Game (2013, US; Film) as Launchie / Dragon
Teenage (2013; Film) as Warren Wall
Matthew Peters [1] - b.05May1966
(Spotlight) (1982)
Barnardo (c.1982; Stage) as Tosh
Murphy's Mob (c.1982, UK; TV Series)
Oliver! (c.1982, CA; Stage) as Artful Dodger
Matthew Peters [2]
One Small Hero (1999, US; Film) as Timmy
(Academy Players Directory) (2000-03)
Over the Tavern (2000, US; Stage) as Rudy
American Pie 2 (2001; Film) as Trumpet Kid
Say It Isn't So (2001; Film) as Buddy
Love's Enduring Promise (2004; TV Film) as Brian Murphy
Meshach Peters - b.17Apr1996
John Doe (2002; TV Series) "Pilot" as Tyler Hayes
The Twilight Zone (2003; TV Anthology) "Another Life" as Marvin Jr
Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber [The Social Climber] (2005; TV Film) as Sabelo
Eureka [A Town Called Eureka] (2006; TV Series) "Many Happy Returns" as Kevin Blake
Eureka [A Town Called Eureka] (2006; TV Series) "Pilot" as Kevin
Night at the Museum [Night Museum] (2006; Film) as Friend
The Sandlot 3 [The Sandlot: Heading Home] (2007, US; Film) as Q
Mike Peters
(Academy Players Directory) (1959-60)
Nicholas Peters
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Peter Peters
Babes on Broadway (1941, US; Film)
Panama Hattie (1942; Film)
Ronald Peters
Babes on Broadway (1941, US; Film)
Panama Hattie (1942; Film)
Sean Peters
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-69)
Stevie Peters [1]
(Screen Children/Screen Children's Year Book) (1943-44)
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1945-48)
Stevie Peters [2]
(Academy Players Directory) (1968-69)
Svi Peters
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Casper Petersen
Fugleskraemslet [The Scarecrow] (1910, DK; Film)
Lattermaskinen [The Laughter-Machine] (1910, DK; Film)
Medbejlerens haevn [The Outcast's Revenge] (1910, DK; Film)
Chris Petersen - b.18Aug1963
(Academy Players Directory) (1975-81)
When Every Day Was the Fourth of July (1977, US; TV Film) as Daniel Cooper
Joey and Redhawk (1978, US; TV Film) as Joey Harker
Little House on the Prairie [Little House: A New Beginning] (1978, US; TV Series) "The Rivals" as Jimmy Hill
The Rag Tag Champs (1978, US; TV Short)
The Swarm (1978, US; Film)
Little Dragons [Karate Kids U.S.A.] (1979; Film) as Zack
The Little Dragons [Karate Kids U.S.A.] (1979, US; Film) as Zack
Brave New World (1980, US; TV Film) as John (12)
The House at 12 Rose Street (1980, US; TV Short) as Jack Barrett
Cody Petersen
(Academy Players Directory) (1995)
Cole Petersen - b.04Dec1992
Angel on Abbey Street (1999; Film) as Boy
Alias (2001, US; TV Series) "Reckoning" as Boy
American Pie 2 (2001; Film) as Kid
Unsolved Mysteries (2001; TV Series) "Maryanne's Story" as David
Paris (2003; Film) as Jason as a Boy
(Academy Players Directory) (2004-05)
ER [Emergency Room] (2004; TV Series) "Twas the Night" as Harry Price
MADtv (2004; TV Series) as Trevor
Malcolm in the Middle (2004, US; TV Series) "Malcolm Visits College" as Tony
Oliver Beene (2004, US; TV Series) "Babysitting" as Bobby
One on One (2004; TV Series) "Manic Monday" as Timmy/Skeleton
Summerland (2004, US; TV Series) "Pilot" as Chris
Colin Petersen (Smiley Petersen) - b.24Mar1946
Smiley (1956, GB; Film) as Smiley/William Thomas Greevins
The Scamp [Strange Affection] (1957, GB; Film) as Tod Dawson
A Cry from the Streets (1958, GB; Film) as Georgie Murray
Dennis Petersen
(Academy Players Directory) (1963-64)
Gary Petersen
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Kevin Petersen
(Academy Players Directory) (2003)
Kye Petersen
The Edge of Never (2009; Documentary) as Kye
Matthew Petersen
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Mike Petersen
(Academy Players Directory) (1975-76)
Pat Petersen (Patrick J. Petersen) - b.09Aug1966
(Academy Players Directory) (1975-82)
How the West Was Won [The Macahans] (1977, US; TV Film)
The Ransom of Red Chief (1977, US; TV Short) as 'Red Chief' Dorset
The Contest Kid and the Big Prize (1978, US; TV Short) as Harvey Small
How the West Was Won (1978, US; TV Series) as Jeffrey
The Contest Kid Strikes Again (1979, US; TV Short) as Harvey Small
Knots Landing (1979-91, US; TV Series) as Michael Fairgate
Little Dragons [Karate Kids U.S.A.] (1979; Film) as Woody
The Little Dragons [Karate Kids U.S.A.] (1979, US; Film) as Woody
The Man in the Santa Claus Suit (1979, US; TV Film) as Lance
Once Upon a Midnight Scary [The House With a Clock in Its Walls] (1979, US; TV Film) as Tarby Corrigan
Revenge of Red Chief (1979, US; TV Film) as J.B. 'Red Chief' Dorsett
Alligator (1980, US; Film) as Joey
CHiPs [CHiPs Patrol] (1980, US; TV Series) "E.M.T." as Warren
Cold River (1980, US; Film) as Timothy Hood
Every Stray Dog and Kid (1981, US; TV Pilot)
Here's Boomer [Here's Johnny] (1981, US; TV Series) "Rocker Boomer"
The Kid from Nowhere (1982, US; TV Film) as Greg Baker Jr
Best Kept Secrets (1984, US; TV Film) as Ramsey
Patrick J. Petersen -- see: Pat Petersen
Paul Petersen (William Paul Petersen) - b.23Sep1945
Mickey Mouse Club (1955, US; TV Series) as Paul
Along the Oregon Trail (1956; TV Film)
The Ford Television Theatre [All-Star Theatre; Ford Theatre] (1956, US; TV Anthology) "Black Jim Hawk" as Jim Hawk as a Boy
The Ford Television Theatre [All-Star Theatre; Ford Theatre] (1957, US; TV Anthology) "The Quiet Stranger" as Lookout Boy
The George Sanders Mystery Theater (1957; TV Anthology) "Man in the Elevator"
The Monolith Monsters (1957; Film) as Bobby / Paperboy
This Could Be the Night (1957; Film) as Joey
Day of the Badman [Decision at Durango; Law of the Trigger; Point of Decision] (1958; Film) as Boy
The Donna Reed Show (1958-66, US; TV Series) as Jeff Stone
Houseboat (1958, US; Film) as David Winters
(Academy Players Directory) (1960-61)
Scott Petersen - b.1962
Seven Alone [House Without Windows] (1975, US; Film) as Francis Sager
Pony Express Rider [Doc Hooker's Bunch] (1976, US; Film) as David Richardson
Smiley Petersen -- see: Colin Petersen
Stewart Petersen - b.16Apr1960
Where the Red Fern Grows (1974, US; Film) as Billy
Against a Crooked Sky (1975, US; Film) as Sam Sutter
Seven Alone [House Without Windows] (1975, US; Film) as John Sager
The Skating Rink (1975, US; TV Short) as Tuck/Tucker Holland Faraday
Pony Express Rider [Doc Hooker's Bunch] (1976, US; Film) as Jimmie D. Richardson
Rivals [The Stranger at Jefferson High] (1981, US; Film) as Adam Cummins
Tom Petersen -- see: Tommy Petersen
Tommy Petersen (Tom Petersen) - b.1967
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-84)
The Cherokee Trail (1981; TV Pilot)
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982; Film) as Zack as a Boy
V [V: The Original Miniseries] (1983, US; TV Film) as Josh Brooks
William Paul Petersen -- see: Paul Petersen
Alan R. Peterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-85)
Benjamin Peterson
D.A.R.Y.L. (1985, GB; Film) as Piano Pupil
Bret Peterson
Holy Matrimony (1994, US; Film) as Older Boy #2
Casey Peterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-89)
Clark Peterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-83)
Cole Peterson
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Dakota Peterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-03)
Dale Peterson
(Children's Casting Directory) (1940)
Eric Peterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1960)
Jerry Peterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1962-63)
Michael 'Mikey' Peterson
The Paper Brigade [Gunther and the Paper Brigade] (1996, US; Film) as Henry
Mikey Peterson
Split Infinity (1992, US; Film) as James' Brother
The Paper Brigade [Gunther and the Paper Brigade] (1996, US; Film) as Henry
Paul Peterson
The Donna Reed Show (1961, US; TV Series) "Music Hath Charms" as Jeff Stone
Randy Peterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Ryan Peterson
Second Chance (1995; Film) as Stan (6)
Taylor Peterson
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-97)
Tyler Peterson - b.28Jul1994
Signs of Life (2001; TV Pilot)
How I Met Your Mother [H.I.M.Y.M.] (2006; TV Series) "Life Among the Gorillas" as Marshall Eriksen as a Boy (13)
ER [Emergency Room] (2007, US; TV Series) "Skye's the Limit" as Tate Udecker
Weeds (2007; TV Series) "Doing the Backstroke" as Boy (12)
How I Met Your Mother [H.I.M.Y.M.] (2009, US; TV Series) "Last Cigarette Ever" as Marshall Eriksen as a Boy (13)
Paranoia (2009; Short) as Seth
True Jackson, VP (2011; TV Series) "True Mall" as Linus
Vidal I. Peterson (Vidal Peterson) - b.06Nov1968
(Academy Players Directory) (1980-90)
Mork and Mindy (1980, US; TV Series)
Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983, US; Film) as Will Halloway
Wizards of the Lost Kingdom (1984, US; Film) as Simon
Kale Petit
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Michael Petit -- see: Michel Petit
Michel Petit (Michael Petit)
Goodyear Theatre [Alcoa-Goodyear Theatre; Award Theatre; Turn of Fate] (1959, US; TV Anthology) "Lady Bug" as Benny
Dennis the Menace [Just Dennis] (1960, US; TV Series) "Dennis Becomes a Baby Sitter" as Michel
Shirley Temple's Storybook [Shirley Temple Theatre; The Shirley Temple Show] (1960, US; TV Anthology) "Babes in Toyland" as Alan
Shirley Temple's Storybook [Shirley Temple Theatre; The Shirley Temple Show] (1960, US; TV Anthology) "Madeline" as Pepito
Alcoa Premiere (1961, US; TV Anthology) "The Fugitive Eye" as Boy
The DuPont Show with June Allyson (1961; TV Anthology) "End of a Mission" as Claude
The DuPont Show with June Allyson (1961; TV Anthology) "The Moth" as Philippe
(Academy Players Directory) (1962-68)
The Rifleman (1962, US; TV Series) "The Princess"
The Beverly Hillbillies [Mornin' Beverly Hillbillies] (1963; TV Series) "Jethro's Friend" as Armstrong Dueser McHugh III
Combat! (1963; TV Series) "The Little Jewel" as Bijou
Combat! (1963; TV Series) "Missing in Action" as Roger
Combat! (1963; TV Series) "The Sniper" as First Boy
Ripcord (1963; TV Series) "Aerial Backfire" as Billy Jacobi
Bonanza [Ponderosa; Ride the Wind] (1964, US; TV Series) "A Man to Admire" as Jamie
Dr Kildare (1964, US; TV Series) "A Day to Remember" as Jerome Sebrell
Dr Kildare (1964, US; TV Series) "The Elusive Dik-Dik" as Brian Bailey
Dr Kildare (1964, US; TV Series) "To Walk in Grace" as James Dwyer
The Eleventh Hour (1964; TV Series) "Prodigy" as Steven Baker
Hush . . . Hush, Sweet Charlotte [Cross of Iron; What Ever Happened to Cousin Charlotte?] (1964, US; Film) as Gang Leader
The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters (1964, US; TV Series) "The Day of the Pretenders" as Paul
The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters (1964, US; TV Series) "The Day of the Toll Takers" as Tubal
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1964, US; TV Series) "Long Live the King" as Prince Ang
The Andy Griffith Show [Andy of Mayberry] (1965, US; TV Series) "A Man's Best Friend" as Tommy
Branded (1965, US; TV Series) "The Bar Sinister" as Jimmy Whitlaw
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. [0011 Napoleon Solo] (1965; TV Series) "The Four Steps Affair"
Marriage on the Rocks [Community Property] (1965, US; Film) as David Edwards
Mr Novak (1965; TV Series) "From the Brow of Zeus" as Michael Brown
The Munsters (1965; TV Series) "Herman's Child Psychology" as Charlie
Nightmare in the Sun (1965; Film)
Rawhide (1965; TV Series) "Blood Harvest"
Le petit duBois -- see: Roger duBois
Le petit Kada -- see: Kada-Abd-el-Kader
Le petit Secnazy -- see: Michel Francois
Les Petits Chanteurs a la Croix de Bois
Un carnet de bal [Dance Card; Dance Program; Life Dances On] (1937, FR; Film) as Les petits chanteurs de la manecanterie
La cage aux rossignols [Cage of Nightingales] (1945, FR; Film) as Eleves
Kale Petitt
(Academy Players Directory) (1989)
David Petlin
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-88)
Ian Petrella - b.17Dec1974
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-90)
A Christmas Story (1983, US; Film) as Randy Parker
Crimes of Passion (1984; Film) as Jimmy's Friend
Diff'rent Strokes [45 Minutes From Harlem] (1986, US; TV Series) "Lifestyles of the Poor and Unknown" as Alex
Highway to Heaven (1987, US; TV Series) "I Was a Middle Aged Werewolf" as Big Kid
Mr President (1987; TV Series) "Meet the People" as Wesley
My Sister Sam (1987; TV Series) "Who's Afraid of Virginia Schultz?"
Once a Hero (1987, US; TV Series) "Pilot" as Eugene Egan
Who's The Boss? (1987, US; TV Series) "Mona" as Bill
Beverly Hills 90210 [Class of Beverly Hills] (1991, US; TV Series) "Play It Again, David" as Kid
Razvan Petrescu - b.08Sep1949
Codine [Codin] (1963, R0; Film)
John Petrey -- see: Johnny Petrey
Johnny Petrey (John Petrey/John Petrie)
(Academy Players Directory) (1957-61)
John Petrie -- see: Johnny Petrey
Nicholas Petrie
Once in a Lifetime [Danielle Steel's 'Once in a Lifetime'] (1994; TV Film) as Andrew as a Toddler (4)
Manuel Petroff
(Who's Who Children's Casting Directory) (1933)
Gregory Petrone
(Academy Players Directory) (2000)
Dan Petronijevic (Daniel Petronijevic) - b.28Mar1981
To Save the Children (1994; TV Film) as Ray Larch
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1995, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of Prisoners Past" as Scott
Flash Forward (1996, Canada; TV Series) "I'm OK, You're a Jerk" as Joey Rizzo
Goosebumps [Ultimate Goosebumps] (1996, CA; TV Anthology) "Say Cheese and Die" as Joey Ferris
Hidden in America (1996; TV Film) as Kenny
Hostile Advances: The Kerry Ellison Story (1996; TV Film) as Tim
Night of the Twisters (1996; TV Film) as Tough Guy
Ready or Not (1996; TV Series) "First Serious Party" as Trevor
In His Father's Shoes (1997; TV Film) as Dennis Beck
Blind Faith (1998; Film) as Jack Hagan
Dream House (1998; TV Film) as Michael Thornton
Animorphs [AniTV] (1999; TV Series) "Tobias" as Gerald
A Gift of Love: The Daniel Huffman Story (1999; TV Film) as Mike
PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal (1999, CA; TV Series) "Y2K" as Gerald Duvaney
Daniel Petronijevic -- see: Dan Petronijevic
Kiril Petrov
S deca na more [Children at the Seaside] (1971, BG; Film)
Taralezhite se razhdat bez bodli [Hedgehogs Aren't Born Prickly] (1971, BG; Film)
Tatul [Thornapple] (1972, BG; Film)
Kato pesen [Like a Song] (1973, BG; Film)
Kushti bez ogradi [Houses Without Fences] (1973, BG; Film)
Siromashko Iyato [Indian Summer] (1973, BG; Film)
Bashta mi boyadzhiyata [My Pa the Housepainter] (1974, BG; Film)
Miha Petrovcic
Vena Leta Iz Umitelja Polza [The Apprenticeship of Snail the Inventor] (1982, Yugoslavia; Film) as Jani/'Snail'
Wayne Petru
(Academy Players Directory) (1962)
Luigi Petrungaro - b.10Feb1904
Brancolando nel buio [Groping in the Dark] (1913, IT; Film)
Cuore (1914-16, IT; Series)
La Piccola vedetta lombarda [The Little Lombard Lookout] (1915, IT; Film)
Il Tamburino sardo [The Sardinian Drummer-Boy] (1915, IT; Film)
La Guerra e il sogno di Momo [The War and Momo's Dream] (1916, IT; Film)
Sangue romagnolo [Blood of Romagna] (1916, IT; Film)
Buon sangue non mente [Good Blood Doesn't Lie] (1917, IT; Film)
Tudor Petrut - b.01Dec1963
Misterul lui Herodot [The Herodotus Mystery] (1976, RO; Film)
John Petschinger
Geburtig (2002, Germany; Film) as Konrad Sachs as a Boy (7)
Mads Pettersen
Villdyr [Wild Beasts] (2017; Short)
Mads Petterson
Villdyr [Wild Beasts] (2017; Short) as Jonas
Bruce Richard Pettibone (Bruce Pettibone)
(Academy Players Directory) (1965-66)
Mark William Pettibone (Mark Pettibone)
(Academy Players Directory) (1965-66)
Christopher Pettiet (Christopher Lee Pettiet) - b.12Feb1976;d.12Apr2000
(Academy Players Directory) (1989-93)
Love, Jerry (c.1989; TV Short) as Jerry
Doogie Howser, M.D. (1990, US; TV Series) as Gregory Pelsman
The Dreamer of Oz [The Dreamer of Oz: The L. Frank Baum Story] (1990, US; TV Film) as Frank Jr as a Teen
An Enemy of the People (1990, US; TV Film) as Morton Stockman
My Life and Times (1990; TV Series)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1990, US; TV Series) "The High Ground" as Boy
Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991; Film) as Zach Crandell
Empty Nest (1991, US; TV Series) "The Way We Are" as Harry Weston as a Boy
Fatal Exposure (1991; TV Film) as Drew
L.A. Law (1991, US; TV Series) "On the Toad Again"
Point Break (1991, US; Film) as 15
The Sandman (1991; Short) as Jesse
The Young Riders (1991-92; TV Series) as Jesse James
Danger Island [The Presence] (1992, US; TV Film) as Brian
The Goodbye Bird (1993; Film) as Frank/Francis Phillips
SeaQuest DSV [SeaQuest 2032] (1993, US; TV Series) "Brothers and Sisters" as Zachery Thomas
Brian Pettifer
If . . . . (1968, GB; Film) as Biles
Ron Pettigrew
(Academy Players Directory) (1960)
[Carlo Pettine]
Independence (1987, US; TV Film) (unconfirmed)
Frankie Pettinger
(Academy Players Directory) (1952)
Jack Petty
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947-48)
Sean Petty
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Alex Pettyfer - b.10Apr1990
Tom Brown's Schooldays (2004, UK; TV Film) as Tom Brown
Stormbreaker (2006, UK; Film) as Alex Rider
Luis Felipe Peu Cox
¡Primaria! [Primary!] (2010, ES; Film) as Alumno
Andreas Pfaff
Trompeten Anton [The Trumpet and I] (1981, Germany; TV Short) as Anton/Andrew
Sam Pfaff
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-98)
Three Days (1997, US; Film)
Max Pfeifer
Blue Heelers (2005; TV Series) "Slaying the Demons" as Dominic Redmond
As the Bell Rings (2007-09; TV Series)
Where the Wild Things Are [Wild Things] (2009, USA/AU/DE; Film) as Claire's Friend
Jackie Pfendler
Sister Kenny [And They Shall Walk; Elizabeth Kenny] (1946, US; Film) as Boy
Ryan Pfening
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-06)
Zacharia Phali
I Dreamed of Africa [Bird of the Sun] (1999, US; Film) as Mapengo as a Teen
Bhalchandra Phalke
Raja Harishchandra (1912, IN; Film)
Jimmy Pham
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-98)
The Secret Agent Club (1996, US; Film) as Shigeo
Frankie Pharr
(Academy Players Directory) (1967)
John Pharr
(Academy Players Directory) (1967)
Michael Phelan
The Music Man (2000, US; Stage) as Winthrop Paroo
Shawn Phelan (Shawn Michael Phelan) - b.07Jan1975;d.27Sep1998
Caroline? (1989, US; TV Film) as Winston Carmichael
Family Matters [Urkel] (1989, US; TV Series) "False Arrest" as Mickey
Sister Kate (1989, US; TV Series) "Hilary's Date" as Tom Schuster
Grand (1990, US; TV Series) "The Well" as Timmy
Grand (1990, US; TV Series) "Wolf Boy" as Timmy
The Belles of Bleecker Street (1991, US; TV Pilot) as Porter
Toy Soldiers (1991, US; Film) as Derek 'Yogurt'
The Wonder Years (1991, US; TV Series) "The Accident" as William
Breaking the Rules [Sketches] (1992; Film) as Phil as a Boy
Miles From Nowhere (1992, US; TV Film) as Emmett Reilly
The Secret of Lost Creek (1992, US; TV Series) as Russy
The Torkelsons [Almost Home] (1992, US; TV Series) "Swear Not by the Moon" as Mercurio
Murder, She Wrote (1993, US; TV Series) "A Virtual Murder" as Alex Hooper
Telling Secrets (1993, US; TV Film) as Daniel Kelsey
Buster Phelps (Silas Vernon Phelps Jr) - b.05Nov1926;d.10Jan1983
Mickey McGuire comedies (1927-34, US; Series)
River of Romance (1927, US; Film)
(Classified Stage-Screen Children's Album) (1929)
(The Standard) (1929)
Arthur Lake comedies (c.1929, US; Series) (unconfirmed)
One Day Daddy (c.1929, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Feet First (1930, US; Film)
Indiscreet (1931, US; Film)
Leftover Ladies (1931, US; Film)
One Way Passage (1931, US; Film)
Frisco Jenny (1932, US; Film) as Dan Reynolds as a Boy
Handle With Care (1932, US; Film) as Tommy
Little Orphan Annie (1932, US; Film)
Scandal for Sale (1932, US; Film)
Three on a Match (1932, US; Film) as Henry Kirkwood Jr
Broken Dreams (1933, US; Film)
Laughing at Life (1933, US; Film)
One Man's Journey (1933, US; Film) as Jimmy Watt as a Boy (6)
Sailor's Luck (1933, US; Film)
The World Gone Mad (1933, US; Film)
Little Men (1934, US; Film) as Dick
Now and Forever (1934, US; Film)
Servants' Entrance (1934, US; Film)
Strange Wives (1934, US; Film) as Twin
(Children's Casting Directory) (1935)
The Affair of Susan (1935, US; Film)
Anna Karenina (1935, US; Film)
Libeled Lady (1936, US; Film)
Small Town Girl [One Horse Town] (1936, US; Film)
Too Many Parents (1936, US; Film) as Clinton Meadows
Girl Loves Boy (1937, US; Film)
Little Tough Guy [Little Rough Guy] (1938, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1939-43)
Hero for a Day [Old Grad] (1939, US; Film)
The Blue Bird (1940, US; Film)
The Howards of Virginia [The Tree of Liberty] (1940, US; Film) as Thomas Jefferson (11)
The Wagons Roll at Night [Carnival] (1941, US; Film) as Boy
And the Angels Sing (1944, US; Film)
Cooke Phelps
My Old Dutch (1926, US; Film)
A Woman of Affairs [The Green Hat] (1928, US; Film)
(Classified Stage-Screen Children's Album) (1929)
(The Standard) (1929)
Smiling Irish Eyes (1929, US; Film)
The Valiant (1929, US; Film)
James Phelps - b.25Feb1986
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone [Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone] (2001, US; Film) as Fred Weasley
Jessie Phelps
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-92)
Oliver Phelps - b.25Feb1986
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone [Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone] (2001, US; Film) as George Weasley
Silas Vernon Phelps Jr -- see: Buster Phelps
Wesley Phelps
Battleship (2012, US; Film) as Tourist Kid
Kelly Phendler
(Academy Players Directory) (1973-74)
Bryan Philbin
(Academy Players Directory) (1962-63)
Sean Philbin
(Academy Players Directory) (1962-63)
Nicholas Philip
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Philip Maxwell's Choristers
Kind Lady (1935, US; Film)
Misha Philipchuk - b.18Sep1988
Krestonosets-2 (1997; Film)
My deti tvoi, Moskva (1997; Film)
Sirota kazanskaya [Sympathy Seeker] (1997; Film) as Demendeyev
Vor [The Thief] (1997; Film) as Sanya (6)
Vecherniy zvon (2004; Film)
Courtney Phillip (Courtney Phillips) - b.1992c.
Toy Boys (1999; Short) as Examinee
Murder Investigation Team [M.I.T.: Murder Investigation Team] (2003; TV Series) "Rubbish" as Rudy
Kinky Boots (2005; Film) as Lola/Simon as a Boy
The Lion King (2007; Film) as Simba as a Boy
Anthony Phillips
Les Miserables (1918, US; Film)
Avi Phillips - b.21Apr1978
Maniac Mansion (1990-93; TV Series) as Ike Edison (10)
Sam and Me (1991; Film) as Mikey Yarulewski
Blair Phillips
(Academy Players Directory) (1985)
Brendan Phillips
A Matter of Principle (1983, US; TV Short) as Dink Kibler
Charles Phillips
(Academy Players Directory) (1943-44)
Courtney Phillips -- see: Courtney Phillip
Graham Phillips
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Greg Phillips
(Academy Players Directory) (1987)
Gregory Phillips - b.18May1948
I Could Go On Singing (1963, GB; Film) as Matt
The Pumpkin Eater (1964, GB; Film) as Pete
Who Killed the Cat? (1966, GB; Film)
Hamish Phillips
Welcome to Iron Knob (2013; Short) as Barney (12)
Jay Phillips
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-64)
Jeff Phillips (Jeffrey Phillips)
(Academy Players Directory) (1975-78)
Jeffrey Phillips -- see: Jeff Phillips
Jerry Phillips
Glee [Glee: Road to Sectionals] (2009; TV Series) "Pilot" as Finn as a Boy
Valentine (2009; TV Series) "She's Gone" as Matt as a Boy
Johnny (2010; Film) as Johnny
All Together Now (2011; Film) as Gulliver
Big Time Rush (2011; TV Series) "Big Time Crush" as Kyle
Fatboy (2011; Short) as Boy 3
Kade Phillips (Kade Philps)
The Incredible Mrs Ritchie (2004, CA; TV Film) as Charlie (9)
Karroll's Christmas (2004; TV Film) as Tim Williams
The Twelve Days of Christmas Eve (2004; TV Film) as Eric
Brokeback Mountain (2005; Film) as Ennis Del Mar (9)
Waking Up Wally: The Walter Gretzky Story (2005; Film) as Crying Boy
Marc Phillips
The Pirate (1978, US; TV Film) as Muhammed (5)
Marc-Bradley Phillips
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-96)
Desperate Choices: To Save My Child [Solomon's Choice; The Final Choice] (1992, US; TV Film)
Addams Family Values (1993, US; Film)
Nicholas Phillips
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Norman Phillips Jr - b.17Jul1917;d.14Nov1990
The Midnight Special (1930, US; Film)
50 Million Frenchmen (1931, US; Film) as Junior
Sidewalks of New York (1931, US; Film) as Clipper Kelly
(The Cast) (1932)
Lovers Courageous (1932, US; Film) as Walter as a Boy
Tom Brown of Culver (1932, US; Film) as Carruthers
The Band Plays On [Backfield] (1934, US; Film) as Clarence 'Stuffy' Wilson as a Teen
Phil Phillips -- see: Philip Phillips
Philip Phillips (Phil Phillips)
Hot Shots [Bringing Up Joey] (1956, US; Film) as Joey Munroe
(Academy Players Directory) (1957-60)
The Jack Benny Program [The Jack Benny Show; The Lucky Strike Program] (1957, US; TV Series) "Hope and Benny in Agent's Office" as Jimmy Durante Impersonator
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars [Herald Playhouse; Schlitz Playhouse] (1957, US; TV Anthology) "The Lonely Wizard" as Joseph (6)
The Tall Stranger [Walk Tall] (1957, US; Film) as Will
Telephone Time (1957, US; TV Anthology) "Stranded" as Harold
The Loretta Young Show [Letter to Loretta] (1958, US; TV Anthology) "The Woman Between" as Ronny
The People's Choice (1958; TV Series) "Little White Lies" as Danny Hadley
Wanted: Dead or Alive (1958, US; TV Series) "Passing of Shawnee Bill" as Boy
The Loretta Young Show [Letter to Loretta] (1959, US; TV Anthology) "Circles of Panic" as Petey Winters
The Loretta Young Show [Letter to Loretta] (1959, US; TV Anthology) "The Lady in the Fish Bowl" as Boy
M Squad (1959, US; TV Series) "Sunday Punch" as Franklin
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour [Alfred Hitchcock Presents] (1960, US; TV Anthology) "The Contest for Aaron Gold"
The Betty Hutton Show [Goldie; Hey Mom!] (1960, US; TV Series) "Gullible Goldie" as Tommy
The Loretta Young Show [Letter to Loretta] (1960, US; TV Anthology) "The Grenade" as Jimmy Crawley
Tall Story (1960, US; Film) as Albert Solomon Sullivan
McKeever and the Colonel (1962; TV Series) "Blackwell's Stand" as Terhune
The Danny Thomas Show [Make Room for Daddy] (1963; TV Series) "Linda, the Grownup" as Steve
The Lloyd Bridges Show (1963, US; TV Series) "Tyrees of Capitol Hill" as Dixon
McKeever and the Colonel (1963; TV Series) "Love Comes to Westfield" as Terhune
Robin Phillips
Decline and Fall . . . of a Birdwatcher! (1968, GB; Film)
Steven Phillips
(Academy Players Directory) (1971-76)
Timothy Phillips
Beefcake (1998; Documentary) as Bob Mizer as a Teen (13)
Tony Berch Phillips
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-95)
Zachary Phillips
(Academy Players Directory) (1997)
John Philpott
The Bugaloos (1971-72; TV Series) as Courage
Kade Philps -- see: Kade Phillips
Chadd Phinney
Heart Beat (1987; Music Video) as Don Johnson as a Boy
Christopher Phoenix -- see: Christopher Rivera
Joaquin Phoenix -- see: Leaf Phoenix
Larry Phoenix
(Academy Players Directory) (1960-63)
Leaf Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix/Joaquin Raphael Bottom) - b.28Oct1974
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1982, US; TV Series) "Christmas Song" as Travis
Six Pack (1983, US; TV Pilot)
Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia (1984, US; TV Film) as Robby Ellsworth
The Fall Guy (1984, US; TV Series) "Terror U." as Boy
Hill Street Blues (1984, US; TV Series) "The Rise and Fall of Paul the Wall" as Daniel Flowers
Murder, She Wrote (1984, US; TV Series) "We're Off To Kill the Wizard" as Billy Donovan
Anything for Love (1985, US; TV Film) as Timmy Bailey
Kids Don't Tell (1985, US; TV Film) as Frankie
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1986, US; TV Anthology) "A Very Happy Ending" as Deaf Boy
Morningstar/Eveningstar (1986, US; TV Series) as Doug Roberts
Space Camp (1986, US; Film) as Max
SpaceCamp (1986; Film) as Max
Russkies (1987, US; Film) as Danny
Secret Witness (1988, US; TV Film)
The Adventures of Superboy [Superboy] (1989, US; TV Series) "Little Hercules" as Billy Hercules
Parenthood (1989, US; Film) as Garry Buckman-Lampkin
Walking the Dog (1991; Film)
River Phoenix (River Jude Bottom) - b.23Aug1970;d.31Oct1993
Seven Brides For Seven Brothers (1982-83, US; TV Series) as Guthrie McFadden (12)
Backwards: the Riddle of Dyslexia (1984, US; TV Film) as Brian Ellsworth
Celebrity (1984, US; TV Film) as Jeffie (11)
Hotel [Arthur Hailey's Hotel] (1984, US; TV Series) "Transitions" as Kevin
It's Your Move (1984; TV Series) as Brian
Circle of Violence: A Family Drama (1985, US; TV Film) as Christopher Benfield
Explorers (1985, US; Film) as Wolfgang Muller
Family Ties (1985, US; TV Series) "My Tutor" as Eugene Forbes (13)
Robert Kennedy and His Times (1985, US; TV Film) as Robert Kennedy as a Boy
Surviving [Surviving: A Family in Crisis] (1985, US; TV Film) as Philip Brogan
The Mosquito Coast (1986, US; Film) as Charlie Fox
Stand By Me [The Body] (1986, US; Film) as Chris Chambers
Little Nikita [The Sleepers] (1987, US; Film) as Jeff Grant
A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon [Aren't You Even Going To Kiss Me Goodbye?; Jimmy Reardon] (1988, US; Film) as Jimmy Reardon
Running on Empty (1988; Film) as Danny Pope
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989; Film) as Indiana Jones as a Teen
Dogfight (1991; Film) as Eddie Birdlace
My Own Private Idaho (1991; Film) as Mike Waters
Ralph Phraner
(Academy Players Directory) (1961)
Minh Tan Phung
(Academy Players Directory) (1989)
Jason Piazza
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Anthony Picciano
Love Affair (1939, US; Film)
Eugene Picciano
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Patrick Piccininni
The Baby with Four Fathers (1979, US; TV Film) as Baldy Egan
Private Lessons (1981; Film) as Sherman
(Academy Players Directory) (1982)
Tales from the Darkside (1984, US; TV Anthology) "The Word Processor of the Gods" as Seth Robert Hagstrom
Mason Picerni
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Gregory Pichery
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Joe Pichler (Joseph David Wolfgang Pichler) - b.14Feb1987
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-99)
In the House (1996, US; TV Series) "To Die For" as Bryan
Gun (1997, US; TV Series) "The Hole" as Tad
Prison of Secrets (1997; TV Film) as Zach
Music From Another Room (1998, US; Film) as Billy as a Boy
Touched by an Angel (1998, US; TV Series) "The Trigger" as Alex Craig
Shiloh Season [Shiloh 2] (1999, US; Film) as David Howard
Varsity Blues (1999; Film) as Kyle Moxon
Beethoven's 3rd (2000; Film) as Brennan Newton
Beethoven's 4th (2001; Film) as Brennan Newton
The Nightmare Room (2001, US; TV Anthology) "Camp Nowhere" as Gary
When Good Ghouls Go Bad (2001, US; TV Film) as Danny Walker (12)
Children On Their Birthdays (2002, US; Film) as Billy Bob Murphy
Joseph David Wolfgang Pichler -- see: Joe Pichler
John Pickard - b.02Nov1977
The Royal Romance of Charles and Diana (1982, US; TV Film)
Supergirl (1984, UK; Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Sherlock Holmes (c.1985, UK; Film) (unconfirmed)
Run For the Lifeboat (1988; TV Film)
The Bill (1989, UK; TV Series) "Communications" as Wayne
2point4 Children (1991-99; TV Series) as David Porter
The Mary Whitehouse Experience (1991; TV Series)
Nicholas Pickard
Ellis Island (1984; TV Film)
Supergirl (1984, UK; Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Return to Oz [The Adventures of the Devil in the Sky] (1985; Film)
Mio min Mio [Mio in the Land of Faraway; Mio, my Mio; The Land of Faraway] (1987, GB; Film)
Now That It's Morning (1991; Short) as Ian
Ryan Pickard
Dad's Army (2016; Film) as Young Scamp
Christopher Pickering
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-94)
Leon Pickering
Time Bandits (1981, GB; Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Minder (c.1982, UK; TV Series)
Adam Pickett
The Missionary (1982, UK; Film)
Widows (1983; TV Film)
The Chain (1984, UK; TV Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
The Bill (c.1985, UK; TV Series)
Craig Pickett
(Academy Players Directory) (1958)
Dudley Pickett
(Academy Players Directory) (1958)
Jack Pickford (John C. Smith Jr) - b.18Aug1895;d.03Jan1933
All on Account of the Milk (1910, US; Film)
A Child's Stratagem (1910, US; Film)
The Cloister's Touch (1910, US; Film)
Examination Day at School (1910, US; Film)
Gold is Not All (1910, US; Film)
Happy Jack, a Hero (1910, US; Film)
The Iconoclast (1910, US; Film)
The Kid (1910, US; Film)
The Modern Prodigal (1910, US; Film)
The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1910, US; Film)
Over Silent Paths (1910, US; Film)
When We Were in Our Teens (1910, US; Film)
White Roses (1910, US; Film)
The Aggressor (1911, US; Film)
Artful Kate (1911, US; Film)
A Boy of the Revolution (1911, US; Film)
The Convict's Heart (1911, US; Film)
A Dog's Tale (1911, US; Film)
A Dream (1911, US; Film)
The Fisher Maid (1911, US; Film)
For Her Brother's Sake (1911, US; Film)
The House That Jack Built (1911, US; Film)
In Old Madrid (1911, US; Film)
In the Sultan's Garden (1911, US; Film)
Little Nell's Tobacco (1911, US; Film)
The Lost Necklace (1911, US; Film)
A Manly Man (1911, US; Film)
The Message in the Bottle (1911, US; Film)
Sisters (1911, US; Film)
The Speed Demon (1911, US; Film)
The Stuff Heroes Are Made Of (1911, US; Film)
Their First Misunderstanding (1911, US; Film)
Tom Sawyer (1917, US; Film) as Tom Sawyer
Michael Pickford
(Academy Players Directory) (1982)
Bradley Pickren (Bradley William Pickren) - b.Oct2002
Meet the Fockers [Meet the Fokkers] (2004, US; Film) as Little Jack 'L.J.' Byrnes
Spencer Pickren (Spencer Michael Pickren) - b.Oct2002
Meet the Fockers [Meet the Fokkers] (2004, US; Film) as Little Jack 'L.J.' Byrnes
Alexander Picolo
Marco Polo (1982; TV Film) as Marco Polo as a Boy
Kane Picoy
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Simon Pidgeon
The Odyssey [The Jellybean Odyssey] (1994, CA; TV Series) "The Greatest Show on Earth" as Hark
The Odyssey [The Jellybean Odyssey] (1994, CA; TV Series) "The Hall of Darkness" as Hark
The Odyssey [The Jellybean Odyssey] (1994, CA; TV Series) "The Prophecy" as Hark
Saving Grace (1998; Film) as Pinto Kid
Randy Pieper
(Academy Players Directory) (1973-74)
Billy Gerald Pierce -- see: Gerald Pierce
Bobby Pierce
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1945)
Bradley Pierce (Bradley Michael Pierce) - b.23Oct1982
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-98)
Cartel (1990; Film) as Tommy
Casey's Gift: For Love of a Child (1990; TV Film) as Casey Stilwell (5)
Days of Our Lives [Days] (1990-91, US; TV Series) as Andrew Donovan
Life Goes On [Glenbrook] (1990, US; TV Series) "The Visitor" as Boy
Too Young to Die? (1990; TV Film) as Web
Anything But Love (1991, US; TV Series) "A Tale of Two Kiddies" as Marty Gold as a Boy
Beverly Hills 90210 [Class of Beverly Hills] (1991, US; TV Series) "Halloween" as Drew
Chaplin (1992; Film) as Sydney Chaplin Jr (8)
Shaky Ground (1992-93, US; TV Series) as Dylan Moody
Herman's Head (1993; TV Series) "Love and the Single Parent" as Brad
Mad About You (1993; TV Series) "The Unplanned Child" as Jed
Man's Best Friend (1993; Film) as Chet
Children of the Dark (1994; TV Film) as Boy
Cries from the Heart [Touch of Truth] (1994; TV Film) as Michael
Dead Man's Revenge (1994, US; TV Film) as Tom Hatcher
Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman [Lois and Clark; The New Adventures of Superman] (1994, US; TV Series) "Witness" as Kid #1
Ride With the Wind (1994; TV Film) as Danny Barnes
The Yarn Princess [More Than a Miracle] (1994, US; TV Film) as Josh
The Client (1995; TV Series) "The Prodigal Father" as Ryan Nichols
The Home Court (1995, US; TV Series) "Between a Shamrock and a Hard Place" as Patrick Shaughnessy
Jumanji (1995, US; Film) as Peter Shepherd
The Undercover Kid [How I Saved the President] (1995, US; Film) as Max Anderson (10)
The Siege at Ruby Ridge [Ruby Ridge: An American Tragedy] (1996; TV Film) as Sammy Weaver
The Borrowers (1997; Film) as Pete Lender
Touched by an Angel (1997, US; TV Series) "Have You Seen Me?" as Hank Monroe
Chicken Soup for the Soul (1999; TV Series) "Blind Date With Belinda" as Trip
Star Trek: Voyager [Voyager] (1999, US; TV Series) "11:59" as Jason Janeway
Brock Pierce (Brock Jeffrey Pierce) - b.14Nov1980
The Mighty Ducks [Champions] (1992, US; Film) as Gordon Bombay as a Boy (10)
D2: The Mighty Ducks [The Mighty Ducks 2] (1994, US; Film) as Gordon
Little Big League (1994, US; Film) as Sidney
Problem Child 3 [Problem Child 3: Junior in Love] (1995, US; TV Film) as Duke
Three Wishes (1995, US; Film) as Scott
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Earth Minus Zero (1996; Film) as Joey Heller
First Kid (1996; Film) as Luke Davenport (13)
Ripper Man (1996, US; Film) as Kevin
Legend of the Lost Tomb (1997, US; TV Film) as John Robie
The Ride (1997, US; Film) as Danny O'Neill (14)
Two Voices (1997, US; TV Film) as Brad
Christian Pierce
Drillbit Taylor [Drillbit Taylor: Budget Bodyguard] (2008, US; Film) as Kid With Candy in 7-11
Chuck Pierce (Chuck Pierce Jr)
The Legend of Boggy Creek (1973; Film) as Jim as a Boy
Bootleggers [Bootleggers' Angel] (1974, US; Film)
Winterhawk (1975, US; Film) as Cotton
The Norseman (1976, US; Film) as Erik
The Winds of Autumn (1976, US; Film) as Joel Rigney
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
Chuck Pierce Jr -- see: Chuck Pierce
Del Pierce
(Academy Players Directory) (1960-61)
Cousin Herb's Trading Post (c.1961; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Shirley Temple's Storybook [Shirley Temple Theatre; The Shirley Temple Show] (c.1961; TV Anthology)
Gerald Pierce (Billy Gerald Pierce) - b.27Apr1918;d.28Jul2011
Compromise (1925, US; Film)
The Home Maker (1925, US; Film)
Zander the Great (1925, US; Film) as Zander as a Boy
(The Standard) (1926-29)
Big Pie Raid (1927, US; Short) as Kid With Glasses
Comrades (1928, US; Film) as Bob Dixon as a Boy
The Kiss Doctor (1928, US; Short)
Riley the Cop (1928, US; Film)
The House of Rothschild (1934, US; Film) as Rothschild Boy
Three Kids and a Queen [The Baxter Millions] (1935, US; Film) as Relative
Jonathan Pierce
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
Michael L. Pierce
(Academy Players Directory) (1972)
Jean Pierre
(Academy Players Directory) (1974)
Maurizio Pieruggi
Er Moretto - Von Liebe leben (1984; Film) as Jungen
Patrick Pieters
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Scott Pietrangelo - b.11Sep1984
Goosebumps [Ultimate Goosebumps] (1997, CA; TV Anthology) "The Blob That Ate Everyone" as Zack Beauchamp
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1999, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of the Zombie Dice" as Tate
Christopher Pietrek
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
Nicholas Pietrek - b.19Jul1973
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
The Shooting Party (1984; Film) as Obsert Nettleby
Anna Karenina (1985, UK; TV Film)
Kane and Abel (1985; TV Film) as Leon
Don Pietro -- see: Donald Pietro
Donald Pietro (Don Pietro) - b.15Sep1935;d.18Apr1997
(Academy Players Directory) (1947-50)
Galileo (c.1947, US; Stage)
The Boy with Green Hair (1948, US; Film) as Newsboy
Oliver Twist (1948, US; Stage) as Oliver Twist
Mrs Mike (1949, US; Film) as Joe Howard
The Gene Autry Show (1950, US; TV Series) "The Lost Chance" as Pepito Garcia
Undercover Girl (1950, US; Film) as Kid
Follow the Sun (1951, US; Film) as Bit Role
Girls in the Night (1953, US; Film) as Teenager
Christian Pietropaolo
Lockie Leonard (2007, Australia; TV Series) "Pure Poetry" as Surf Boy
Sean Pietrulewicz
Apan [The Ape] (2009; Film) as Sonen
Orion (2010; Film) as Tony Som Liten
Corky Pigeon (William Hugh Parker) - b.27Jan1970
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-88)
The Forest [Terror in the Forest] (1983; Film) as John Jr
Great Day (1983, US; TV Film) as Ricky Simpson
Private Benjamin (1983; TV Series)
Silver Spoons (1983-85, US; TV Series) as Freddie Lippincottleman
Summer Fantasy (1984; TV Film) as Donny
Monster in the Closet (1986; Film) as Danny
Party Camp (1986, US; Film) as Winslow
John Pike - b.07Jan1945
Ivanhoe (1952, GB; Film)
The Black Rider (1954, GB; Film)
A Man Called Peter (1955, US; Film) as David
Track the Man Down (1955, GB; Film)
Windfall (1955, GB; Film)
Doublecross (1956, GB; Film)
Dry Rot (1956, GB; Film)
One Wish Too Many (1956, GB; Film)
Sailor Beware (1956, GB; Film)
The Adventures of Rex (1959, GB; Film)
The Cat Gang (1959, GB; Film)
A Woman's Temptation (1959, US; Film)
The Young Jacobites (1959, GB; Serial)
Kidnapped (1960, GB; Film) as Cabin Boy
Peter Pike - b.17Jul1951
The Challenge (1959, GB; Film)
Hand in Hand (1960, GB; Film)
The Pirates of Blood River (1961, GB; Film)
The Heroes of Telemark (1965, GB; Film)
Drop Dead, Darling [Arrivederci Baby] (1966, GB; Film)
Greg Piken
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Darryl Pikoos
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Daniel Pikus
The Addams Family (1991, US; Film) as Gomez Addams as a Teen
James Pilcher -- see: Jimmy Pilcher
Jimmy Pilcher (James Pilcher) - b.24Nov1928;d.11Feb2003
Adventure in Washington [Female Correspondent; Senate Page Boys] (1941, US; Film) as Senate Page
The Major and the Minor (1942, US; Film) as Cadet
San Quentin (1946, US; Film) as Newsboy
Gary Pilgrim
Chariots of Fire (1981, UK; Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Brimstone and Treacle (1982; Film)
Minder (c.1982, UK; TV Series)
The Return of the Soldier (1982; Film)
Cooper Pillot - b.27Oct1994
The Naked Brothers Band [The Naked Brothers Band: The Movie] (2005, US; Film) as Cooper
The Naked Brothers Band (2007-09, US; TV Series) as Cooper
Geren Piltz
(Academy Players Directory) (1995)
Pim, de schrik van de familie [Pim, the Family Terror] (c.1918, NL; Film)
Kevin Pinassi
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak - b.16Feb1996
Family Affair (2002-03, US; TV Series) as Jonathan 'Jody' Patterson-Davis (6)
Providence (2002, US; TV Series) "A New Beginning" as Boy
C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation [C.S.I.: Las Vegas] (2003, US; TV Series) "Inside the Box" as Boy
The Polar Express (2004, US; Film) as Know-It-All
Hostage (2005, US; Film) as Sean Mack
Over There (2005; TV Series) as Eddy
Brothers and Sisters [Brothers and Sisters] (2006, US; TV Series) "Unaired Pilot" as Teddy Traylor
All I Want for Christmas (2007; TV Film) as Jesse Armstrong
Meteor (2009; TV Film) as Michael Hapscomb
Let Me In [Morse] (2010; Film) as Mark
Men of a Certain Age (2010, US; TV Series) "The Bad Guy" as Wes
Men of a Certain Age (2010, US; TV Series) "Cold Calls" as Wes
Men of a Certain Age (2010, US; TV Series) "Same as the Old Boss" as Wes
Growing Up Normal (2011; TV Film) as Jimmy Jackson
Men of a Certain Age (2011, US; TV Series) "The Pickup" as Wes
NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service [NCIS] (2011; TV Series) "One Last Score" as Jason
Ender's Game (2013, US; Film) as Peter Wiggin
Chris Pincherli
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-85)
Jason Pinchuk
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
Scott Pincus
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-80)
Russell Jay Pinder
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Tony Pinder
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Eric Pine
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Rob Pinkston - b.30Jan1988
The Honor System (2003; Film) as Smart Ass Kid
The Metro Chase (2003; TV Film) as Student
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (2004-07, US; TV Series) as Coconut Head
Undercover Kids (2004, US; Film) as Kevin
The Derby Stallion (2005; Film) as Chuck Overton
The Sasquatch Gang [The Sasquatch Gang] (2006; Film) as Maynard Keyes
Extreme Movie [Hotdogs and Doughnuts] (2008; Film) as Griffin
Ryan Pinkston (Ryan James Pinkston) - b.08Feb1988
Go Sick (2002; TV Film) as Timmy
Bad Santa [Badder Santa] (2003, US; Film) as Shoplifter
Quintuplets (2004-05; TV Series) as Patton Chase
Soul Plane (2004; Film) as Billy Hunkee
Teachers (2006; TV Series) "Golf" as Logan
Veronica Mars (2006; TV Series) "President Evil" as Danny Rossow
Ryan James Pinkston (Ryan Pinkston) - b.08Feb1988
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over [Spy Kids 3: Game Over] (2003; Film) as Arnold
Donald Pinney
(Academy Players Directory) (1973)
Shawn Pinney
(Academy Players Directory) (1971-74)
Derek Pino
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Allen Pinson
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-62)
David Pinson
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-62)
Leondaus Pinson
Andrew (1980; TV Short) as Squirrel
Daniel John Pintauro -- see: Danny Pintauro
Danny Pintauro (Daniel John Pintauro) - b.06Jan1976
As the World Turns (1983, US; TV Series) as Paul Stenbeck
Cujo (1983, US; Film) as Tad Trenton
Who's The Boss? (1984-92, US; TV Series) as Jonathan Bower
The Beniker Gang [Dear Lola, or How to Start Your Own Family] (1985, US; Film) as Ben Beniker
Highway to Heaven (1987, US; TV Series) "Man's Best Friend" as Alex
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-93)
Johnny Pinto
Born on the Fourth of July (1989, US; Film) as Joey Walsh as a Boy
Chicken Soup (1989, US; TV Series) as Donnie Peerce (11)
The Famous Teddy Z (1989; TV Series) "Season's Greetings from Al Floss"
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
N.Y.P.D. Mounted [N.Y. Mounted] (1991, US; TV Film)
Off and Running [Moon Over Miami] (1991; Film) as Pompey (10)
Philip Pinto
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-08)
George Pinzon
(Academy Players Directory) (1970)
Stuart Piper
Tom's Midnight Garden (1998, UK/US/JP; Film) as Hubert
Nino Pipitone Jr (David Stuart) - b.11Mar1931;d.07Feb2017
(Academy Players Directory) (1943-46)
Heaven Can Wait [Birthday] (1943, US; Film) as Jack van Cleve as a Boy
The Song of Bernadette (1943, US; Film) as Justin Soubirous
Slightly Scandalous (c.1944, US; Stage)
A Bell for Adano (1945, US; Film) as Boy
They Were Expendable (1945, US; Film) as Bartender's Child
Holiday in Mexico (1946, US; Film) as French Boy
John C. Pipkin
Oliver Twist (2007, UK; TV Film) as Urchin
Danuel Pipoly (Danuel Michael Pipoly) - b.11Mar1978
Downtown (1990; Film) as Skip Markowitz
Lord of the Flies (1990, US; Film) as Piggy
The Giant of Thunder Mountain (1991; Film) as Zeke MacGruder
The Torkelsons [Almost Home] (1992, US; TV Series) "Swear Not by the Moon" as Benvolio
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-95)
3 Ninjas Knuckle Up (1995, US; Film) as Kid #3
Derek Pippert
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Keanu Pires
Eve and the Fire Horse (2005; Film) as Tony
The Sandlot 3 [The Sandlot: Heading Home] (2007, US; Film) as Tommy
The Sandlot: Heading Home (2007; Film) as Tommy Santorelli (12)
Erik Pirev
Ivan Grozni [Ivan the Terrible] (1944, SU; Film)
Ronald Pirie
The Kitchen Toto (1987, GB; Film) as Edward Graham
Max Pirkis - b.06Jan1989
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003; Film) as Blakeney Midshipman
Rome (2005-07; TV Series) as Gaius Octavian
Curtis N. Pirkle
Six Pack (1982, US; Film) as Kid With Cone
Joseph Piro
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-88)
Vincent Pirone
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
John Pirrone Jr -- see: Johnny Pirrone
Johnny Pirrone (John Pirrone Jr) - b.04Feb1923;d.10Jan2007
(Classified Stage-Screen Children's Album) (1929)
Married in Hollywood (1929, US; Film)
Lotus Lady (1930, US; Film)
Penrod and Sam (1937, US; Film) as Junior G-Man
Speed to Burn [Racing Blood] (1938, US; Film) as Tony Gambini
Winner Take All (1939, US; Film) as Tony Gambini
High School (1940, US; Film) as Terry
Aaron Pita
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-94)
Martin Pitman
The Beiderbecke Affair (1984; TV Film) as Simon
Richard Pitman
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Todd Pitman
(Academy Players Directory) (1975)
Chris Pitt
Bleak House (1985, UK; TV Film) as Jo
My Beautiful Laundrette (1985; Film) as Kid One
Absolute Beginners (1986; Film) as Baby Boom
Lionheart [Lionheart: The Children's Crusade] (1987, US; Film) as Odo
Casualty [Casual+y] (1988; TV Series) "Living Memories" as Paul Petersen
Crusoe (1988; Film) as Kitchen Lad
The Lair of the White Worm (1988; Film) as Kevin
For Queen and Country (1989; Film) as Chris
Minder (1989; TV Series) "It's A Sorry Lorry Morrie" as Teenager
The Krays [The Kray Twins] (1990, GB; Film) as Eddie as a Boy
Troy Pitt
Oliver! (2003, US; Stage) as Handwalker
Bob Pittman
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-63)
Cha Chi Pittman
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Robert John Pittman - b.20Jan1956
Dennis the Menace [Just Dennis] (1962-63, US; TV Series) as Seymour
(Academy Players Directory) (1964)
Eugene Pitts
(Academy Players Directory) (1972-74)
Joel Pitts - b.26Feb1991
Hearts and Bones (2000-01; TV Series) as Sam Rose
The Fourth Angel (2001; Film) as Andrew Elgin
Holby City [Holby] (2001; TV Series) "Night Shift" as Oliver Eastwood
Peak Practice (2001; TV Series) "Hidden Agendas" as Ben Horsefield
Long Time Dead (2002; Film) as Liam as a Boy
Max (2002; Film) as Paul Rothman
Nicholas Nickleby (2002; Film) as Second Boy
Trust (2003; TV Series) "Episode #1.4" as Daniel Bradley
Michael Pitts
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-97)
'Pitusin' -- see: Alfredo Hurtado
Giovanni Pizarro
Ernesto (2008, US; TV Film) as Ernesto Tabasco Diamond as an Infant
How to Make Love Like an Englishman (2014; Film) as School Kid
A Little Problem (2014; Film) as Tony Jr
Carl Pizzie - b.23Oct1975
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
The Bill (c.1985, UK; TV Series)
Screen Two (1988; TV Anthology) "Dead Lucky" as Flower Shop Delivery Boy
Grange Hill (1990; TV Series) "Episode #13.10" as Raju
Grange Hill (1990; TV Series) "Episode #13.11" as Raju
Grange Hill (1990; TV Series) "Episode #13.14" as Raju
Grange Hill (1990; TV Series) "Episode #13.9" as Raju
Teenage Health Freak (1993; TV Series) "Episode #2.1" as Ronnie
Teenage Health Freak (1993; TV Series) "Episode #2.2" as Ronnie
Joie Pizzo-Russo
(Academy Players Directory) (1969-70)
Alessandro Pizzolato
La famiglia [The Family] (1987; Film) as Paolino as a Boy
Tony Placanica
The Big Wish [More Winners: The Big Wish] (1990, AU; TV Film) as Bully
Freddie Plaisted
(Academy Players Directory) (1956)
The Red Skelton Show [The Red Skelton Hour] (c.1956, US; TV Series)
The Eddie Fisher Show (1957, US; TV Variety)
Adam Plaistowe
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
James Plannette -- see: Jimmy Plannette
Jimmy Plannette (James Plannette) - b.1940c.
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet [Ozzie and Harriet; The Adventures of the Nelson Family] (1956, US; TV Series) "Ricky, the Organizer" as Artie
Gaetan Plantin
La nouvelle guerre des boutons [War of the Buttons] (2011, France; Film) as Un Velrans
Benjamin Platt
Snow Queen (2003, US; Stage) as Alexander
Cody Platt
Scout Camp (2009; Film) as Chirping Crickets Patrol
Jeremy F. Platt
Dear Dumb Diary (2013; TV Film) as Boy Dancer
Scott Platt
(Academy Players Directory) (1979)
Zach Platt
Scout Camp (2009; Film) as Chirping Crickets Patrol
Stand Strong (2011; Film) as Brendan Webster
Paul Playdon
Merry Andrew (1958, US; Film) as School Boy
Paul C. Playdon
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-57)
The Loretta Young Show [Letter to Loretta] (1956, US; TV Anthology) "Incident in Kawi" as Clarence
Tales of the 77th Bengal Lancers (1956; TV Series) "The Pawn" as Ram Lai
The Adventures of Jim Bowie (1956-57; TV Series) as Francois de Gravien
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour [Alfred Hitchcock Presents] (c.1957; TV Anthology)
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour [Alfred Hitchcock Presents] (1957, US; TV Anthology) "The Glass Eye" as Allan
Lux Video Theatre [Summer Video Theatre] (c.1957; TV Anthology)
Matinee Theatre (c.1957; TV Anthology)
Sergeant Preston of the Yukon (1958; TV Series) "Boy Alone" as Tommy Smith
Shirley Temple's Storybook [Shirley Temple Theatre; The Shirley Temple Show] (1960, US; TV Anthology) "The Prince and the Pauper" as Hugo
Gordon Pleasant
The Wanderer (1959; TV Pilot) as Matyas Vargas
A French Mistress (1960, GB; Film) as Benson
Hotel Imperial (1960; TV Series) "Changes in the Staff" as Page Boy
Hotel Imperial (1960; TV Series) "The Cinderella in 104"
Hotel Imperial (1960; TV Series) "The Leopardess in 424" as Page Boy
Kipps (1960; TV Film) as Newsboy
Justin Peter Pledger
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Jesse Plemons - b.02Apr1988
Finding North (1998; Film) as Hobo
Varsity Blues (1999; Film) as Tommy Harbor
All the Pretty Horses (2000, US; Film) as Grady as a Boy
Walker, Texas Ranger [Walker] (2000, US; TV Series) "The General's Return" as Russell Jr
(Academy Players Directory) (2001-04)
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch [Sabrina; Sabrina Goes to College] (2001; TV Series) "Really Big Season Opener" as Bigger Kid
Children on Their Birthdays (2002, US; Film) as Preacher Star
Like Mike (2002, US; Film) as Ox
Expert Witness (2003; TV Film)
The Failures (2003, US; Film) as Boe
Judging Amy (2003; TV Series) "Marry, Marry Quite Contrary" as James Franklin
The Lyon's Den (2003; TV Series) "The Other Side of Caution" as Ray Ferris
When Zachary Beaver Came to Town (2003; Film) as Jay the Trailer Bully
C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation [C.S.I.: Las Vegas] (2004, US; TV Series) "Down the Drain" as Owen Durbin
Huff [!Huff] (2004; TV Series) "Cold Day in Shanghai" as Dawson James
The Flyboys (2006; Film) as Bully
NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service [NCIS] (2006; TV Series) "Deception" as Jason Geckler
Everette Plen
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-12)
Benjamin Plener (Benji Plener) - b.21May1982
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1992, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of Jake and the Leprechaun" as Jake
Ready or Not (1993-97, CA; TV Series) as Monkey Ears/Michael
Zero Patience (1993; Film) as Ted
Goosebumps [Ultimate Goosebumps] (1995, CA; TV Anthology) "Welcome to Camp Nightmare" as Roger
Shock Treatment (1995, US; TV Film) as Tommy Blizzard
Due South [Direction: Sud] (1996; TV Series) "The Edge" as Agent #2 (12)
Flash Forward (1996, Canada; TV Series) "Cool Book" as Grotesque Boy
Under the Piano (1996, Canada; TV Film) as Boy
Goosebumps [Ultimate Goosebumps] (1997, Canada; TV Anthology) "The Haunted House Game" as Jonathan Hall
Teen Knight (1998; Film) as Benjamin Lyons
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2000, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of Highway 13" as Justin
Big Wolf on Campus [Le Loup-garou du campus] (2000; TV Series) "The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth" as Lester
Benji Plener -- see: Benjamin Plener
Noah Plener
Home for Christmas (1990; TV Film) as Justin Spencer
My Secret Identity (1990, CA; TV Series) "David's Dream" as David
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1991, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of the Twisted Claw" as Dougie
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1993, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of the Magician's Assistant" as Todd Marker
Indian Summer (1993; Film) as Jack Belston as a Boy
Ready or Not (1993-97, CA; TV Series) as Frankie Ramone
Indian Summer (1998; Film) as Jack Belston as a Boy
Craig Plevack
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Marshall Plouffe - b.10Aug1982
Three Wishes (1995, US; Film) as Baseball Player
Adam Pluemer -- see: Adam Plumer
Bobby Pluma (Robert Pluma)
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-00)
Robert Pluma -- see: Bobby Pluma
Adam Plumer (Adam Pluemer)
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-97)
Lloyd [The Ugly Kid] (2001, US; Film) as Extra
Eric Michael Plumlee
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-99)
Christopher Plumley - b.16Apr1992
Christopher Changes His Name (2000; Film) as Christopher
(Academy Players Directory) (2001-03)
The Andy Dick Show (2001, US; TV Series) "Undressed" as Michael Banks
Roswell [Roswell High] (2001; TV Series) "Samuel Rising" as Paul
The Metro Chase (2003; TV Film) as Zac Monroe
Oliver Beene (2004, US; TV Series) "Kissing Babies" as Projector Kid
Charlie Plummer
King Jack (2015; Film) as Jack
Scotty Plummer
(Academy Players Directory) (1976)
Spencer Plumridge
O Fat White Woman (1971, UK; TV Film) as Schoolboy Upton Grange
Six Faces (1972, UK; TV Film) as Paul
The Boy With Two Heads [Chico the Rainmaker] (1974, UK; TV Film) as Christopher Page
Jimmy Plunkett
Boy Soldiers [More Winners: Boy Soldiers] (1990; TV Film) as Dinger
Flynn (1997; Film) as Boy Thief
Martin Plunkett
A Seaside Story (1979; Short) as Martin (17)
TJ Plunkett
The Burning Plain (2008; Film) as Pat
Doc West (2009; TV Film) as Boy
Triggerman [Doc West II] (2009; TV Film) as Boy
The Abduction of Zack Butterfield (2011; Film) as Zack Butterfield
Chris Plutte
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Eric Plyer
Melvin and Howard (1980; Film) as Ken
Jeremiah Poblete
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Nicholas Podbrey - b.26Aug1970
The Cap (1984, CA; TV Short) as Steve
The Hotel New Hampshire (1984, UK/CA/US; Film) as Boy With Rifle
God Bless the Child (1988, CA/US; TV Film) as Kenny
Seryozha Podmasterev
Alyosha Ptitsin virabativayet kharakter [Alyosha Ptitsin's Character-Training] (1953, SU; Film)
Zelyoni Dol [Green Dol] (1954, SU; Film)
Brian Poelman
Side By Side: The True Story of the Osmond Family (1982, US; TV Film) as Wayne Osmond as a Boy
Alessandro Poggi
Un Sussurro nel buio [A Whisper in the Dark] (1976; Film) as Martino
Tentacles [Tentacoli] (1976, IT/US; Film)
Roberto Poggi
Tentacles [Tentacoli] (1976, IT/US; Film)
Andres Poggio
Pelota de trapo [Rag Ball] (1948, AR; Film)
Hijo de la calle [Son of the Street] (1949, AR; Film)
A. Pogosian
Gikor (1934, SU; Film)
Mark Pogue
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-77)
Michael Pogue
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-77)
William Pohoresky
You Can't Do That on Television [You Can't Do That on TV] (1989, Canada; TV Series) as William
Poindexter (Eric Yothers) - b.25Jul1966
(Academy Players Directory) (1974-82)
Black Bart (1975, US; TV Pilot) as Hughie Robins
The Bob Newhart Show (1975, US; TV Series) "A Matter of Vice-Prinicpal" as Billy
Fawn Story (1975, US; TV Film) as Toby McPhail
Emergency! [Emergencia; Emergency One] (1976, US; TV Series) "Right at Home" as Eddie Lapeer
Emergency! [Emergencia; Emergency One] (1976, US; TV Series) "The Unlikely Heirs" as Andy
Tony the Pony (1976, US; TV Series) as Jonathan
The Cliffwood Avenue Kids (1977, US; TV Series) as Poindexter
Return From Witch Mountain (1978, US; Film) as Crusher
Switch (1978, US; TV Series) "Mexican Standoff" as Mathew Gorvan
Terror Out of the Sky [The Revenge of the Savage Bees] (1978, US; TV Film) as Mike
Three Way Love [Citizen's Band; Handle With Care] (1978, US; TV Pilot)
The Young Runaways (1978, US; TV Film) as Louis
Delta House (1979, US; TV Series) "Hoover and the Bomb" as Hoover Jr
Jules Poirer
Reinventing Marvin [Marvin ou la belle education] (2017; Film) as Marvin as a Boy Bijoux
Steven Poirier
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (2004, US; TV Series) "Sick Days; Spelling Bee" as AV Kid
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (2005, US; TV Series) "Daydreaming; Gym" as AV Kid
Rauf Pojani
Mengjeze lufte [Mornings of War] (1971, AL; Film)
Kapedani [The Captain] (1972, AL; Film)
Frank Poje
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
The King and I (c.1966, US; Stage)
Shreenivas G. Pokale
Bhau [Brother] (2020; Short) as Ekansh
Palko Polacek (Pavle Polacek / Pavol Polacek)
Piesen O Sivom Holubovi [A Song About the Gray Pigeon; Song of the Grey Dove] (1960, CS; Film) as Rudko Hrudka
Trio Angelos (1963, CS; Film)
Orlovi rano lete [Early Flies the Eagle] (1966, CS; Film) as Dugonogi Stric
Pavle Polacek -- see: Palko Polacek
Pavol Polacek -- see: Palko Polacek
Michael Polaire
The Singing Nun (1965, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1966)
Bewitched (c.1966; TV Series)
Jiri Polak
Objev Na Strapate Hurce [The Discovery On Shaggy Hill] (1961, CS; Film)
Horouci srdce [Burning Heart] (1962, CS; Film)
Rusty Polan
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-59)
The Donna Reed Show (c.1959, US; TV Series)
Alejandro Polanco
Chop Shop (2007; Film) as Ale
Mosquito (2009; Film) as Cesar
Carlos Polanco
(Academy Players Directory) (1989)
Andrew Polenchar
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Noah Poletiek (Noah Drake Poletiek) - b.21Oct1988
Road to Redemption (2001; Film) as Paperboy
Holes (2003, US; Film) as Brian / 'Twitch'
The Blue Light (2004; TV Film) as Max Flynn
Santo Polimeno
Ragazzo di Calabria [Boy of Calabria; Run Boy Run] (1987, IT; Film)
Max Polin
(Academy Players Directory) (2000)
Albie Polinsky
(Academy Players Directory) (1985)
Alexander Polinsky - b.07Oct1974
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-87)
Off the Mark (1986, US; Film) as Howard as a Boy
Charles in Charge (1987-90; TV Series) as Adam Powell
The New Lassie (1992, US; TV Series) "The Computer Study" as Charlie
Ted Polito -- see: Teddy Polito
Teddy Polito (Ted Polito)
Kids Like These (1987, US; TV Film) as Alex (9)
Andreas Poliza
Die Deutschstunde (1971, Germany; TV Film) as Siggi (10)
Charles Polizzi
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Adam Pollack (Adam Justin Pollack)
(Academy Players Directory) (1977-80)
Dee Pollack (Dee Pollock) - b.24Sep1937;d.27Dec2005
(Academy Players Directory) (1951-53)
The Blue Veil (1951, US; Film) as Tony
Beware My Lovely [Day Without End; One False Move; The Ragged Edge] (1952, US; Film) as Doug
It Grows on Trees (1952, US; Film) as Flip Baxter
The Old West (1952, US; Film) as Eddie Jamison
Park Row (1952, US; Film) as Rusty
Fireside Theatre [Jane Wyman Presents the Fireside Theatre] (1953; TV Anthology) "The Twelfth Juror"
Mister Scoutmaster [Be Prepared!] (1953, US; Film) as Scout #1
The Munango Story (1954, US; Film)
Kevin Mathew Pollack
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Ryan Pollack
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-85)
Steve Pollack -- see: Steven Pollack
Steven Pollack (Steve Pollack)
Aunt Mary (1979, US; TV Film) as Dennis
(Academy Players Directory) (1980-84)
Camp Grizzly (1980, US; TV Pilot)
Hoyt J. Pollard (Hoyt Pollard)
Deliverance (1972, US; Film) as Boy at Gas Station
Hugh Pollard - b.1975
Hansel and Gretel (1986; Film) as Hansel
Simon and the Witch (1987-88; TV Series) as Simon
The Bill (1991, UK; TV Series) "Black Mark" as Sobbing Boy
The Bill (1992, UK; TV Series) "Well Out of Order" as Allan Greaves
Jeffery Pollatta
Come On, Get Happy: The Partridge Family Story (1999, US; TV Film) as Peter Brady
Tim Polley - b.11Oct1968
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
The Ravenswood Experience (c.1982; TV Film) as Paul (unconfirmed)
Alex Pollock -- see: Alexander Pollock
Alexander Pollock (Alex Pollock)
The Angel of Pennsylvania Avenue [L'Ange de Noel] (1996, US; Film) as Jack
Big Bully (1996, US; Film) as Corky Bigger
Cloned (1997; TV Film) as Timmy/Chris
Northern Lights [L'Etoile du nord] (1997; TV Film) as Bobby
The Outer Limits [The New Outer Limits] (1997; TV Anthology) "Bodies of Evidence" as Boy
The Stepsister (1997; TV Film) as Brian Harrison
Floating Away (1998; Film) as Bret
The Crow: Stairway to Heaven (1999; TV Series) "Dead to Rights" as Jason Vincennes
Fatal Error [Reaper] (1999; TV Film) as Grandson
Resurrection (1999; TV Film) as Hollis
They Nest [Creepy Crawlers] (2000; TV Film) as Henry S. Crump
Cats and Dogs (2001; Film) as Scotty Brody
Replicant (2001; Film) as Garrotte as a Boy
The Santa Clause 2 [Santa Clause 2; Santa Clause 2: The Mrs Clause; SC2; The Santa Clause 2: The Mrs Clause] (2002; Film) as Richie/Elf Tight End
Taken [Steven Spielberg Presents Taken] (2002, US; TV Film) as Edward Watkins Jr
Video Voyeur: The Susan Wilson Story (2002, US; TV Film) as Orin Wilson
School of Life (2003; Film) as Clyde
A Wrinkle in Time [Un raccourci dans le temps] (2003; TV Film) as Eric O'Keefe
Darryl Pollock
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-73)
David Pollock
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-80)
Jim - the World's Greatest [Story of a Teenager] (1975; Film) as Jim as a Boy
The Bad News Bears (1976, US; Film) as Rudi Stein
The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (1977, US; Film) as Rudi Stein
The Bad News Bears Go to Japan (1978, US; Film) as Rudi Stein
Dee Pollock -- see: Dee Pollack
Danny Polmounter
(Academy Players Directory) (1983-86)
David Polonsky
Under Fiesta Stars (1941, US; Film)
Ye Olde Minstrels (Our Gang short) (1941; Short) as David
The Greenie (1942, US; Film)
Joe Smith, American [Highway to Freedom] (1942, US; Film)
Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942, US; Film)
Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout [Henry Aldrich's Code of Honor; Henry: Boy Scout] (1944, US; Film) as Patrol Member
Chris Polos
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Jack Polson
Kicking and Screaming [Soccer Dads] (2005, US; Film) as Gladiators Player
Janusz Pomaski
Odwiedziny Prezydenta [Visit from the President] (1961, PL; Film)
Dziadek do orzechow [The Nutcracker] (1967, PL; Film)
Max Pomeranc - b.1986
Searching for Bobby Fischer [Innocent Moves] (1993, US; Film) as Josh/Joshua Waitzkin (7)
Nowhere to Hide (1994; TV Film)
Fluke (1995, US; Film) as Brian Johnson
Journey (1995, US; TV Film) as Journey (11)
Dewayne Pomeroy - b.31Jul1967;d.Jul1984
Streetwise (1984, US; Documentary) as Dewayne
Danny Ponce (Luis Daniel Ponce) - b.04Sep1972
Alice (1983; TV Series) "Tis the Season to Be Jealous" as Boy
Knots Landing (1982-85, US; TV Series) as Jason Avery
Happy Days [New Family in Town] (1984; TV Series) "Passages" as Danny
Oh, God! You Devil (1984; Film) as Joey Vega
Punky Brewster (1984, US; TV Series) "Yes, Punky, There Is a Santa Claus" as Billy Bahootsas
Family Ties (1985, US; TV Series) "The Real Thing" as Shoeshine Boy
Hotel [Arthur Hailey's Hotel] (1985, US; TV Series) "Identities" as Anthony
Hunter (1985, US; TV Series) "Rape and Revenge" as Ignacio
International Airport (1985, US; TV Film) as Pepe
Valerie [The Hogan Family; Valerie's Family] (1986-91, US; TV Series) as Willie Hogan
Amazing Stories (1987; TV Anthology) "Gershwin's Trunk" as Pepi
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Luis Daniel Ponce -- see: Danny Ponce
'Poncianito' -- see: Ismael Perez
Michael Pond - b.04Jul1969
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
Nancy Astor (1982, UK; TV Film)
Strangers and Brothers (1984, UK; TV Film)
Bugsy Malone (c.1985; Stage) as Ritzy
Robert Duncan Ponikwer -- see: Robert Duncan
Rogelio J. Pons -- see: Rogelio 'Frijolitos' Jimenez Pons
Demitri Ponse
Tunnelvision (1976, US; Film) as Boy
Edoardo Ponti - b.06Jan1973
Aurora By Night [Aurora; Encounter; Qualcosa di biondo; Something Blonde] (1984, Italy/USA; TV Film) as Ciro
Dominick Pontoriero
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-89)
Eric Pony
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Austin Pool (Austin John Pool)
Billy Madison (1995; Film) as Dan as a Boy
It Takes Two [Me and My Shadow] (1995; Film) as Billy Butkis
Tommy Boy (1995, US; Film) as Obnoxious Bus Kid
Dirty Work (1998; Film) as Sam as a Boy (8)
Jailbait (2000; TV Film) as Jeff
Christopher Poole
The Latchkey Children (1980, UK; TV Series) "Episode #1.2" as Eddie
Terry and June (1980, UK; TV Series) "The Christmas Show" as Carol Singer
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Barnardo (c.1982; Stage) as Alf
Big Top Variety Show (c.1982, UK; TV Variety) (unconfirmed)
Carrott's Gang (c.1982; Stage)
The Two Ronnies (c.1982, UK; TV Series)
Damien Pooley
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Jeremy Pooley
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Caelem Pope
The Ugly (1997, NZ; Film) as Simon as a Boy (4)
Neil Pope - b.17Nov1971
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Shine On, Harvey Moon (c.1982, UK; TV Series)
Dan Popescu
Alarma in Delta [Alarm in the Danube Delta; Danger in the Delta] (1975, RO; Film) as Azimioara/Schoolboy
Mark Popkin
(Academy Players Directory) (1981)
Vanya Poplavets
Pedagogicheskaya poema [Pedagogical Poem] (1955, SU; Film)
Sasha Popoff
Guttaperchevi malchik [The Rubber Boy] (1957, SU; Film)
Letat zhuravli [The Cranes Are Flying] (1957, SU; Film)
Daniil Popov
Dania (2018; Short) as Dania
Paul Popowich
Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller [L'Albuminable homme des timbres; Tales for All #7] (1987, CA; Film) as Cass
Milo Popp
In the Best Interest of the Children (1991, US; TV Film) as Mark Birney
Michael Popper
(Academy Players Directory) (1971-76)
Michel Ray Popper -- see: Michel Ray
Freddie Popplewell
Peter Pan (2003, Australia/US/UK; Film) as Michael Darling
Ove Porath
Jungfrukallan [Virgin Spring] (1959, SE; Film) as Boy
Mark Porche
(Academy Players Directory) (1972)
Matthew Porche
(Academy Players Directory) (1972)
Shaun Poremba
Bored Silly (2000, US; Film) as Johnnie
Matthew Poroc
My First Haircut (1988, US; TV Short) as Boy
Edgar Porras
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Luca Porro
Piso pisello [Big Pea, Little Pea] (1981, IT; Film)
Ido Port
Round Trip (2003; Film) as Zohra
Michtavim Le America [Dear Mr Waldman] (2006; Film) as Hilik
Ha'boged Hakatan [The Little Traitor] (2007; Film) as Proffy
Roger Porte
Zero de Conduite [Nought for Conduct; Zero for Conduct] (1932, FR; Film) as Enfant
Bob M. Porter -- see: Bobby Porter
Bobby Porter (Bob M. Porter)
(Academy Players Directory) (1972)
Battle for the Planet of the Apes [Colonization of the Planet of the Apes] (1973; Film) as Cornelius
Planet of the Apes (1974; TV Series) "Escape from Tomorrow" as Arno
Planet of the Apes (1974; TV Series) "The Good Seeds" as Remus
Day of the Animals [Something Is Out There] (1977; Film) as John Goodwyn
The Fantastic Journey (1977; TV Series) "Dream of Conquest" as Neffring
CHiPs [CHiPs Patrol] (1978, US; TV Series) "Trick or Trick" as Sammy
Quark (1978, US; TV Series) as Andy the Android
Jacob S. Porter
Tommy (2001, US; Stage) as Tommy as a Boy
Johnathan Porter
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
R.J. Porter
Routed (1988, US; TV Short) as Listening Boy
Todd Porter (Todd Daymond Porter) - b.15May1968
Star Stuff (1980, US; TV Series) as Chris
Earthbound (1981, US; Film) as Tommy Anderson
Simon and Simon (1983, US; TV Series) "Fly the Alibi Skies" as Hamilton Parker
Whiz Kids (1983-84, US; TV Series) as Hamilton Parker
William Porter Jr
Billie (1912, US; Film)
Eddie's Exploit (1912, US; Film)
His Mother's Hope (1912, US; Film)
The Jam Closet (1912, US; Film)
Mother Goose in a Sixteenth Century Theater (1912, US; Film)
The Nurse (1912, US; Film)
Chip Portocarrero
(Academy Players Directory) (1973)
Rene Portugal
A Minor Miracle (1983, US; Film) as Pee Wee
Joe Posca -- see: Joseph Posca
Joseph Posca (Joe Posca)
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1992, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of the Pinball Wizard" as Ross Campbell
David's Mother (1994; TV Film) as Puerto Rican Boy
Side Effects (1995; TV Series) "On the QT" as Drew's Teammate
Alex Posell
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Tyler Posey (Tyler Garcia Posey) - b.18Oct1991
Men of Honor [Men of Honour] (2000; Film) as Boy
Collateral Damage (2001, US; Film) as Mauro
Doc (2001-04, US; TV Series) as Raul Garcia
Maid in Manhattan [Made in New York] (2002; Film) as Ty Ventura
Without a Trace [Vanished; W.A.T.] (2002, US; TV Series) "Silent Partner" as Robert
Inside Out (2005, US; Film) as Obert
Into the West (2005; TV Film) as Abe Wheeler (12)
Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye (2005; TV Series) "Boy Meets World" as Danny
Brothers and Sisters [Brothers and Sisters] (2006, US; TV Series) "Family Portrait" as Gabriel Whedon
Brothers and Sisters [Brothers and Sisters] (2006, US; TV Series) "Mistakes Were Made" as Gabriel Whedon
Brothers and Sisters [Brothers and Sisters] (2006, US; TV Series) "Pilot [unaired]" as Gabriel Traylor
Smallville [Smallville Beginnings; Smallville: Superman the Early Years] (2006, US; TV Series) "Subterranean" as Javier
Veritas, Prince of Truth (2006; Film) as Mouse Gonzalez
Brothers and Sisters [Brothers and Sisters] (2007, US; TV Series) "Family Day" as Gabriel Whedon
Tyler Garcia Posey
(Academy Players Directory) (2000-08)
Robbie Posner
(Academy Players Directory) (1962)
Ryan Posner
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-93)
Eric Pospisil
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
I'll Be Home for Christmas (1998; Film) as Boy at Bus Station
Misa Pospisil
Kino (1961, CS; Film)
Az pridje kocour (1963, CS; Film)
Az pridje kocour [When the Cat Comes] (1963, CS; Film)
Ukradena vzducholod [The Stolen Airship] (1966, CS; Film)
Kdyz ma svatek Dominika [Dominica's Name-Day] (1967, CS; Film)
Chips Post
(Academy Players Directory) (1953)
Rick Post
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-89)
Lurie Posten -- see: Lurie Poston
Lurie Poston (Lurie Posten)
Girls Will Be Girls (2003, US; Film) as Varla as a Boy
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story [Walk Hard] (2007, US; Film) as Cox Kid
Ready? OK! (2008, US; Film) as Joshua Alexander Dowd
Step Brothers (2008, US; Film) as Tommy
Knucklehead (2010, US; Film) as Todd
Vaclav Postranecky - b.08Sep1943
Punta a ctyrlistek [Doggy and the Three; Punta and the Four-Leaf Clover] (1955, CS; Film)
Vzorny kinematograf Haska Jaroslava [Jaroslav Hasek's Model Cinema] (1956, CS; Film)
Mali medvedari [Little Bear-Keepers] (1957, CS; Film)
Michael Potenza
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Vadia Potenza
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-84)
Brian Poth - b.09Jun1975
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-88)
Mr Belvedere (1986, US; TV Series) "The Play" as Vincent
Jan Potmesil - b.31Mar1966
Tajemstvi oceloveho mesta [Secret of Steel City] (1978, CS; Film)
Neohlizej se, jde za nami kun [Don't Look Round, There's a Horse Following Us] (1980, CS; Film)
Aidan Potter
Opposite Day (2009, US; Film) as Kid Mailman
Outnumbered (II) (2009-10, US; TV Series) as Jack Embry
Subbing 4 Julia (2009; Film) as Jack
Working Class (2011; TV Film) as Kevin
Andrew Potter (Andrew G. Potter)
(Academy Players Directory) (1985-88)
Our House (1986, US; TV Series) "Off We Go . . ."
Bertie Potter
The Doll's Revenge (1907, GB; Film)
The Professor's Antigravitational Fluid (1908, GB; Film)
The Schoolboys' Revolt (1908, GB; Film)
The Scaramouches (1910, GB; Film)
Tilly the Tomboy Buys Linoleum (1910, GB; Film)
David Potter
The Owl That Didn't Give a Hoot (1968, US; TV Short) as Johnny Fredericks
Jay Potter (John Jay Potter)
(Academy Players Directory) (1954-62)
The Art Linkletter Show (c.1954; TV Series)
There's No Business Like Show Business (1954, US; Film) as Steve Donahue as a Toddler (2)
Skippy (1958, US; TV Series) as Sooky
John Potter
Oliver Twist (1948, GB; Film) as Charley Bates
John Jay Potter -- see: Jay Potter
Jordan Potter
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-03)
Kyle Potter
(Academy Players Directory) (2005)
Kyle T. Potter
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-03)
Shawn Potter
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1995, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of a Door Unlocked" as Ben
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1995, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of the Door Unlocked" as Ben
Goosebumps [Ultimate Goosebumps] (1995, CA; TV Anthology) "The Phantom of the Auditorium" as Zeke Mathews
Talon Potter
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Trek Potter
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-91)
The Letters From MOAB (1991, US; TV Short)
Tuhk Potter
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-91)
[Robert Pottgeiser]
Sidekicks [Karate Kid and Co.; The Last Electric Knight] (1986, US; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Jonas Potthoff
Hilfe, Ich bin ein Junge [Help! I'm a Boy] (2001, DE; Film) as Ritter/Knight
Waldemar Pottier - b.30Dec1914
Erborgtes Gluck [Borrowed Happiness] (1918, GE; Film)
Menschen [Humans] (1919, GE; Film)
Ich - bin - Du [I Am You] (1920, GE; Film)
Die Ehrenschuld [Debt of Honour] (1921, GE; Film)
Grausige Nachte [Nights of Horror] (1921, GE; Film)
Der Leidensweg der Inge Krafft [Inge Krafft's Path of Sorrow] (1921, GE; Film)
Das Weib des Pharao [Pharaoh's Wife] (1921, GE; Film)
Die Finsternis ist ihr Eigentum [Darkness is Hers] (1922, GE; Film)
Die Arme Sunderin [The Poor Sinner] (1923, GE; Film)
Karusellen [The Roundabout] (1923, SE; Film)
Aus der Jugendzeit klingt ein Lied [A Song from Days of Youth] (1924, GE; Film)
Strandgut [Flotsam] (1924, GE; Film)
Zwei Kinder [Two Children] (1924, GE; Film)
Die Anne-Liese von Dessau [Anne-Liese of Dessau] (1925, GE; Film)
Husarenfieber [Hussar Fever] (1925, GE; Film)
Um Recht und Ehre [For Right and Honour] (1925, GE; Film)
Das Edle Blut [Noble Blood] (1927, GE; Film)
Byron Pottorff
You're Invited to Mary-Kate and Ashley's Christmas Party (1997, US; Short) as Excited Kid Skipping
Billy Potts
(Academy Players Directory) (1947)
Galileo (c.1947, US; Stage)
Daniel Potts - b.1970
Greystoke: the Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984, GB; Film) as Tarzan (5)
Nathanial Potvin -- see: Nathaniel J. Potvin
Nathaniel J. Potvin (Nathanial Potvin)
Palms (2012; Short) as Solomon Dorsey
Belle's (2013; TV Series) "Birthday Party" as Jimmy Barnes
Different (2013; Short) as Brandon
The Middle (2013, US; TV Series) "Life Skills" as Boy in the Hallway
Twist of Faith (2013; TV Film) as Asher Jones
C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation [C.S.I.: Las Vegas] (2014; TV Series) "Dead in His Tracks" as Tyson Briggs as a Boy
Girl Meets World [Disney Girl Meets World] (2014, US; TV Series) "Girl Meets Popular" as Academic Top Half
Girl Meets World [Disney Girl Meets World] (2014, US; TV Series) "Girl Meets Smackle" as Academic Top Half
Haunted Hathaways (2014; TV Series) "Haunted Boo Crew" as Billy
Jessie (2014, US; TV Series) "Acting with the Frenemy" as Shane
Love That Girl! (2014; TV Series) "Secret Swingers" as Jalen
The Massively Mixed-Up Middle School Mystery [Junior Eye] (2014, US; TV Film) as Scottie
Mtx! (2015; TV Film) as Ryan
Table 58 (2015; TV Film) as Logan Davis
A World Away (2015; Film) as Henry
Jules Pouget
La guerre des boutons [War of the Buttons] (2011, FR; Film) as Un Velrans
Denis Pouira
Ti-Koyo e il suo pescecane [Ti-Koyo and His Shark; Tiko and the Shark] (1962, IT; Film)
Georges Poujouly - b.20Jan1940;d.28Oct2000
La Jeune folle [Desperate Decision; The Mad Girl] (1951, FR; Film)
Jeux interdits [Forbidden Games] (1951, FR; Film) as Michel Dolle
Chevaliers de France [Knights of France] (1952, FR; Film)
Hold-up en musique [Musical Hold-Up] (1952, FR; Film)
Nous sommes tous des assassins [We are All Murderers] (1952, FR; Film) as Michel Le Guen
Quitte ou double [Double Or Quits] (1952, FR; Film)
Son dernier Noel [His Last Christmas] (1952, FR; Film)
Gangsters en jupons [Petticoat Crooks] (1953, FR; Film)
Il Tesoro del Bengala [The Treasure of Bengal] (1953, IT; Film) as Tambi
Les Diaboliques [Diabolique; The Devils; The Fiends] (1954, FR; Film) as Soudieu
Dix-huit heures d'escale [Eighteen Hour Stop-Over] (1954, FR; Film)
Les assassins du dimanche [Sunday Killers] (1955, FR; Film)
Il Cortile [The Yard] (1955, IT; Film)
Il piccolo vetraio [The Glazier's Boy] (1955, IT; Film)
Si tous les gars du monde [If All the World's Boys] (1955, FR; Film)
Quentin Poulet
La nouvelle guerre des boutons [War of the Buttons] (2011, France; Film) as Un Longeverne
Benari Poulten
Lifestories: Families in Crisis (1992; TV Anthology) "Gunplay: The Last Day in the Life of Brian Darling" as Brian Darling
School Ties (1992; Film) as Petey Greene
Will Poulter (William Jack Poulter) - b.28Jan1993
Comedy: Shuffle (2007; TV Series) "Jocelyn Jee Esien" as Latvian Father
Comedy: Shuffle (2007; TV Series) "Lucy Montgomery" as Find Your Folks Host
Son of Rambow [Little Rambows] (2007, UK; Film) as Lee Carter (11)
Comedy Lab (2008; TV Series) "Kids School of Comedy"
Lead Balloon (2008; TV Series) "Nuts" as Sweet Throwing Boy
School of Comedy (2008-10, UK; TV Series)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010; Film) as Eustace Clarence Scrubb
The Fades (2010; TV Series) "Pilot" as Mac
We're the Millers (2013; Film) as Kenny Rossmore
William Jack Poulter -- see: Will Poulter
Daniel Pountney
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Melvil Poupaud
La ville des pirates [The Town of Pirates] (1983, FR; Film)
L'Ile au Tresor [Treasure Island] (1986, FR; Film) as Jonathan/Jim Hawkins
Mark Povraznik
(Academy Players Directory) (1972)
Aaron Powell
(Academy Players Directory) (2003)
Bent Powell
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Chantz Powell
(Academy Players Directory) (2002)
Clive Powell
Children of the Damned (1963; Film) as Paul
Esteban Powell
Dazed and Confused (1993, US; Film) as Carl
Garey Powell
The Hot Shoe Show (c.1984, UK; TV Series)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Breakpoint (c.1985, UK; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
J.C. Powell
The Adams Chronicles (1976, US; TV Film) as Charles Adams
Jason Powell
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Johari Powell
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Keith Powell
(Academy Players Directory) (1968)
Ken Powell
(Academy Players Directory) (1989)
Raymond Rayhill Powell (Raymond Powell)
Our Gang Follies of 1938 (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Raymond Rayhill
(Academy Players Directory) (1938-39)
Came the Brawn (Our Gang short) (1938, US; Short) as Raymond Rayhill
Bachelor Mother (1939; Film)
Career (1939, US; Film)
Gone With the Wind (1939, US; Film)
Intermezzo [Escape to Happiness; Intermezzo: A Love Story] (1939, US; Film)
The Old Maid (1939, US; Film)
Street of Missing Men (1939, US; Film)
Zenobia [Elephants Never Forget; It's Spring Again; We the People; This Time It's Love] (1939, US; Film)
(Juvenile Casting Directory) (1940)
The Blue Bird (1940, US; Film)
Richard Powell
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Ricky Powell
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-80)
Garth Powelson
(Academy Players Directory) (1968-69)
Mike Powelson
(Academy Players Directory) (1968)
Carl Power
Agnes Browne (1999; Film) as Simon Browne
Chad Power - b.30Jan1984
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-95)
The Sitter (1991, US; TV Film) as Tommy
3 Ninjas (1992, US; Film) as Tum Tum
Baywatch [Baywatch Hawaii] (1993, US; TV Series) "Submersion" as Bobby Clark
Baywatch [Baywatch Hawaii] (1994, US; TV Series) "The Life You Save" as Bobby Clark
3 Ninjas Knuckle Up (1995, US; Film) as Tum Tum
Mark Power
Agnes Browne (1999; Film) as Dermot Browne
Ryan Power - b.1986c.
Boyhood [The 12-Year Project] (2014, US; Film) as Paul
Dennis Powers
(Screen Children/Screen Children's Year Book) (1944)
Hersh Powers
Potato Dreams of America (2021; Film) as Potato
Jason Powers
(Academy Players Directory) (1983-84)
Murlin Powers
Forgotten Babies (Our Gang short) (1933; Short) as Murlin
Terry Powers
Too Many Parents (1936, US; Film) as Cadet Sergeant
Michael Powert
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
Alexander Pownall (Alexander Richard Pownall) - b.27Jun1991
Shockers: Dance (1999; TV Film) as Peter
The Bill (2001, UK; TV Series) "The Dark Side" as Ryan
The Cazalets (2001, UK; TV Film) as Neville Cazalet
Jonathan Creek (2003; TV Series) "The Tailor's Dummy" as Boy
5 Children and It [Five Children and It] (2004, FR/UK/US; Film) as Horace
Best Friends (2004, UK; TV Series) as Biscuits
The Best Man (2006; TV Film) as Chapman
Rhys Powys
How Green Was My Valley (1975, UK; TV Film) as Huw Morgan as a Child
Shadows (1975, UK; TV Series) "After School" as Poodle
Rene Poyen ('Bout de Zan') - b.05Oct1908;d.1968
Bebe adopte un petit frere [Baby Adopts a Little Brother] (1912, FR; Film)
Bebe, Bout de Zan et le voleur [Baby, Nipper and the Burglar] (1912, FR; Film)
Bout de Zan (1913-15, FR; Series)
L'enfant de la roulotte [The Caravan Kid] (1914, FR; Film)
L'integre [The Upright Man] (1914, FR; Film)
Les Vampires [The Vampires] (1915, FR; Serial)
C'est pour les orphelins [It's for the Orphans] (1916, FR; Film)
Judex (1916, FR; Serial)
La Nouvelle mission de Judex [Judex's New Mission] (1917, FR; Serial)
Ursus (1919, FR; Film)
Les Deux gamines [Two Saucy Girls] (1920, FR; Film)
La Proie [The Prey] (1920, FR; Film)
La Fille bien gardee [The Guarded Girl] (1923, FR; Film)
Le Gamin de Paris [The Parisian Urchin] (1923, FR; Film)
La Gosseline [That Little Girl] (1923, FR; Film)
Steven Poynter - b.13Aug1971
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Bugsy Malone (c.1985; Stage) as Lt O'Dreary
Forty Years On (c.1985; Stage) as Charteris
Lasse Poysti - b.24Jan1927
Suomisen perhe [The Suominens] (1941, FI; Film)
Suomisen Ollin tempaus [Olli Suominen's Escapade] (1942, FI; Film)
Suomisen taiteilijat [The Suominen Artistes] (1943, FI; Film)
Jorge A. Poza Perez
Bandidos [Bandits] (1991, Mexico; Film) as Miguel
Maico Pradal
Cuadros en la oscuridad [Paintings in the Dark] (2017; Film) as Luis (13)
Sergio Prado
(Academy Players Directory) (1989)
Luke Prael
Boy in a Backpack (2016; Short) as Ellis Nichols
George Prahl
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Veselin Prahov - b.27Jan1976
Kuche vuv chekmedzhe [Dog in a Drawer] (1982, BG; Film) as Dimitar/Mitko/Mitashki
Gore na chereshata [Up in the Cherry Tree] (1983, BG; Film)
Tursi su suprug za mama [Finding Mummy a Husband] (1984, BG; Film)
Amigo Ernesto [My Friend Ernesto] (1985, BG; Film)
Byagashti kucheta [Running Dogs] (1988, BG; Film)
Mark Praid
Play for Today (1970; TV Anthology) "A Distant Thunder" as Peter Barham
Jude the Obscure (1971; TV Film) as Jude Fawley as a Boy
Away from It All (1973; TV Anthology) "The New Life" as Ben
The Dragon's Opponent (1973; TV Film) as Jack Howard as a Boy
ITV Saturday Night Theatre (1973; TV Anthology) "The Death of Adolf Hitler" as Helmut Goebbels
The Black Windmill [Drabble] (1974, UK; Film) as James Stroud
The Siege of Golden Hill [Golden Hill] (1976; TV Series) as Tim
Landon Prairie
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-99)
Emmanuel Prat
Bastien, Bastienne (1979; Film) as Eric/Bastienne
John-John Prate
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-81)
Daniel Prather
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-79)
David Prather
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-79)
Francis Pratt
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Lawson Pratt
Fatty Finn (1980, AU; Film) as Twerp #1
Joshua Praw
Lansky (1999, US; TV Film) as Meyer Lansky as a Boy (8)
Beda Prazsky - b.15Jun1914;d.06Aug1975
Laska je utrpenim [Love is Suffering] (1919, CS; Film)
Dve matky [Two Mothers] (1920, CS; Film)
Snezenky [Snowdrops] (1920, CS; Film)
O velkou cenu [For the Grand Prix] (1922, CS; Film)
Pepanek Nezdara [No-Hope Joey] (1923, CS; Film)
Prazske svadlenky [Dressmakers of Prague] (1929, CS; Film)
Vendelinuv ocistec a raj [Vendelin's Purgatory and Paradise] (1930, CS; Film)
Bill Preis (William E. Preis)
(Academy Players Directory) (1947-49)
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947-48)
Innocent Affair (1948, US; Film)
The Green Promise [Raging Waters] (1949, US; Film)
William E. Preis -- see: Bill Preis
Randy Preissman
The Donna Reed Show (1959, US; TV Series) "Jeff Joins a Club" as Robert
Alexander Elliott Prejean
Charlie: A Toy Story (2013; Film) as Boy
Kol Prela
Lugina e pushkatareve [Valley of Rifleman] (1970, AL; Film)
Kelly Premeaux (Kelly Eugene) - b.04Jan1986
Max Keeble's Big Move [7th Grade Heart Attack; Trouble Kids] (2001, US; Film) as Max Stunt Double
Zoey 101 [Zoey] (2005, US; TV Series) "Disc Golf" as Bike Boy
Chad Prentice
(Academy Players Directory) (1974-76)
Fergus Prentice
Luke and the Void (2008; Short) as Luke
John Prentice
Little Men (1998-99, US; TV Series) as Billy
Robert Prentiss (Robert Eastin Prentiss)
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Michael Presas
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Mitchell Presas
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Brian Prescott
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Tony Prescott
(Academy Players Directory) (1982)
David Tyler Press
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
David Presser
His Master's Ghost [More Winners: His Master's Ghost] (1990, AU; TV Film) as Jason Pengalli
Christopher Pressley
Everybody Hates Chris (2005, US; TV Series) "Everybody Hates Food Stamps" as Julius Rock as a Boy (9)
David Pressman
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-83)
David Jason Pressman
(Academy Players Directory) (1995)
Jason Presson - b.31Aug1971
The Stone Boy (1983, US; Film) as Arnold Hillerman
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-85)
Finder of Lost Loves (1984, US; TV Series) "White Lies" as Jonathan Hodges
Invitation to Hell (1984, US; TV Film)
Explorers (1985, US; Film) as Darren Woods
The New Twilight Zone (1985, CA/US/UK; TV Anthology) "The Shadow Man" as Eric
No Greater Gift (1985, US; TV Short)
Spoil the Child (1985, US; TV Short) as David
Webster (1985, US; TV Series)
The B.R.A.T. Patrol (1986, US; TV Film) as Raymond McGeorge
The Leftovers (1986, US; TV Film) as Charlie
Lady in White [The Mystery of the Lady in White] (1988, US; Film) as Geno Scarlatti
Saturday the 14th Strikes Back (1988, US; Film) as Eddie Baxter
Never Forget (1991, US; TV Film) as Bernie Mermelstein
Kelly Prest
Once Upon a Honeymoon (1956, US; Short)
(Academy Players Directory) (1959-63)
Delayed Journey (c.1960; TV Film) (unconfirmed)
Billy Preston
St Louis Blues (1958, US; Film) as Will Handy as a Boy
Bobby Preston - b.21Mar1993
Charmed (2001; TV Series) "Charmed Again" as Boy
First Years (2001; TV Series) "There's No Place Like Homo" as Warren Harrison as a Boy
Family Law (2002; TV Series) "Arlene's Choice" as Mike Williams
Malcolm in the Middle (2002, US; TV Series) "Cynthia's Back" as Hal as a Boy
Rose Red [Stephen King's Rose Red] (2002; TV Film) as Steven as a Boy
(Academy Players Directory) (2003)
Carnivale (2003; TV Series) "Milfay" as Tommy Crane
Dragnet [L.A. Dragnet] (2003; TV Series) "Well Endowed" as Sam Lynde
The Hunted (2003; Film)
ER [Emergency Room] (2004; TV Series) "Blood Relations" as Clay Bennett
Motocross Kids (2004; Film) as Skeeter
Numb3rs [Numbers] (2005, US; TV Series) "Sabotage" as Jim
Criminal Minds (2006, US; TV Series) "The Boogeyman" as Henry
Jericho (2007; TV Series) "Coalition of the Willing" as Boy
Gerrit Preston
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Joey Preston
No Leave, No Love (1946, US; Film) as Boy Drummer
Philip Preston
You Can't Do That on Television [You Can't Do That on TV] (Canada; TV Series) as Phil
Sam Preston
Christabel (1988, UK; TV Film)
Jim Henson's Mother Goose Stories (1990; TV Anthology) "It's Raining, It's Pouring" as Prince Freddie
Jim Henson's Mother Goose Stories (1990; TV Anthology) "Queen of Hearts" as The Knave of Hearts
Shaun Pretorious
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Ronnie Prettyman
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Fletcher Previn (Fletcher Farrow Previn) - b.14Mar1974
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986; Film) as Thanksgiving Guest
Radio Days (1987, US; Film) as Andrew
Joshua Prevost
Moonrise Kingdom (2012, US; Film) as Scout Camper
Augustus Prew - b.17Sep1987
24Seven (2001-02; TV Series) as Drew Jessup
About a Boy [Pour un garcon] (2002, UK; Film) as Ali/Alistair
The Bill (2003, UK; TV Series) "136" as Jamie Heath
MI-5 [Spooks] (2003; TV Series) "Episode #2.3" as Peter Ellis
Marigold (2005; TV Film) as Jack Moore
Allen Price (Allen 'Ace' Price)
(Academy Players Directory) (1974-79)
The Practice (c.1976, US; TV Series) as Paul Bedford
Our Town (1977, US; TV Film) as Joe Crowell Jr
Brendan Price
Knights of the South Bronx (2005; TV Film) as Dawson's Opponent
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (2005, US; Film) as Mike Ryan as a Boy (13)
A Lobster Tale (2006; Film) as Taz
She Drives Me Crazy (2007; TV Film) as Marty
Victoria Day (2009; Film) as Brad McCoulough
Bryan Price
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-93)
The Lady from Yesterday (1985; TV Film) as Quan
Overboard (1987, US; Film) as Travis Proffitt
Clue You In (1990; TV Short) (unconfirmed)
Bryan Jeffrey Price
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-03)
Melrose Place (1994; TV Series) as Eddie Connors
Bob (c.1993; TV Series)
Charles A. Price
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Connor Price - b.11Nov1994
In a Heartbeat (2000, Canada; TV Series) "Cinderella Syndrome" as Brandon
Crossed Over (2002; TV Film) as Peter Lowry as a Boy
Fancy Dancing (2002; Film) as Michael Pelham
Men with Brooms (2002; Film) as Brandon Foley
A Promise (2002; Short) as Stephen
Sins of the Father (2002; TV Film) as Bobby Jr
Doc (2003; TV Series) "Angels in Waiting" as Brendan
The Republic of Love (2003; Film) as Gary Woloschuck
72 Hours: True Crime [True Crimes: The First 72 Hours] (2004; TV Series) "Lone Wolf" as Ben Rickman
Evel Knievel (2004; TV Film) as Kelly Knievel as a Boy
Cinderella Man (2005; Film) as Jay Braddock
The Fool (2005; Short) as Billy
A History of Violence (2005; Film) as Kid
Kevin Hill (2005; TV Series) "In This Corner" as Bryce
Alice, I Think (2006; TV Series) as Mac MacLeod
Find (2006; Short) as Richard as a Boy
The Dead Zone [Stephen King's Dead Zone] (2007; TV Series) as Johnny 'JJ' Bannerman
Good Luck Chuck [Le porte-bonheur] (2007; Film) as Charlie as a Boy
Not This But This (2007; TV Film) as Johnny
The Rick Mercer Report [Monday Report; Rick Mercer's Monday Report] (2007, CA; TV Series) "Episode #5.5" as Boy
The Rocket Man (2007; Short) as Ben
The Stone Angel (2007; Film) as Matt as a Boy
'Til Death Do Us Part [Love You to Death] (2007; TV Series) "Time Capsule Murder" as Stuart
The Middleman (2008, US; TV Series) "The Accidental Occidental Conception" as Duncan
Roxy Hunter and the Horrific Halloween (2008, US; TV Film) as Stefan
Back (2009; TV Film) as Michael Miles
Booky's Crush (2009; TV Film) as Georgie
Guns (2009; TV Film) as Liam Merriweather
Almost Kings [The Wheeler Boys] (2010; Film) as Joel
Cancel Christmas (2010; TV Film) as Steve Rojack
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour [The Haunting Hour: The Series] (2010, USA/Canada; TV Anthology) "Really You" as Brandon Caldwell
Summer Camp (2010; TV Film) as Eddy Logan
Dan for Mayor (2011; TV Series) "Mayor for a Day" as Brian McCoogin
Haven (2011; TV Series) "Friend or Faux" as Henry Stillman
The Murdoch Mysteries [The Artful Detective] (2011; TV Series) "Buffalo Shuffle" as Ezra Fielding
What's Up Warthogs! (2011; TV Series) as Teddy Chadwick
Alphas (2012; TV Series) "Gaslight" as Jason Miller
Alphas (2012; TV Series) "Gods and Monsters" as Jason Miller
Flashpoint (2012; TV Series) "A World of Their Own" as Noah
Frenemies (2012, US; TV Film) as Walker
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour [The Haunting Hour: The Series] (2012, USA/Canada; TV Anthology) "The Most Evil Sorcerer" as Ned
Being Human (2013-14, Canada/USA; TV Series) as Kenny
Carrie (2013; Film) as Freddy 'Beak' Holt
Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures (2013; TV Series) "Brainy Dino/Trekoodon" as Liam
Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures (2013; TV Series) "Pterasaur Picnic/Sabre Tooth Doug" as Liam
Saving Hope (2013; TV Series) "Why Waste Time" as Jake
Super Squared (2013; Short) as Connor
The Good Witch's Wonder (2014; TV Film) as Jim
Curtis Price
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Dean Price
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
DJ Price
Straight (2014; Short) as Walter
Jackie Price
The Nurses [The Doctors and the Nurses] (1962, US; TV Series) "The Lady Made of Stone" as Paul
East Side, West Side (1964, US; TV Series) "Take Sides With the Sun"
The Nurses [The Doctors and the Nurses] (1964; TV Series) "The Leopard Killer" as Paul
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
Jacob Price
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-07)
Jake Price
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-92)
Jamie Price
(Academy Players Directory) (1981)
Jason Price
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Jason Douglas Price
(Academy Players Directory) (1987)
Jeff Price
Americans: A Portrait in Verses (1962, US)
Baseball: More Than a Game (1964, US)
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
The Catholic Hour (c.1966; TV Series)
The Jackie Gleason Show [The Color Honeymooners] (c.1966; TV Series)
Justin Price
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-97)
Lohren Price
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Marc Price (Marc 'Skippy' Price) - b.23Feb1966
Juliet Bravo (1980; TV Series) "Coins" as Kenny Nicholas
Archie Bunker's Place (1982, US; TV Series) "Break a Leg, Stephanie" as Comedian Kid
Family Ties (1982-89, US; TV Series) as Skippy
One Day at a Time (1982, US; TV Series) "Mrs O'Leary's Kid" as Jeff
Condo (2003; TV Series) as Billy Kirkridge
Mark Price
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Matthew Price
Without a Paddle (2004, US; Film) as Tom Marshall as a Boy
Nick Price - b.05Apr1993
Silver Lake (2004; TV Film) as Dennis' Friend
Because of Winn-Dixie [Winn-Dixie] (2005, US; Film) as Dunlap Dewberry
Cold Case (2005, US; TV Series) "The Woods" as George Marks 1972
Medium (2005; TV Series) "The Other Side of the Tracks" as Andrew
The Three Investigators in the Secret of Skeleton Island [The Secret of Skeleton Island] (2007, DE/South Africa; Film) as Pete Crenshaw
The Three Investigators in the Secret of Terror Castle [The Secret of Haunted Castle; The Secret of Terror Castle; The Three Investigators in the Secret of Haunted Castle]
(2009, DE; Film) as Pete Crenshaw
Peter Edward Price (Peter Price) - b.21Jul1942
(Academy Players Directory) (1949-51)
Magdalena (c.1949, US; Stage) as Manuel
Please Believe Me (1949, US; Film) as Peter Milwright
Turned Up Toes (1949, US; Film) as Harry
Annie Get Your Gun (1950, US; Film)
Love That Brute (1950, US; Film) as Harry
The Great Caruso (1951, US; Film) as Enrico Caruso as a Boy
New Mexico (1951, US; Film)
On the Sunny Side of the Street (1951, US; Film)
The Phantom Stallion (1954, US; Film)
Ryan Price
Master Spy: The Robert Hanssen Story (2002; TV Film) as Robert Hanssen as a Boy (6)
Sins of the Father (2002; TV Film) as Cherry Child
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (2005, US; Film) as Mike Ryan as a Boy (6)
Scott Price
(Academy Players Directory) (1971-77)
Marathon Man (1976, US; Film) as Doc as a Boy
Tristan Price
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-12)
Sean Price-McConnell
The Jungle Book: Search for the Lost Treasure (1998; Film) as Travis Donovan
Mowgli (1998, US; TV Series) as Mowgli
Billy Prickett
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Brian Pridgin
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-91)
Gary Priesler
(Academy Players Directory) (1977)
James Priest
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Ryan Jorgenson Priest
Crooked Hearts (1991; Film) as Ask (9)
Jason Priestly (Jason Bradford Priestly) - b.28Aug1969
The Boy Who Could Fly (1986, US; Film) as Gary
Nobody's Child (1986, US; TV Film) as Boy
21 Jump Street [Jump Street Chapel] (1987, US; TV Series) "Mean Streets and Pastel Houses" as Tober
21 Jump Street [Jump Street Chapel] (1987, US; TV Series) "Two for the Road" as Brian Krompasick
Airwolf (1987, US; TV Series) "A Piece of Cake" as Bobby
Danger Bay (1987, US; TV Series) "Deep Trouble" as Derek
The New Adventures of Beans Baxter (1987, US; TV Series) "Beans' Wicked and Awesome Adventures at College" as College Student
MacGyver (1988, US; TV Series) "Blood Brothers" as Danny
Watchers (1988, US; Film) as Boy on Bike
Quantum Leap (1989, US; TV Series) "Camikazi Kid - June 6, 1961" as Pencil
Teen Angel (1989, US; TV Series) as Buzz Gunderson
Jan Priiskorn-Schmidt (Jan Priskorn/Jan Schmidt) - b.22Feb1951
Flemming og Kvik [Flemming and Kvik] (1960, DK; Film) as Soren Holm
Flemming pa kostskole [Flemming at Boarding School] (1961, DK; Film) as Soren Holm
Mine tossede drenge [My Crazy Boys] (1961, DK; Film) as Tom Henriksen
Soldaterkammerater pa efterarsmanovre [Comrades-in-Arms On Autumn Manoeuvres] (1961, DK; Film) as Skoleelev
Sorte Shara [Black Shara] (1961, DK; Film) as Dreng Pa Agerso
Stov pa hjernen [Dust On the Brain] (1961, DK; Film) as Claus Henriksen
Den rige enke [The Rich Widow] (1962, DK; Film) as Kaj
Venus fra Vesto [Vesto Venus] (1962, DK; Film) as Soren Severinsen
Peters landlov [Peter's Shore Leave] (1963, DK; Film) as Thomas Berg
Pigen og pressefotografen [The Girl and the Press Photographer] (1963, DK; Film) as Piccolo
Stov for alle pengene [All Gold is Dust] (1963, DK; Film) as Klaus
Doden kommer til middag [Death Comes to Dinner] (1964, DK; Film) as John Lindberg
Mord for abent taeppe [Murder With Open Curtains] (1964, DK; Film) as Autografjaeger
Sommer i Tyrol [Summer in the Tyrol] (1964, DK; Film) as Micky
De Bla undulater [The Surge of the Sea] (1965, DK; Film)
Fladens friske fyre [It's Nifty in the Navy; Lively Lads of the Fleet] (1965, DK; Film) as Jan Hansen
Passer passer piger [Come On, Girls] (1965, DK; Film) as Peter Henriksen
Een Pige og 39 somaend [A Girl and 39 Sailors] (1965, DK; Film) as Messedrengen Holger
Pigen og millionaeren [The Girl and the Millionaire; The Girl and the Playboy] (1965, DK; Film) as Orla
Sla forst, Frede! [Strike First, Freddy!] (1965, DK; Film) as Hotel Bellboy
Min sosters born [My Sister's Children; Six Kids and Their Uncle; Uncle to Six] (1966, DK; Film) as Jan Berg
Min sosters born pa bryllupsrejse [My Sister's Children On Honeymoon; Six Kids and the Honeymooners] (1967, DK; Film) as Jan Berg
David John Robert Prime-Coote -- see: David Coote
Bobbylee Prince
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Christopher Prince
(Academy Players Directory) (1977-89)
The Five of Me (1981; Film) as Dana/Henry Hawksworth as a Boy
Trapper John, M.D. (1983; TV Series)
Dean Prince
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Donald Prince
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Jonathan Prince
Pray TV (1980; TV Film) as Bill
Kelvin Prince
(Academy Players Directory) (1985-86)
Michael Prince
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Michael Jason Prince
(Academy Players Directory) (1982)
Orie Prince
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Steve Prince (Steven Prince)
(Academy Players Directory) (1963-66)
Steven Prince -- see: Steve Prince
Nico Princely
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
(Academy Players Directory) (1979)
Frank Principe
(Academy Players Directory) (1989-91)
George Priolo
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
The Ed Sullivan Show [Toast of the Town] (c.1966, US; TV Variety)
The Lee Phillip Show (c.1966, US; TV Series)
The Noon Show (c.1966; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Oliver! (c.1966, US; Stage) as Artful Dodger
Anthony Prior
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-85)
Matthew Prior
Circle of Deceit (1998; TV Film) as Jackson Silva (4)
The Outer Limits [The New Outer Limits] (1998; TV Anthology) "Fear Itself" as Boy
The Outer Limits [The New Outer Limits] (1998; TV Anthology) "Mary 25" as Brandon Bouton
The Outer Limits [The New Outer Limits] (1999; TV Anthology) "Summit" as Todd Woods
Ever Prishkulnik
Sam (2011; TV Series) as Sam
Jan Priskorn -- see: Jan Priiskorn-Schmidt
Gareth Pritchard
The Snow Spider (1988, UK; TV Film) as Alun
Money for Nothing [Hot Money; Screen One: Money for Nothing] (1993, UK; TV Film) as Gary's Brother
Owen Pritchard
The Eddie Cantor Story (1953, US; Film) as Harry Harris as a Boy
Her Twelve Men [Her 12 Men; Miss Baker's Dozen] (1954, US; Film) as Boy
Danny Pritchett - b.Oct1984
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-95)
In Living Color (1993, US; TV Series) "Calhoun Tubbs"
In Living Color (1993, US; TV Series) "Passenger 227"
In Living Color (1993, US; TV Series) "Unpoetic Justice" as Son in Family
In Living Color (1994, US; TV Series) "Episode dated 12 May 1994"
Little Giants (1994, US; Film) as Tad 'Rad Tad' Simpson
Eric Pritchett
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Paul E. Pritzloff Jr
(The Standard) (1925-29)
Loves of an Actress (1928; Film)
Craig Prizant
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Todd Prizant
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Christian Probst
Alice Upside Down (2007; Film) as Roger
Logan (2010; Film) as Gavin's Friend
Patrick Probst
Alice Upside Down (2007; Film) as Teen
Bill [Meet Bill] (2007, US; Film) as Student
Logan (2010; Film) as Tyler Hoffman
Moon Ring (2010; Film) as Gabriel Sadler
Jonathan Proby
(Academy Players Directory) (1989-95)
Brian Prock
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
Hiroshi Proctor
Children's Express (1988, US; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Kelly Proctor
Amerika (1987; TV Film) as Billy (14)
Toby Proctor
By Way of the Stars [De Avontuurlijke reis van Lukas B.] (1992; TV Film) as Franz
To Catch a Killer (1992, Canada/USA; TV Film) as Michael Kozenczak
Beyond Reality (1993; TV Series) "Face-Off" as Bobby
Ranma 1/2 (1993; Film) as Copycat Ken
The Mighty Jungle (1994; TV Series) "About Last Night" as Wayne
The Mighty Jungle (1994; TV Series) "Family Portrait" as Wayne
The Man in the Attic (1995; TV Film) as Karl
Road to Avonlea [Avonlea] (1996; TV Series) "Woman of Importance" as Morgan Pettibone
Gene Profanato
Twinky [Lola; Statutory Affair] (1969, GB; Film)
(Players Guide [New York]) (1974-76)
The King and I (c.1974, US; Stage)
Lovely Ladies, Kind Gentlemen (c.1974, US; Stage)
Madama Butterfly (c.1974, US; Stage)
Billy Proffitt
(Academy Players Directory) (1981)
Donald Proffitt
Hi, Neighbor! (Our Gang short) (1934, US; Short) as Donald
Shrimps for a Day (Our Gang short) (1934, US; Short) as Donald
Anniversary Trouble (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Donald
Beginner's Luck (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Donald
Little Papa (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Donald
Little Sinner (Our Gang short) (1935; Short) as Donald
Our Gang Follies of 1936 (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Donald
Sprucin' Up (Our Gang short) [Good Night Ladies] (1935, US; Short) as Donald
Teacher's Beau (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Donald
Bored of Education (Our Gang short) (1936, US; Short) as Donald
The Lucky Corner (Our Gang short) [Follow the Leader; Lemonade Trust] (1936, US; Short) as Donald
Two Too Young (Our Gang short) (1936; Short) as Donald
Glove Taps (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Donald
The Pigskin Palooka (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Donald
Stefano Proietti
Amarcord [I Remember] (1974, IT; Film) as Oliva
Jan Prokes - b.1934
Svedomi [Conscience] (1948, CS; Film) as Jirka Dolezal
Vitezna kridla [Wings of Victory] (1951, CS; Film)
Matt Prokop - b.29Jul1990
An Angel Named Billy [Billy] (2007; Film) as Zack/Billy's Brother
Hannah Montana [Hannah Montana Forever; Secret Idol Hannah Montana] (2007; TV Series) "Schooly Bully" as Troy McCann
Marked (2007; Short) as Zack
The Office [The US Office] (2007; TV Series) "Cocktails" as Underage Kid #3
Green Flash (2008; Film) as Cameron Day as a Teen (15)
High School Musical 3: Senior Year [H.S.M. 3; High School Musical: The Movie] (2008; Film) as Jimmie Zara
Dima Prokopchuk
Parusa moyego detstva [Sails of My Childhood] (1982, SU; Film)
Gordon Propes
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Loftin Propst
The Adventures of Ociee Nash (2003, US; Film) as Boy
Joe Prospero (Joe Dominic Prospero) - b.25Sep1988
My Uncle Silas (2000-01, UK; TV Series) as Edward
Intimacy (2001, FR/UK/DE/ES; Film)
The Bill (2002, UK; TV Series) "008" as Vincent Brown
The Canterbury Tales (2003, UK; TV Film) as Arty as a Teen
My Uncle Silas II (2003, UK; TV Film) as Edward
Finding Neverland (2004; Film) as Jack Llewelyn Davies
My Dad's the Prime Minister (2003-04, UK; TV Series) as Dillon Phillips
Brendan Prost
Burn: The Robert Wraight Story (2003; TV Film) as Bobby Wraight
The Death and Life of Nancy Eaton (2003; TV Film) as Andrew as a Boy
The Incredible Mrs Ritchie (2004, CA; TV Film) as Al
Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story [Family Values] (2004, US; TV Film) as Manny Thomas
Blue Jay Way (2006; Film) as Jay
Comeback Season (2006; Film)
Fear Itself (2008; TV Series) "Spooked"
Generation Why (2009; Film) as Martin
Emmanuel Protet
La nouvelle guerre des boutons [War of the Buttons] (2011, France; Film) as Un Longeverne
Tony Prough
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
Dylan Provencher - b.01Jun1983
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1996, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of Badge" as Trevor
Goosebumps [Ultimate Goosebumps] (1996, CA; TV Anthology) "You Can't Scare Me" as Hat
The Pretender (1996; TV Series) "Pilot" as Kevin Bailey
Wind at My Back (1996-01; TV Series) as Hubert 'Hub' Bailey
In His Father's Shoes (1997; TV Film) as Peter
Earthquake in New York (1998; TV Film) as Andrew Rykker
Owd Bob (1998; Film) as David Roberts
The Sweetest Gift (1998; TV Film) as Justin Martin
Mail to the Chief (2000, US; TV Film) as Greg
Real Kids, Real Adventures (2000, US; TV Anthology) "Forest Fire" as Keith Hedges
James R. Provencio
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Darien Provost
It Was One of Us [Betrayals] (2007; TV Film) as Robert Winstead
Mrs Wetherby's Treasure (2007; Short) as Bucky March
Psych (2007; TV Series) "Rob-a-Bye Baby" as Boy
Sanctuary (2007; TV Series) "Episode #1.1" as Will Zimmerman as a Boy
Aliens in America (2008; TV Series) "Community Theater" as Justin Tolchuck as a Boy
Aliens in America (2008; TV Series) "Hunting" as Justin Tolchuck as a Boy
Aliens in America (2008; TV Series) "One Hundred Thousand Miles" as Justin Tolchuck as a Boy
Aliens in America (2008; TV Series) "Smutty Books" as Justin Tolchuck as a Boy
All the Comforts (2008; TV Pilot) as Dylan
The Day the Earth Stood Still [D.T.E.S.S.] (2008; Film) as Boy
Desperate Hours: An Amber Alert [Desperate Hours] (2008; TV Film) as Matthew
jPod (2008; TV Series) "The Last Shot" as Ethan Jarlewski as a Boy
Sanctuary (2008, CA; TV Series) "Sanctuary for All" as Will Zimmerman as a Boy
Slap Shot 3: The Junior League (2008; Film) as Little Dude #1
Christmas in Canaan (2009; TV Film) as Bobby as a Boy
Do You Know Me? (2009; TV Film) as Nick
The Gray Matter (2009; Short) as Drowned Boy
I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009; Film) as Rich Munsch as a Boy
Supernatural (2009, US; TV Series) "The Real Ghostbusters" as Boy
Blood: A Butcher's Tale (2010; Film) as Andris as a Boy
Kid's Court (2010; Short) as Judge Billy
Tooth Fairy (2010; Film) as Gabe
A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner! (2011; TV Film) as Howie
Mr Young (2011; TV Series) "Mr Brain" as Joseph
Three Weeks, Three Kids (2011; TV Film) as Toby
The Christmas Consultant (2012; TV Film) as David Fletcher
Never Ever (2012; Short) as Travis
Love Is . . . (2013; Short) as Riley Cleghorn
Once Upon a Time [OUaT] (2013; TV Series) "Save Henry" as Lost Boy #1
Package Deal (2013; TV Series) "A Few Good Muffins" as Zachary
Super Buddies (2013; Film) as Sam
The Christmas Tree Farm (2014; TV Film) as Lucas Bishop as a Boy
Date and Switch [Gay Dude: Date and Switch] (2014; Film) as Matty as a Boy (8)
The Town That Came A-Courtin' (2014; Film) as Kyle Edwards
Tomorrowland (2015; Film) as Mikey
Jon Provost (Jonathan Provost) - b.12Mar1950
So Big (1953, US; Film) as Dirk Dejong as a Boy (2)
The Country Girl (1954, US; Film) as Johnny Elgin
Fireside Theatre [Jane Wyman Presents the Fireside Theatre] (1955, US; TV Anthology) "Sergeant Sullivan Speaking"
Back from Eternity (1956, US; Film) as Tommy Malone
He Laughed Last (1956, US; Film) as Boy
Toward the Unknown [Brink of Hell] (1956, US; Film) as Joe Craven Jr
All Mine to Give [The Day They Gave Babies Away] (1957, US; Film) as Robbie (6)
Escapade in Japan (1957, US; Film) as Tony Saunders
The Jack Benny Program [The Jack Benny Show; The Lucky Strike Program] (1957, US; TV Series) "John Forsythe Show" as Timmy Martin
Lassie [Jeff's Collie; Timmy and Lassie] (1957-64, US; TV Series) as Timmy Martin
Lassie: A Christmas Tail (1963, US; Film) as Timmy Martin
Lassie's Great Adventure [Lassie's Greatest Adventure] (1963, US; Film) as Timmy Martin
(Academy Players Directory) (1965-66)
Mister Ed [Mr Ed] (1965, US; TV Series) "Jon Provost Meets Mister Ed" as Johnny Provost
This Property is Condemned (1966, US; Film) as Tom
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969; Film) as Bradley
Jonathan Provost -- see: Jon Provost
Lawrence Provost
Once Upon a Christmas Time (1959; TV Film)
Naked City [The Naked City] (1962, US; TV Series) "A Horse Has a Big Head -- Let Him Worry!" as Kid Leader
Armstrong Circle Theatre (c.1963; TV Anthology)
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
Accent (c.1966; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Adventures in Freedomland (c.1966; TV Film) (unconfirmed)
All the Way Home (c.1966, US; Stage)
Goodbye Again (c.1966, US; Stage) as Theodore
Gypsy (c.1966, US; Stage)
The Other Choice (c.1966, US; Film) as Rick (unconfirmed)
Shorty (c.1966, US; Short) as Bill (unconfirmed)
Tall Story (c.1966, US; Stage)
Patrick 'Ricky' Provost
(Academy Players Directory) (1967-72)
Heydon Prowse
The Secret Garden (1993, GB; Film) as Colin Craven
Leonard Proxauf - b.27Nov1995
Lohn deiner Angst (2006; Film) as Behrendt as a Boy
NimmerMeer [Nevermore; Nimmermeer] (2006; Film) as Jonas Block
Buddenbrooks [Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family; Die Buddenb; Rooks - Ein Geschaft von einig] (2008; Film) as Christian Buddenbrook as a Boy
Das weisse Band [A White Ribbon; The White Ribbon] (2009; Film) as Martin
Gilbert Pruchon
Zero de conduite [Nought for Conduct; Zero for Conduct] (1932, FR; Film) as Colin
Harold P. Pruett (Harold 'P' Pruett) - b.13Apr1969;d.21Feb2002
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-81)
Sybil (1976, US; TV Film) as Danny
Wonder Woman [The New Original Wonder Woman/The New Adventures of Wonder Woman] (1978, US; TV Series) "Stolen Faces" as Boy
Mirror, Mirror (1979, US; TV Film) as Joey McLaren
Pennies from Heaven (1981; Film)
The Woman Who Willed a Miracle (1982, US; TV Short) as Neighbor Boy
Hotel [Arthur Hailey's Hotel] (1985, US; TV Series) "Wins and Losses" as Rod
It's Your Move (1985; TV Series) "The Dregs of Humanity"
The New Leave It To Beaver [Still the Beaver] (1985, US; TV Series) "Movin' On" as Ron
Night Court (1985; TV Series) "Wheels of Justice" as Joey
The Butterfly Revolution [Summer Camp Nightmare] (1986, US; Film) as Chris Wade
21 Jump Street [Jump Street Chapel] (1987, US; TV Series) "Blindsided"
Our House (1987, US; TV Series) "The 100 Year Old Weekend" as Mike
Aaron's Way (1988, US; TV Series) "Strong Foundations" as Tony Falcone
Daddy Can't Read (1988; TV Film) as Gary Watson
The Fortunate Pilgrim [Mario Puzo's 'The Fortunate Pilgrim'] (1988; TV Film) as Gino
Scandal in a Small Town (1988, US; TV Film) as Michael Bishop
I Know My First Name Is Steven [The Missing Years] (1989, US; TV Film) as Birch
Ry Feder Pruett
(Academy Players Directory) (2008-12)
Conrad Pruitt
(Academy Players Directory) (1985-86)
James Pruitt
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Jared Pruzan
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Bradley Pryce
The Blue Lagoon (1980; Film) as Paddy as a Boy
Ian Psaras
Henry and Anthony (2011; Short) as Henry
Anatoli Ptichkin -- see: Tolya Ptichkin
Tolya Ptichkin (Anatoli Ptichkin)
Druzhok [Little Friend; Pal] (1957, SU; Film) as Kohl
Doug Ptolemy - b.1972
You Can't Do That on Television [You Can't Do That on TV] (1982-87, Canada; TV Series) as Doug
Kristof Puchner
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Vladimir Pucholt - b.1942
Navsteva z oblak [Visit from the Clouds] (1955, CS; Film)
Punta a ctyrlistek [Doggy and the Three; Punta and the Four-Leaf Clover] (1955, CS; Film)
Vzorny kinematograf Haska Jaroslava [Jaroslav Hasek's Model Cinema] (1956, CS; Film)
Brankar bydli v nasi ulici [The Goalie Lives in Our Street] (1957, CS; Film)
Filippo Pucillo
Respiro [Respiro: Grazia's Island] (2002, IT/FR; Film) as Filippo
The Golden Door (2006, FR/IT; Film)
'Pudge' -- see: Ted Donaldson
Nic Puehse - b.08Dec1997
Nic and Tristan Go Mega Dega [Nic and Tristan] (2010, US; Film) as Nic Fishtickle (10)
Tristan Puehse - b.08Dec1997
Nic and Tristan Go Mega Dega [Nic and Tristan] (2010, US; Film) as Tristan Fishtickle (10)
Diego Puente
Cronica de un Nino Solo [A Boy On His Own; Chronicle of a Boy Alone] (1964, AR; Film) as Polin
Tommy Puett - b.12Jan1971
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Aaron's Way (1988, US; TV Series) "A Healing Power"
Broken Angel [Best Intentions] (1988, US; TV Film) as Bob
The Case of the Hillside Stranglers [The Hillside Stranglers] (1989; TV Film) as Mark Grogan
Life Goes On [Glenbrook] (1989-93, US; TV Series) as Tyler Benchfield
Darryl Pugh
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
John Puglia
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Andrea Puglisi
Il 45mo Parallelo [The 45th Parallel] (1986, Italy; Film) as Andrea (12)
Christopher Pulford
Victoria and Albert (2001; Film) as Prince Bertie
Pulgarcito -- see: Cesareo Quezadas
Sam Puliafico
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Zac Pullam
Cootie Contagion (2012; Short) as Connor Nelson M.D.
Dominic Pullen
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Garth Pullen
(Academy Players Directory) (1997-99)
Dale Pullum
(Academy Players Directory) (1982)
Nicolas Pulskamp
(Academy Players Directory) (1945)
Orazio Pulvirenti - b.1973
Peppino (1983, IT; TV Series)
Bernard Punsley -- see: Bernard Punsly
Bernard Punsly (Bernard Punsley) - b.11Jul1923;d.20Jan2004
Dead End [Cradle of Crime; Dead End: Cradle of Crime] (1937, US; Film) as Milty
Angels with Dirty Faces [Battle of City Hall] (1938, US; Film) as Hunky
The Big Broadcast of 1938 (1938; Film) as Caddy
Crime School (1938, US; Film) as Fats
Little Tough Guy [Little Rough Guy] (1938, US; Film) as Ape
Angels Wash Their Faces (1939, US; Film) as Sleepy Arkelian
The Dead End Kids 'On Dress Parade' [On Dress Parade; The Dead End Kids at Military School] (1939, US; Film) as Dutch
Hell's Kitchen (1939, US; Film) as Ouch
They Made Me a Criminal [I Became a Criminal; They Made Me a Fugitive] (1939, US; Film) as Milt
Give Us Wings (1940; Film) as Ape
Junior G-Men (1940, US; Film) as Lug
You're Not So Tough (1940, US; Film) as Ape
Hit the Road (1941, US; Film) as Ape
Mob Town (1941, US; Film) as Ape
Sea Raiders (1941; Film) as Butch
Junior Army (1942; Film) as Bad Eye/Gang Member
Junior G-Men of the Air (1942; Film) as 'Greaseball' Plunkett
Mug Town (1942; Film) as Ape
Tough As They Come (1942, US; Film) as Ape
Sasha Pupko
Sibiryaki [The Boys from Siberia] (1940, SU; Film)
Klyatva Timura [Timur's Oath] (1942, SU; Film)
Alfred Purcell
(Screen Children/Screen Children's Year Book) (1944)
Craig Purcell
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
Dylan Purcell - b.10May1983
(Academy Players Directory) (1997-02)
Children Under Siege (c.1997, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
The Joke (c.1997, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Malaika [Tons of Trouble] (1997; Film)
A Moment of Gracie (c.1997, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Freddie Purcell
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1945)
Nick Purcha
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour [The Haunting Hour: The Series] (2011, USA/Canada; TV Anthology) "Lights Out" as Unimpressed Kid
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour [The Haunting Hour: The Series] (2011, USA/Canada; TV Anthology) "Mascot" as Drake
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour [The Haunting Hour: The Series] (2013, USA/Canada; TV Anthology) "Terrible Love" as Stuart
Spooksville (2013; TV Series) as Watch Waverly
Spooksville Freak Files (2013; TV Series) "The Evil House"
Spooksville Freak Files (2013; TV Series) "The Howling Ghost"
Spooksville Freak Files (2013; TV Series) "The Secret Path"
Spooksville Freak Files (2013; TV Series) "The Thing in the Closet"
Marc Purchin
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-87)
John Purfield
(Academy Players Directory) (1964)
Billy Purington
Mickey McGuire comedies (1927-34, US; Series)
Second Hand Kisses (1931, US; Film)
(Who's Who Children's Casting Directory) (1933)
The Return of Casey Jones [High Gear; The Big Thrill] (1933, US; Film)
Topaze (1933, US; Film)
Frankie Purnell
When Scouting Won (1930, GB; Film)
Fred Purner Jr
Shrimps for a Day (Our Gang short) (1934, US; Short) as Fred
Luke Pursey
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
The Bright Side (1985; TV Series)
Stephen Purton
Ratcatcher (1999, UK; Film) as Boy on Bike
Michael Purvis
Kids World (2000; Film) as Twinkie
John Putch (John Paul Putch) - b.27Jul1961
All in the Family (1973, US; TV Series) "Archie is Branded" as Boy Scout
David Puthuff
(Academy Players Directory) (1977)
Jimmy Putman
(Academy Players Directory) (1971-80)
Bill Putnam -- see: Billy Putnam
Billy Putnam (Bill Putnam)
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-64)
David Putnam
(Academy Players Directory) (1966-74)
Bing Putney (Robert Bingham Putney) - b.22Nov1984
Digging to China (1998; Film) as Eric
Bruno [The Dress Code] (1999, US; Film) as Bernard
Shake, Rattle and Roll: An American Love Story (1999; TV Film) as Stevie Danner (12)
The Runaway (2000; TV Film) as Boy
Dawson's Creek (2001; TV Series) "The Te of Pacey" as Crying Guy
Robert Bingham Putney -- see: Bing Putney
Artan Puto
Tomka dhe shoket e tij [Tommy and His Friends] (1977, AL; Film) as Celo
Thanet Puttasorn
Three Summer Days (2015; Short) as Lek
Thanet Putthasorn
The Story of Net (2009, Thailand; Film) as Net (12)
Thanet Putthasort
Lex and the Waterboy (2010; Short) as Lek
Alexander Puttnam
Sredni Vashtar (1991; Short) as Conradin
Sacha Puttnam
That'll Be the Day (1973, GB; Film)
Sredni Vashtar (1981, GB; Film)
Jordan Puzzo
What's Your Number? (2011; Film) as Football Boy
Funeral Kings (2012; Film) as David Mason
Moonrise Kingdom (2012, US; Film) as Boy Scout
Grown Ups 2 (2013, US; Film) as High School Student
Michael Pyeatt -- see: Mike Pyeatt
Mike Pyeatt (Michael Pyeatt)
The Cowboys (1971, US; Film) as Homer Weems
Shawn Pyfrom - b.16Aug1986
A Wing and a Prayer (1997; TV Film) as Justin
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-01)
Chicago Hope (1998, US; TV Series) "Risky Business" as Jonah 'Jessica' Boyd
The Drew Carey Show (1998; TV Series) "Kate's Family" as Mark Foster
Ellen [These Friends of Mine] (1998; TV Series) "When Ellen Talks, People Listen" as Scout
L.A. Doctors [L.A. Docs] (1998, US; TV Series) "What About Bob?" as Kevin Claybourne
Pumpkin Man (1998; TV Film) as Austin
Buffy the Vampire Slayer [Buffy; Nightfall] (1999; TV Series) "Gingerbread" as Boy
Come On, Get Happy: The Partridge Family Story (1999, US; TV Film) as Danny Bonaduce
Michael Landon, the Father I Knew [A Father's Son] (1999, US; TV Film) as Michael Landon Jr (10)
7th Heaven [Seventh Heaven] (2000, US; TV Series) "Words" as Bobby Carver
The Amanda Show [Moody's Point] (2000, US; TV Series) "Mammal-O's"
A Day in a Life (2000; Film) as Jeremy
The Kids from Room 402 (2000; TV Series) "Schnitzy R.I.P." as Jesse
Pay It Forward (2000; Film) as Shawn
Touched by an Angel (2000, US; TV Series) "Bar Mitzvah" as Aaron
The Trouble With Normal [Sweating Bullets] (2000, US; TV Series) "Mail Trouble" as Douglas
7th Heaven [Seventh Heaven] (2001, US; TV Series) "One Hundred" as Bobby Carver
The Division [Heart of the City] (2001; TV Series) "Faces in the Crowd" as Cory Kenner
Max Keeble's Big Move [7th Grade Heart Attack; Trouble Kids] (2001, US; Film) as Bus Prankster
Reba (2001; TV Series) "Don't Know Much About History" as Bryan
State of Grace (2001, US; TV Series) "The Expanding Universe" as Logan
What's Up, Peter Fuddy? (2001; TV Film)
Malcolm in the Middle (2002, US; TV Series) "Cliques" as Eddie
State of Grace (2002, US; TV Series) "Dating Games" as Logan
State of Grace (2002, US; TV Series) "Where the Boys Are" as Logan
The Brothers Garcia (2003, US; TV Series) "Two Left Feet" as Jake Brody
The Division [Heart of the City] (2003; TV Series) "Wish You Were Here" as John Jr (15)
My Life with Men (2003, US; TV Film) as Sam
Oliver Beene (2003, US; TV Series) "Divorce-o-Rama" as Bill
8 Simple Rules [8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter] (2004; TV Series) "Out of the Box" as Jake
Century City (2004; TV Series) "Sweet Child of Mine" as Julian Haan
Drake and Josh (2004; TV Series) "Pool Shark" as Michael
Nip/Tuck (2004; TV Series) "Oona Wentworth" as Trevor Hayes
Still Standing (2004; TV Series) "Still Hangin' Out" as Matthew Halverson
Still Standing (2005; TV Series) "Still Drinking" as Matthew Halverson
Kris Pyland
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Bobby Pyle
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Joshua Pyle
(Academy Players Directory) (1985-86)
Jordan Pyles
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
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