Child and Teen Actors in Films and Television
Actors With Surnames beginning with "K"
Unverified Actor entries are enclosed in [square brackets]
Format for title listings:
Main Title [Alternate Title] ("TV Episode Name") (year, medium) as Character Name
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Preben Kaas - b.30Mar1930;d.27Mar1981
Det ender med bryllup [It Ends in Marriage] (1943, DK; Film)
Nar man kun er ung [As Long As You're Young] (1943, DK; Film)
Pige uden lige [A Singular Girl] (1943, DK; Film)
En pige uden lige (1943, DK; Film)
SOS Kindtand [Molar Emergency] (1943, DK; Film)
De rode enge (1945, DK; Film)
Sebastian Kaatrasalo - b.27Apr1974;d.20Oct2003
Lumikuningatar [The Snow Queen] (1986, FI; Film) as Kai
Frankie Kabott
(Academy Players Directory) (1964-70)
Kristopher Kachurak - b.14May1986
Big Bad Beetleborgs (1996; TV Series) "Norman Nussbaum: Vampire Hunter" as Norman Nussbaum
Smart Guy (1997, US; TV Series) "A Little Knowledge" as Travis
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-01)
Treehouse Hostage (1998; Film) as Buddy
Jaroslaw Kaczynski - b.18Jun1949
O dwoch takich co ukradli ksiezyc [The Two Who Stole the Moon] (1962, PL; Film) as Placek
Lech Kaczynski - b.18Jun1949
O dwoch takich co ukradli ksiezyc [The Two Who Stole the Moon] (1962, PL; Film) as Jacek
Kada-Abd-el-Kader (Le petit Kada)
A l'horizon du sud [L'aventure] (1923, FR; Film) as Kada
Mare Nostrum [Our Sea] (1925, US; Film) as Ulysses Ferragut as a Boy
[Kristopher Kadai]
The True Gift of Christmas (1985, CA; TV Film)
Zachary Kady
Law and Order [Law and Order Prime] (1996, US; TV Series) "Deadbeat" as Billy Webber
All My Children [All My Children: The Summer of Seduction] (1998-01, US; TV Series) as Jamie/James Edward Martin
Jack Kaeding
(Academy Players Directory) (2007)
Paul Kaethler
Superman III (1983, US; Film) as Ricky
Lee Kafafian
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
Michael David Kafka
A Minor Miracle (1983, US; Film) as Mike
Andrew Kagan
Captiva Island (1994; Film) as Rollerblade Punk #1
Christopher Kagan
Captiva Island (1994; Film) as Rollerblade Punk #2
Daniel Kaganovsky
Khend-meid [Hand-Made] (2011; Short) as Alyosha (11)
Lloyd Kagin
Putney Swope (1969; Film) as Billy Reilly
Simon Kahan
One Voice (2011; Short) as Alex
Anthony Kahana (Tony Kahana)
Joe Kidd (1972, US; Film) as Boy
Tony Kahana -- see: Anthony Kahana
Josh Kahane
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Jonathan Kahn - b.21Dec1960
David Copperfield (1975, GB; Film)
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea (1976, GB; Film) as Jonathan Osborne
Captains Courageous (1977, US; TV Film) as Harvey Cheyne Jr
Matt Kahn
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-95)
Sajid Kahn -- see: Sajid Khan
Sammy Kahn - b.14Mar1991
The District (2002; TV Series) "Shell Game" as Laird's Son
Hidden Hills (2002; TV Series) "The Birth" as Doug as a Boy
Hidden Hills (2002; TV Series) "Pilot" as Doug as a Boy
(Academy Players Directory) (2003-05)
Beethoven's 5th [Beethoven's 5th: Big Paw] (2003; Film) as Garrett
Lenny the Wonder Dog (2004; Film) as Zach Dylan
Oliver Beene (2004, US; TV Series) "Soup to Nuts" as Nickname O'Reily
The Celestine Prophecy (2006, US; Film) as Basketball Player
Gabriel Kahsay
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Vassilis Kailas - b.1953
To telefteo psema [The Last Lie] (1958, GR; Film)
Dio manes ston stavro tou ponou [Two Mothers On the Cross of Pain] (1962, GR; Film)
I Nifi toskasse [The Bride Escaped] (1962, GR; Film)
O Lustrakos [The Little Boot-Black] (1962, GR; Film)
Gia ligi storgi [For a Little Affection] (1963, GR; Film)
Kardies stin kategida [Hearts in the Storm] (1963, GR; Film)
To megalo amartima [The Great Sin] (1963, GR; Film)
I Pseftra [The Girl Who Lied] (1963, GR; Film)
Enas Vlakas me patenda [A Patent Fool] (1963, GR; Film)
Ime mia distikhismeni [I'm an Unhappy Woman] (1964, GR; Film)
Katatregmeni tis miras [Persecuted By Fate] (1964, GR; Film)
Kathe limani ke kaimos [A Grief in Every Port] (1964, GR; Film)
To koritsi tou ponou [A Girl of Sorrow] (1964, GR; Film)
Angeli khoris ftera [Angels Without Wings] (1965, GR; Film)
O Megalos Orkos [The Great Oath] (1965, GR; Film)
O Nikitis [The Winner] (1965, GR; Film)
Tha zisso gia sena [I'll Live for You] (1965, GR; Film)
Thiela se pediki kardia [Storm in a Child's Heart] (1965, GR; Film)
Isaya khoreve [Isaya Dance] (1966, GR; Film)
O Emborakos [The Little Merchant] (1967, GR; Film)
Michael Kain
(Academy Players Directory) (1961)
Roger Kain
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Michael Kainoa
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Howard Kaiser
Boys Town (1938, US; Film)
Lord Jeff [The Boy from Barnardo's] (1938, US; Film)
Roland Kaiser - b.09Apr1943;d.04Jan1998
Emil und die Detektive [Emil and the Detectives] (1954, DE; Film)
Keine Angst vor Schwiegermuttern [Mothers-in-Law are OK] (1954, DE; Film)
Der Treue Husar [The Faithful Hussar] (1954, DE; Film)
Meine Kinder und ich [My Children and I] (1955, DE; Film)
Drei Manner im Schnee [Three Men in the Snow] (1956, GE; Film)
Casino de Paris (1957, DE/IT/FR; Film)
Ferien auf Immenhof [Holidays at Immenhof] (1957, DE; Film)
Heute blau und morgen blau [Blue Today, Blue Tomorrow; Eine Verruckte Familie] (1957, DE; Film)
Liebe, Jazz und Ubermut [Love, Jazz and Jollity] (1957, DE; Film)
Munchhausen in Afrika [Munchhausen in Africa] (1957, DE; Film)
Robinson soll nicht sterben [Robinson Shall Not Die; The Girl and the Legend] (1957, DE; Film)
Vater, unser bestes Stuck [Father, the Family Treasure] (1957, DE; Film)
Zurcher Verlobung [Zurich Engagement] (1957, DE; Film)
Ihr 106. Geburtstag [Her 106th Birthday] (1958, DE; Film)
Kleine Leute - mal ganz gross [Little People, Not So Little] (1958, DE; Film)
Der Mann im Strom [Man in the River] (1958, DE; Film)
Ohne Mutter geht es nicht [You Can't Do Without Mother] (1958, DE; Film)
Was eine Frau im Fruhling traumt [A Woman's Dreams in Spring] (1958, DE; Film)
Rosen fur den Staatsanwalt [Roses for the Public Prosecutor] (1959, DE; Film)
Mac Kaisuva
Tom's Dairy (2012; Short) as Johnny
Veli-Matti Kaitala ('Veli-Matti') - b.24Oct1935
Nokea ja kultaa [Soot and Gold] (1945, FI; Film)
Kirkastuva savel [Brighter Note] (1946, FI; Film)
Pikku-Matti maailmalla [Little Matt Out in the World] (1947, FI; Film)
Laitakaupungin laulu [Song of the Suburbs] (1948, FI; Film)
Onnen-Pekka [Lucky Peter] (1948, FI; Film)
Aaltoska orkaniseera [Mrs Aaltonen Gets Organised] (1949, FI; Film)
Jacob A. Kalaj
(Academy Players Directory) (2002)
Gleb Kalantirsky
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-80)
Phillip Kalantirsky
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-80)
Michael Kalatzes
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
Nicky Kalatzes
(Academy Players Directory) (1975-78)
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
Tony Kalatzis
(Academy Players Directory) (1998)
Giannis Kalatzopoulos - b.1949
Kinigontas ton erota [Hunting for Love] (1956, GR; Film)
Koritsi me ta paramithia [The Girl With the Stories] (1956, GR; Film)
Thelo na zissis manula [I Want You to Live, Mummy] (1957, GR; Film)
Tis niktas ta kamomata [What Happened in the Night] (1957, GR; Film)
Khoris mitera [Motherless] (1961, GR; Film)
To paidi tou dromou [Child of the Street] (1961, GR; Film)
Den gnorissa mitera [I Never Knew a Mother] (1962, GR; Film)
I Katatregmeni [The Persecuted] (1962, GR; Film)
Psila ta kheria Hitler [Hands Up, Hitler!] (1962, GR; Film)
Adam Kalbfleisch
You Can't Do That on Television [You Can't Do That on TV] (1984-86, Canada; TV Series) as Adam
Carl-James Kalbfleisch
Fido [Zombino] (2006, CA; Film) as Boy Zombie
Julian Kaleniuk - b.27May1970
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
A Better Class of Person [Too Young to Fight, Too Old to Forget] (1985, UK; TV Film)
Bugsy Malone (c.1985; Stage) as Laughing Boy
EastEnders [EastEnders25] (1985, UK; TV Series)
Tony Kales
(Who's Who Children's Casting Directory) (1933)
Hi, Neighbor! (Our Gang short) (1934, US; Short) as Tony
Washee Ironee (Our Gang short) (1934, US; Short) as Tony
Anniversary Trouble (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Tony
Arnold Kalicki
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Lloyd J. Kalicki -- see: Lloyd J. Kalicki III
Lloyd J. Kalicki III (Lloyd J. Kalicki)
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-95)
[Hank Kalinsky]
Certain Fury (1985, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Andre Kallenbach
Kriminalfalle ohne Beispiel (1967, DE; TV Series) "Der Fall Timo Rinnelt" as Timo Rinnelt
Der tapfere Schulschwanzer [The Brave Truant] (1967, DD; Film) as Thomas Lohmann
Mario Kalli - b.24Feb1966
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
Enrico - An Unsolved Killing (1982, UK; TV Film) as Enrico
Pink Floyd the Wall (1982, GB; Film)
Jim Kallinikos
Quest Beyond Time [Winners: Quest Beyond Time] (1985, AU; TV Film) as Jimmy/Mike's Friend
Gabriel Kalomas
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-94)
Samer Kamal
DeGrassi Jr High (1987-89, CA; TV Series) as Mahmound
Thor Kamban
(Academy Players Directory) (1965-66)
Joshua Kameel
(Academy Players Directory) (2002)
Joshua Kamel
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Jun Lyle Kamesaki
Gung Ho (1986, US; Film) as Kazihiro's Son
Devin Kamienny
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Brian Kamins
(Academy Players Directory) (1980-81)
Brett Kaminsky
Beach Pillows (2013; Film) as Playground Bully
reConception (2014; Short) as Dirt Destroyer #2
St Vincent [St Vincent de Van Nuys] (2014, US; Film) as School Kid
Funny Bunny (2015; Film) as Kid in Diner
Nicolas Kampmann
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Sam Kamrass
(Academy Players Directory) (1964-65)
Justin Kan
(Academy Players Directory) (2001-02)
David Kanapsky
Stardust (1999, US; Film) as Billy Butz
Richard Kanayan
Les Quatre cents coups [The 400 Blows] (1959, FR; Film) as Abbou
Tirez sur le pianiste [Shoot the Pianist] (1960, FR; Film) as Fido Saroyan
Cesar Kancino
Liber [Sipping] (2015; Short) as Jared
Austin Kane
Two and a Half Men (2008; TV Series) "It's Always Nazi Week" as Toddler in Doctor's Office
Slate: The Teachings of Lonnie Del Mar (2009; Short) as Kid
Happy Endings (2011; TV Series) "Full Court Dress" as Django
C.S.I.: NY (2012; TV Series) "Misconceptions" as Tommy Lewis
Exclusive: Brian Unger Interviews Billy Brawny (2013; Short) as Baseball Player
Criminal Minds (2014; TV Series) "Boxed In" as John David Bidwell as a Boy
Sam and Cat (2014, US; TV Series) "#FirstClassProblems" as Phillip Balm
Undrafted (2015; Film) as John Mazetti as a Boy (10)
Chris Kane
(Academy Players Directory) (1979)
David Kane
Manny's Orphans (1978, US; Film) as Boy From Creighton Hall
Freddie Kane
(Academy Players Directory) (1942-49)
Anchors Aweigh (1945, US; Film)
The Bells of St Mary's (1945, US; Film)
Nob Hill [Tony's Bar] (1945, US; Film)
Boys' Ranch [Alley Cowboy; Black Sheep] (1946, US; Film)
The Perfect Marriage (1947, US; Film)
The Shocking Miss Pilgrim (1947, US; Film)
Suddenly It's Spring (1947, US; Film)
The Beautiful Blonde From Bashful Bend (1949, US; Film)
The Sun Comes Up [Sun in the Morning] (1949, US; Film)
Harrison Kane
Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows (2001, US; TV Film) as Joey Luft (7)
The Red Sneakers (2002; TV Film) as Boy
Nick Kane
(Academy Players Directory) (2003)
Sean Kane
(Academy Players Directory) (1980-82)
Tony Kane
Brown Wolf (1972, US; TV Short)
Dean Kaneshiro
Raven (1993; TV Series) "Return of the Black Dragon" as The Kid
Elliott Kang
(Academy Players Directory) (2005-11)
Taylor Kang
(Academy Players Directory) (2005-06)
Sami Kangas
Pessi ja Illusia [Pessi and Illusia] (1984, FI; Film)
Kazuo Kanisha
Boy With Glasses (1962, JP; Short)
Richard Kann
(Academy Players Directory) (1968-69)
Bobby Kanner
(Academy Players Directory) (1954-55)
Michael Kanner
The Eddie Cantor Story (1953, US; Film) as George Jessel as a Boy
(Academy Players Directory) (1954-55)
Alikaou Kante
Nyamanton [Lessons from the Garbage; The Garbage Boys] (1986, ML; Film)
Macire Kante
Nyamanton [Lessons from the Garbage; The Garbage Boys] (1986, ML; Film) as Kalifa (8)
Julian Kanuha
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Aaron Kaplan
The Adventures of Ociee Nash (2003, US; Film) as Boy at Creek
Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd [Dumb and Dumber 2; Dumber and Dumbest; Tonto, tontos y retontos] (2003, US; Film) as Kid (10)
Devin Kaplan
TV-Dad (1988, US; TV Short) as Theo (6)
Jaime Kaplan
(Academy Players Directory) (1985-99)
Jeremy Kaplan
The Phantom Kid (1983, Italy; Film) as Harmony
Jonathan Kaplan (Jonathan Charles Kaplan) - b.05Jul1980
Life with Mikey [Give Me a Break] (1993, US; Film) as George
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-96)
Babylon 5 (1994; TV Series) "Believers" as Shon
Boy Meets World (1994, US; TV Series) "The Uninvited" as Simon
Boy Meets World (1995; TV Series) "Back 2 School" as Herbert
Boy Meets World (1995; TV Series) "I Am Not a Crook" as Alvin
Brotherly Love (1995; TV Series) as Ira Stolzer
Josh Kirby . . . Time Warrior: Chapter 1, Planet o (1995; Film) as Irwin Lee
Platypus Man (1995; TV Series) "Lower East Side Story" as Stuart
A Kid in Aladdin's Palace (1997; Film) as Elliot
Joshua Kaplan
North (1994, US; Film) as Teammate
Shut Yer Mouth! (1996; Film)
Sue [Sue Lost in Manhattan] (1997; Film) as Sydney
Joshua Robert Kaplan
Chain of Desire (1992; Film) as Boy in Church
Missing Reward (c.1992; TV Series)
The Comic Box (1996; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
(Academy Players Directory) (1997)
Abe and Abraham (c.1997; TV Film) (unconfirmed)
Kyle Kaplan - b.16Jul1990
Pee Shy (2004, US; Short) as Kyle
The Beast of Bray Road (2005; Film) as Jeff van Beek
First Day (2005; Film) as Head Bully
Monarch of the Moon (2005; Film) as Randy
Natural Born Salesman (2005; Film) as Stanley as a Boy
(Academy Players Directory) (2006)
The Bernie Mac Show (2006, US; TV Series) "Bar Mitzvah Crashers" as David Wasserstein
C.S.I.: Miami [CSI: Weekends] (2006; TV Series) "Skeletons" as Brett Flanders as a Boy
Let Me Count the Ways (2006; Film) as Timmy
You've Reached the Elliotts (2006; TV Film) as Brendan Elliott
Zoey 101 [Zoey] (2006; TV Series) "Robot Wars" as Andrew
Tim Stack's Family Vacation (2007; TV Series) "Pilot" as Kyle Stack
The War at Home (2007; TV Series) "It's a Lower-Middle-Upper-Middle-Class Problem" as Monte
The War at Home (2007; TV Series) "The White Shadow" as Monte
The War at Home (2007; TV Series) "Zero Tolerance" as Monte
The Winner [Becoming Glen] (2007; TV Series) "Glen's New Friend" as Murray
Drillbit Taylor [Drillbit Taylor: Budget Bodyguard] (2008, US; Film) as Teen Blogger
The Oaks (2008; TV Series) "Pilot" as Brian
The Riches (2008; TV Series) "Friday Night Lights" as Jared
Mark Kaplan
(Academy Players Directory) (1981)
Noah Kaplan
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Reed Kaplan
(Academy Players Directory) (2002)
Seth Kaplan
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Kevin B. Kaplowitz
Big Top Pee-wee (1988, US; Film) as Mr Ryan as a Boy
Raj Kapoor - b.14Dec1924;d.02Jun1988
Toy Cart (1932, IN; Film)
Inqilab [Revolution] (1935, IN; Film)
Bari Didi [Elder Sister] (1939, IN; Film)
Romi Kapoor (Master Romi)
Dil-e-nadan [The Naive Heart] (1953, IN; Film)
Shole [Sparks] (1953, IN; Film)
Mastana [The Carefree One] (1954, IN; Film)
Munna [The Lost Child] (1954, IN; Film)
Toote khilone [Broken Toys] (1954, IN; Film)
Hum panchhi ek dai ke [We Birds of One Branch] (1956, IN; Film)
Ab Dilli door nahin [Not Far to Delhi] (1957, IN; Film)
Dushman [The Enemy] (1957, IN; Film)
Do phool [Two Flowers] (1958, IN; Film)
Maa baap [The Parents] (1960, IN; Film)
Shashi Kapoor - b.18Mar1938
Aag [Fire] (1948, IN; Film)
Bhakt Bilwamangal (1948, IN; Film)
Ram darshan (1950, IN; Film)
Samadhi [The Shrine] (1950, IN; Film)
Veer Babruwahan (1950, IN; Film)
Awara [The Tramp] (1951, IN; Film)
Mordhwaj (1952, IN; Film)
Sansar [World] (1952, IN; Film)
Danapani [Basic Foodstuff] (1953, IN; Film)
Mahapuja (1954, IN; Film)
Shashi F. Kapoor (Shashichand Kapoor) - b.07Sep1934
Meena (1944, IN; Film)
Parakh (1944, IN; Film)
Bachpan [Childhood] (1945, IN; Film)
Dr Kotnis ki Amar Kahani (1945, IN; Film)
Tadbir [The Endeavour] (1945, IN; Film)
Bhakt dhruva (1947, IN; Film)
Renuka (1947, IN; Film)
Bhakt Gopal Bhaiya (1948, IN; Film)
Sati Ahilya (1948, IN; Film)
Shaheed [The Martyr] (1948, IN; Film)
Shashichand Kapoor -- see: Shashi F. Kapoor
Richard Kapp
Three Came Home (1950, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1951-52)
Three Secrets [The Rock Bottom] (1951, US; Film)
Two Tickets to Broadway (1951, US; Film)
Raymond Kaptur
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Sam Kapu Jr
Kona Coast (1968; Film)
Chris Karallis (Christopher Karallis)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
Kipperbang [First Love; P'Tang Yang Kipperbang] (1982, UK; TV Film) as Shaz
Broken Homes (1985, UK; TV Film) as Fuzzy Haired Boy
The Tripods (1985, UK; TV Series) "Episode #2.11" as Casimir
The Tripods (1985, UK; TV Series) "Episode #2.12" as Casimir
Christopher Karallis -- see: Chris Karallis
Sashka Karamiltsev
Krayat na edna vakantsiya [The End of the Summer Holidays] (1964, BG; Film) as Kalin
Justin Karas - b.10Jul1984
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1995, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of a Door Unlocked" as Ben Ruler
Daniel Karasek
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-93)
James Karath -- see: Jimmy Karath
Jimmy Karath (James Karath) - b.Jul1942
Week-End with Father [Weekend With Father] (1951, US; Film) as Boy
The All American [The Winning Way] (1953, US; Film) as Another Kid
Take Me to Town [Flame of Timberline; Vermilion O'Toole] (1953, US; Film) as Boy
Fury [Brave Stallion] (1955, US; TV Series) "Junior Rodeo" as Buck Wilson
General Electric Theatre [G.E. Theatre; G.E. True Theater] (1955, US; TV Anthology) "The Seeds of Hate" as Pete
The Loretta Young Show [Letter to Loretta] (1955, US; TV Anthology) "My Uncle O'Moore"
The Private War of Major Benson (1955, US; Film) as Cadet Lt. Netcher
(Academy Players Directory) (1956)
Captain Midnight [Jet Jackson, Flying Commando] (1956; TV Series) "The Runaway Suitcase" as Tom Blake
Dragnet [Badge 714; Confidential Report] (1956; TV Series) "The Big Bill"
Medic (1956, US; TV Series) "She Walks in Beauty" as Dick
My Friend Flicka (1956, US; TV Series) "The Foundlings" as Paul
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars [Herald Playhouse; Schlitz Playhouse] (c.1956, US; TV Anthology)
Studio 57 [Heinz Studio 57] (1956; TV Anthology) "My Baby Boy" as Freddie Hines
The Gale Storm Show [Oh, Susanna!] (1957, US; TV Series) "Swiss Miss" as Otto
Mister Cory (1957; Film) as Boy
Vitya Kargopoltsev
Alyosha Ptitsin virabativayet kharakter [Alyosha Ptitsin's Character-Training] (1953, SU; Film)
Michael Karis
(Academy Players Directory) (1957)
Oleg Karkavtsev
Ochkarik [Bespectacled; The Boy Who Wore Spectacles] (1972, Russia; Short) as Zhenya
Svend Karlog -- see: Svend Carlo Jensen
Eirik Enger Karlsen
Der nede sorger de ikke [Down There They Don't Mourn] (2006; Short) as Thomas
Tommy Karlsson
Det Sjunde inseglet [The Seventh Seal] (1957, Sweden; Film) as Mikael
Tibbi Karman (Tibi Karman)
Golden Pennies (1985, AU; TV Film) as Jack Greenwood
Tibi Karman -- see: Tibbi Karman
Billy Karn
(Academy Players Directory) (1974-78)
Danny Karn
(Academy Players Directory) (1973-78)
Jim Karn II (Jimmy Karn)
(Academy Players Directory) (1974-77)
Jimmy Karn -- see: Jim Karn II
Colin Karner
(Academy Players Directory) (1968-69)
Brad Karnes
(Players Guide [New York]) (1976)
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
Rano Karno - b.08Oct1960
Lewat tengah malam [After Midnight] (1971, ID; Film)
Si doel anak Betawi [Son of Batavia] (1972, ID; Film)
Rio anakku [Rio, My Child] (1973, ID; Film)
Romi dan Juli [Romi and Juli] (1974, ID; Film)
Si Rano [Rano] (1974, ID; Film)
Sebelum usia 17 [Under 17] (1975, ID; Film)
Roscoe Todd Karns -- see: Todd Karns
Todd Karns (Roscoe Todd Karns) - b.15Jan1921;d.05Feb2000
Andy Hardy's Private Secretary (1941, US; Film) as Harry Land
Royal Karon
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-79)
Jensen Karp
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-90)
Riley Karp
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-97)
Sister, Sister (1995, US; TV Series)
Sesame Street (c.1996; TV Series)
David Karpf
(Academy Players Directory) (1969)
Jason Karpf
(Academy Players Directory) (1971-75)
Jonathan Karpf
(Academy Players Directory) (1969)
Christopher Karr
(Academy Players Directory) (1975)
Daniel Karr
When Good Ghouls Go Bad (2001, US; TV Film) as Leo
David Karr
(Academy Players Directory) (1975)
Eddie Karr - b.16Oct1987
Home of the Brave (1996, US; TV Film) as Nathaniel Greene
Promised Land [Home of the Brave] (1996, US; TV Series) as Nathaniel Greene
Touched by an Angel (1996, US; TV Series) "Promised Land" as Nathaniel Greene
One Life to Live [One Life to Live: The Summer of Seduction] (1997; TV Series) as Alonzo 'Al' Holden Buchanan
Touched by an Angel (1997, US; TV Series) "Amazing Grace" as Nathaniel Greene
Alyson's Closet (1998; Film) as Zeus
Touched by an Angel (1998, US; TV Series) "Vengeance Is Mine" as Nathaniel Greene
Grounded for Life (2001; TV Series) as Sean Finnerty as a Boy
Judging Amy (2001, US; TV Series) "Hold On Tight"
Judging Amy (2001, US; TV Series) "Red-Headed Stepchild"
The Visible Horse (2002, US; Stage) as Scott
Jesse Karr
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Pirkka Karskela
Tulipaa [Flame-Head] (1980, FI; Film)
Matt Nelson Karstetter
Corky (1972, US; Film) as Boy at Swimming Hole
Viktor Kartashoff -- see: Vitya Kartashov
Vitya Kartashov (Viktor Kartashoff)
Bezhin Lug (1937, Soviet Union; Film) as Stepok
Vincent Kartheiser (Vincent Paul Kartheiser) - b.05May1979
Untamed Heart (1993; Film) as Orphan Boy
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Heaven Sent (1994; Film) as Eddie Chandler
Little Big League (1994, US; Film) as James
Sweet Justice (c.1994; TV Series) as Nicholas Carlton
The Indian in the Cupboard [Toys in the Cupboard] (1995, US; Film) as Gillon
Alaska (1996; Film) as Sean Barnes
Michael Kartman
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Tomasz Karwatka
Krolowa pszczol [Queen Bee] (1977, PL; Film)
Dylan Karz
Blended (2014; Film) as Client's Son
Jimmy Karz - b.26Jul1984
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Matilda [Roald Dahl's Matilda] (1996, US; Film) as Bruce 'Little Brucey' Bogtrotter
ER [Emergency Room] (1998; TV Series) "Day For Knight" as Alfred Clark
The Wedding Singer (1998; Film) as Studliest Kid at Bar Mitzvah
Joey Karz
Blended (2014; Film) as Client's Son
Max Karz
Blended (2014; Film) as Little League Pitcher
Cameron Kasal
Can't Wait for the Movies: Super 8 (2011; TV Short)
The Muppets [Green with Envy] (2011; Film) as Laughing Kid
Strange Cases (2011; TV Series) "Episode #1.1" as Billy Kurt
Video Game Reunion (2011; TV Series) "The Video Game Reunion Panel" as Koopa Kids Kamp Camper
Dessert Duel (2012; Short) as Brother
Thursday's Speaker (2013; Film) as Jake
Trophy Wife (2013, US; TV Series) "Lice and Beary White" as Theater Kid #1
Cody Kasch - b.21Aug1987
(Academy Players Directory) (1999-01)
ER [Emergency Room] (2000, US; TV Series) "Family Matters" as Jason Bender
Nash Bridges [Bridges] (2000; TV Series) "Heist"
Normal, Ohio [Butch; Don't Ask] (2000-01; TV Series) as Robbie
The Others (2000; TV Series) "Luciferous" as Wounded Boy
The Practice (2000; TV Series) "Death Penalties" as Scott Simpson Jr
Dylan Kasch - b.21Sep1989
(Academy Players Directory) (1999-01)
In the Light of the Moon [Ed Gein] (2000; Film) as Melvin
Judging Amy (2000; TV Series) "Not Stirred Shaken" as Dylan Shepard
Malcolm in the Middle (2000, US; TV Series) "Pilot" as Crony #1
The Practice (2000; TV Series) "Death Penalties" as Sammy Simpson
Charmed (2001; TV Series) "We All Scream for Ice Cream" as Boy
Choosing Matthias (2001; Film) as Matthias
ER [Emergency Room] (2002, US; TV Series) "It's All In Your Head" as Chris Spencer
Max Kasch
(Academy Players Directory) (1999-01)
Jon Kasdan (Jonathan Kasdan)
The Big Chill (1983; Film) as Son of Harold and Sarah
Silverado (1985; Film)
The Accidental Tourist (1988; Film)
I Love You to Death (1990, US; Film) as Dominic Boca
Jonathan Kasdan -- see: Jon Kasdan
David Kasday - b.07May1942
(Academy Players Directory) (1952-56)
Singin' in the Rain (1952, US; Film) as Kid
This is the Life [The Fisher Family] (1952, US; TV Series) "The Fisher Family" as Freddie Fisher (10)
Invitation to the Dance [Sinbad the Sailor] (1954, US; Film) as Genie
The Miami Story (1954, US; Film) as Gil Flagg
The Benny Goodman Story (1955, US; Film) as Benny Goodman as a Boy
Fury [Brave Stallion] (1955, US; TV Series) "The Scorched Earth"
I'll Cry Tomorrow (1955, US; Film) as David Tredman as a Boy
The Marauders (1955, US; Film) as Albie Ferber
Red Sundown (1956, US; Film) as Hughie Clore
The Magic Lamp (1957, US; Film)
Corey Kasdin
A Matter of Principle (1983, US; TV Short) as Billy Joe Purdy
Michael Kasen
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Jordan Kaspar
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Brandon Kasper
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Kyle Kass -- see: Kyle Kassardjian
Kevin Kassabi - b.06May1996
L'Agence coup de coeur (2003; TV Series) "La strategie des petits bonheurs" as Hugo
Fabien Cosma (2004; TV Series) "Bobo Leo" as Leo Lucas
Une femme dans l'urgence (2004; TV Film) as Tom Danys
Rivieres pourpres II - Les anges de l'apocalypse [Crimson Rivers 2: Angels of the Apocalypse; I fiumi di porpora II - Gli angeli dell'apocalisse] (2004; Film)
Kyle Kassardjian (Kyle Kass) - b.19Nov1988
Real Kids, Real Adventures (1997, US; TV Anthology) "The Rescue Team" as Gordon
Noddy (1998, US/CA; TV Series) "The Magic Key" as D.j./Daniel Johnson
Angels in the Infield (2000; TV Film) as Piano Playing Kid
Camera (2000, CA; Short) as Boy
The Zack Files (2000-01, CA/US; TV Series) as Christopher Dickie
The Sons of Mistletoe (2001, US; TV Film) as Miguel
Super Rupert (2001; TV Series) "First Flight" as Tommy
They Call Me Sirr (2001; TV Film) as Sirr as a Boy
Twice In a Lifetime (2001; TV Series) "Moonshine Over Harlem" as Marcus
Conviction (2002; TV Film) as Demetrius Conamacher
Jason Kassel
(Academy Players Directory) (1982)
Tony Kassell
Tales of the Unexpected [Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected] (1988, UK; TV Anthology) "The Verger" as Boy
Kolya Kat-Oglu
Fedka (1936, SU; Film)
Akihiko Katayama - b.11Nov1926
Kagirinaki zenshin [Forever Forward] (1937, JP; Film)
Shinjitsu ichiru [The Way to Truth] (1937, JP; Film)
Robo-no ishi [Pebble By the Wayside] (1938, JP; Film)
Bakuon [Airplane Drone] (1939, JP; Film)
Kaze no Matsaburo [Whirlwind Matsaburo] (1940, JP; Film)
Jorel Katcher
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-91)
Masahiko Kato - b.02Jan1940
Kitsune no kureta akanbo [Gift of the Gods] (1945, JP; Film)
Sansho dayu [Sansho the Bailiff] (1951, JP; Film)
Yoake mae [Before Dawn] (1953, JP; Film)
Kolya Katsovich
Tom Sawyer (1936, SU; Film)
Nick Agustin Katt -- see: Nicky Katt
Nicky Katt (Nick Agustin Katt) - b.11May1970
Fantasy Island (1980, US; TV Series) "The Devil and Mandy Breem/The Millionaire" as Bookie
CHiPs [CHiPs Patrol] (1981, US; TV Series) "Diamond in the Rough" as Pat McGuire
Father Murphy (1981, US; TV Series) "Eggs, Milk and a Dry Bed" as Chester
Father Murphy (1981, US; TV Series) "False Blessings" as Chester
Underground Aces (1981; Film) as Son
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-86)
Code Red (1982, US; TV Series) "Burnout" as Kenny
Herbie, the Love Bug (1982, US; TV Series) as Matthew MacLane
Trapper John, M.D. (1982, US; TV Series) "The Good Life" as Scott Spencer
Voyagers! (1982, US; TV Series) "The Day the Rebs Took Lincoln" as Jack/Dodger
Quincy M.E. [Quincy] (1983, US; TV Series) "Suffer the Little Children" as Jeff Rayano
Contract for Life: The SADD Story (1984, US; TV Film) as Jeff Anastas
Gremlins (1984, US; Film) as Schoolchild
V (1984, US; TV Series) "The Deception" as Sean Donovan
V (1984, US; TV Series) "The Sanction" as Sean Donovan
The Facts of Life (1988; TV Series) "Present Imperfect" as Mark
John Kattleman
(Academy Players Directory) (1964-65)
David Michael Katz
(Academy Players Directory) (1975)
Jakob Katz - b.15Feb1975
Johannes' hemmelighed [Johannes' Secret] (1985, DK; Film)
Miraklet i Valby [The Miracle in Valby] (1989; Film) as Sven
Joey Katz
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Omri Katz (Omri Haim Katz) - b.30May1976
(Academy Players Directory) (1981-87)
Dallas (1983-91; TV Series) as John Ross 'J.R.' Ewing III
Simon and Simon (1984, US; TV Series) "Yes, Virginia, There Is a Liberace" as Boy
Adventures in Dinosaur City (1991; Film) as Timmy
Eerie, Indiana (1991-92, US; TV Series) as Marshall Teller
Zorro [Zorro: The Legend Continues] (1991; TV Series) "The Man Who Cried Wolf" as Jack Adams
The Torkelsons [Almost Home] (1992, US; TV Series) "Double Date" as Jason
Hocus Pocus (1993; Film) as Max Dennison
The John Larroquette Show [Larroquette] (1993-95; TV Series) as Tony Hemingway
Matinee (1993, US; Film) as Stan
Todd Katz
(Academy Players Directory) (1979)
Jason Katzenstein
(Academy Players Directory) (1998)
Jamie Kauffman
Teacher's Beau (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Jamie
Brock Patrick Kaufman
Happy Log (2014; Film)
Darren Kaufman
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-89)
David Kaufman
Father Murphy (1982, US; TV Series) "The Witness" as Nolan Walker
Highway to Heaven (1986, US; TV Series) "The Torch" as Joseph Soloman
Evan Kaufman
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Jarrett Lennon Kaufman -- see: Jarrett Lennon
Jeffrey Kaufman
(Academy Players Directory) (1968-71)
Parker Kaufman
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
(Academy Players Directory) (1979)
Only Once in a Lifetime (1979; Film)
Scott Kaufman
(Academy Players Directory) (1989)
Shane Kaufman
(Academy Players Directory) (2010)
Fridtjof Kaulbach -- see: Fridtjof von Kaulbach
Armadeep Kaushall
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Ivan Kauzlaric
Trinactileti [Stribrny Favorit; Thirteen-Year-Olds] (1960, CS; Film)
Jergus Lapin (1961, CS; Film)
Thomas Kavanagh
War of the Buttons (1994, UK/France/Japan; Film) as Riley
Junior Kavanaugh
Our Gang Follies of 1936 (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Junior
The Pinch Singer (Our Gang short) (1936, US; Short) as Junior
Matthew Kavanaugh
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-95)
Andrew Kavovit - b.19Jul1971
As the World Turns (1986-91, US; TV Series) as Paul Ryan
Chad Kawahara
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Kenzo Kawarazaki
Shiinomi gakuen [The Shiinomi School] (1955, JP; Film)
Hiroyuki Kawase
Dodes'ka-den [Trundle-ting] (1970, JP; Film)
Gojira tai Hedora [Godzilla versus Hedora; Godzilla Versus the Smog Monster] (1971, JP; Film)
Bryant 'Bobby' Kawolomoto
In the Deep Woods (1992; TV Film)
Tainted Blood (1993; TV Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
King of Kings (c.1996, US; Stage)
Billy Kay - b.10Apr1984
(Academy Players Directory) (1999-00)
The Newcomers (2000, US; Film) as Gil Weatherton
Time Share (2000; TV Film) as Lewis
L.I.E. [Long Island Expressway] (2001, US; Film) as Gary
Dominic Scott Kay - b.06May1996
Minority Report (2002, US; Film) as Sean as a Boy
Power Rangers Wild Force (2002, US; TV Series) "The End of the Power Rangers" as Scotty
(Academy Players Directory) (2003-04)
Mindcrime (2003; Film) as Boy
Oliver Beene (2003-04, US; TV Series) as Oliver Beene as a Child
They Call Him Sasquatch (2003; Film) as Boy
Angel in the Family (2004; TV Film) as Frankie
Guarding Eddy (2004; Film) as Boy
Love's Enduring Promise (2004; TV Film) as Mattie
Single Santa Seeks Mrs Claus (2004; TV Film) as Jake Sawtelle
Fathers and Sons (2005, US; TV Film) as Elliott as a Toddler (4)
Loverboy (2005; Film) as Paul (6)
Meet the Santas (2005; TV Film) as Jake
Air Buddies (2006; Film) as Bud-Dha
Cake (2006; Film) as Ryan
Midnight Clear (2006; Film) as Jacob
Saving Angelo (2006; Film) as Danny
Without a Trace [Vanished; W.A.T.] (2006, US; TV Series) "Check Your Head" as Eli
Joe Wesley Kay
(Academy Players Directory) (1997)
Great Expectations (1997, US; Film)
Lewis Kay
(Academy Players Directory) (1989-91)
Doogie Howser, M.D. (1990, US; TV Series) as Surfer
Steve Kay -- see: Steven Kay
Steven Kay (Steve Kay)
Giant (1955, US; Film) as Jordan Benedict III as a Boy (4)
I Love Lucy (1957, US; TV Series) "Lucy and Superman" as Stevie Appleby
Christopher Kaye
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-94)
Darwood Kaye (Darwood 'Waldo' Kaye/Darwood Kenneth Smith) - b.08Sep1929;d.15May2002
(Children's Casting Directory) (1936-40)
The Plot Thickens (1936, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1937-45)
A Doctor's Diary (1937, US; Film)
Fishy Tales (Our Gang short) (1937; Short) as Waldo
Glove Taps (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Waldo
Hearts are Thumps (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Waldo
Mail and Female (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Waldo
Our Gang Follies of 1938 (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Waldo
The Pigskin Palooka (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Waldo
Quality Street (1937, US; Film)
Rushin' Ballet (Our Gang short) (1937; Short) as Waldo
Three Smart Boys (Our Gang short) (1937; Short) as Waldo
Aladdin's Lantern (Our Gang short) (1938, US; Short) as Waldo
Came the Brawn (Our Gang short) (1938, US; Short) as Waldo
Danger on the Air (1938, US; Film) as Wilbur
The Little Ranger (Our Gang short) (1938, US; Short) as Waldo
Party Fever (Our Gang short) (1938; Short) as Waldo
Telephone Operator (1938, US; Film)
Three Men in a Tub (Our Gang short) (1938, US; Short) as Waldo
Captain Spanky's Show Boat (Our Gang short) (1939; Short) as Waldo
Cousin Wilbur (Our Gang short) (1939, US; Short) as Waldo
Dad for a Day (Our Gang short) (1939; Short) as Waldo
Duel Personalities (Our Gang short) (1939; Short) as Waldo
Gone with the Wind (1939, US; Film)
The Great Man Votes (1939, US; Film) as Iggy
Mickey the Kid [Mickey] (1939, US; Film) as Ted
Time Out for Lessons (Our Gang short) [Learn to Play] (1939; Short) as Waldo
(Juvenile Casting Directory) (1940)
Barnyard Follies (1940, US; Film)
The Big Premiere (Our Gang short) (1940; Short) as Waldo
Heroes of the Saddle (1940, US; Film) as Al
The New Pupil (Our Gang short) (1940, US; Short) as Waldo
On Their Own (1940, US; Film) as Ronald Dingwell
Waldo's Last Stand (Our Gang short) (1940, US; Short) as Waldo
Flying Blind (1941, US; Film)
Remember the Day (1941, US; Film)
Best Foot Forward (1943, US; Film) as Killer
The Human Comedy (1943, US; Film)
Submarine Alert (1943, US; Film)
Kansas City Kitty (1944, US; Film) as P.U. Keller Jr
My Reputation (1946, US; Film) as Bill 'Droopy' Hawks
Darwood 'Waldo' Kaye -- see: Darwood Kaye
David Kaye (David A. Kaye) - b.04Aug1988
Legends of the Fall (1994, US; Film) as Samuel Decker Ludlow
Beauty (1998; TV Film) as Tommy Harris
Cold Squad [Files from the Past] (1998; TV Series) "Christopher Williams"
Cold Squad [Files from the Past] (1998; TV Series) "Jane Klosky"
A Marriage of Convenience (1998; TV Film) as Kevin William Winslow
Don't Look Behind You [Du entkommst mir nicht] (1999, CA/DE/US; TV Film) as Bram Corrigan/Tom Ethan Weber
Escape from Mars (1999; TV Film)
The Outer Limits [The New Outer Limits] (1999; TV Anthology) "The Human Operators" as Man as a Boy
So Weird [Too Weird] (1999; TV Series) "Family Reunion" as Ghost Boy
3000 Miles to Graceland (2001; Film) as Jesse Waingrow
Dark Angel [James Cameron's Dark Angel] (2001; TV Series) "Haven" as Sage/Sam Gilan
Talking to Heaven [Living with the Dead] (2002, US; TV Film) as Gideon Morse
Video Voyeur: The Susan Wilson Story (2002, US; TV Film) as Lavalle Salomon
Dennis Kaye
Night and Day (1945, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1946-50)
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947-48)
The Bishop's Wife (1947, US; Film)
The Exile (1947, US; Film)
Life With Father (1947, US; Film)
The Babe Ruth Story (1948, US; Film)
Larceny (1948, US; Film) as Piano Player
Tenth Avenue Angel (1948, US; Film)
Challenge to Lassie (1949, US; Film)
Annie Get Your Gun (1950, US; Film) as Prince of Wales as a Boy
The Good Humor Man (1950, US; Film)
Stars in My Crown (1950, US; Film)
Heath Kaye (Heath Mattioli)
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-81)
Eight is Enough (1980, US; TV Series) "Jeremy" as Schoolboy
Joshua Kaye
The Naked Brothers Band [The Naked Brothers Band: The Movie] (2005, US; Film) as Josh
Matthew Kaye (Matt Stryker) - b.26Jun1974
The Child Saver (1988, US; TV Film) as Marty
Michael David Kaye (Michael Kaye)
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-94)
Calendar Girl (1993; Film) as Scott Foreman (6)
Peter Kaye
Rin Tin Tin, K-9 Cop [Katts and Dog] (1988, CA; TV Series)
Terry Kaye
Mr Smith Goes to Washington [Frank Capra's Mr Smith Goes to Washington] (1939, US; Film)
The Star Maker (1939, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1940)
Tom Brown's School Days [Adventures at Rugby] (1940, US; Film)
Rob Kayser (Robbie Kayser)
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-63)
Robbie Kayser -- see: Rob Kayser
Russel Kayser -- see: Rusty Kayser
Rusty Kayser (Russel Kayser)
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-63)
Kenneth Kealey
The Defenders (c.1965, US; TV Series)
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
Bell Telephone Hour (c.1966, US; TV Anthology)
The Brighter Day (c.1962, US; TV Series)
Everybody Out, the Castle is Sinking (c.1966, US; Stage)
The Impossible Years (c.1966, US; Stage)
The Invisible Power of Cold (c.1966, US; Short) (unconfirmed)
Let It Ride (c.1966, US; Stage)
Oliver! (c.1966, US; Stage)
The Perry Como Show (c.1963; TV Series)
Something More (c.1966, US; Stage) as Freddy Deems
The Story of Toll House Cookies (c.1966, US; Short) (unconfirmed)
John Keane
The Keane Brothers Show (1977, US; TV Series) as John (12)
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
Tom Keane - b.13Mar1964
The Keane Brothers Show (1977, US; TV Series) as Tom (13)
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
Donald Kearin
Mr Smith Goes to Washington [Frank Capra's Mr Smith Goes to Washington] (1939, US; Film)
We Are Not Alone (1939, US; Film)
The Blue Bird (1940, US; Film)
Tommy Kearins - b.31Aug1938
The Maggie [High and Dry] (1953, GB; Film) as The Wee Boy
Oliver Kearnes
The Christmas Star (1986; TV Film) as Waters Kid
Gerard Kearney
War of the Buttons (1994, UK/France/Japan; Film) as Big Con
Mark Kearney - b.19Seo1956;d.15Jun1993
Abe Lincoln in Illinois (1964, US; TV Film) as Tad Lincoln
Black Like Me (1964, US; Film)
Carol For Another Christmas (1964, US; TV Film)
The Nurses [The Doctors and the Nurses] (c.1965, US; TV Series)
(Academy Players Directory) (1966-71)
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
Bell Telephone Hour (c.1966, US; TV Anthology)
Search For Tomorrow (c.1966, US; TV Series) as Carl
Coronet Blue (1967, US; TV Series) "Saturday" as Benjy Kane
The Doctors (1970-71, US; TV Series) as Billy Alison Aldrich
The Secret Storm (1970-71, US; TV Series) as Peter 'Petey' Dunbar
Two Boys (1970, US; TV Short) as Billy Beckett
Michael Kearney - b.01Oct1955
The Secret Storm (1961-63, US; TV Series) as Peter 'Petey' Dunbar
All the Way Home (1963, US; Film) as Rufus Follet
Car 54, Where Are You? (c.1963, US; TV Series)
The Defenders (1965, US; TV Series) "Only a Child" as Wild Bill Andrews
(Academy Players Directory) (1966-71)
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
Daphne (c.1966; TV Series) as Little Ben (unconfirmed)
The Legacy (c.1966; TV Series) as Grandson (unconfirmed)
The Member of the Wedding (c.1966, US; Stage) as John Henry
Willie and the Yank [Mosby's Marauders; The Mosby Raiders] (1966, US; TV Film) as Homer Prentiss
NET Playhouse (1967, US; TV Anthology) "Infancy and Childhood" as Billee
The Swimmer (1968, US; Film) as Kevin Gilmartin Jr
The Thanksgiving Visitor (1968; TV Film) as Buddy
The F.B.I. (1969, US; TV Series) "Journey Into Night" as Clifford Starrett
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds (1972, US; Film) as Chris Burns
Liam Kearns - b.27Jan1987
In the Line of Duty: Hunt for Justice [In the Line of Duty: Trackdown] (1995; TV Film) as Jamie Manning
Matilda [Roald Dahl's Matilda] (1996, US; Film) as Charles
The Ballad of Little Roger Mead (2000; Film) as Little Roger Mead
Tommy Kearns
(Academy Players Directory) (1975-76)
Benjamin Keasbey
(Academy Players Directory) (1962)
Adam Keast
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
John Keating (John L. Keating)
(Academy Players Directory) (1960-62)
The Jack Benny Program [The Jack Benny Show; The Lucky Strike Program] (1961, US; TV Series) "Children's Version of the Show"
Mister Ed [Mr Ed] (1961, US; TV Series) "Little Boy" as Johnny
Doug Keaton
(Academy Players Directory) (1987)
Josh Keaton (Joshua Luis Wiener) - b.08Feb1979
I'm Telling! (1987; TV Series) "Episode #1.10" as Contestant
All I Want for Christmas (1991, US; Film) as Brad
Newsies [Newsboys; The News Boys] (1992, US; Film) as Dancer
Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman (1993, US; TV Series) "Where the Heart Is" as First Male Cousin
Boy Meets World (1994, US; TV Series) "The Beard" as Roy
Boy Meets World (1994, US; TV Series) "The Uninvited" as Boy #2
Someone Like Me [Gaby] (1994, US; TV Series) "El Presidente" as Doug
The Secret World of Alex Mack [Alex Mack] (1995-96, US; TV Series) as Bryce
Sister, Sister (1995, US; TV Series) "It's a Party Thang" as Franklin
Infinity (1996; Film) as David
Judge and Jury (1996; Film) as Boy
Same River Twice (1996; Film) as Andy
Saved by the Bell: The New Class (1996, US; TV Series) "Fire at the Max" as Glee Club
Baywatch [Baywatch Hawaii] (1997, US; TV Series) "Rendezvous" as Todd Rose
Chicago Hope (1997, US; TV Series) "The Son Also Rises" as Eddie
General Hospital (1997; TV Series) as Tim
Just Write (1997; Film) as Teenager on Trolley
Step by Step (1997, US; TV Series) "Just Say Maybe" as Will Peters
Stephen Kebell
The Squad (1980, UK; TV Series)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
The Little and Large Show (c.1982, UK; TV Series)
Nobody's Hero (1982, UK; TV Film)
Oliver! (c.1982, CA; Stage) as Artful Dodger
Streets of London (c.1982; Stage)
We'll Meet Again (1982, UK; TV Series)
Wayne Kebell
Z Cars (1973; TV Series) "Care" as George
Softly Softly: Task Force (1974, UK; TV Series) "Little Boy Blue" as Tommy
The Chiffy Kids [The Chiffy Kids Gang] (1976-78, UK; TV Series) as Fiddler
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
The Little and Large Show (c.1982, UK; TV Series)
Murphy's Mob (c.1982, UK; TV Series)
Nobody's Hero (1982, UK; TV Film)
Oliver! (c.1982, CA; Stage)
To the Manor Born (c.1981, UK; TV Series)
We'll Meet Again (1982, UK; TV Series)
Michael Kebschull
Moritz, lieber Moritz [Maurice, Dear Maurice; Moritz, Dear Moritz] (1978, DE; Film) as Moritz (15)
Andrew Keegan - b.29Jan1979
(Academy Players Directory) (1983-89)
Empty Nest (1991, US; TV Series) "Food For Thought" as T.J.
Baywatch [Baywatch Hawaii] (1994, US; TV Series) "Air Buchannon" as Reese
Baywatch [Baywatch Hawaii] (1994, US; TV Series) "Blindside" as Landon Thompson
Camp Nowhere (1994, US; Film) as Zack Dell
Empty Nest (1994, US; TV Series) "Under the Gun" as T.J.
A Pig's Tale [Summer Camp; Summer Camp - The Movie; The Summer Camp Movie] (1994, US; Film) as Featured Wolf #1
Thunder Alley (1994, US; TV Series) as Jack Kelly
Fight for Justice: The Nancy Conn Story (1995, US; TV Film) as Gary Conn
The Skateboard Kid 2 (1995, US; Film) as Dan Foster
The Skateboard Kid II (1995; Film) as Dan Foster
Step by Step (1995, US; TV Series) "The Flight Before Christmas" as Matt Crawford
Boy Meets World (1996, US; TV Series) "The Happiest Show on Earth" as Ronnie
Independence Day [ID4] (1996, US; Film) as Older Boy
Moesha (1996, US; TV Series) "Reunion" as Matt Tarses
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch [Sabrina; Sabrina Goes to College] (1996, US; TV Series) "Magic Joel" as Magic Joel
Step by Step (1996, US; TV Series) "Snow Bunnies" as Matt Crawford
7th Heaven [Seventh Heaven] (1997-04, US; TV Series) as Wilson West
Party of Five (1997, US; TV Series) "Past Imperfect" as Reed Isley
Party of Five (1997, US; TV Series) "What a Drag" as Reed Isley
Casey Keegan
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-89)
James Edward Keegan -- see: Jimmy Keegan
Jimmy Keegan (James Edward Keegan) - b.03Nov1969
Over the Top [Meet Me Half Way] (1987, US; Film) as Big Boy/Richie
Ty Keegan -- see: Ty Simpkins
Michael Keehne
(Academy Players Directory) (1983-89)
Nikolaus Keelaghan
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Ryan Keelaghan
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Donald Keeler
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-61)
Justin Keeler
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Wayne Keeley - b.30Oct1965
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Pink Floyd the Wall (1982, GB; Film)
Aaron Keeling
Births, Marriages and Deaths (1999; TV Series) as Billy
RKO 281 [RKO 281: The Battle Over Citizen Kane] (1999; TV Film) as Orson Welles as a Boy
The Prince and the Pauper (2000; TV Film) as Dan Hunter
About a Boy [Pour un garcon] (2002, UK; Film) as Candy Thrower
Sean Keenan
Lockie Leonard (2007-10, Australia; TV Series) as Lockie/Lachlan Robert Louis Stevenson Leonard (12-3/4)
Terry Keenan
(Academy Players Directory) (1965-66)
Johnny Keene
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-57)
Ricky Keene
(Academy Players Directory) (1956)
Michael Keeney
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Bernard Keever
(The Screen Artist) (1924-26)
Paul Kehagias - b.19Mar1974
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Mussolini and I [Mussolini: The Decline and Fall of Il Duce; Mussolini: The Rise and Fall of Il Duce] (1985, Italy; TV Film) as Bruno
Mussolini: The Untold Story (1985; TV Film) as Bruno as a Boy
Paul Kehler
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Griffin Kehoe (Griffin Michael Kehoe) - b.05Sep2002
A Time to Remember (2003; TV Film) as Henry
Back in the Game (2013, US; TV Series) "Episode #1.1" as Student
Kevin Kehoe
(Academy Players Directory) (1963-64)
Riley Kehoe (Riley Morgan Kehoe) - b.05Sep2002
A Time to Remember (2003; TV Film) as Henry
Back in the Game (2013, US; TV Series) "Episode #1.1" as Student
Bob Keifer
(Academy Players Directory) (1975)
Miles Keijer
(Academy Players Directory) (2002)
Sean Keir
Greyfriars Bobby [Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog] (1961, GB; Film)
The Horse without a Head (1963, GB; Film) as Bonbon
Alex Keith
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-01)
Brandon Keith
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-92)
Brett Michael Keith
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Christian Keith
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Hughie Keith
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
James Keith
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-03)
Jerald Keith
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
John Keith
(Academy Players Directory) (2000-04)
Mark Keith
(Academy Players Directory) (1964-66)
Melody (1978; Medium Unknown) (unconfirmed)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (1978, US; TV Film) as Jeremy
Mark Richard Keith
La toiletta (2003, US; Short) as Zach
House of D (2004; Film) as Pitcher
A Very Serious Person (2006, US; Film) as Larry
The Boy Who Cried Bitch: The Adolescent Years (2007; Film) as Jody
The Naked Brothers Band (2009; TV Series) "The Sidekicks" as Wade
Randy Alan Keith
(Academy Players Directory) (1985)
Richard Keith -- see: Keith Thibodeaux
Ronald Keith
Life With Father (1953-54, US; TV Series) as Whitney
(Academy Players Directory) (1954-58)
The Great Gildersleeve (1955; TV Series) as Leroy
Saso Kekenovski
Golemata voda [The Great Water] (2004, Macedonia; Film) as Lem Nikodinoski
Sasha Kekish
Poteryannaya fotografiya [The Lost Photograph] (1959, SU; Film)
Techot Volga [The Volga Flows On] (1962, SU; Film)
Vesyoliye istori [Merry Tales] (1962, SU; Film)
Trudniye deti [Difficult Children] (1963, SU; Film)
Donnie Kelber
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Brian Kelemen
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Jackie Kelk - b.06Aug1923;d.05Sep2002
Batter Up! (1931, US; Short) as Georgie Bassett
One Good Deed (1931, US; Short) as Georgie Bassett
Snakes Alive (1931, US; Short) as Georgie Bassett
His Honor -- Penrod (1932, US; Short) as Georgie Bassett
Hot Dog (1932, US; Short) as Georgie Bassett
Penrod's Bull Pen (1932, US; Short) as Georgie Bassett
The Run Around (1932; Short)
Wrongorilla (1933, US; Short) as Well-Wisher
Born to Be Bad (1934; Film) as Michael 'Mickey' Strong
Jubilee (1935; Stage)
Eric Kellar
(Kim Dawson Agency) (1974)
Colin Kellaway
(Academy Players Directory) (1979)
Daniel Keller
Hornet's Nest [Children at Their Games; Il Vespaio] (1970, IT/US; Film) as Ticchio
David Keller
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Jason Keller - b.23Feb1971
Out of the Blue (1979, US; TV Series) as Jason Richards (8)
Martin Keller - b.1948
The Divided Heart (1954, GB; Film) as Ivan Slavko as a Toddler (3)
Martin Angel Keller -- see: Martin Stephens
Paul D. Keller III
A Wedding (1978, US; Film) as Rutledge Child
Rusty Keller
(Academy Players Directory) (1974-77)
Shane Keller - b.23Feb1971
Out of the Blue (1979, US; TV Series) as Shane Richards (8)
Honky Tonk Freeway (1981, US; Film) as Jim Hansen
Max Kellermann
Gossenkind [Street Kid; Streetchild] (1991, Germany; Film) as Axel Glitter
Malcolm David Kelley - b.12May1992
Malcolm in the Middle (2001, US; TV Series) "Malcolm's Girlfriend" as Kid #1
Antwone Fisher (2002; Film) as Antwone Fisher (7)
Judging Amy (2002; TV Series) "Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition" as Rudy Spruell
Eve (2004; TV Series) "They've Come Undone" as Martin
Lost (2004-09; TV Series) as Walt Lloyd
You Got Served (2004; Film) as Lil Saint
Knights of the South Bronx (2005; TV Film) as Jimmy
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit [Law and Order's Sex Crimes] (2006; TV Series) "Infected" as Nathan Phelps
My Name Is Earl (2006; TV Series) "Boogeyman" as Alby
Quintin Kelley
Seven Pounds (2008, US; Film) as Nicholas/Bald Boy
Ryan Kelley - b.31Aug1986
Roommates (1995, US; Film) as Mo
Early Edition (1998; TV Series) "The Quality of Mercy" as Tom Stone
Charming Billy (1999; Film) as Duane (10)
Stolen Summer (2001, US; Film) as Seamus O'Malley
Stray Dogs (2001, US; Film) as J. Fred Carter
Smallville [Smallville Beginnings; Smallville: Superman the Early Years] (2002, US; TV Series) "Ryan" as Ryan James
Smallville [Smallville Beginnings; Smallville: Superman the Early Years] (2002, US; TV Series) "Stray" as Ryan James
The Dust Factory (2004; Film) as Ryan Flynn
Tip Kelley
(Academy Players Directory) (1958)
Tom Kelley
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-77)
Daniel Kellogg
(Children's Casting Directory) (1935)
Dante's Inferno (1935, US; Film)
Dinky (1935, US; Film)
The Healer [Little Pal] (1935, US; Film)
The Hoosier Schoolmaster [The Schoolmaster] (1935, US; Film)
Andy Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Boyd Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-88)
Brent Kelly (Brent Anthony Kelly)
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-89)
McGee and Me [The Adventures of McGee and Me] (1986-92, US; TV Series) as Louis
Brett Kelly (Brett Edward Kelly) - b.30Oct1993
Kill Me Later (2001; Film) as Kid
Ladies and the Champ (2001; TV Film) as Ted Slatske
Out Cold (2001; Film)
Cheats [Chea+ers; Cheaters] (2002, US; Film) as Sammy as a Boy
Bad Santa [Badder Santa] (2003, US; Film) as Thurman Merman / the Kid
Dead Like Me (2004; TV Series) "Be Still My Heart" as Francis Bischetti
Dead Like Me (2004; TV Series) "The Escape Artist" as Francis Bischetti
Dead Like Me (2004; TV Series) "Forget Me Not" as Francis Bischetti
The Sandlot 2 (2005; Film) as Mac
Birthdays and Other Traumas (2006; Film) as Oscar Pitt
Just a Phase (2006; TV Film) as Jackson
Like Mike 2: Streetball (2006; Film) as Rodney
Unaccompanied Minors [Grounded] (2006; Film) as Timothy 'Beef' Wellington
Masters of Horror (2007; TV Anthology) "We All Scream for Ice Cream" as Joe as a Boy
Trick 'r Treat (2007, US; Film) as Charlie
Brian Kelly
Manhunter [Red Dragon: The Pursuit of Hannibal Lecter] (1986, US; Film) as Jacobi Boy #2
Brian Dee Kelly
(Players Guide [New York]) (1976)
Chandler Kane Kelly
Burl's (2002; Short) as Bernard Cooper
Chris Kelly (James Christopher 'Mac Daddy' Kelly) - b.11Aug1978;d.01May2013
A Different World (1992; TV Series) "Original Teacher" as Billy Thomas
Jump (1992, US; Music Video) as Mack Daddy
Chris J. Kelly (Chris Kelly [2]) - b.29Mar1992
Law and Order: Criminal Intent [Law and Order: CI] (2003; TV Series) "Happy Family" as Sam Connors
Medical Investigation (2004; TV Series) "Coming Home" as Jack Connor
Medical Investigation (2004; TV Series) "You're Not Alone" as Jack Connor
(Academy Players Directory) (2005-07)
Wanted (2005; TV Series) "Judas" as Tony Rose
A Plumm Summer (2006; Film) as Elliott as a Boy
Chris Kelly [2] -- see: Chris J. Kelly
Christian Kelly
The 14 [Existence; The Wild Little Bunch] (1972, UK; Film) as Roy
Chuck Kelly
(Players Guide [New York]) (1974)
Cliff Kelly - b.22Feb1971
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
Shine On, Harvey Moon (c.1982, UK; TV Series) as Nobby
Emu's World (c.1983, UK; TV Series)
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984, GB; Film)
Invitation to the Wedding (1985; Film)
Daniel Terrence Kelly
Tales from the Darkside (1986, US; TV Anthology) "Family Reunion" as Bobby Perry
Tales from the Darkside (1988, US; TV Anthology) as Bobby/Robert Perry Jr
Eamonn Kelly
Pugwall (1989-91; TV Series) as Basil Pongerton
Round the Twist (1989, AU; TV Series) "WunderPants" as Foxy
Quigley Down Under [A Gun, a Woman and . . . A Kiss] (1990; Film) as Klaus Grimmelman
Ratbag Hero (1991, AU; TV Film) as Cliff
Round the Twist (1993, Australia; TV Series) "Nails" as Andrew
Edward L. Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-94)
Elijah Kelly
Mama Flora's Family (1998, US; TV Film) as Willie as a Boy
A Lesson Before Dying (1999, US; TV Film) as Clarence
Fraser Kelly
I am Urban [Urban and the Shed Crew] (2015; Film) as Urban Patrick Grimshaw (11)
Greg Kelly
Fatty Finn (1980, AU; Film) as Michael/Bruiser Murphy
Manhunter [Red Dragon: The Pursuit of Hannibal Lecter] (1986, US; Film) as Jacobi Boy #1
James Christopher 'Mac Daddy' Kelly -- see: Chris Kelly
James Francis Kelly III
(Academy Players Directory) (1997-02)
Jim Kelly -- see: Jimmy Kelly
Jimmy Kelly (Jim Kelly)
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-60)
Merry Andrew (1958, US; Film)
Kenny Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1969-70)
Kevin Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-60)
Luke Matthew Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1999)
Matthew Kelly
Reunion (1994, US; TV Film) as Jamie
Michael Peter Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1999)
Patch Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-93)
Patrick Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Paul Kelly - b.09Aug1899;d.06Nov1956
A Good Little Devil (1908, US; Film)
Jimmie's Job (1911, US; Film)
Billy's Burglar (1912, US; Film)
Captain Barnacle's Waif (1912, US; Film)
An Expensive Shine (1912, US; Film)
How Millie Became an Actress (1912, US; Film)
A Juvenile Love Affair (1912, US; Film)
Counselor Bobby (1913, US; Film)
Cutey Tries Reporting (1913, US; Film)
The Feudists (1913, US; Film)
Heartsease (1913, US; Film)
The Mouse and the Lion (1913, US; Film)
Buddy's Downfall (1914, US; Film)
Buddy's First Call (1914, US; Film)
Lillian's Dilemma (1914, US; Film)
The Man That Might Have Been (1914, US; Film)
The Reformation of the Gang (1914, US; Film)
Colton, U.S.N. (1915, US; Film)
A Family Picnic (1915, US; Film)
Jarr Family (1915, US; Film)
Mr Jarr (1915, US; Film)
The Shabbies (1915, US; Film)
Robert Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1941)
Rusty Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-60)
Merry Andrew (1958, US; Film)
Ryan James Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Sean Kelly (Sean Michael Kelly) - b.19Nov1956
(Academy Players Directory) (1968-73)
The Brady Bunch [Pop-Up Brady; The Brady Brood] (1970, US; TV Series) "Everyone Can't Be George" as Stuart
The Brady Bunch [Pop-Up Brady; The Brady Brood] (1970, US; TV Series) "What Goes Up . . ." as Tim
The Cowboys (1971, US; Film) as Stuttering Bob
Well of Love [Lassie: Well of Love] (1971, US; TV Film)
Incident at Vichy (1973, US; TV Film) as Boy
The Cowboys (1974; TV Series) as Jimmy
Shan Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1972-79)
Shane Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1963-68)
Sonny Kelly
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-94)
The Wonder Years (1991, US; TV Series) "The Yearbook" as Julius
Spencer Kelly
Three Wishes (1995, US; Film) as Baseball Player
Tom Kelly -- see: Tommy Kelly
Tommy Kelly (Tom Kelly) - b.06Apr1925;d.26Jan2016
(Academy Players Directory) (1937-42)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer [Tom Sawyer] (1938, US; Film) as Tom Sawyer
Peck's Bad Boy with the Circus (1938, US; Film) as Bill Peck
Gone with the Wind (1939, US; Film) as Boy in Band
They Shall Have Music [Melody of Youth; Music School; Ragged Angels] (1939, US; Film) as Willie
Curtain Call (1940, US; Film) as Freddy/Fred Middleton
Gallant Sons [Fighting Sons] (1940, US; Film) as Harwood 'Woody' Hollister
Irene (1940, US; Film) as Michael O'Dare
It's a Date [It Happened in Kaloha] (1940, US; Film)
Military Academy (1940, US; Film) as Tommy Lewis
Life Begins for Andy Hardy (1941, US; Film) as Kurt (15)
Rick Kelman -- see: Rickey Kelman
Rickey Kelman (Rick Kelman/Ricky Kelman/Rickey William Kelman) - b.06Jul1949
A Man Called Peter (1955, US; Film) as Peter John Marshall as a Toddler (5)
(Academy Players Directory) (1957-67)
The Kettles on Old MacDonald's Farm (1957, US; Film) as Elmer
Kathy O' (1958, US; Film) as Robert 'Bo' Johnson
Last Train from Gun Hill [One Angry Day; Showdown at Gun Hill; Last Train from Laredo; Last Train from Harper's Junction] (1958, US; Film) as Boy
Once Upon a Horse . . . (1958, US; Film) as Boy
Step Down to Terror [The Silent Stranger] (1958, US; Film) as Doug Walters
The Dennis O'Keefe Show (1959-60, US; TV Series) as Randy Towne
The FBI Story (1959; Film) as Mike Hardesty as a Boy
The Apartment (1960, US; Film)
National Velvet (1961, US; TV Series) "The Bully" as John Oliver Hadley
The Twilight Zone (1962, US; TV Anthology) "Young Man's Fancy" as Alex Walker (10)
Critic's Choice (1963, US; Film) as John Ballantine
Our Man Higgins (1962-63, US; TV Series) as Tommy MacRoberts
Follow Me, Boys! [God and My Country] (1966, US; Film) as Frankie Martin
The First Time [You Don't Need Pajamas at Rosie's] (1969; Film) as Mike
Rickey William Kelman -- see: Rickey Kelman
Ricky Kelman -- see: Rickey Kelman
Terry Kelman (Terry Ross Kelman) - b.09Nov1947
Bus Stop [The Wrong Kind of Girl] (1956, US; Film) as Gerald
(Academy Players Directory) (1957-58)
The Big Caper (1957, US; Film) as Bennie
The Young Stranger (1957, US; Film) as Donald Morse
Auntie Mame (1958, US; Film) as Michael Dennis
Kathy O' (1958, US; Film) as Tommy Johnson
Sky King (1958, US; TV Series) "The Runaway" as Davey Wilson
Sky King (1958, US; TV Series) "Sleight of Hand" as Davey Wilson
Sky King (1958, US; TV Series) "Stop That Train" as Davey Wilson
Wagon Train [Major Adams, Trail Master] (1959, US; TV Series) "The Duke LeMay Story"
Wagon Train [Major Adams, Trail Master] (1959, US; TV Series) "The Ella Lindstrom Story" as Lennart Lindstrom
Terry Ross Kelman
An Affair to Remember [Love Affair] (1957, US; Film) as Orphan
Tony Kelvin
(Academy Players Directory) (1972-75)
Steven Kember
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Bad Boyes (1987; TV Series)
Caleb Kemble
The Last Mimzy (2007, US; Film) as Boy in Meadow
Sean Kemery
Spenser: For Hire (1987, US; TV Series) "On the Night He was Betrayed" as Spenser as a Boy
Spenser: For Hire (1988, US; TV Series) "Haunting" as Spenser as a Boy
Travis Kemmer
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Anthony Kemp (Jason Kemp) - b.03Nov1954
Toggle (1967, GB; Film)
The Boys of Paul Street [A Pal utcai fiuk] (1968, Hungary/USA; Film) as Nemecsek
Cry Wolf (1968, GB; Film) as Tony
Oliver! (1968, GB; Film)
Twinky [Lola; Statutory Affair] (1969, GB; Film) as Peter
Cromwell (1970, GB; Film) as Henry Cromwell
Edward Kemp - b.03Apr1960
Cromwell (1970, GB; Film)
Fragment of Fear (1970; Film)
Gary Kemp (Gary James Kemp) - b.16Oct1959
Hide and Seek (1972, UK; Film) as Chris Barker
You Must Be Joking! (1975; TV Series) "Episode #1.4"
Jai Kemp
The Big Wish [More Winners: The Big Wish] (1990, AU; TV Film) as Bully
The Leaving of Liverpool (1992, AU; TV Film) as Bonesy
Jason Kemp -- see: Anthony Kemp
Justin Kemp
Coach (1990, US; TV Series) "Is This Your First Time on the Riverboat, Miss Watkins?" as Billy
Drake Kemper (Drake Yearout Kemper) - b.24Apr1991
Friday Night Slimetime (2005; TV Series) "Halloween Special" as Contestant
Max Rules (2005; Film) as Optimistic Kid
Everybody Hates Chris (2006, US; TV Series) "Everybody Hates Corleone" as Corlene School Kid
Hannah Montana [Hannah Montana Forever; Secret Idol Hannah Montana] (2007; TV Series) "My Boyfriend's Jackson and There's Gonna Be Trouble" as Vip Future Celebrity
Zoey 101 [Zoey] (2007; TV Series) "Zoey's Ribs" as Kiss the Cook Bbq'er
Chasing 3000 (2008; Film) as Danny
Eastwick (2009; TV Series) "Bonfire and Betrayal" as Teenager
Entourage (2009; TV Series) "One Car, Two Car, Red Car, Blue Car" as Gary
FlashForward (2009, US; TV Series) "No More Good Days" as Teen Boy
iCarly (2009, US; TV Series) "iFight Shelby Marx" as Darren
Three Rivers (2009, US; TV Series) "Where We Lie" as Squirrely Friend
Beautiful Boy (2010; Film) as Teenage Burglar
A Fighting Chance (2010; Film) as Alex
Bob Kempf
Kidco (1983, US; Film) as Frank Tebbets
Justin Kendall
Steel Riders (1987, NZ; TV Film) as Sonny
Young Detectives on Wheels [Steel Riders] (1987, New Zealand; TV Film) as Sonny
Lee Kendall
(Academy Players Directory) (1962-63)
Tony Kendrick
(Academy Players Directory) (1951)
The Day Before Tomorrow (c.1951, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Newsboys Holiday (c.1951; TV Short) (unconfirmed)
Matt Kenemore
(Academy Players Directory) (1989)
[Jonathan Kenia]
Jesus (1979, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Brian Kenji
(Academy Players Directory) (1988)
Keith Kennaw
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Robbie Kenneally
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-73)
Billy Kennedy
Everything Nice (2010; Film) as Toby
Horrid Henry: The Movie (2011; Film) as Weeping William
Outside Bet (2012; Film) as Mark 'Bax' Baxter as a Boy
The Woods (2012; Film) as Tommy Cash
The Boy in the Dress (2014, UK; TV Film) as Dennis Sims (12)
Brandyn Kennedy
(Academy Players Directory) (1995)
Brent Kennedy
The Makutu on Mrs Jones (1983, NZ; TV Short) as Boy
Charles Kennedy Jr
(Academy Players Directory) (1969-74)
Don Kennedy
Mary Poppins (1964, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1966)
Eddie Kennedy
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Jerry Kennedy
(Academy Players Directory) (1955-56)
John Kennedy
Conrack (1974, US; Film) as John
Kai Kennedy
LiTTLEMAN [Perfect Gem and Valuable] (2006; Film) as Park Boy
Reaper (2009; TV Series) "To Sprong, with Love" as Kid
Smallville [Smallville Beginnings; Smallville: Superman the Early Years] (2009; TV Series) "Bulletproof" as Danny's Son
Dear Mr Gacy (2010; Film) as Bobby
Kid's Court (2010; Short) as Jimmy
Rainbow Pancakes (2010; Short) as Benjamin Buckley
Shattered (2010; TV Series) "Out of Sorrow" as Thomas Baines
Supernatural (2010, US; TV Series) "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" as Sean Mills
A Weekend to Remember (2010; Short) as Jack Taylor
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011; Film) as Cowering Kid
Blood Moon (2012; Short) as Jordan
Kevin Patrick Kennedy
(Academy Players Directory) (2000)
Lindsay Kennedy - b.04Jan1969
(Academy Players Directory) (1979)
Little House on the Prairie [Little House: A New Beginning] (1982-84, US; TV Series) as Jeb Carter
Matthew Kennedy
Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove (2010; Film) as Kid
Noel Kennedy
Werewolf of London (1935; Film) as Boy
Another Dawn (1937; Film) as Julia's Caddy
Green Light (1937, US; Film) as English Messenger Boy
The Prince and the Pauper (1937, US; Film) as Urchin
Patrick Kennedy
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Richard Kennedy
Newton: A Tale of Two Isaacs (1997, CA; TV Film) as Isaac Newton as a Boy
Roger Kennedy
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-88)
Shane Kennedy
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-95)
Jacob Kenner
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-95)
The Charmings (1987, US; TV Series) "A Charming Halloween" as Donny Miller
The Charmings (1987, US; TV Series) "Yes, Lillian, There Is a Santa Claus" as Donny Miller
Highway to Heaven (1987, US; TV Series) "Man's Best Friend" as Kid
Ralph S. Mouse (1987, US; TV Film) as Brad
The Roseanne Barr Show (1987; TV Film) as Boy
The Charmings (1988; TV Series) "The Woman of His Dreams" as Donny Miller
thirtysomething (1988; TV Series) "Accounts Receivable" as Brad as a Boy
Peacemaker (1990, US; Short) as Charlie
Think Big (1990; Film) as Mitchell
Wheels of Terror (1990; TV Film) as Brad
Why Me? (1990; Film) as Boy
Beethoven (1991, US; Film) as Bully #2
Going Places (1991, US; TV Series) as Max Stone
Morton and Hayes (1991; TV Series) "Society Saps" as Aldo
Motorama (1991; Film)
Step by Step (1992, US; TV Series) "Home Alone" as Kevin
Heart and Souls (1993; Film) as Duane Dortmueller
The Torkelsons [Almost Home] (1993, US; TV Series) "Bowling for Daddies" as Bobby Petrelli
Sister, Sister (1995, US; TV Series) "Dream Lover" as Co-Worker
James Kenney - b.20Jul1930;d.1987
The Young Mr Pitt (1942, GB; Film)
London Town [My Heart Goes Crazy] (1946; Film)
The Magistrate (1946; TV Film) as Cis Farringdon
Circus Boy (1947, GB; Film) as Michael Scott
The Kingdom of God (1947; TV Film) as Filine
Fly Away Peter (1948; TV Film) as George Harris
The Outsider [The Guinea Pig] (1948; Film)
Vice Versa (1948, UK; Film) as Coggs
David Kent
The Barbara Stanwyck Show (1960; TV Anthology) "Ironbark's Bride" as Jared Cahill
Gunsmoke [Marshal Dillon] (1961; TV Series) "Love Thy Neighbor" as Peter
Leave It To Beaver [It's a Small World; Wally and the Beaver] (1961, USA; TV Series) "Weekend Invitation" as Bill Scott
Shirley Temple's Storybook [Shirley Temple Theatre; The Shirley Temple Show] (1961; TV Anthology) "Onawandah" as Onawandah
The Tall Man (1961; TV Series) "A Kind of Courage" as Skip
Two Rode Together (1961; Film) as Running Wolf
Underworld U.S.A. (1961, US; Film) as Tolly Devlin as a Boy (14)
87th Precinct (1962, US; TV Series) "Idol in the Dust" as Richards
General Electric Theatre [G.E. Theatre; G.E. True Theater] (1962; TV Anthology) "Badge of Honor" as Frankie Thomas
Leave It To Beaver [It's a Small World; Wally and the Beaver] (1962, USA; TV Series) "Beaver's Fear" as Bill Scott
Leave It To Beaver [It's a Small World; Wally and the Beaver] (1962, USA; TV Series) "Beaver's Long Night" as Bill Scott
Leave It To Beaver [It's a Small World; Wally and the Beaver] (1962, USA; TV Series) "Eddie Quits School" as Bill Scott
Thriller (1962; TV Anthology) "Kill My Love" as Julian Gutherie
Hud (1963; Film) as Donald
Mr Novak (1963; TV Series) "To Lodge and Dislodge" as Joe Flavio
Stoney Burke (1963; TV Series) "Joby" as Ray
Frank Kent
(Academy Players Directory) (1942)
Kevin M. Kent
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Ryan Kent (Ryan Koyanagi)
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1993, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of the Phone Police" as Chris
Life with Mikey [Give Me a Break] (1993, US; Film) as Evan
Johnny and Clyde (1995, US; TV Film) as Cohort
Alaska (1996; Film) as Chip
Jack Reed: Death and Vengeance (1996, US; TV Film) as Wolf
Poltergeist: The Legacy (1997, Canada/USA; TV Series) "Shadow Fall" as David Shaylett
Sandor Kentner
The Boys of Paul Street [A Pal utcai fiuk] (1968, Hungary/USA; Film) as Torok
Charles Kenworthy
(Academy Players Directory) (1946)
Humoresque (1946, US; Film)
Jimmy Kenworthy
(Academy Players Directory) (1960-61)
John Kenworthy
TRON (1982, US; Film) as Boy in Video Game Arcade
Michael Kenworthy - b.1974
'Night Mother (1986, US; Film) as Kenny Cates
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-89)
The Blob (1988; Film) as Kevin Penny
Just the Ten of Us (1988, US; TV Series) "First Day at School" as Scott
Return of the Living Dead, Part II [Revenge of the Living Dead] (1988, US; Film) as Jesse Wilson
Armand Keosian
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Sean Kepner
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Michiel Kerbosch van der Molen
Fietsen naar de maan [Cycling to the Moon] (1962, NL; Film)
Zak Kerkoulas
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-05)
Dennis Kerlee
The Twilight Zone (1962, US; TV Anthology) "The Changing of the Guard"
Dennison Kerlee
Leave It To Beaver [It's a Small World; Wally and the Beaver] (1959, USA; TV Series) "Wally's Election"
Mitch Kern
(Academy Players Directory) (1981)
Yuval Kernerman
Joshua, Then and Now (1985, CA; Film) as Seymour Kaplan as a Boy
Josh Kerns
(Academy Players Directory) (1976)
Alister Kerr
I, Claudius (1976, UK; TV Film) as Postumus as a Boy
Andrew Kerr
Treasure in the Caves (1980; TV Film) as Johnny
Don Thaddeus Kerr -- see: Donnie Kerr
Donnie Kerr (Don Thaddeus Kerr)
The Young in Heart (1938, US; Film)
The Roaring Twenties (1939, US; Film) as Bobby Hart
(Juvenile Casting Directory) (1940)
The Great McGinty [Down Went McGinty] (1940, US; Film) as Donnie (4)
The Great Moment [Great Without Glory; Triumph Over Pain] (1944, US; Film)
Mark Kerr
(Academy Players Directory) (1966)
Willie Kerr - b.1922
Harmony Row (1933, AU; Film)
The Silence of Dean Maitland (1934, AU; Film)
Norbert Kershner
Pepper [Public Nuisance No. 1] (1936, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1937)
Big City [Skyscraper Wilderness] (1937, US; Film)
Wild and Woolly (1937, US; Film)
Bernd Kersten
Kusschen und der General [Kusschen and the General] (1961, DD; Film) as Kusschen
Martin Kerstin
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Larry Kert
Time Out for Lessons (Our Gang short) [Learn to Play] (1939; Short) as Larry
Lance Kerwin - b.06Nov1960
The Meanest Men in the West (1967, US; TV Film) as Kalig Talbot as a Boy
(Academy Players Directory) (1974-77)
The Bridge of Adam Rush (1974, US; TV Film) as Adam
Cannon (1974; TV Series) "The Exchange"
The Cloning of Richard Swimmer (1974, US; Film)
Emergency! [Emergencia; Emergency One] (1974; TV Series) "Messin' Around"
The Greatest Gift (1974, US; TV Film)
The Healers (1974, US; TV Film)
Little House on the Prairie [Little House: A New Beginning] (1974, US; TV Series) "100 Mile Walk" as Danny Peters
Pssst! Hammerman's After You (1974, US; TV Short) as Izzy
Reflections of Murder (1974, US; TV Film) as Chip
To Hear a Rainbow Sing (1974, US; Film)
Escape to Witch Mountain (1975, US; Film)
The Family Holvak (1975-77, US; TV Series) as Ramey Holvak
Me and Dad's New Wife (1975, US; TV Short) as Buzz
My Love (1975; TV Film) as Ramey
The Amazing Cosmic Awareness of Duffy Moon (1976, US; TV Film) as Peter Finley
Amelia Earhart (1976, US; TV Film) as David Putnam
The Bionic Woman (1976, US; TV Series) "Jaime and the King"
The Loneliest Runner (1976, US; TV Film) as John Curtis as a Teen
P.J. and the President's Son (1976, US; TV Film)
Side Show (1976, US; TV Film)
The Death of Richie [Richie] (1977; TV Film) as Russell Werner
James at 15 (1977, US; TV Film) as James Hunter (15)
James at 15 [James at 16] (1977-78; TV Series) as James Hunter (15)
Wonder Woman [The New Original Wonder Woman/The New Adventures of Wonder Woman] (1977; TV Series) "The Bushwhackers" as Jeff Hadley
Young Joe, the Forgotten Kennedy (1977, US; TV Film) as Joe Kennedy Jr
Salem's Lot [Blood Thirst] (1979, US; TV Film) as Mark Petrie
Shane Kerwin
The Shooting (1982, US; TV Film)
Buchanan High School: Deadline (1985, US; TV Anthology) as Teenager
Michael Keslin
Age 13 (1955; Short) as Andrew (13)
Maximillian Kesmodel (Maximillian Orion Kesmodel/Max Kesmodel) - b.01Nov1996
American History X (1998; Film) as Danny Vinyard as a Boy
Max Keeble's Big Move [7th Grade Heart Attack; Trouble Kids] (2001, US; Film) as Max Keeble as a Toddler (4)
Six Feet Under (2001; TV Series) "Knock, Knock" as David Fisher as a Boy
Six Feet Under (2001; TV Series) "Pilot" as David Fisher as a Boy
Six Feet Under (2001; TV Series) "The Will" as David Fisher as a Boy
For Mature Audiences Only (2002; Short) as Cub Scout
Star Trek: Enterprise [Enterprise] (2003; TV Series) "Similitude" as Sim Trip as a Toddler (4)
Charmed (2004; TV Series) "The Legend of Sleepy Halliwell" as Christopher Halliwell
Annie's Point (2005; TV Film) as Sam
Angels with Dirty Spaces (2007; Short) as Father Sullivan
ER [Emergency Room] (2007, US; TV Series) "Gravity" as Tommy Santo
Family Karma (2007; Short) as Taylor
Brandon Kessel
(Academy Players Directory) (1999-03)
Sam Kessel - b.24May1989
Tsatsiki, morsan och polisen [Tsatsiki, moren og politimanden] (1999; Film) as Par Hammar
Tillsammans [Together] (2000; Film) as Stefan
Familjehemligheter [Familie-hemmeligheter; Family Secrets] (2001; Film) as Kjell
Tsatsiki - Vanner for alltid [Tsatsiki: Friends Forever] (2001; Film) as Par Hammar
Boban hockeystjarnan [Boban the Hockey Star] (2003; Film) as Magnus
Dag och natt [Dag og nat; Day and Night] (2004; Film) as Emil
Livet enligt Rosa (2005; TV Series) "Del 8" as Anton
Jared Kesselman
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-89)
Glen Kessler
(Academy Players Directory) (1964-65)
Jordan Kessler
Parenthood (1989, US; Film) as Matt
Eric Kessner
(Players Guide [New York]) (1974)
Brad Kesten (Brad Garrett Kesten) - b.18Jun1971
(Academy Players Directory) (1980-89)
Don't Look Back: The Story of Leroy 'Satchel' Paig (1981; TV Film)
Strike Force (1981, US; TV Series) "Magic Man" as Kenny
Diff'rent Strokes [45 Minutes From Harlem] (1982, US; TV Series) "Push Comes to Shove" as Bobby Garth
Trapper John, M.D. (1982, US; TV Series) "Earthquake" as Eric
Trapper John, M.D. (1982, US; TV Series) "John's Other Life" as Kid
Taxi (1983, US; TV Series) "Sugar Ray Nardo" as Bulldog Greg
Hail to the Chief (1985; TV Series) "Episode #1.7" as Ulysses Stryker
The Butterfly Revolution [Summer Camp Nightmare] (1986, US; Film) as Gogo
Monster in the Closet (1986; Film) as Rex
Sidekicks [Karate Kid and Co.; The Last Electric Knight] (1986, US; TV Series) "Pilot: The Last Electric Knight" as Boy #3
Starman (1986, US; TV Series) "The Return" as Boy
Family Ties (1987, US; TV Series) "Dream Date" as Brad
Our House (1987, US; TV Series) "Sounds from a Silent Clock"
Our House (1987, US; TV Series) "They Also Serve" as Ken Morton
Silver Spoons (1987; TV Series) "Band on the Run" as Bobby
Superior Court (1988; TV Series) "Bad Blood" as Lance
Superior Court (1988; TV Series) "Church Fire" as Lance
Day by Day (1989, US; TV Series) "Out for a Stretch" as Billy
The Judge (1989, US; TV Series) "The Brutal Truth" as Frank Steelly
The Judge (1989, US; TV Series) "The Master" as Frank Steelly
She's Out of Control (1989, US; Film) as Andy
Robin Keston - b.12Sep1963
10 Rillington Place (1971; Film) as Boy
The Man from Nowhere (1975; Film) as Jim
The Many Wives of Patrick (1976; TV Series) "Why Not Tonight, Josephine?" as Alphonse Fabre
The Phoenix and the Carpet (1977; TV Series) "The Temple of the Phoenix" as Ike
Tales of the Unexpected [Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected] (1980, UK; TV Anthology) "The Stinker" as Boy
Damon Ketchens
(Academy Players Directory) (1973-74)
Bronson Ketchum
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
Dwight P. Ketchum
(Academy Players Directory) (1997-00)
Fanny Ketter
Reel (2013; Short) as Robert
Jerry Kettering
(Academy Players Directory) (1941)
Rich Kettley (Richard Kettley)
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-90)
Richard Kettley -- see: Rich Kettley
Mark Keuning
(Academy Players Directory) (1950-52)
Dark City (1950, US; Film) as Billy Winant
Three Came Home (1950, US; Film) as Georgie Keith
Alex Kew - b.21Oct1986
Sex and Chocolate (1997; TV Film) as Lewis
2point4 Children (1999; TV Series) "After the Fox" as Declan
2point4 Children (1999; TV Series) "Enter the Dragon" as Declan
2point4 Children (1999; TV Series) "The Millennium Experience" as Declan
2point4 Children (1999; TV Series) "Sticky Fingers" as Declan
Boyz Unlimited (1999; TV Series) "Episode #1.1"
My Parents Are Aliens (1999-05; TV Series) as Josh Barker
Reach for the Moon (2000; TV Film) as Simon Arroway
The Strangerers (2000; TV Series) "Fargle" as Boy With Ray Gun
The Wilsons (2000; TV Series) "Episode #1.1" as Boy
About a Boy [Pour un garcon] (2002, UK; Film) as Simon Cosgrove
The Bill (2004, UK; TV Series) "192" as Craig Tucker
Skandar Keynes (Skandar Amin Casper Keynes) - b.05Sep1991
Victoria Died in 1901 and is Still Alive Today (2001, UK; TV Film) as Waif
Ferrari (2003, IT; TV Film) as Enzo Ferrari as a Boy (8)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005; Film) as Edmund Pevensie
Prince Caspian [The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian] (2008, UK; Film) as Edmund Pevensie
Aryel Keys
(Academy Players Directory) (1940)
The Hard-Boiled Canary [There's Magic in Music] (1941, US; Film)
Billy Keys
(Children's Casting Directory) (1940)
Bryson Keyser (Bryson Montgomery Keyser) - b.27Nov1998
My Roommate the (2011; TV Series) "Party Planner" as Zach
Dad vs Lad (2012-14; TV Series) as Weston
Democracy at Work (2012; Film) as Dr Mike's Older Son
Franklin and Bash (2012; TV Series) "Waiting on a Friend" as Jared Franklin as a Boy
In a Sense (2012; Short) as Derek as a Teen
MyMusic (2012; TV Series) "Party Time!" as Lenny
Pipelines (2012; Short) as Jack as a Teen
Up in Arms (2012; TV Series) "Hungry Games" as Bobby Flay
Totally (2013; Short) as Jesse
Anthony Keyvan - b.13Aug2000
Mustang Magic (2008; Short) as Grandpa (10)
Lost (2009; TV Series) "He's Our You" as Sayid Jarrah as a Boy
Amexica (2010; Film) as Boy Look-Alike
iCarly (2010, US; TV Series) "iSell Penny Tees" as Jake
The Space Between (2010; Film) as Omar
Grey's Anatomy (2011; TV Series) "I Will Survive" as Miguel Aranda
In Plain Sight (2011; TV Series) "Kumar vs Kumar" as Vikram Kumar
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit [Law and Order's Sex Crimes] (2011; TV Series) "Blood Brothers" as Arturo Rivera
Mossadegh (2011; Short) as Soccer Player #1
Necessary Roughness (2012; TV Series) "Spell It Out" as Mukesh Jeevan
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (2013; TV Series) "Bad Blood" as Jafar as a Boy
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (2013; TV Series) "The Serpent" as Jafar as a Boy
Twisted (2013; TV Series) "Grief Is a Five-Letter Word" as Danny Desai as a Boy (11)
Twisted (2013; TV Series) "Pilot" as Danny Desai as a Boy (11)
Twisted (2013; TV Series) "Sleeping with the Frenemy" as Danny Desai as a Boy (11)
Twisted (2013; TV Series) "The Truth Will Out" as Danny Desai as a Boy (11)
Bad Teacher (2014; TV Series) "Evaluation Day" as Parker
Bad Teacher (2014; TV Series) "Pilot" as Parker
Ben Keyworth
Afraid of the Dark (1991; Film) as Lucas (11)
George Kezas
Woman of the Year (1942, US; Film) as Chris
William Kezele (William A. Kezele)
The Great Brain (1978, US; Film) as Danny Forester
Aziz Khaldoun
Abraham [The Bible - Abraham] (1993, DE; TV Film) as Serug as a Boy
Adam Khalil
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-92)
Alex Khalil
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-92)
Chris Khalil
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-99)
Partap Khalsa
(Academy Players Directory) (1999)
Way Past Cool (2000; Film) as Curtis
Akram Khan
The Mahabharata [Le Mahabharata] (1989, UK; TV Film) as Ekatavya
Imran Badsah Khan
City of Joy (1992; Film) as Manooj Pal
Sajid Khan (Sajid Kahn) - b.28Dec1951;d.22Dec2023
Maya [Maya the Magnificent] (1966, US; Film) as Raji
Maya (1967-68, US; TV Series) as Raji
Sheik Khan
Chariots of Fire (1981, UK; Film)
Gandhi (1982; Film)
The Missionary (1982, UK; Film)
The Professionals (c.1983, UK; TV Series)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984, US; Film)
A Passage to India (1984; Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Minder (c.1985, UK; TV Series)
Ahmad Khansarri
Shazdeh Ehtejab [Prince Ehtejab] (1974, IR; Film)
Vahid Khansarri
Shazdeh Ehtejab [Prince Ehtejab] (1974, IR; Film)
Vitya Kharitonov
Ni slova o futballe [Not a Word About Soccer] (1974, SU; Film)
Lenya Kharonski
Kapronoviye seti [The Kapronov Nets] (1962, SU; Film)
Na Wittaya Khemngeun
Three Summer Days (2015; Short) as Gem
Seth Kibel
Nemo [Dream One; Little Nemo] (1984, France/UK/US; Film) as Nemo as a Boy
Borys Kibler
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
John Kibrick
(Academy Players Directory) (1959)
Leonard Kibrick (Leonard Kibrick Warner) - b.06Sep1924;d.04Jan1993
The Bowery [New York 1886] (1933, US; Film) as Older Boy on Pier
Lone Cowboy (1933, US; Film) as Irving
A Man's Castle [A Hunk O' Blue] (1933, US; Film) as Baseball Team Catcher
The Mystery Squadron (1933; Serial) as Boy With Bag of Jellybeans
Flirting with Danger (1934, US; Film) as Little Bill
For Pete's Sake (Our Gang short) [Doll Diggers of 1934] (1934, US; Short) as Leonard
I'll Fix It (1934, US; Film) as Boy
Kid Millions (1934, US; Film) as Lenny
Mike Fright (Our Gang short) (1934, US; Short) as Leonard
Shrimps for a Day (Our Gang short) (1934, US; Short) as Leonard
Washee Ironee (Our Gang short) (1934, US; Short) as Leonard
Ah, Wilderness! (1935, US; Film) as Boy With Firecrackers
Anniversary Trouble (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Leonard
Beginner's Luck (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Leonard
Life Returns (1935, US; Film) as Boy in Clubhouse
Our Gang Follies of 1936 (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Leonard
Two-Fisted [Is Zat So?] (1935, US; Film) as Boy Outside Boxing Ring
Under Pressure (1935; Film)
(Children's Casting Directory) (1936-40)
At Sea Ashore (1936; Short)
Conflict [The Showdown] (1936, US; Film) as Boy
Divot Diggers (Our Gang short) (1936; Short) as Caddy
Kelly the Second [Irish Washerwoman] (1936, US; Film) as Newsboy
Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936, US; Film) as Fighting Boy
The Lucky Corner (Our Gang short) [Follow the Leader; Lemonade Trust] (1936, US; Short) as Leonard
The Poor Little Rich Girl (1936, US; Film) as Freckles
San Francisco (1936, US; Film) as Choirboy
Dangerous Holiday (1937, US; Film) as Butch the Bully
Dimples [The Bowery Princess] (1937, US; Film) as Band Member
The Great O'Malley (1937; Film) as Newsboy
It Could Happen To You [It Might Happen To You] (1937, US; Film) as Boy
Love is News (1937, US; Film) as Newsboy
Michael O'Halloran (1937, US; Film) as Benny Levinsky
Nothing Sacred (1937, US; Film) as Boy Chorister
One Mile from Heaven (1937; Film) as Butch
Two Wise Maids (1937, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1938)
Boys Town (1938, US; Film)
Five of a Kind (1938, US; Film) as Newsboy
The Goldwyn Follies (1938; Film)
Just Around the Corner (1938, US; Film)
Love is a Headache (1938, US; Film) as Mike's Friend
My Lucky Star (1938, US; Film)
Peck's Bad Boy with the Circus (1938, US; Film)
A Slight Case of Murder (1938, US; Film) as Orphan
Fisherman's Wharf (1939, US; Film) as Gang Member/Accordion Player
Flying G-Men (1939, US; Serial) as Junior Air Defender
It's a Wonderful World (1939, US; Film) as Herman Plotka
Jesse James (1939, US; Film) as Boy
Rose of Washington Square (1939, US; Film) as Newsboy
She Married a Cop [Fighting Irish; Cartoon Lover; Love's a Fable; Laughing Irish Hearts] (1939, US; Film)
Stanley and Livingstone [Henry M. Stanley] (1939, US; Film)
Tail Spin (1939, US; Film)
(Juvenile Casting Directory) (1940)
He Married His Wife (1940; Film) as Messenger Boy
It Happened in Flatbush (1942, US; Film) as Kid Running Down Sidewalk
Roxie Hart (1942, US; Film) as Newsboy
Sidney Kibrick - b.02Jul1928
The Bowery [New York 1886] (1933, US; Film) as Boy on Pier Eating Sandwich
The Kid's Last Fight (1933, US; Short) as Thug
Out All Night (1933, US; Film) as Boy
Allez Oop (1934; Short) as Boy Watching Buster
Anniversary Trouble (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Sidney
Beginner's Luck (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Sidney
Little Papa (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Sidney
Little Sinner (Our Gang short) (1935; Short) as Sidney
Our Gang Follies of 1936 (Our Gang short) (1935, US; Short) as Sidney
Tomorrow's Youth (1935, US; Film) as Boy Waiting to Play Baseball
(Children's Casting Directory) (1936-40)
Bored of Education (Our Gang short) (1936, US; Short) as Sidney
Pay As You Exit (Our Gang short) (1936, US; Short) as Sidney
The Peppery Salt (1936; Short) as Boy
The Pinch Singer (Our Gang short) (1936, US; Short) as Sidney
San Francisco (1936, US; Film) as Choirboy
Two Too Young (Our Gang short) (1936; Short) as Sidney
Annabel Takes a Tour [Annabel Takes a Trip] (1937, US; Film)
Dead End [Cradle of Crime; Dead End: Cradle of Crime] (1937, US; Film) as Boy
Fishy Tales (Our Gang short) (1937; Short) as Woim
Glove Taps (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Woim
The Great O'Malley (1937; Film) as Street Kid
Hearts are Thumps (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Woim
Heaven on a Shoestring (1937, US; Film)
Nothing Sacred (1937, US; Film) as Boy Chorister With Squirrel
The Pigskin Palooka (Our Gang short) (1937, US; Short) as Woim
Reunion in Rhythm (Our Gang short) (1937; Short) as Sidney
Rushin' Ballet (Our Gang short) (1937; Short) as Woim
(Academy Players Directory) (1938)
Boys Town (1938, US; Film)
Came the Brawn (Our Gang short) (1938, US; Short) as Woim
Football Romeo (Our Gang short) (1938, US; Short) as Woim
Just Around the Corner (1938, US; Film)
The Little Ranger (Our Gang short) (1938, US; Short) as Woim
Party Fever (Our Gang short) (1938; Short) as Woim
Practical Jokers (Our Gang short) (1938; Short) as Woim
Rawhide (1938, US; Film) as Boy Playing Baseball
A Trip to Paris (1938, US; Film)
Auto Antics (Our Gang short) (1939; Short) as Woim
Captain Spanky's Show Boat (Our Gang short) (1939; Short) as Woim
Cousin Wilbur (Our Gang short) (1939, US; Short) as Woim
Dog Daze (Our Gang short) (1939; Short) as Woim
Duel Personalities (Our Gang short) (1939; Short) as Woim
Everybody's Baby [Bundle of Joy] (1939, US; Film)
Gone with the Wind (1939, US; Film)
Jesse James (1939, US; Film) as Boy
The Jones Family in Hollywood (1939, US; Film) as Boy
Time Out for Lessons (Our Gang short) [Learn to Play] (1939; Short) as Football Player
Wall Street Cowboy (1939, US; Film)
(Juvenile Casting Directory) (1940)
Pier 13 (1940, US; Film) as Boy Catcher
Spring Parade (1940, US; Film) as Boy
Flight Lieutenant [He's My Old Man] (1942, US; Film) as Pudgy
The Man Who Returned to Life (1942, US; Film) as Newsboy
Keep 'Em Slugging (1943; Film)
Chris Kidd
Cry from the Mountain (1985, US; Film) as Cal Sanders
Reny Kidd
Oliver Twist (1940, US; Film)
Sredni Vashtar (1942, US; Film)
Ian Kiddy
Beware My Brethren (1971; Film)
Billy Kidston
In Love With Life (1934, US; Film)
Our Daily Bread [Hell's Crossroads; The Miracle of Life] (1934, US; Film)
The Scarlet Letter (1934, US; Film)
(Children's Casting Directory) (1935)
Tomorrow's Youth (1935, US; Film)
John Kidwell
Shattered Dreams (1990, US; TV Film) as Mark as a Boy (6)
Anthony Kiedis -- see: Cole Dammett
Wolfgang Kieling - b.16Mar1924;d.07Oct1985
Guten Abend, Gute Nacht [Good Evening, Good Night] (1936, GE; Film)
Hier irrt Schiller [Schiller is Wrong] (1936, GE; Film)
Maria, die Magd [Maria the Maid] (1936, GE; Film)
Heimweh [Homesickness] (1937, GE; Film)
Die Kreutzersonate [The Kreutzer Sonata] (1937, GE; Film)
Frauen fur Golden Hill [Women for Golden Hill] (1938, GE; Film)
Gute Reise, Herr Meyer [Bon Voyage, Herr Meyer] (1938, GE; Film)
Klimbusch macht Wochenende [Klimbusch's Weekend] (1938, GE; Film)
Schatten uber St Pauli [Shadow Over St Pauli] (1938, GE; Film)
Traume sind Schaume [Dreams Are Only Bubbles] (1938, GE; Film)
Die Reise nach Tilsit [The Journey to Tilsit] (1939, GE; Film)
Falstaff in Wien [Falstaff in Vienna] (1940, GE; Film)
Herz geht vor Anker [Heart at Anchor] (1940, GE; Film)
Seitensprunge [Something On the Side] (1940, GE; Film)
Gary Kielty - b.22Jul1967
Vice Versa (1981, UK; TV Series)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Oliver! (c.1982, CA; Stage)
Justin Kielty - b.12Mar1972
The Shining (1980, US; Film)
Findings on a Late Afternoon (1981, UK; TV Film) as Gerald as a Boy
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
Flowers For Algernon (c.1982; Stage) as Charlie as a Boy
John David (1982, UK; TV Film) as Boy
A Better Class of Person [Too Young to Fight, Too Old to Forget] (1985, UK; TV Film) as Micky
Hans Kiesouw
Creatures the World Forgot (1970; Film) as The 'Dark' Boy
Robby Kiger (Robert Creighton Kiger) - b.11Jun1973
All the Way Home (1981, US; TV Film) as Jim-Wilson Follet
The Big Stuffed Dog (1981, US; TV Short) as Robbie
The Greatest American Hero (1981; TV Series) "The Greatest American Hero"
A Matter of Life and Death (1981, US; TV Film) as Mike
The Patricia Neal Story (1981, US; TV Film) as Theo Dahl
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-86)
Happy Endings [Staying Together] (1983, US; TV Film) as Bobby Bartlett
Littleshots [Little Shots] (1983, US; TV Film) as Spitter
Memorial Day (1983; TV Film) as Jamie
Table for Five (1983, US; Film) as Truman-Paul Tannen
Who Will Love My Children? (1983, US; TV Film) as Frank Fray
The A-Team (1984, US; TV Series) "Semi-Friendly Persuasion" as Ollie
Children of the Corn (1984, US; Film) as Job
Crazy Like a Fox (1984-86, US; TV Series) as Josh Fox
Micki and Maude (1984, US; Film) as Ehren Lanford
One Day at a Time (1984, US; TV Series) "Meaning of Life" as Larry
The Monster Squad (1987, US; Film) as Patrick
Still Crazy Like a Fox (1987, US; TV Film) as Josh Fox
Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (1990, US; Film) as Beannie Billings
Robert Creighton Kiger -- see: Robby Kiger
Kenneth Kightly
(Academy Players Directory) (1972)
David Kikuta - b.09Mar1989
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-03)
Liar Liar (1997, US; Film) as Boy at Party and School
The Pretender (1999, US; TV Series) "Countdown" as Kid
Terence Kilbourne -- see: Terry Kilburn
Martin Kilburn
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Terry Kilburn (Terence Kilbourne) - b.25Nov1926
(Academy Players Directory) (1938-40)
A Christmas Carol [Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol] (1938, US; Film) as Tiny Tim Cratchit
Lord Jeff [The Boy from Barnardo's] (1938, US; Film) as Albert Baker
Sweethearts (1938, US; Film) as Brother
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939, US; Film) as Billy
Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever (1939, US; Film) as 'Stickin' Plaster' Higginbotham
Goodbye Mr Chips (1939, GB; Film) as John Colley/Peter Colley I/Peter Colley II/Peter Colley III
They Shall Have Music [Melody of Youth; Music School; Ragged Angels] (1939, US; Film) as Limey
Foreign Correspondent [Personal History] (1940, US; Film)
Swiss Family Robinson (1940, US; Film) as Ernest Robinson
Mercy Island (1941, US; Film)
Random Harvest (1942, US; Film) as Newsboy
A Yank at Eton (1942, US; Film) as Hilspeth
Dickie Kilby
(Classified Stage-Screen Children's Album) (1929)
The Girl from Havana (1929, US; Film)
Sunny Side Up (1929, US; Film)
(Talking Picture Children) (1930)
Baby Follies (1930, US; Short)
The Bishop Murder Case (1930, US; Film)
Harmony At Home [She Steps Out] (1930; Film)
The March of Time (1930; Film)
Nathan Kiley
One Small Hero (1999, US; Film) as Joey Cooper
Ball in the House [Relative Evil] (2001; Film) as Benji
Robert Kilfoil
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
Charlie Kilgore
Cousin Ben Troop Screening with Jason Schwartzman (2012; Short)
Moonrise Kingdom (2012, US; Film) as Lazy Eye
Bambi Cottages (2014; TV Film) as Russell Burke
Divorce (2015; TV Series) as Tom
No Letting Go (2015; Film) as Charlie as a Teen (14)
Joshua Kilimnik
Bruno and Boots: Go Jump in the Pool (2015; TV Film) as Elmer
Odd Squad (2015; TV Series) "Disorder in the Court" as Odd Todd
Odd Squad (2015; TV Series) "The O Games" as Odd Todd
Odd Squad (2015; TV Series) "Trading Places/Bad Lemonade" as Odd Todd
Odd Squad (2015; TV Series) "Training Day" as Odd Todd
Taran Killam - b.01Apr1982
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult [Naked Gun 33 1/3: Just for the Record] (1994, US; Film) as Boy of Geriatric Park
The Jersey (2000; TV Series) "Nick's a Chick" as Varsity #1
Judging Amy (2000; TV Series) "The Wee Hours" as Freddie Felleman
Touched by an Angel (2000, US; TV Series) "The Grudge" as Robert Harrigan as a Teen
Taylor Killam
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Bo Killen
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Harold Killgore
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Brandon Killham - b.30Dec1997
(Academy Players Directory) (2005)
The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005; Film) as Andy Stitzer as a Boy
Queen of Cactus Cove (2005; Short) as Chess Player
Sex, Shoes and Unicorns (2005; Film)
Arrested Development (2006; TV Series) "Development Arrested" as Michael Bluth as a Boy
The Champ (2006, US; Short) as Mad Scientist as a Boy
Dexter (2006, US; TV Series) "Born Free" as Brian Moser as a Boy
Talkshow with Spike Feresten (2006; TV Series) "Jeff Garlin" as Unruly Kid
Things You Don't Tell . . . (2006; Film) as Ted as a Boy
Two and a Half Men (2006; TV Series) "Apologies for the Frivolity" as Joey
Unidentified (2006; Film) as William as a Boy
Cory in the House (2007; TV Series) "Nappers' Delight" as Tyler
Criminal Minds (2007, US; TV Series) "Scared to Death" as Stanley Howard as a Boy
Dexter (2007, US; TV Series) "Waiting to Exhale" as Brian Moser as a Boy
Mad Men (2007-13; TV Series) as Don Draper/Dick Whitman as a Boy
October Road (2007; TV Series) "How to Kiss Hello" as Jasper
October Road (2007; TV Series) "Once Around the Block" as Jasper
The Riches (2007; TV Series) "Waiting for Dogot" as Davey
Sleep in Heavenly Peace (2007; Short) as Tommy Jackson
Without a Trace [Vanished; W.A.T.] (2007, US; TV Series) "Claus and Effect" as Jared
Billy (2008; TV Series)
Ernesto (2008, US; TV Film) as Austin Cutler as a Boy
My Name Is Earl (2008; TV Series) "Killerball" as Brett as a Boy
October Road (2008; TV Series) "As Soon as You Are Able" as Jasper
October Road (2008; TV Series) "The Fine Art of Surfacing" as Jasper
Ghost Whisperer (2009; TV Series) "Ghost Busted" as Jacob (10)
Opposite Day (2009, US; Film) as Kid Tour Guide
A Wagon Full of Mischief (2009; Short) as Smarts
My First Claire (2010; Short) as Teddy Kargman
Community (2012; TV Series) "Contemporary Impressionists" as Howie
Last Man Standing (2012; TV Series) "Mother Fracker" as Dylan
James Killmond
(Academy Players Directory) (1975)
William Killmond
(Academy Players Directory) (1975)
Lincoln Kilpatrick Jr - b.04Oct1961
Sanford and Son (1973, US; TV Series) "The Kid" as Jason (9)
(Academy Players Directory) (1977-79)
Myles Kilpatrick - b.24Aug1993
ER [Emergency Room] (1999, US; TV Series) "Humpty Dumpty" as Boy
Judgment Day (1999; Film) as Michael
The West Wing [The White House] (2000; TV Series) "The Midterms" as Jeffrey Mackintosh
One on One (2002; TV Series) "Crappy Birthday" as Duane Odell Knox as a Boy
Alvin Kim
M*A*S*H [MASH] (1977, US; TV Series) "Souvenirs" as Chin
Alvin J. Kim
(Academy Players Directory) (1979)
Antik Kim
Ai-Gul (1936, SU; Film)
Christopher Kim
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Ivan Kim - b.20May1983
Feed Your Mind (1995, US; TV Series) as Ivan Kim (12)
London Kim
Jim Henson's Mother Goose Stories (1990; TV Anthology) "Rub a Dub Dub" as The Candlestick Maker
Ticoon Kim
Paper Hearts (2012; Film) as Danni
Rookie Blue (2012; TV Series) "The Rules" as Boy
Odd Squad (2014; TV Series) "Reindeer Games" as Agent Ong
Tim Kim (Tim Kimber)
(Academy Players Directory) (1975)
The Family Nobody Wanted (1975, US; TV Film) as Ton
Kim Chol - b.28Aug1955
A Boy in Keumdol (1968, KN; Film)
Sea of Blood (1969, KN; Film)
The Engine-Driver's Son (1971, KN; Film)
Brady Kimball
(Academy Players Directory) (1999-02)
Jason Kimball
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Tim Kimber -- see: Tim Kim
Scott Kimble
When Every Day was the Fourth of July (1977, US; TV Film) as Dave Zimmer
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-81)
Billy Kimbley (William Kimbley) - b.02Feb1938;d.07May1980
(Academy Players Directory) (1947-48)
High Conquest (1947, US; Film)
It Happened in Brooklyn (1947, US; Film)
Song of My Heart [Tragic Symphony] (1947, US; Film)
Embraceable You (1948; Film) as Boy
Give My Regards to Broadway (1948, US; Film) as Bert (7)
Incident (1948; Film) as Street Kid
Panhandle (1948; Film)
Up in Central Park (1948, US; Film)
Prejudice (1949, US; Film) as Eddie
Shep Comes Home (1949, US; Film) as Larry Havens Jr
The Gene Autry Show (1950, US; TV Series) "The Killer Horse" as Chuck Jones
Raiders of Tomahawk Creek [Circle of Fear] (1950, US; Film) as Billy Calhoun
Silver City Bonanza (1951, US; Film) as Jimmy McIntosh
Big Town (1953; TV Series) "The Story of Jerry Baxter"
William Kimbley -- see: Billy Kimbley
Donald Kimmel
Taps [The Siege at Bunker Hill: T.A.P.S.] (1981, US; Film) as Billy Harris
Eric Kimmel
Joshua, Then and Now (1985, CA; Film) as Joshua Shapiro as a Boy
Starting from Scratch [Boys Will Be Boys] (1989, US; TV Series) "Episode #17"
Darren Kimpton - b.14Aug1969
Scrooge (1981; Stage) as Peter Cratchit
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
Blue Peter (1982, UK; TV Series)
Pink Floyd the Wall (1982, GB; Film)
The Sword and the Flame (1982; Film) as Gary (unconfirmed)
That's Life (1982; TV Series)
Hiei Kimura
Dare mo shiranai [Nobody Knows] (2004; Film) as Shigeru
George Kinamis (George Davis) - b.11May1983
Goosebumps [Ultimate Goosebumps] (1995, Canada; TV Anthology) "The Haunted Mask" as Steve Boswell
Tommy Boy (1995, US; Film) as Kid at Lake
Jesse Kinaru
Visit to a Chief's Son (1974, US; Film) as Codonyo
Cameron Kincade
(Academy Players Directory) (1973)
Shon Kincade
(Academy Players Directory) (1973)
Alfred Kincaid
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Billy Kincaid
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-80)
Stephen Kincaid
(Academy Players Directory) (1962-64)
Kurt Kinder (Kurt Christopher Kinder) - b.21Jun1975
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-91)
CBS Summer Playhouse (1988, US; TV Anthology) "Fort Figueroa" as Kyle Perry
Where Pigeons Go To Die (1990, US; TV Film) as Arnie
Kurt Christopher Kinder - b.21Jun1975
Hider in the House (1989, US; Film) as Neil Dreyer
Duane Kindoll
(Academy Players Directory) (1982)
Oliver Kindred (Oliver A. Kindred) - b.26Jan1989
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-94)
Liar Liar (1997, US; Film)
Bubble Boy (2001; Film) as Neighborhood Boy
Delivering Milo (2001; Film) as Curtis
Ted Bundy [Bundy] (2002; Film)
Sam Kindseth - b.1999c.
Bundy: An American Icon [Bundy: A Legacy of Evil] (2008; Film) as Ted Bundy as a Boy (8)
Retribution (2012; TV Film) as Steven
Stolen Child (2012; TV Film) as Scott
Under the Bed (2012; Film) as Robert Evans
Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous (2013; TV Series) "Pilot" as Punk Kid
American Viral (2014; TV Series) "Bullied Balls" as Cory Busk
American Viral (2014; TV Series) "Paging Dr Giggles" as Cory Busk
American Viral (2014; TV Series) "Sex Chat" as Cory Busk
Shameless (2014; TV Series) "Hope Springs Paternal" as Fiore
Shameless (2014; TV Series) "A Jailbird, Invalid, Martyr, Cutter, Retard, and" as Fiore
Taken Away (2014; TV Film) as Christian
The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story (2014; TV Film) as Dustin Diamond
The Goldbergs [How the Hell am I Normal?] (2015; TV Series) "La Biblioteca Es Libros" as David Sirota
The Goldbergs [How the Hell am I Normal?] (2015; TV Series) "I Drank the Mold" as David Sirota
The Goldbergs [How the Hell am I Normal?] (2015; TV Series) "Van People" as David Sirota
Little Boy (2015; Film) as Ronnie
Austin King
(Academy Players Directory) (1997)
Billy King [1]
(Academy Players Directory) (1937)
Hopalong Rides Again (1937; Film)
Texas Trail (1937; Film)
Heart of Arizona (1938; Film)
Pride of the West (1938; Film)
Billy King [2]
O.K. Crackerby! (1965; TV Series)
The Patty Duke Show (1965, US; TV Series) "My Cousin the Heroine" as Tommy
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
High Fidelity (c.1966, US; Stage)
Rip van Winkle (c.1966, US; Film) (unconfirmed)
Traveller Without Luggage (c.1966, US; Stage)
Bix King
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-01)
Bob King
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Cameron King
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Casey King [1]
(Academy Players Directory) (1970)
Casey King [2]
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-99)
Chip King
East Side, West Side (1964, US; TV Series)
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
The Ed Sullivan Show [Toast of the Town] (c.1966, US; TV Variety)
Naked City [The Naked City] (c.1963, US; TV Series)
The Perry Como Show (c.1963; TV Series)
Chris King
Manny's Orphans (1978, US; Film) as Boy From Creighton Hall
Christopher W. King
The New Lassie (1989, US; TV Series) "New Generation" as Marty
Cory King
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1993, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of Locker 22" as Chris
Danni King
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-88)
David King (David 'Skippy' King)
(Screen Children Magazine) (1938)
(Juvenile Casting Directory) (1940)
(Academy Players Directory) (1947-48)
Donald King
Curley [Hal Roach Comedy Carnival; The Adventures of Curley and his Gang] (1947, US; Film) as Dat
Who Killed 'Doc' Robbin? [Curley and His Gang in the Haunted Mansion; Sinister House] (1948, US; Film) as Dat
Edward King
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1981, UK; TV Film)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Nancy Astor (1982, UK; TV Film)
Ian King
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-11)
Jason King
Young Detectives on Wheels [Steel Riders] (1987, New Zealand; TV Film) as Broadside
Jean Paul King
The Dark at the Top of the Stairs (1960, US; Film) as Boy
Jeffrey King (Jeffrey Thomas King)
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-91)
Joe King
Creepshow (1982; Film) as Billy
Jon King
(Academy Players Directory) (1972-80)
Kevin King
(Academy Players Directory) (1969-72)
Kevin Patrick King
(Academy Players Directory) (1999)
Nicholas King
Max Keeble's Big Move [7th Grade Heart Attack; Trouble Kids] (2001, US; Film) as Skater Wannabe
Nicolas King
A Thousand Clowns (2001, US; Stage) as Nick (10)
Paul King (Paul D. King)
(Academy Players Directory) (1972-81)
Archie Bunker's Place (1981, US; TV Series) "Stephanie's Dance" as Eric
Archie Bunker's Place (1982, US; TV Series) "Love is Hell" as Eric
Paul Henry King
(Academy Players Directory) (1981-84)
Rasmus King
Bosch and Rockit [Ocean Boy] (2021; Film) as Rockit
Raymond King
The Getaway (1972; Film) as Boy on Train
Robert M. King
(Academy Players Directory) (1989-91)
Ronnie King
The Makutu on Mrs Jones (1983, NZ; TV Short) as Tawhai's Friend
Ryan King
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-91)
Sasha King
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Stuart King
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1981, UK; Stage) as Moth
Tanner King
The Babe (1992, US; Film) as Joey
Coopersmith (1992; TV Film) as Wilder's Son
Richard Kingery -- see: Richard Mosier
Lee Mete Kingi
The Ray Bradbury Theater (1992, CA; TV Anthology) "Sun and Shaddow" as Tomas Reyes
Christopher A. Kingsbury
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Albert Kingsley
The Son of Cain (1916, US; Film) as Kid
(The Standard) (1925-26)
(The Screen Artist) (1926)
Snowed In (1926, US; Film)
Volcano (1926; Film)
Condemned [Condemned to Devil's Island] (1929; Film) as Felix
Harold Mark Kingsley
The Indomitable Teddy Roosevelt (1986, US; Film) as Teddy Roosevelt as a Boy
Jason Kingsley
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Nigel Kingsley - b.1953
Sands of the Kalahari (1965; Film) as Ape!!
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or [Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines] (1965; Film) as Ponticelli
Finders Keepers (1966; Film)
Half a Sixpence (1967, GB/US; Film) as Extra
Our Mother's House (1967, GB/US; Film)
Carry On . . . Up the Khyber [Carry On . . . Up the Khyber, or The British Position in India] (1968, UK; Film) as Indian Boy
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang [Ian Fleming's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang] (1968, GB; Film) as Boy in Castle
Isadora [The Loves of Isadora] (1968; Film) as Extra
The Killing of Sister George (1968; Film) as Extra
Oliver! (1968, GB; Film) as Fagin's Boy
Otley (1968; Film) as Boy
Comedy Playhouse (1969; TV Anthology) "Tooth and Claw" as Boy
Cromwell (1970, GB; Film) as Servant
S.W.A.L.K. [Melody; To Have Somebody; To Have Someone] (1970, GB; Film) as Boys' Group
Fiddler on the Roof (1971; Film)
A Touch of Class [Weekend Love] (1973; Film) as Extra
Claude Kingston
The Curse of Frankenstein (1957; Film) as Grandson
Andre Jamal Kinney (Andre Kinney) - b.15Apr1989
Santa with Muscles (1996, US; Film) as Steven
Beverly Hills 90210 [Class of Beverly Hills] (1999, US; TV Series) "Nine Yolks Whipped Lightly" as Rj
Martial Law (1999, US; TV Series) "Substitutes"
Wayans Bros. (1999, US; TV Series) "Big Brother"
The District (2000, US; TV Series) as Alex Carter (10)
The Parkers (2000; TV Series) "Bad to the Bone" as Joey
Cedric the Entertainer Presents (2002-03; TV Series) as Dancer
Sonny Listening (2002; Film)
Yo, Tyrone (2002, US; TV Short) as Tyrone
The Bernie Mac Show (2003, US; TV Series) "Meet the Grandparents" as Todd
Malcolm in the Middle (2003, US; TV Series) "Boys at Ranch" as Teenage Son
N.Y.P.D. Blue [N.Y.P.D] (2003-04; TV Series) as Michael Woodruff
Bruce Kinney
(Academy Players Directory) (1974)
Gene Kinney
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Tsuyoshi Kinoshita
The Boy (1969, US; TV Series) as Younger Brother
Edwin Kinter
Bustin' Loose (1981; Film) as Tony/Anthony
Daniel Kipling
Shoestring (1979, UK; TV Series)
Time Out of Mind (1979, UK; TV Anthology)
Children of the Full Moon (1980, UK; TV Film) as Andreas
The House That Bled to Death (1980; TV Film)
Stig of the Dump (1981, GB; TV Series) as Ted Snargot
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982-85)
Cinderella (c.1985; Stage)
Other Places (c.1985; Stage)
So You Want to Be Top (c.1985, UK; TV Series)
The Sound of Music (c.1985; Stage)
Jonas Kipp
Kinderspiele (1992, Germany; Film) as Micha
Shane Kippel - b.04Jun1986
Degrassi: The Next Generation (2001-10; TV Series) as Gavin 'Spinner' Mason
Todd and the Book of Pure Evil (2003; Film) as Chad the Jock
Life with Derek (2006; TV Series) "Battle of the Bands" as Ralph
Life with Derek (2007; TV Series) "Cheerleader Casey" as Ralph
Life with Derek (2007; TV Series) "Two Dates and a Third Wheel" as Ralph
Colin Kippenberg (Colin Benjamin Kippenberg) - b.17May1980
Nicht von schlechten Eltern (1993, Germany; TV Series) as Alexander Schefer
Dylan Kippes -- see: Dylan Kipps
Dylan Kipps (Dylan Kippes)
Labou (2008, US; Film) as Cool Kid
Jackie Kirby
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
[John Kirby]
The Judge (c.1987, US; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Leonard Kirby
The Return of the Sand Fairy (1993; TV Film) as Pip/Philip
Malcolm Kirby
Armchair Theatre (1956; TV Anthology) "The Mother" as Peter
Kenilworth (1957; TV Series) "Episode #1.4"
Soapbox Derby (1958, GB; Film) as John
Michael Kirby
Bugsy Malone (1976, GB; Film) as Angelo
Reid Kirchenbauer
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-05)
Fritz Kirchner -- see: Fritz Bantam
Jeff Kirchner -- see: Jeff Bantam
Mike Kirchner -- see: Mike Bantam
Tommy Kirchner
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966)
The Jackie Gleason Show [The Color Honeymooners] (c.1966; TV Series)
Snips 'n Snails and Puppy Dogs Tails (c.1966, US; Short)
Andy Kirk
(Academy Players Directory) (1960)
The Donna Reed Show (1961, US; TV Series) as Larry
Chris Kirk
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Cody Kirk
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-94)
David Kirk - b.10Nov1966
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
A.J. Wentworth B.A. (1982, UK; TV Series) as Schoolboy
Razzmatazz (c.1982; TV Series) as Popscotch
Unforgettable Christmas (c.1982; TV Film) (unconfirmed)
James Kirk - b.02May1986
Golf Punks [National Lampoon's Golf Punks] (1998; Film) as Peter Wiley
The Christmas Secret [Flight of the Reindeer] (2000; TV Film)
Once Upon a Christmas (2000; Film) as Kyle Morgan
Dark Angel [James Cameron's Dark Angel] (2001; TV Series) "Pollo Loco" as Ben as a Boy
Mindstorm (2001; Film) as Malcolm as a Boy
Seven Days [Seven Days: The Series] (2001; TV Series) "Head Case" as Maxwell as a Boy
Twice Upon a Christmas [Rudolfa's Revenge] (2001; TV Film) as Kyle Morgan
Bang, Bang, You're Dead (2002, USA/Canada; TV Film) as Cameron
Due East (2002; TV Film) as Jack Purdue Jr
Night Visions [Night Terrors] (2002, CA/US; TV Anthology) "Harmony" as Tim
A Season on the Brink (2002; TV Film) as Patrick Knight
Shadow Realm (2002; TV Film) as Tim
Taken [Steven Spielberg Presents Taken] (2002, US; TV Film) "High Hopes" as Jesse Keys as a Teen
Talking to Heaven [Living with the Dead] (2002, US; TV Film) as Eddie Katz
America Off Line (2003; Film)
Final Destination 2 (2003; Film) as Tim Carpenter
Word of Honor (2003; TV Film) as David Tyson
X2 [X-2; X-Men 2; X-Men 2: X-Men United] (2003; Film) as Ronny Drake
Dead Like Me (2004; TV Series) "Rites of Passage" as Tommy
Eve's Christmas (2004; TV Film) as Drew Simon
Naughty or Nice (2004; TV Film) as Michael
Romeo! (2004; TV Series) "Nuthin But Net" as Cal
Smallville [Smallville Beginnings; Smallville: Superman the Early Years] (2004, US; TV Series) "Resurrection" as Garrett Davis
Johnny Kirk
(Academy Players Directory) (1959-60)
Patrick Kirk
(Academy Players Directory) (1949)
Magdalena (c.1949, US; Stage)
Ryan Kirk
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-94)
Thomas Harvey Kirk -- see: Tommy Kirk
Tommy Kirk (Thomas Harvey Kirk) - b.10Dec1941;d.28Sep2021
Mickey Mouse Club (1955-56, US; TV Series) as Tommy
(Academy Players Directory) (1956-58)
Freedom Highway [Down Liberty Road] (1956; Short) as Jimmy Rollins
Frontier (1956, US; TV Series) "The Devil and Doctor O'Hara" as Mike Austin
The Loretta Young Show [Letter to Loretta] (1956, US; TV Anthology) "But for God's Grace" as Alvin Simms
The Loretta Young Show [Letter to Loretta] (1956, US; TV Anthology) "Little League" as Mark Seaton
Back from the Dead [Bury Me Dead] (1957, US; Film)
The Californians (1957, US; TV Series) "Little Lost Man" as Billy Kilgore
The Hardy Boys (1957, US; TV Serial) as Joe Hardy
Old Yeller (1957, US; Film) as Travis Coates
The Others (1957, US; TV Film)
Playhouse 90 (1959, US; TV Anthology) "A Corner of the Garden" as Jack
The Shaggy Dog (1959, US; Film) as Wilby Daniels
Swiss Family Robinson (1960, US; Film) as Ernst Robinson
Paul Kirkbright
Jossy's Giants (1986-87, UK; TV Series) as Ricky Sweet
John Kirkconnell
Immediate Family [Parental Guidance] (1989, US; Film) as Son at Game
MacGyver (1990, US; TV Series) "Lesson in Evil" as Kid
Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus (1991; TV Film) as Sean
Stay Tuned (1992, US; Film)
The Odyssey [The Jellybean Odyssey] (1994, CA; TV Series) "The Plague" as Shuffle
White Tiger (1996; Film) as Josh Grogan
Andrew Kirkham - b.30Nov1974
Crime and Punishment (1983; Stage)
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1985)
Peter Kirkham
Oliver Twist (2007, UK; TV Film) as Oakum Boy
Tracy Kirkpatrick
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
Gene Kirkwood
(Academy Players Directory) (1963)
Andy Kirsh
(Academy Players Directory) (1982)
Greg Kiselyuk
(Academy Players Directory) (1998)
Kevin Kishler
(Academy Players Directory) (1968-80)
Misha Kislaryoff
Zelyoni patrul [The Green Patrol] (1961, SU; Film)
Vesyoliye istori [Merry Tales] (1962, SU; Film)
Vova Kislenko
Zvyozdochka [Little Star; Pilipko] (1962, SU; Film)
Yunga so shkhuni 'Kolumb' [The Boy from the Schooner 'Columbus'] (1963, SU; Film)
Aaron Kisner
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-93)
Kiss Antal
Legy jo mindhalalig [Be Good All Your Life; Stay Good Until Death] (1960, HU; Film)
Puskak es galambok [Guns and Doves] (1961, HU; Film)
Egyiptomi tortenet [Egyptian Story] (1962, HU; Film)
Shawn Kissinger
Barbie Boy (2014; Short) as Trevor
Albert Kissner
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1945)
Jeremy James Kissner - b.1985
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-01)
Great Expectations (1997, US; Film) as Finnegan Bell (10)
A Dog of Flanders (1998; Film) as Nello Daas as a Teen
A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001, US; Film) as Kid
Aaron Kistler
(Academy Players Directory) (1983-85)
Anton Lemuel Kitaj -- see: Lem Kitaj
Lem Kitaj (Anton Lemuel Kitaj/Lem Dobbs) - b.1959
The Boy Who Turned Yellow (1972, GB; Film) as Munro
Gavin Kitchen - b.17Mar1964
The Paper Lads (1977-79; TV Series) as Ian
Cheyenne Kitchikake
Blauvogel [Bluehawk] (1994, US; TV Film) as Silberfuchs/Silver Fox as a Boy (13)
The Eagle and the Horse [L'aigle et le cheval] (1994; TV Film) as Paco
Jake Kitchin
Killer (2015; Short) as Joe
Matthew Kitchin
The Police (1990, UK; TV Film) as Nervous Boy
Bryan James Kitto (Bryan James) - b.29Aug1993
Pizza My Heart (2005; TV Film) as Antonio
Big Momma's House 2 (2006, US; Film) as Trent's Friend
Labou (2008, US; Film) as Toddster
Niilo Kivirinta
At Play in the Fields of the Lord (1991; Film) as Billy Quarrier
David Kivlin
The Dollar Bottom (1980, UK; Short) as Schoolboy
Chariots of Fire (1981, UK; Film) as Scots Boy #1
Anthony Kivos
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Richard Kizirian
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-95)
Jordan Kiziuk
The Island on Bird Street (1998; Film) as Alex
Alf Kjellin
Hets [Frenzy] (1944, SE; Film) as Jan-Erik Widgren
Ulf Bo Klahn - b.19Jun1949
Altid ballade [Always Trouble] (1955, DK; Film) as Ras Nielsen
Thomas Klameth - b.07Mar1943
Heidi (1952, Switzerland; Film) as Geissenpeter/Peter the Goatherd
Heidi und Peter (1954, CH; Film)
Robert Klamser
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Charles Klapow
(Academy Players Directory) (1997)
Wojciech Klata
Dekalog [The Ten Commandments] (1988, PL; Film)
Korczak (1990, PL/GE/FR/GB; Film)
Josh Klausner
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-92)
Tyler Kleban
The American Dream Contest (1989, US)
(Academy Players Directory) (1990)
Max Klee
(Academy Players Directory) (1985)
Danny Klein
(Academy Players Directory) (1985)
David Klein - b.04Jan1983
Working It Out (1990; TV Series) "First Date From Hell" as Chuckie
The Jerky Boys (1995, US; Film) as Johnny Brennan as a Boy
Rose Hill (1997, Canada/USA; TV Film) as Douglas Clayborne (13)
Edmund Klein
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Gert Klein
Dann schon lieber Lebertran [I'd Rather Have Cod-Liver Oil] (1931, GE; Film)
Gregory Klein
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-94)
Henkie Klein - b.01Jun1921
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht [Silent Night, Holy Night] (1925, NL; Film)
Droomkoninkje [Little Dream King] (1926, NL; Film)
Amsterdam (1928, NL; Film)
Zeemansvrouwen [Sailors' Wives] (1930, NL; Film)
Hollands jeugd [Dutch Youth] (1934, NL; Film)
Jared Klein
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Jonny Klein
(Academy Players Directory) (1985)
Nicholas Klein
Jewels (1992; TV Film) as Phillip as a Toddler (4)
Ricky Klein
(Academy Players Directory) (1957-60)
Spencer Klein - b.31Aug1986
Life Goes On [Glenbrook] (1989, US; TV Series) "Life Goes On (and On and On)" as Nick (6)
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-99)
I Don't Buy Kisses Anymore (1992; Film) as Boy in Candy Store
Mad About You (1992; TV Series) as Ryan Devanow
Joe's Life (1993, US; TV Series) as Scott Gennaro
Seinfeld (1994; TV Series) "The Race" as Kid
Live Shot (1995, US; TV Series) as Sean Rydell
Jingle All the Way (1996, US; Film) as Kid in Turbo Man Commercial
Mother (1996, US; Film) as Josh Henderson
Sisters (1996, US; TV Series) "Guess Who's Coming to Seder" as David
Touched by an Angel (1996, US; TV Series) "Rock 'N' Roll Dad" as Dylan Mateos
Slappy and the Stinkers [Free Slappy; Stinkers] (1997, US; Film) as Spencer Dane Jr
Free Enterprise (1998; Film) as Robert as a Boy
Stephan Klein
(Academy Players Directory) (1989)
Against the Law (1990; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Tory J. Klein
(Academy Players Directory) (2003)
Travis Klein
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-97)
Andrew Kleiner
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Danny Kleinheksel
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-79)
Jonny Kleinheksel
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-79)
Danny Klemencic
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Zach Klemmer
Ignito! (2009, US; Short) as First Hit/Baseball Teen #1
Marcus Klemp
Shimmer (1993, US; TV Film) as Spacy/John Callahan
Matt Klemp
Toilers and Wayfarers (1996, US; Film) as Dieter (16)
Jeffrey Klepper
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-96)
Paul Klerk
Vincent and Me (1990; Film) as Joris
Brandon Kleyla - b.04May1983
Now and Then (1995, US; Film) as Bobby Fricker
Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering [Children of the Corn IV] (1996; Film) as Josiah
(Academy Players Directory) (1997)
Free Enterprise (1998; Film) as Kevin as a Boy
Gods and Monsters (1998; Film) as Whale as a Boy
Bradley Kleyne
The Plot to Kill Hitler (1990, Yugoslavia/US; TV Film) as Berthold
Rudolf Klicks - b.21May1917
Das Erste Recht des Kindes [A Child's First Right] (1932, GE; Film)
Marschall Vorwarts [Marshal Forwards] (1932, GE; Film)
Tannenberg (1932, GE; Film)
Heimkehr ins Gluck [Happy Homecoming] (1933, GE; Film)
Madels von heute [Young Girls Today] (1933, GE; Film)
Zimmermadchen . . . dreimal klingen [Ring Three Times for Chambermaid] (1933, GE; Film)
Yonah Kliger
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-83)
Benjamin Kliman
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-99)
Igor Klimenkov
Shchastlivovo plavaniya [Safe Journey] (1949, SU; Film)
Valentin Klimenkov
Malenki serzhant [The Little Sergeant] (1976, SU; Film)
Vitya Klimov
Bolshiye i malenkiye [Big and Small] (1963, SU; Film)
Tsvetniye sni [Dreams in Colour] (1963, SU; Film)
Adam Kline
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Jeff Kline
Hero [Accidental Hero; Hero and a Half] (1992, US; Film) as Street Kid
Nicholas Kline
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-03)
Owen Kline - b.14Oct1991
The Anniversary Party (2001, US; Film) as Jack Gold
The Squid and the Whale (2005, US; Film) as Frank Berkman
Joel Kling
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Tanner Kling
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Barry Klinger
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Ben Klinger
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Brendan Klinger
(Academy Players Directory) (1981-88)
A Long Way Home (1981, US; TV Film) as David Branch (5)
Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983, US; Film) as Cooger as a Boy
Kelly Klippness
(Academy Players Directory) (1971-72)
Alan Klitenic
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
Chase Klitzner
Kicking and Screaming [Soccer Dads] (2005, US; Film) as Tigers Player
Justin Kloeckner
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Cody Klop - b.05Jul1993
MADtv (2003; TV Series) "Episode #9.4" as Michael
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (2004; TV Series) "Episode #12.149" as Back to School Kid
MADtv (2005; TV Series) "Episode #11.1" as Bratty Kid
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (2005; TV Series) "Episode #13.107" as Boy
Yes, Dear (2005, US; TV Series) "I Wish That I Had Sammy's Girl" as Kevin Gallagher
Charlie (2006; Short) as Tom Evans
Gilmore Girls [Gilmore Girls: Beginnings] (2006; TV Series) "Merry Fisticuffs" as Jacob
The King of Queens (2006; TV Series) "Buggie Nights" as Frederick
Left in Darkness (2006; Film) as Donovan as a Boy
MADtv (2006; TV Series) "Episode #11.17" as Boy
Weeds (2006; TV Series) "A.K.A. The Plant" as No Way
Weeds (2006; TV Series) "MILF Money" as No Way
Weeds (2006; TV Series) "Mrs Botwin's Neighborhood" as No Way
Zoey 101 [Zoey] (2006; TV Series) "Spring Break-Up" as Boy #2
My Name Is Earl (2007; TV Series) "The Birthday Party" as Eric
3-Minute Game Show (2008; TV Series) "Camp Rock"
Shades of Ray (2008; Film) as Sal Garfinkle as a Boy (12)
Ugly Betty (2008; TV Series) "The Kids Are Alright" as Daniel Meade as a Boy
Parks and Recreation [Parks and Rec] (2009; TV Series) "Greg Pikitis" as Greg Pikitis
Star Trek [Star Trek XI; Star Trek Zero; Star Trek: The Future Begins] (2009, US; Film) as Vulcan Bully
Big Love (2010-11; TV Series) as Gary Embry
Criminal Minds (2011, US; TV Series) "Big Sea" as James Rhymer
Rizzoli and Isles (2011; TV Series) "Rebel Without a Pause" as Ben Dunn
Parks and Recreation [Parks and Rec] (2014; TV Series) "Prom" as Greg Pikitis
Cohl Kenneth Klop (Cohl Klop) - b.12Nov1996
Earth to America (2005; TV Film) as Global Warming Protector
Passions [Harmony's Passions; The Passions Storm] (2005; TV Series) "Episode #1.1602" as Trick or Treater
Weekends at the DL (2005; TV Series) "Episode #1.13" as Dylan
MADtv (2006; TV Series) "Episode #11.13" as Evan Cragg
MADtv (2006; TV Series) "Episode #11.18" as Evan Cragg
MADtv (2006; TV Series) "Episode #11.9" as Football Player
MADtv (2007; TV Series) "Episode #12.16" as Sick Boy
Fragments [Breaking Point; Winged Creatures] (2008; Film) as Prayer Group Kid
A Relative Stranger (2010; Short) as Sam
Greetings from Home (2012; TV Series) as Todd
This Is Why I'm Single (2012; TV Series) "The Marlboro Man" as Sean/Marlboro Man
Happy Endings (2013; TV Series) "The Straight Dope" as Scalper
Workaholics (2013; TV Series) "Fourth and Inches" as High School Dude
Adam Klugman
The Odd Couple (1974, US; TV Series) "Cleanliness is Next to Impossible" as Oscar Madison as a Boy
Jett Klyne
The Boy (2016; Film) as Brahms Heelshire as a Boy
Kevin Knapman -- see: Kevin Jones [2]
Rudy Knaus
(Academy Players Directory) (1943)
Vern Knaus
Journey to Spirit Island (1988; Film) as Boy #1
Ryan Knefel
(Academy Players Directory) (2001-06)
Chris Kneisley
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Greg Knesel
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-85)
Charles Knetschke (Charles Brauer) - b.03Jul1935
Irgendwo in Berlin [Somewhere in Berlin] (1946, DD; Film) as Gustav Iller
Und wieder 48! [48 Again!] (1948, DD; Film)
David Ramirez Knezevic
Shower Boys (2021; Short) as Noel
Aramis Knight - b.03Oct1999
Boston Legal (2005; TV Series) "Gone" as Tito Perez
Boston Legal (2005; TV Series) "Legal Deficits" as Tito Perez
Invasion (2005; TV Series) "Pilot" as Hispanic Boy
Cold Case (2006; TV Series) "The War at Home" as Emilio Valens
Day Break (2006; TV Series) "Pilot" as Jenga Player
Day Break (2006; TV Series) "What If They Run?" as Jenga Player
Rendition (2007; Film) as Jeremy El-Ibrahimi
Dexter (2008, US; TV Series) "All in the Family" as Carlos
Dexter (2008, US; TV Series) "Easy as Pie" as Carlos
Dexter (2008, US; TV Series) "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" as Carlos
Hannah Montana [Hannah Montana Forever; Secret Idol Hannah Montana] (2008; TV Series) "We're All on This Date Together" as Boy #3
Life on Mars (2008, US; TV Film)
Single with Parents (2008; TV Film) as Dylan
Crossing Over (2009; Film) as Juan Sanchez
Ghost Whisperer (2009; TV Series) "Dead Listing" as Gus
Hatching Pete (2009; TV Film) as Wendell Pate
Santa Buddies [Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws] (2009; Film) as Budha
Lost (2010; TV Series) "Sundown" as Sam
The Middle (2010, US; TV Series) "TV or Not TV" as Mitch
Sons of Tucson (2010; TV Series) "Kisses and Beads" as Boy #2
Valentine's Day (2010; Film)
The Whole Truth (2010; TV Series) "Judicial Discretion" as Justin Brogan
The Whole Truth (2010; TV Series) "Liars" as Justin Brogan
General Hospital (2011; TV Series) "Episode #1.12447" as Sonny Corinthos as a Boy
General Hospital (2011; TV Series) "Episode #1.12448" as Sonny Corinthos as a Boy
General Hospital (2011; TV Series) "Episode #1.12456" as Sonny Corinthos as a Boy
NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service [NCIS] (2011; TV Series) "Freedom" as Nick Miller
Parenthood (2011; TV Series) "Amazing Andy and His Wonderful World of Bugs" as Judah
Psych (2011; TV Series) "Shawn Rescues Darth Vader" as Justin
Rizzoli and Isles (2011; TV Series) "Brown Eyed Girl" as Joey Mateo
Bucket and Skinner's Epic Adventures (2012; TV Series) "Epic Haunting" as Anthony
The Dark Knight Rises [T.D.K.R.] (2012; Film) as Kid With Apple
The Mentalist (2012; TV Series) "Red Dawn" as Alex Dos Santos
Royal Pains (2012; TV Series) "Something Fishy This Way Comes" as Amir
Deadtime Stories (2013; TV Anthology) "Terror in Tiny Town" as Zack
Ender's Game (2013, US; Film) as Bean
Welcome to the Family (2013; TV Series) "Pilot" as Demetrio Hernandez
Girl Meets World [Disney Girl Meets World] (2014, US; TV Series) "Girl Meets Friendship" as Brandon
Tell Me About It, Wendy (2014; Short) as Peter Pan
Billy Boy (2015; Film) as Carlos
Into the Badlands (2015-25; TV Series) as M.K.
Scorpion (2015; TV Series) "Going South" as Paco
Teen Wolf (2015; TV Series) "Episode #5.11" as Scott McCall as a Teen
Ashley Knight - b.19Aug1959
S.W.A.L.K. [Melody; To Have Somebody; To Have Someone] (1970, GB; Film) as Stacey
To Catch a Spy (1971; Film) as Schoolboy #1
Shades of Greene (1975; TV Series) "The Root of All Evil" as Schmidt as a Boy
Softly Softly: Task Force (1975, UK; TV Series) "Choirboy" as Andy Hartley
BBC Play of the Month (1976; TV Anthology) "Chester Mystery Cycle"
I, Claudius (1976, UK; TV Film) as Claudius as a Boy
Westway (1976; TV Series) as Phil Saxby
The Winter Warrior (1976, UK; TV Film) as Eadward
Drama (1977; TV Anthology) "Six Characters in Search of an Author by Pirandello" as Boy
Fathers and Families (1977; TV Series) "Winter Shapes" as Ben Carlton
Here I Stand . . . (1977; TV Series) "Margaret Clitheroe" as Harry Clitherow
Treasure Island (1977; TV Film) as Jim Hawkins
Avery Knight
(Academy Players Directory) (2005)
Chris Knight
(Academy Players Directory) (1974)
Christopher Knight - b.07Nov1957
(Academy Players Directory) (1966-74)
The Brady Bunch [Pop-Up Brady; The Brady Brood] (1969-74, US; TV Series) as Peter Brady
The Summer of the Swans [Sara's Summer of the Swans] (1974, US; TV Film) as Joe
David Knight
(Academy Players Directory) (1971-76)
The Brady Bunch [Pop-Up Brady; The Brady Brood] (c.1972, US; TV Series)
Davidson Knight
Bugsy Malone (1976, GB; Film) as Cagey Joe
Eric Knight
The Pack [The Long, Hard Night] (1977; Film) as Guy
Gary Knight
(Academy Players Directory) (1947)
Howard Knight (Malcolm Howard Knight) - b.15Apr1950
The Divided Heart (1954, GB; Film) as Orphan
Out of the Clouds (1955; Film)
Richard III (1955, GB; Film) as Boy
The Door in the Wall (1956, GB; Short) as Frankie
Jacqueline (1956, GB; Film) as Choir Boy
The Beasts of Marseilles [Seven Thunders] (1957, UK; Film)
No Time for Tears (1957, GB; Film)
Sea Wife (1957; Film) as Boy on Ship
Life in Emergency Ward 10 (1959; Film) as Boy #2
Village of the Damned (1960, UK; Film) as Boy
One Step Beyond [Alcoa Presents] (1961, US; TV Anthology) "Eyewitness" as Danny
The Shadow of the Cat (1961; Film) as Son
The Dickie Henderson Show (1962; TV Series) "The Gangster"
The Stepfather (1962; TV Film) as John Stewart
Studio 4 (1962; TV Series) "Comrade Jacob" as Sutton's Son
The Chem. Lab. Mystery (1963; TV Film) as Kenneth
The Dickie Henderson Show (1963; TV Series) "The School Play"
Suspense (1963; TV Anthology) "Thunder on Sycamore Street" as Roger
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel (1964; TV Film) as Ripton Thompson
Poison Island (1965; TV Film) as Scotty MacLean
Gideon C.I.D. [Gideon's Way] (1966; TV Series) "Boy with a Gun" as Chris Kirk
To Sir, with Love (1967; Film)
The Wednesday Play (1967; TV Anthology) "Who's Going to Take Me On?"
J.T. Knight
(Academy Players Directory) (2005)
Jack Knight [1]
Wilde [Oscar Wilde] (1997, UK; Film) as Cyril Wilde
Jack Knight [2]
Queer as Folk [Q.A.F.] (2002; TV Series) "Episode #2.9" as John
Street Time (2002-03; TV Series) as Sean Hunter
Dead Lawyers (2004; TV Film) as Jonathan Blake
Some Things That Stay [Run Away Home] (2004; Film) as Robert Anderson
Still Game (2004; TV Series) "Hoaliday" as Stephen
A Lobster Tale (2006; Film) as Jake Brewer
Touch the Top of the World (2006; TV Film) as Erik Weihenmayer as a Teen (16)
The Altar Boy Gang (2007; TV Film) as Sean Gallagher
Loonie (2007; Film) as Dylan
Heartland (2009-10, Canada; TV Series) as Badger
Flashpoint (2010-12; TV Series) as Dean Parker
Getting Past the Bull (2011; Film) as Marty as a Boy
James 'J.T.' Knight
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Malcolm Howard Knight -- see: Howard Knight
Mark Knight
(Academy Players Directory) (1966-70)
Mason Knight - b.12Jan1994
The Benchwarmers (2006; Film) as Charlie Catcher
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny [Kings of Rock - Tenacious D] (2006; Film) as Kg as a Boy
Norbit [Mad Fat Wife] (2007; Film)
A/S/L: Age Sex Location (2008; Film) as Kenny
Leverage (2009; TV Series) "The Fairy Godparents Job" as Skyler Sanford
Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling (2009, US; Film) as Kyle
Matthew Knight - b.16Feb1994
Queer as Folk [Q.A.F.] (2002; TV Series) "Episode #2.9" as Peter
1-800-Missing [Missing] (2003; TV Series) "Victoria" as Peter Melnyk
Big Spender (2003; TV Film) as Will Burton
Peep (2004; Film) as Harry
Cheaper by the Dozen 2 [Moins cher la douzaine 2] (2005; Film) as Theatre Kid
The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005; Film) as Francis Ouimet as a Boy
Kojak (2005; TV Series) "Hitman" as Paulie Wagner
Kojak (2005; TV Series) "Kind of Blue" as Paulie Wagner
Candles on Bay Street (2006; TV Film) as Trooper
For the Love of a Child (2006; TV Film) as Jacob Fletcher
The Grudge 2 (2006; Film) as Jake
Intimate Stranger (2006; TV Film) as Justin Reese
Skinwalkers (2006; Film) as Timothy Talbot
Skyland (2006; TV Series) "The Secret Power" as Spencer
All the Good Ones Are Married (2007; TV Film) as Luke Gold
Christmas in Wonderland (2007; Film) as Brian Saunders
Super Why! (2007; TV Series) "Humpty Dumpty" as Humpty Dumpty
The Dresden Files (2008; TV Series) "Birds of a Feather" as Harry Dresden as a Boy
The Dresden Files (2008; TV Series) "Unaired Pilot: Storm Front" as Harry Dresden as a Boy
The Dresden Files (2008; TV Series) "What About Bob?" as Harry Dresden as a Boy
Finn on the Fly (2008; Film) as Ben Soledad
The Good Witch (2008; TV Film) as Brandon Russell
Cartoon Gene (2009; TV Series) as Gene
Flashpoint (2010-12; TV Series) as Isaac
Gooby (2009; Film) as Willy
The Good Witch's Garden (2009; TV Film) as Brandon Russell
The Grudge 3 (2009; Film) as Jake
The Good Witch's Gift (2010; TV Film) as Brandon Russell
A Heartland Christmas (2010, Canada; TV Film) as Sam 'Badger' Hawke
My Babysitter's a Vampire (2010; TV Film) as Ethan
My Babysitter's a Vampire (2011-12; TV Series) as Ethan
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour [The Haunting Hour: The Series] (2011, USA/Canada; TV Anthology) "Alien Candy" as Greg
Maxim Knight - b.21Aug1999
All for Melissa (2007; Film) as Jared Rogers as a Boy
Al's Beef (2008; Short) as Boy
Ball Don't Lie (2008; Film) as Sticky (7)
The Coast (2008; Short) as Paul
Frank TV (2008; TV Series) "Damn Frankies" as Goblin Trick-Or-Treater
Gator Armstrong Plays with Dolls (2008; Short) as Brother
How My Dad Killed Dracula (2008; Short) as Todd
Number One Dad (2008; Short) as Bobby
Our First Christmas (2008; TV Film) as Jacob
Brothers and Sisters [Brothers and Sisters] (2009, US; TV Series) "Nearlyweds" as Seth
The Cleaner (2009; TV Series) "An Ordinary Man" as Aidan Kern
Family Dinner (2009, US; Short) as Ryan O'Connell
Slaughter (2009; Film) as Cort
Three Rivers (2009, US; TV Series) "Where We Lie" as Dylan Campbell
Criminal Minds (2010; TV Series) "Our Darkest Hour" as Carter
C.S.I.: Miami [CSI: Weekends] (2011; TV Series) "Countermeasures" as Austin North
Falling Skies (2011-25; TV Series) as Matt Mason
Funny or Die Presents . . . (2011, US; TV Series) "Episode #2.1" as Ducca's Son
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [It's Always Sunny] (2011; TV Series) "Frank Reynolds' Little Beauties" as Benjamin
Parenthood (2011; TV Series) "Amazing Andy and His Wonderful World of Bugs" as Henry
Wilfred (2011; TV Series) "Isolation" as Adam
A Golden Christmas 3 (2012; TV Film) as Richie
Trigger (2012; Film) as Ryan as a Boy
Medeas (2013; Film) as Jacob
Chasing Life (2014; TV Series) "Episode #1.15" as Julian
Nic Knight
The Whipping Boy [Prince Brat and the Whipping Boy] (1994; TV Film) as Prince Horace
Travis Knight
UHF [The Vidiot From UHF] (1989; Film) as Billy
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-97)
Murder or Memory? (1994, US; TV Film) as Ryan
Trenton Knight (Trenton R. Knight) - b.1982
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-97)
The Waiter (1993; Film) as Tommy as a Boy
Because Mommy Works (1994; TV Film) as Ben
Charlie's Ghost [Charlie's Ghost Story; Charlie's Ghost: The Story of Coronado] (1994, US; Film) as Charlie
Charlie's Ghost Story (1994; Film) as Charlie
Hardball (1994, US; TV Series) "Mike's Release" as Timmy
Models Inc. (1994; TV Series) "It'll Never Happen Again and Again and Again" as Kyle Carson
Models Inc. (1994; TV Series) "Skin Deep" as Kyle Carson
Models Inc. (1994; TV Series) "Strictly Business" as Kyle Carson
Models Inc. (1994; TV Series) "When Girls Collide" as Kyle Carson
Munchie Strikes Back (1994; Film) as Chris McClelland
ER [Emergency Room] (1995, US; TV Series) "Long Day's Journey"
Invisible Mom (1995, US; Film) as Josh Griffin
The Skateboard Kid 2 (1995, US; Film) as Sammy Curtis
The Tin Soldier (1995, US; TV Film) as Billy McClusky
Forest Warrior (1996; TV Film) as Justin Franklin
The Trojan Horse (1997; TV Film) as Hector
Invisible Mom II (1998, US; Film) as Josh Griffin
Gavin Knights
The Storyteller [The Jim Henson Hour] (1988, UK; TV Anthology) "The Soldier and Death"
Andrew Knott - b.22Nov1979
The Secret Garden (1993, GB; Film) as Dickon
Black Beauty (1994, US; Film) as Joe Green
Where the Heart Is (1997-04, GB; TV Series) as Henry Green
Christopher Knowings
Crooklyn (1994, US; Film) as Nate Carmichael
Chad Knowles
(Academy Players Directory) (1977)
Dean Knowles
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
William Knowles
(Academy Players Directory) (2000)
Gage Knox
Beware of Dog (2002, US; TV Series) as Mark Poole
Kenny Knox
(Players Guide [New York]) (1966-74)
Mame (c.1974, US; Stage) as Peter Dennis
The Sound of Music (c.1974, US; Stage) as Kurt Von Trapp
(Academy Players Directory) (1975-76)
Norman Knox
Forever Young, Forever Free [E'Lollipop; Lollipop] (1976, South Africa; Film) as Jannie
Terrorist (1976, ZA; Film)
Tigers Don't Cry (1976, ZA; Film)
Paul Knox
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Tyrone Knox
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Eric Knudsen
(Academy Players Directory) (1972-77)
Erik Knudsen - b.25Mar1988
I Was a Sixth Grade Alien [My Best Friend is an Alien] (1999; TV Series)
Real Kids, Real Adventures (1999, US; TV Anthology) "Heimlich Hero: The Michelle Shreffler Story" as Alex Shreffler
Blackout (2000; TV Film) as Ian Robbins
Common Ground (2000; TV Film) as Johnny Burroughs as a Boy
Santa Who? (2000; TV Film) as Nasty Boy
Tribulation (2000; Film) as Tom Canboro as a Boy
Doc (2001; TV Series) "First Impressions"
The Familiar Stranger [My Husband's Double Life] (2001; TV Film) as Chris Welsh as a Boy
Stolen Miracle (2001; TV Film) as Tommy
Mental Block (2003; TV Series) as Donovan Mackay
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Blue Murder [En quete de preuves] (2004; TV Series) "Janet Green" as Jake Green
Kevin Hill (2005; TV Series) "Losing Isn't Everything" as Ryan Stallinger
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (2005, US; Film) as Rog Ryan (13)
Saw II (2005; Film) as Daniel Matthews
Bon Cop, Bad Cop (2006; Film) as Johnathan Ward
Booky Makes Her Mark (2006; Film) as Arthur Thomson
Jericho (2006; TV Series) "Pilot" as Dale Turner
A Lobster Tale (2006; Film) as Timmy Brock
Tobias Klinge Knudsen
The Game [Legen] (2017; Short) as Spirit of the Bottle
Jimmy Knudson
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Jack Knuettel
(Academy Players Directory) (2002)
Mpho Koaho
(Academy Players Directory) (2001)
Aaron John Kobert
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Michal Koblic - b.1951
Lide jako ty [People Like You] (1960, CS; Film)
Osevni [Sowing] (1960, CS; Film)
Prace [The Slinger] (1960, CS; Film) as Prace/Frantisek Bures
Kralici ve vysoke trave [Rabbits in Tall Grass] (1961, CS; Film) as Martin Cermak
Neklidna hladina [Troubled Surface] (1962, CS; Film) as Misa
Oranzovy mesic [Orange Moon] (1962, CS; Film) as Petr
Strevicky [The Shoes] (1962, CS; Film)
Jay Kocen
(Academy Players Directory) (1964-71)
The Brady Bunch [Pop-Up Brady; The Brady Brood] (1971, US; TV Series) "Personality Kid" as Boy #1
Tom Koch
(Academy Players Directory) (2000-03)
Aleko Kochev
Deca igrayet ven [Children Playing Outdoors] (1973, BG; Film)
Pri nikogo [With No-one] (1974, BG; Film)
Timofey Kochnev
Khonka [Buttons] (2023; Short)
Mark Kocisko
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
Todd Kocisko
(Academy Players Directory) (1978)
David Koda
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-89)
Hiro Koda
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-89)
Masaru Kodaka - b.03Nov1928
Otoko narya koso [I Am a Man, Therefore . . .] (1937, JP; Film)
Tsuzurikata kyositsu [Composition Class] (1938, JP; Film)
Roppa no dadakko touchan [Roppa's Naughty Daughter] (1940, JP; Film)
Natsukashi no kao [A Nostalgic Face] (1941, JP; Film)
Kessen no ozora e [To the Air of Battle] (1943, JP; Film)
Ronald Kodimer
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Freddie Koehler -- see: Frederick Koehler
Frederick Koehler (Freddie Koehler) - b.16Jun1975
A Boy, a Dog and a Frog (1980, US; TV Short) as The Boy
Mr Mom [Mr Mum; Perfect Daddy] (1983, US; Film) as Alex Butler
The Almost Royal Family (1984, US; TV Short) as Timothy
Kate and Allie (1984-89, US; TV Series) as Chip Lowell
The Pick-up Artist (1987; Film) as Richie
Tender Places (1987, US; TV Film)
Night Walk (1989; TV Film) as Eric Miller
A Kiss Before Dying (1991; Film) as Mickey
Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Ch (1993; TV Film) as Shane Harper
Charles Koehnen
Chicken Boy (2019; Short) as Jacob
Kelly Koehr
(Academy Players Directory) (1974-75)
Jean Koeltgen
Je rentre a la maison [I'm Going Home; Vou para casa] (2001, FR/PT; Film) as Serge
Andrew Koenig -- see: Josh A. Koenig
Aurelien Parent Koenig
Chocolat (2000; Film) as Luc Clairmont
Josh A. Koenig (Andrew Koenig) - b.17Aug1968;d.14Feb2010
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Growing Pains (1985-89; TV Series) as Boner/Richard Stabone
Noah Koenig
(Academy Players Directory) (2003-04)
Jonathan Koensgen
Snow in August (2001; TV Film) as Sonny Montemarano
Eric Koester
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-92)
Jan Koester - b.29Dec1953
Happy-End am Worthersee [Happy End By the Worthersee; Happy-End Am Attersee] (1964, AT; Film)
Unsere grosse Schwester [Our Big Sister] (1964, AT; TV Series)
An der Donau, wenn der Wein bluht [By the Danube When the Vines Are Flowering] (1965, DE/AT; Film)
Heidi (1965, AT; Film)
Spielplatz [Playground] (1966, AT; Film)
Michael Koeth
The Tree of Life (2011, US; Film) as Jack O'Brien as a Boy (5)
Jacob Kogan - b.28May1995
Wonder Showzen (2006; TV Series) "Cooperation" as Wonder Showzen Kid
Joshua (2007, US; Film) as Joshua Cairn (9)
Lifelines [Wherever You Are] (2008; Film) as Spencer Bernstein
Delocated (2009-13; TV Series) as David
Star Trek [Star Trek XI; Star Trek Zero; Star Trek: The Future Begins] (2009, US; Film) as Spock as a Boy
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit [Law and Order's Sex Crimes] (2011; TV Series) "Blood Brothers" as Tripp Raines
The Tomorrow People (2013-14; TV Series) as Luca Jameson
Tony Kogon
(Academy Players Directory) (1976)
Larry Koh
(Academy Players Directory) (1979)
Ivan Kohak
Partyzanska stezka [In the Steps of the Partisans] (1959, CS; Film)
Glenn Kohan
The Blue Lagoon (1980; Film) as Richard as a Boy
Tyler Kohanek
(Academy Players Directory) (2005-11)
Tyler Kohaner
(Academy Players Directory) (2010)
Dennis Kohler
That Night [Brave Tomorrow] (1957, US; Film) as Chrissie Bowden
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-63)
Giles Kohler
Le merveilleuse visite [The Marvelous Visit] (1974; Film) as Jean L'Ange
Brian Kohn
Somewhere Else (1985; TV Short) as Boy on Subway
Fredric Kohr
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Richard Kohr
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1945)
Nikola Kojo
Rad na odredjeno vreme [Part-Time Work] (1980, YU; Film)
Moj tata na odredjeno vreme [My Part-Time Daddy] (1982, YU; Film)
Ivan Kojundzic
Bosko Buha (1978, YU; Film)
Svetozar Kokalanov
Dishai, Tchovetche (1981; Film)
Borya Kokin
Kapitani Goluboi Laguni [Captains of the Blue Lagoon] (1962, SU; Film)
Kokko -- see: Don 'Kokko' Burnaby
Nukri Kokochashvili
Kanikuli [The Holiday] (1962, SU; Film)
Seryozha Kokorev
Sobirayushchi oblaka [The Cloud-Collector] (1963, SU; Film)
Dobro pozhalovat [Welcome!] (1964, SU; Film)
Butch Kokot
(Academy Players Directory) (1958)
Joseph Kolb
Problem Child (1990, US; Film) as Kid #5
Scott Kolden (Scott Cary Kolden) - b.11Feb1962
(Academy Players Directory) (1971-73)
Me and the Chimp (1972; TV Series) as Scott Reynolds
Charley and the Angel (1973, US; Film) as Rupert Appleby
The Mystery in Dracula's Castle (1973, US; TV Film) as Leonard
Sigmund and the Sea Monsters (1973, US; TV Series) as Scott Stuart
Drew Koles
(Academy Players Directory) (2010)
Koletar Kilmin
En es a nagyapam [Me and Grandpa] (1954, HU; Film)
Budapesti tavasz [Springtime in Budapest] (1955, HU; Film)
Egy pikolo vilagos [One Glass of Beer] (1955, HU; Film)
Mindenki iskolaja [Everyone's School] (1955, HU; Film)
Dollarpapa [Dollar Daddy] (1956, HU; Film)
Ejfelkor [At Midnight] (1956, HU; Film)
Jol megjarta [They've Had It] (1956, HU; Film)
A Kabat [The Overcoat] (1956, HU; Film)
A Legokosabb ember [The Cleverest Man] (1956, HU; Film)
Tobb, mint jatek [More Than a Game] (1956, HU; Film)
Fapados szerelem [Simple Love] (1957, HU; Film)
Ket vallomas [Two Confessions; Two Wishes] (1957, HU; Film)
Kulvarosi legenda [Legend of the Suburbs] (1957, HU; Film)
Matthew Koller
Moonlight and Valentino (1995; Film) as Alex Morrow
Genius (1999; TV Film) as Deion
Martin Kollewe
Tadelloser and Wolff [Kempowski . . . My Country] (1975; TV Film) as Walter Kempowski
Kerry Kollmar (Kerry Arden Kollmar) - b.19Mar1954
Pajama Party [The Maid and the Martian] (1964, US; Film) as Boy
Matthew Kolmes
Oh Boy! Babies! (1982, US; TV Short) as Matt
The Haunted Mansion Mystery (1983; TV Film) as Boy Treasure Hunter
Kristian Kolodziej
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-05)
Volodya Kolokoltsev
Zelyoni furgon [The Green Carriage] (1959, SU; Film)
Vitya Komissarov
Deti partizana [A Partisan's Children] (1954, SU; Film)
David Komoroff
Ladybug Ladybug (1963; Film)
Gregory Konblett
(Academy Players Directory) (1967-74)
Kenji Konda
The Last Warhorse (1986, AU; TV Short) as Mikio
Hector's Bunyip (1987, AU; TV Film) as Newsboy
Marek Kondrat - b.18Oct1950
Historia zoltek cizemki [Story of a Yellow Slipper] (1961, PL; Film)
Miedzy brzegami [Between the Coasts] (1962, PL; Film)
Andryusha Kondratev
Kish i Dva Portfelya [Goaway and Twobriefcases; Kish and 'Double-Satchel'] (1974, SU; Film) as Aliocha
Shura Konstantinov
Tyoplaya kompaniya [The Hot Gang] (1924, SU; Film)
Vanka - yuni pioner [Vanka, Young Pioneer] (1924, SU; Film)
Chudo s samogonom [The Illicit Vodka Miracle] (1925, SU; Film)
Ditya gostsirka [A Child of the State Circus] (1925, SU; Film)
Mishka Zvonov (1925, SU; Film)
Petukhi [Fighting Cocks] (1925, SU; Film)
Dekabristi [The Decembrists] (1926, SU; Film)
Karl Gregor Kool
Age [Awesome] (2013; Short) as Murat
Gavin Koon
(Academy Players Directory) (1962-63)
Robin Koon
(Academy Players Directory) (1962-63)
Gregory Koontz
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-79)
Crash Island (1981, US; TV Pilot)
Jeffrey Koontz
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-79)
Crash Island (1981, US; TV Pilot)
Steven Koontz
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-79)
Sasha Kopelev
Ogni na reke [Lights On the River] (1953, SU; Film)
Seri razboinik [The Grey Bandit] (1956, SU; Film)
Gregory Koppel
Tough Girl (1981; TV Short) as Jan Redner
Stephen Kopple
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
William Korbut
Isaac Littlefeathers [Drastic Measures] (1984, CA; TV Film) as Isaac Littlefeathers
Tim Kordic
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Richard Korer
(Academy Players Directory) (1979-80)
Treffyn Koreshoff
Twisted Tales (1996; TV Anthology) "Dancing Partners" as John
Water Rats (1996-99; TV Series) as David Goldstein
Whipping Boy (1996, AU; Film) as Josh
Oscar and Lucinda (1997; Film) as Trevis Boy
The Two-Wheeled Time Machine (1997; Film) as Henry as a Boy
All Saints (2000, AU; TV Series) "Valley of the Shadow" as Rowan Price
I Was Robert Mitchum (2000; Film)
My Old China (2001; Film) as Jamie Davison
Douwe Koridon
Dik Trom en zijn dorpsgenoten [Dik Trom and His Village Friends] (1947, NL; Film)
Trouwe kameraden [Faithful Comrades] (1948, NL; Film)
Tommy Korman
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Valerik Korol
Mi, dvoye muzhchin [We Two Men] (1962, SU; Film)
Kosta Korras
(Academy Players Directory) (1987)
Charlie Korsmo - b.20Jul1978
Dick Tracy (1990, US; Film) as The Kid
Heat Wave (1990, US; TV Film) as Jason Canfield as a Boy (12)
Men Don't Leave (1990, US; Film) as Matt MacAuley
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
The Doctor (1991, US; Film) as Nicky
Hook (1991, US; Film) as Jack Banning
What About Bob? (1991, US; Film) as Siggy/Sigmund Marvin
Matt Koruba - b.20Jan1984
Chicago Hope (1995, US; TV Series) "Freeze Outs" as Brian Concannon
VR.5 [VR] (1995, US; TV Series) "5D" as Duncan as a Boy
(Academy Players Directory) (1996-01)
The Size of Watermelons (1996; Film) as Alex as a Boy
The Incredible Genie (1997; Film) as Simon Alexander (13)
Wings (1997, US; TV Series) "Raging Bull*&@!" as Joe (12)
Party of Five (1998, US; TV Series) "Go Away" as Charlie Salinger as a Boy
A Perfect Pitch (1998; Film) as Buddy Warren
Storm of the Century [La Tempete du siecle; Stephen King's Storm of the Century] (1999; TV Film) as Ralphie (14)
Wanted (1999; Film) as Tony
Kate Brasher (2001, US; TV Series) "Georgia" as Guy
David Kory - b.27Jul1954
Dondi (1961, US; Film) as Dondi
(Academy Players Directory) (1963)
Vitya Kosikh
Dobro pozhalovat [Welcome!] (1964, SU; Film)
Nevlovime mstiteli [The Elusive Avengers] (1966, SU; Film)
Zvonyat, otkroite dver [Go and Answer the Door!] (1966, SU; Film)
Adam Kositsky
Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang (1984, CA; Stage) as Jacob Two Two
Lena: My 100 Children (1987; TV Film) as Saul
9B (1988, Canada; TV Film) as Freddi Lisi
My Secret Identity (1988, CA; TV Series) "A Walk on the Wild Side" as Jimmy
Sing (1989; Film) as Nathan
Final Judgment [The Reckoning] (1991; TV Film) as John as a Teen
Yura Koslov (Yuri Koslov)
Seryozha [A Summer to Remember] (1960, SU; Film) as Zhenya
Yuri Koslov -- see: Yura Koslov
Ales Kosnar - b.02Jan1944
Punta a Ctyrlistek [Doggy and the Three; Punta and the Four-Leaf Clover] (1955, CS; Film)
Labakan (1956, CS; Film)
Obusku z pytle ven! [Stick, Start Beating!] (1956, CS; Film)
Legenda o lasce [Legend of Love] (1957, CS; Film)
Skola otcu [School for Fathers] (1957, CS; Film)
Robert Kosoy
Miracle at Moreaux (1986; TV Short) as Daniel
Alan Koss
Cheers (1982, US; TV Series) as Alan
Mike Kostalik
(Academy Players Directory) (1958)
Nicolas Koster - b.12Aug1943
My Cousin Rachel (1952, US; Film) as Philip Ashley as a Boy (10)
Stars and Stripes Forever (1952, US; Film) as John Philip Sousa Jr
The Robe (1953, US; Film) as Jonathan
Desiree (1954, US; Film) as Oscar Clary
Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955, US; Film) as Student
Dimitri Kosturos
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Kane Kosugi
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Pray For Death (1985; Film) as Takeshi Saito
Black Eagle (1988; Film) as Brian Tani
Shane Kosugi
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
9 Deaths of the Ninja (1984; Film) as Shane
Pray For Death (1985; Film) as Tomoya Saito
Black Eagle (1988; Film) as Denny Tani
Kosztolanyi Balazs
Hogy allunk fiatelember? [Well, Young Man?] (1963, HU; Film)
Michael Kotaridis
Oscar Pinta (2004; Short) as Oscar Pinta
Petr Kotlar
The Painted Bird [Nabarvene ptace] (2019; Film) as Joska
Lenya Kotoff
U nikh yest rodina [They Have a Homeland] (1949, SU; Film)
Slava Kotoff
Krasni galstuk [Red Kerchief] (1948, SU; Film)
Michael Kotrly
The Odyssey [The Jellybean Odyssey] (1994, CA; TV Series) "Lands End" as Monitor
Austin Kottke (Austin Daniel Kottke) - b.20Feb1982
(Academy Players Directory) (1992-97)
Little Giants (1994, US; Film) as Butz as a Boy
Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995, US; TV Film) as Kid #4
Tom and Huck [The Adventures of Tom and Huck; Tom Sawyer] (1995, US; Film) as Townsperson
Black Sheep (1996, US; Film) as Tough Kid
Spy Hard (1996; Film) as Boy With Balloons
Martin Kottler
(Academy Players Directory) (1961-63)
Saul Kotzubei
(Academy Players Directory) (1983-84)
Nikos Koulizakis
Johnny Minotaur (1971, US; Film) as Nikos
Mark Kounnas - b.1969
Spring and Fall (1980; TV Series) "Close Comfort" as Gary
Ginger Meggs [Ginger Meggs: The Movie] (1982, AU; Film) as Raggsy
Run, Rebecca, Run (1982, AU; Film)
Catch Us If You Can (1983, AU; Film)
The Winds of Jarrah (1983, AU; Film) as Peter Marlow
Bodyline (1984, AU; TV Film) as Donald Bradman as a Boy
A Country Practice (1984; TV Series) "Breathing Space" as Mark Reynolds
A Country Practice (1984; TV Series) "Win Some, Lose Some" as Michael Porter
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome [Mad Max 3] (1985, AU; Film) as Gekko
The Other Facts of Life [Winners: The Other Facts of Life] (1985, AU; TV Film) as Jason
Alekos Kouris - b.1938
To pikro psomi [Bitter Bread] (1951, CR; Film)
Joshua Kourkos
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-91)
Sammy Kourkos
(Academy Players Directory) (1982)
George Koutiris
O Thiassos [The Travelling Players] (1975, CR; Film)
Oljan Tai Kovac
Adrian (1998, Germany; Short) as Boy
Marco Kovacevic - b.1990
Iluzija [Mirage] (2004; Film) as Marko
Estrellita (2007; Film) as Amir
Marko Kovacevic
Iluzija [Mirage] (2004; Film) as Marko
Maxwell Kovach
Flowers in the Attic (2014, US; TV Film) as Cody Dollanganger
Sole Custody (2014, US; Film) as Timmy
Walter Kovach
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Boyan Kovachev - b.30Aug1980
Eshelonik (1986, BG; Film)
Ti koito si na nebeto [Thou Which Art in Heaven] (1989, BG; Film)
Bashtata na yaitseto (1991, BG; Film)
Kladenetsat (1991, BG; Film)
Plyontek (1991, BG; Film)
Oleg Kovachev - b.19Oct1955
Ritsar bez bronya [Knight Without Armour] (1965, BG; Film) as Vanyo
The Clown and the Kids [Svirachat; The Pied Piper] (1966, US/BG; Film) as Billy
The Clown and the Kids [Svirachat; The Pied Piper] (1967, US/Bulgaria; Film) as Billy
Nai dulgata nosht [The Longest Night] (1967, BG; Film)
Johnny Kovacs -- see: Jonathan Hall Kovacs
Jonathan Hall Kovacs (Johnny Kovacs) - b.20Oct1969
Little House on the Prairie [Little House: A New Beginning] (1982, US; TV Series) "The Wild Boy" as Matthew
The Family Tree (1983; TV Series) as Toby Benjamin
Airwolf (1985, US; TV Series) "Jennie" as Raf
Kevin Kovacs
Voyagers! (1983, US; TV Series) "Barriers of Sound" as Georgie Saunders
Kyle Kovacs
(Academy Players Directory) (1985)
Kovacs Krisztian - b.1965
Kektiszta szerelem (1969; TV Film)
A varazslo [Chili-Chala the Magician; The Magician] (1969, HU; Film) as Ocsi
Csak egy telefon (1970; Film) as Dobos Az Uttorozenekarban
Szerelmi almok [Dreams of Love; Liszt] (1970, HU/SU; Film)
Haho, Ocsi! [Hi, Ocsi!] (1971, HU; Film) as Balogh Ocsi
Remenykedok [A Charming Family] (1971, HU; Film) as Bato Jenoke
Haho, a tenger! [Sea Ahoy!] (1972, HU; Film) as Ocsi
Az oreg banya titka (1973; TV Film) as Kisvacak
Csaladi kor (1974; TV Series) "Szulok, nevelok"
Baratom Bonca (1975; TV Film) as Bence
Csaladi kor (1975; TV Series) "Buntetes - jutalmazas"
Svedcsavar (1975; TV Film)
Utanam, sracok! (1975; TV Series) as Isti
Gabi (1977; TV Film) as Gabi
Kemenykalap es krumpliorr [Bowler-Hat and Potato-Nose] (1978, HU; TV Film) as Kis Rece
Rab ember fiai (1979; TV Film) as Fejedelemfi
Karcsi kalandjai (1980; TV Film) as Helmuth
Pityke (1981; TV Series) as Kukucs
Volegeny (1982; Film) as Lala
Jeffrey Koval
Kicking and Screaming [Soccer Dads] (2005, US; Film) as Gladiators Player
Viktor Koval -- see: Vitya Koval
Vitya Koval (Viktor Koval)
Delo Rumyantseva [The Rumyantsev Case] (1955, SU; Film) as Sashka
K novomu beregu [To a New Shore] (1955, SU; Film)
Khrabryy zayats (1955; Short)
Neobiknovennoye delo [An Unusual Case] (1956, SU; Film)
Druzhok [Little Friend; Pal] (1957, SU; Film) as Misha Kozlov
Ataman Kodr (1958; Film)
Zare navstrechu [Greeting the Dawn] (1959, SU; Film)
Lyubushka (1961; Film) as Syomka Lykov
Mikey Kovar - b.18Oct1986
Mallrats (1995, US; Film) as Boy at Kiosk #2
Carpool (1996, US; Film) as Andrew Miller
Gregory Kove
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-79)
Mitchell Kove
(Academy Players Directory) (1976-79)
Trent Kowalik
Finding Billy (2008; Documentary)
(Academy Players Directory) (2010-12)
Peter Kowalski
Krakatoa, East of Java (1969; Film) as Peter
Ryan Koyanagi -- see: Ryan Kent
Pasha Kozakov
Kadetskiy vals [Cadet Waltz] (2018; Short)
Volodya Kozirev (Vladimir Kozyrev)
Ser [Freedom is Paradise; Svoboda Eto Rai] (1984; Film) as Sasha
SER [Freedom is Paradise] (1989, SU; Film) as Sasha
Adam Kozlowski
En Verden til forskel [A World of Difference] (1989, PL/DK; Film)
Justin Koznar
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-02)
Apple Valley Knights (2002; TV Series) as Justice Jr
Oliver Beene (2003, US; TV Series) "A Day at the Beach" as Steve
Vladimir Kozyrev -- see: Volodya Kozirev
Lee Krabbe
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
Peter Krajcovic
Prvak [The First-Former] (1959, CS; Film)
Piesen O Sivom Holubovi [A Song About the Gray Pigeon; Song of the Grey Dove] (1960, CS; Film)
Thomas Krajewski
The Kennedys of Massachusetts (1989; TV Film) as Jack Kennedy as a Boy
Marcello Krakoff
(Academy Players Directory) (1978-83)
Scout's Honor (1980, US; TV Film) as Little Ace
Father Murphy (1981, US; TV Series) "False Blessings" as Jason
One Day at a Time (1981, US; TV Series) "Dinner at Seven" as Robert
Johnny Belinda (1982; TV Film) as Leon Wright
Knots Landing (1982, US; TV Series) "Night" as Adam
Rosie: The Rosemary Clooney Story [Rosie] (1982, US; TV Film) as Gabriel Ferrer
The Woman Who Willed a Miracle (1982, US; TV Short) as Danny
Trenchcoat (1983; Film) as Boy
Two Kinds of Love (1983, US; TV Film) as Scottie
Uncommon Valor (1983, US; Film) as Kid
Highway to Heaven (1986, US; TV Series) "Oh Lucky Man" as Marvin
Sidekicks [Karate Kid and Co.; The Last Electric Knight] (1986, US; TV Series) "Pilot: The Last Electric Knight" as Boy #1
Starman (1986, US; TV Series) "The Return" as Boy
Rocky Krakoff (Rocky)
(Academy Players Directory) (1982-90)
Testament (1983, US; Film) as Pied Piper
Highway to Heaven (1985, US; TV Series) "Popcorn, Peanuts and Cracker Jacks" as Boy #1
Rocky IV (1985, US; Film) as Rocky Balboa Jr
Simon and Simon (1985, US; TV Series) "Love and/or Marriage" as Chris Brooks
Poltergeist II: The Other Side [Kane's People; Poltergeist II] (1986, US; Film)
SpaceCamp (1986; Film) as Boy on Rooftop
When the Bough Breaks (1986, US; TV Film) as Rodney
Mathnet (1987; TV Series) "The Problem of the Missing Baseball" as Rocky
The Judge (c.1988, US; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Rodney Dangerfield: Opening Night at Rodney's Plac (1989; TV Film) as Boy
Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (1990, US; Film) as First Kid Throwing Buckeyes
Viktor Kral
Muz pres palubu [Man Overboard] (1981, CS; Film)
Bob Kramer
Bless the Beasts and Children (1971, US; Film) as Lally 1
Bradley Kramer
Solo (1984, US; Film) as Pizza Delivery Boy
Brandyn Kramer
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Bruce Kramer
(Academy Players Directory) (1966-68)
Danny Kramer
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-92)
John Kramer
(Academy Players Directory) (1967)
Michael Kramer (Michael Eric Kramer)
Over the Edge (1979; Film) as Carl
Mychal Kramer
(Academy Players Directory) (1994)
Tommy Edward Kramer (Tommy E. Kramer)
(Academy Players Directory) (1989-90)
Jacob Krammer
(Academy Players Directory) (2002)
Zlatko Krasnic
Kekceve ukane [Dovitljivi Kekec; Sharp-Witted Kekec] (1969, YU; Film)
Veselin Krastev
Kapitanat [The Captain] (1963; Film) as Petleto
Harry Kratz - b.05Nov1945
Seine Tochter ist der Peter [His Daughter Peter] (1955, AT; Film)
Die Sennerin von St Kathrein [The Dairymaid of St Kathrein] (1955, AT; Film)
Forsterliesl [The Forester's Daughter] (1956, AT; Film)
Ihr Korporal [Her Corporal] (1956, AT/DE; Film)
Wie schon, dass es Dich gibt [Thank God for You] (1957, AT; Film)
Der Wilderer vom Silberwald [The Poacher of Silver Forest] (1957, DE; Film)
So ein Millionar hat's schwer [A Hard-Done-By Millionaire] (1958, AT; Film)
Veruntreute Himmel [Heaven Embezzled] (1958, DE; Film)
Peter Kraus - b.18Mar1939
Das fliegende Klassenzimmer [The Flying Classroom] (1954, DE; Film)
Brian Krause
Highway to Heaven (1989, US; TV Series) "Goodbye, Mr Zelinka" as Boy #2
Christopher Chen Krause
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Daniel Krause
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-03)
Dieter Krause
The Man Between [Berlin Story; Gefahrlicher Urlaub] (1952, GB; Film)
Kord Krause
(Academy Players Directory) (1987-88)
Nicholas Krause -- see: Nick Krause
Nick Krause (Nicholas Krause) - b.14Apr1992
Jack and Bobby (2004; TV Series) "Pilot" as Bully in Rich's Posse
The Garage (2006; Film) as Boy
How to Eat Fried Worms (2006, US; Film) as Nigel
As the Bell Rings (2007; TV Series) "Flower Day" as Hallway Jock
Homo Erectus [National Lampoon's The Stoned Age] (2007, US; Film) as Thudnik as a Boy
Enough (2008; Short)
ExTerminators (2009; Film) as Bo Turner
Boyhood [The 12-Year Project] (2014, US; Film) as Charlie
Alexei Kravchenko
Idi i smotri [Come and See; Go and See] (1985, USSR; Film) as Florya Gaishun
Alan Kravit
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Clifford Kravit
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Bill Kravitz
A Christmas Story (1983, US; Film) as Billy
Ota Krcka
Zelena knizka [The Green Book; The Green Notebook] (1948, CS; Film)
Roger Krebs (Roger Laugier) - b.28Aug1931;d.Aug2014
La Cage aux Rossignols [Cage of Nightingales] (1945, FR; Film) as Laugier
Le Visiteur [Tainted; The Visitor] (1946, FR; Film) as Clarence
Robert Kreitzberg
Eight is Enough (1980, US; TV Series) "Jeremy" as Schoolboy
Tyler Kremer
Neverland (2003, US; Film) as Twin #1
Everybody Hates Chris (2006, US; TV Series) "Everybody Hates Corleone" as White Kid
Zoey 101 [Zoey] (2006; TV Series) "Spring Break-Up" as Kevin
Zoey 101 [Zoey] (2006; TV Series) "Surprise" as Kevin
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody [Suite Life; TSL] (2007, US; TV Series) "Risk It All" as Kevin
Wizards of Waverly Place (2008; TV Series) "Potion Commotion" as Student
Anthony Krentiras
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Michael Krepack
(Academy Players Directory) (2003-07)
David Kreps
Splash (1984, US; Film) as Allan Bauer as a Boy
Nathan Kress
(Academy Players Directory) (2005)
Noah Kressler
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Yura Krestinski
Kira-Kiralina (1927, SU; Film)
Troye [The Threesome] (1927, SU; Film)
Plotina prorvana [The Dam Has Burst] (1928, SU; Film)
Steven Krey
The Adams Chronicles (1976, US; TV Film) as Charles Francis Adams as a Boy
The World According to Garp (1982, US; Film) as Boy Babysitter
Jared Krichevsky
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Philipp Kriechbaum
Seven Years in Tibet (1997; Film) as Rolf Harrer as a Teen
Dan Krieger
(Academy Players Directory) (1964-67)
Jamie Krieger
(Academy Players Directory) (1986)
Steve Krieger
(Academy Players Directory) (1964-66)
Will Krieger
(Academy Players Directory) (2000-03)
Nika Krimnus
Chelovek idyot za solntsem [Following the Sun; Sandu Follows the Sun] (1961, SU; Film) as Sandu
Kompaneros [Buddies] (1962, SU; Film)
Brad Krinke
(Academy Players Directory) (1994-95)
Joshua Krippner
(Academy Players Directory) (1991-92)
Greg Krisilas
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Charles Kriss
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Jason Kristofer - b.1972
Spenser: For Hire (1987, US; TV Series) "Child's Play" as Harry
Necessary Parties (1988, US; TV Film) as Ben
Z.I.T.S [Likewise; Spy Trap; Zits] (1988, US; Film) as Erskine Eakleburg
Heartland (1989, US; TV Series) as John Stafford
Guess Who's Coming for Christmas? (1990; TV Film) as Deke
Head of the Class (1990; TV Series) "Dead Men Don't Wear Pocket Protectors" as Zach Butler
The Marshall Chronicles (1990; TV Series) "Brightman SATyricon" as Student
The Perfect Date (1990; TV Film) as Carl
Alyosha Krivchenkov
Veter [The Wind] (1959, SU; Film)
Svoya golova na plechakh [A Mind of One's Own] (1960, SU; Film)
Trizhdi voskreshi [Thrice Resurrected] (1960, SU; Film)
Devchata [Girls] (1961, SU; Film)
Bei, baraban [Beat, Drum] (1962, SU; Film)
Jiri Kriz
Mali medvedari [Little Bear-Keepers] (1957, CS; Film)
Tazni Ptaci [Birds of Passage] (1961, CS; Film)
Dwight Krizman
(Academy Players Directory) (1964)
Robert Kroeger
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Harris Krofchick
Searching for Bobby Fischer [Innocent Moves] (1993, US; Film) as Running Chess Kid
Chad Krogsgaard
(Academy Players Directory) (2000)
Matthew Krok - b.08Mar1982
A Country Practice (1991; TV Series) "Whole New Ball Game" as Vernon Jr
Hey Dad! (1991-94; TV Series) as Arthur McArthur
Eight Ball (1993; Film) as Dougie
Joey (1997; Film) as Dooges Dixon
Paws (1997; Film) as Bottom
All Saints (1998; TV Series) "A Little Magic" as Aiden McGregor
Alexander Kroll
Little Monsters [Little Ghost Fighters] (1989, US; Film) as Kid on Trial
Marcel Krols - b.10Jul1925;d.24Dec1946
Merijntje Gijzen's jeugd [The Youth of Merijntje Gijzen] (1936, NL; Film)
Michael Kron
(Academy Players Directory) (1973)
Ansgar Krook (Nils Ansgar Paul Krook) - b.02Mar1962;d.29Sep1992
The Magic Flute [Trollflojten] (1975, Sweden; TV Film) as Andra Gossen/Second Boy
Nils Ansgar Paul Krook -- see: Ansgar Krook
Rene Kroper - b.1949
The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1957, US; TV Film) as Paul
David Kross - b.04Jul1990
Hilfe, Ich bin ein Junge [Help! I'm a Boy] (2001, DE; Film) as Paddy
Adam and Eva (2003; Film)
Knallhart [Tough Enough] (2006; Film) as Michael Polischka
Hande weg von Mississippi [Hands off Mississippi] (2007; Film) as Backerlehrling Brockel
Krabat (2008; Film) as Krabat
The Reader [Der Vorleser] (2008; Film) as Michael Berg as a Teen
Chad Krowchuk
The Ray Bradbury Theater (1989, CA; TV Anthology) "To the Chicago Abyss" as Joseph
Stavros Krozos
To xypolyto tagma [The Barefoot Battalion] (1953, Greece; Film) as Dimitris as a Boy
David Kruger
Claudine (1974, US; Film) as Paul Price
Hardy Kruger - b.11Apr1928
Junge Adler [Young Eagles] (1944, GE; Film)
Edward Kruk
Ulica Graniczna [Border Street; That Others May Live] (1947, PL; Film)
Ramsey Krull
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-96)
David Krumholtz - b.15May1978
Addams Family Values (1993, US; Film) as Joel Glicker
Law and Order [Law and Order Prime] (1993; TV Series) "Sweeps" as Scotty Fisher
Life With Mikey [Give Me a Break] (1993, US; Film) as Barry Corman
Monty (1994, US; TV Series) as David Richardson
The Santa Clause (1994, US; Film) as Bernard the Elf
Pig Sty (1995; TV Series) "Tess Makes the Man" as Timmy
Gary Krumm
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-87)
Jeff Kruse
(Academy Players Directory) (1967-73)
John Kruse
(Academy Players Directory) (1970-71)
Miron Krutskikh
Airplane Named Seryozhka (2022; Short)
Laskovyy Dozhd', ili Yesche odna povest' o Maugli [Tender Rain] (2022; Short) as Mowgli
Posledniy iz Bogov [Last of the Gods] (2023; Short) as God of Love
Sebastien Kubala
Down to Earth (2019; Short) as Alex
Johnny Kubelka
(Academy Players Directory) (1996)
Damon Eric Kubik
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Kevin Kubusheskie
You Can't Do That on Television [You Can't Do That on TV] (1981-83, Canada; TV Series) as Kevin/Kevin Ilyanovich Rasputin Kubusheskie
UFO Kidnapped (1983; TV Film)
Turkey Television (1985, CA; TV Series) as Vance Vain
Erich Kuchar
Konzert in Tirol [Concert in Tirol; Symphony in the Mountains] (1938, DE; Film) as Xaver/Ihr Kleiner Bruder
Mutterliebe [Mother's Love] (1939, GE; Film) as Walter Pirlinger as a Boy
Der Meineidbauer (1941; Film) as Jakob Burger as a Boy
Nathan Kuchta
(Academy Players Directory) (2000)
Ziutek Kudla
Manewry milosne [Amorous Manoeuvres] (1934, PL; Film)
Jadria (1936, PL; Film)
Mlody las [Young Wood] (1936, PL; Film)
Kurt Kuehn
(Academy Players Directory) (1984-87)
Brandon Kuemmel
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
Damon Kuemmel
(Performing Arts Casting Directory) (1978)
Tracy Kuhl
(Academy Players Directory) (1968-72)
Mickey Kuhn (Theodore Matthew Michael Kuhn Jr) - b.21Sep1932
Unwelcome Stranger [Gimpy; Stranger in His House] (1935, US; Film)
(Children's Casting Directory) (1936)
Gorgeous Hussy (1936, US; Film)
Libeled Lady (1936, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1937-47)
A Doctor's Diary (1937, US; Film) as Boy in Hospital
The Prisoner of Zenda (1937, US; Film)
Change of Heart (1938, US; Film) as Adopted Baby
The Young In Heart (1938, US; Film)
Bad Little Angel (1939, US; Film) as Bobby Creighton (5)
Gone with the Wind (1939, US; Film) as Beau Wilkes
Juarez (1939, US; Film) as Crown Prince Augustin Iturbide
King of the Underworld (1939, US; Film) as Son
S.O.S. Tidal Wave (1939, US; Film) as Buddy Shannon
When Tomorrow Comes [A Modern Cinderella] (1939, US; Film) as Boy
I Want a Divorce (1940, US; Film) as David Holland Jr
One Foot in Heaven (1941, US; Film) as Boy
Rags to Riches (1941, US; Film)
Presenting Lily Mars (1943, US; Film)
Dick Tracy [Dick Tracy, Detective; Split Face] (1945, US; Film) as Junior
Roughly Speaking (1945, US; Film) as John Crane as a Boy (10)
This Love of Ours [As it Was Before] (1945, US; Film) as Youngster
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945, US; Film) as Boy
The Return of Rusty (1946, US; Film) as Marty Connors
Roaring Rangers [False Hero] (1946, US; Film) as Larry Connor
The Searching Wind (1946, US; Film) as Sam Hazen as a Boy
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946, US; Film) as Walter O'Neil as a Boy
High Conquest (1947, US; Film) as Peter Oberwalder Jr
Magic Town [The Magic City] (1947, US; Film) as Hank Nickleby
Red River [The River is Red] (1947, US; Film) as Matt/Matthew Garth as a Teen
Buckaroo from Powder River (1948, US; Film) as Larry
Rusty Leads the Way [Rusty Takes a Walk] (1948, US; Film)
Scene of the Crime (1949, US; Film) as Ed Monigan
Theodore Matthew Michael Kuhn Jr -- see: Mickey Kuhn
Jiri Kukol
My tri a pes z Petipes [We Three and the Dog from Five-Dogs] (1971, CS; Film) as Tonda
Poklad krale Davida (1973; TV Film)
The Giant Eel (1974; TV Film) as Tony
Pan Tau (1975; TV Series)
Tolya Kulakoff
Sombrero (1959, SU; Film)
Chester Kulas Jr
Deadly Blessing (1981; Film) as Leopold Smith
Kostya Kulchitski
Tom Sawyer (1936, SU; Film)
Daniel Kulick
(Academy Players Directory) (1960-68)
Kiril Kulish
Finding Billy (2008; Documentary)
(Academy Players Directory) (2012)
Rattan Kumar (Master Rattan) - b.21Aug1942
Dekhoji [Look, Dear] (1947, IN; Film)
Dil ki awaz [The Heart Speaks] (1948, IN; Film)
Gowlan (1948, IN; Film)
Phool aur kante [The Flower and the Thorns] (1948, IN; Film)
Shyama (1948, IN; Film)
Balam [Darling] (1949, IN; Film)
Hamari manzil [Our Goal] (1949, IN; Film)
Maa ka pyar [Mother's Love] (1949, IN; Film)
Roomal [The Handkerchief] (1949, IN; Film)
Alakh Niranjan (1950, IN; Film)
Apni chhaya [One's Own Shadow] (1950, IN; Film)
Banwra (1950; Film)
Hamari beti [Our Daughter] (1950, IN; Film)
Sargam [Seven-Note Scale] (1950, IN; Film)
Sartaj (1950, IN; Film)
Afsana [Story] (1951, IN; Film) as Ratan Kumar as a Boy/Chaman
Buzdil (1951; Film)
Humlog [We People] (1951, IN; Film)
Malhar (1951, IN; Film)
Saudagar [The Trader] (1951, IN; Film)
Baghdad (1952, IN; Film)
Baiju bawra [Crazy Baiju] (1952, IN; Film)
Betaab [Restless] (1952, IN; Film)
Diwana [Deewana; The Crazy One] (1952, IN; Film)
Indrasan (1952, IN; Film)
Laila Majnu (1952, IN; Film)
Moti Mahal (1952, IN; Film)
Rajarani Damayanti (1952, IN; Film)
Bhagyawan [The Lucky One; The Wife] (1953, IN; Film)
Dard-e-dil [Heart's Anguish] (1953, IN; Film)
Do bigha zamin [Two Acres of Land] (1953, IN; Film) as Kanhaiya Maheto
Naya ghar [The New House] (1953, IN; Film)
Angarey [Embers] (1954, IN; Film)
Bahut Din Huwe (1954; Film) as Vijayakumar
Bhai Sahab (1954; Film)
Boot Polish [1c; One Cent] (1954, IN; Film) as Bhola
Jagriti [Awakening] (1954, IN; Film) as Shakti Choudhary
Radha Krishna (1954; Film)
Ekadashi [The Eleventh Day] (1955, IN; Film)
Jalwa (1955, IN; Film)
Bedari (1957; Film)
Masoom (1957; Film)
Wah Rahe Zamane (1958; Film)
Nagin [Female Cobra] (1959; Film)
Aladdin Ka Beta (1960; Film)
Clerk (1960; Film)
Do Ustad (1960; Film)
Neelofar (1960; Film)
Daniel Kumatz
Happy Campers (2001, US; Film) as Red-Capped Rick
Antonin Kumbera
Demanty Noci [Diamonds of the Night] (1964, Czech; Film) as Boy #2
Jeffrey Kumer
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Lance Kummer
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Jason Kuna
(Academy Players Directory) (1991)
Werner Kunig
Der Kaiser von Kalifornien [The Emperor of California] (1936, DE; Film) as Rudolf Sutter
Jeffrey Kunze
(Academy Players Directory) (1990-91)
Steven Kunze
(Academy Players Directory) (1973-77)
Justin Kupanoff
(Academy Players Directory) (2000)
David Kupcinet
(Academy Players Directory) (1985-88)
Waldemar Kupczyk
Emil und die Detektive [Emil and the Detectives] (1931, GE; Film) as Mittenzwei
Drops wird Flieger [Drops Becomes a Pilot] (1938, GE; Short) as Knilch/Jerk
Ikaruskinder (1938; Short) as Knilch/Jerk (15)
Gregory Kupiec
Proud Men (1987, US; TV Film) as Rene
Richard Kupka
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Seymour Kupper - b.31Oct1915;d.25Jun1934
The Jazz Singer (1927, US; Film)
(Classified Stage-Screen Children's Album) (1929)
The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1929, US; Film)
The Dummy (1929, US; Film)
Marianne (1929, US; Film)
Painted Faces [The Midway] (1929, US; Film)
The Squall (1929, US; Film) as Boy
The Great Divide (1930, US; Film)
The Woman Who Was Forgotten [Forgotten Woman] (1930, US; Film)
Pervi ekzamen [The First Exam] (1958, SU; Film)
Eyad Kurd-Misto
(Academy Players Directory) (2008)
David Kurs
The Judge (c.1987, US; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Hunter (1988, US; TV Series) "Death Signs" as Trevor
Tyson Kurtenbach
The Impossible Elephant [The Incredible Elephant] (2001, CA; Film) as Boy in Desk
Cameron Kush - b.31Aug1990
The Cask of Amontillado (1999; Film) as Kaegan
Poppa Peccadillo (1999; Film) as Jackson
Stars (1999; Film) as Evan
American Dreams [Our Generation] (2003, US; TV Series) "Heartache"
Monk (2003, US; TV Series) "Mr Monk Goes to the Ballgame" as Jared Stottlemeyer
(Academy Players Directory) (2004)
Oliver Beene (2004, US; TV Series) "Oliver and the Otters"
Eric Kushnick
The Adventures of Pete and Pete [Pete and Pete] (1995, US; TV Series) as Fran 'Pit Stain' Jones
Bernd Kuss
Die Fahrt nach Bamsdorf [Die Reise Nach Bamsdorf; Trip to Bamsdorf] (1956, DD; Short) as Toni
Abenteuer in Bamsdorf [Adventure at Bamsdorf; Adventure in Bamsdorf] (1957, DD; Film) as Toni
Brendan Kussman
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-94)
Dylan Kussman - b.1973
The B.R.A.T. Patrol (1986, US; TV Film) as Danny 'Bug' Malloy
Silver Spoons (1986, US; TV Series)
Day by Day (1988, US; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Lion's Den (1988, US; Short) as Kyle
Punky Brewster (1988, US; TV Series) "Going to Camp" as Harold Winston III
Dead Poets Society (1989, US; Film) as Richard Cameron
Married . . . With Children [Not the Cosbys] (1989, US; TV Series) "A Three Job, No Income Family" as Butch
Life Goes On [Glenbrook] (1990, US; TV Series) "The Bicycle Thief" as Mark
Journey of Honor [Kabuto; Shogun Warrior] (1991; Film) as Smitty
Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken (1991; Film) as Clifford Henderson
Ashton Kutcher
That '70s Show [Teenage Wasteland; The Kids are Alright] (1998, US; TV Series) "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" as Michael Kelso
Jeremy Kutner
(Academy Players Directory) (1993-95)
Jared Kutsch
(Academy Players Directory) (1993)
Travis Kutt
Goosebumps [Ultimate Goosebumps] (1996, CA; TV Anthology) "Calling All Creeps" as Wart
Tolya Kuzdryavtsev
Soldatski sin [A Soldier's Son] (1932, SU; Film)
Na lunu s peresadkoi [To the Moon, With One Change] (1934, SU; Film)
Sammy Kwasman
(Academy Players Directory) (1962)
Kwame Kwei-Armah -- see: Ian Roberts [2]
Cole Kwiatkowski
Bedwetter (2008; Short) as Max (10)
Yen Chin Kwok
Young Dragons: The Kung Fu Kids (1989; Film)
Young Dragons: The Kung Fu Kids II (1989; Film)
Felix Oppong Kyekyeku
Beasts of No Nation (2015, US; Film) as Tribal Boy
Sean Michael Kyer
V (2010; TV Series) "John May" as Brian
Everything and Everyone (2011; Film) as Ben
Fringe (2011; TV Series) "Neither Here Nor There" as Jonathan Danzig
Shhh (2011; Short) as Guillermo
Alcatraz (2012; TV Series) "Kit Nelson" as Liam Callahan
Anything But Christmas (2012; TV Film) as Zach
Continuum (2012-13; TV Series) as Sam
Emily Owens M.D. (2012; TV Series) "Emily and . . . the Tell-Tale Heart" as Sam Ballard
A Fairly Odd Christmas (2012; TV Film) as Pissy Elf
Girl in Progress (2012; Film) as Harford's Son
Ranger Charlie (2012; Short) as Sam Halvarson
Cedar Cove (2013; TV Series) "For the Sake of the Children" as Eddie Weston
Falling Skies (2013; TV Series) "At All Costs" as Tommy
Hats Off to Christmas! (2013; TV Film) as Scott
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour [The Haunting Hour: The Series] (2013, USA/Canada; TV Anthology) "Bad Egg" as Sam
Rapture-Palooza (2013; Film) as Grandchild #2
Spooksville (2013; TV Series) "The Evil House" as Marvin the Magnificent
Supernatural (2013; TV Series) "Bad Boys" as Timmy
The Color of Rain (2014; TV Film) as Sam
Odd Squad (2014-25; TV Series) as Agent Oscar
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour [The Haunting Hour: The Series] (2014, USA/Canada; TV Anthology) "Return of the Pumpkinheads" as Miller
When Calls the Heart (2014-25; TV Series) as Albert Bickley
Henry Kyi
The Last Emperor (1987; Film) as Pu Chieh (7)
Antony Kyle
(Spotlight Casting Directory) (1982)
Billy Kyle
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1947)
Jackson Kyle
Aria (1987; Film) as Travis
The Storyteller [The Jim Henson Hour] (1987, UK; TV Anthology) "A Short Story" as Prince
A Handful of Dust (1988; Film) as John Andrew
She's Been Away (1989, UK; TV Film) as Dominic Ambrose
Joe Kyle (Joseph William Kyle)
(Academy Players Directory) (1989-92)
The Family Man (1990, US; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Joseph William Kyle -- see: Joe Kyle
Murray Kyle
Touch the Sun: Princess Kate [Princess Kate] (1988, AU; TV Film) as Bassoon Player
Nate Kyllonen
(Academy Players Directory) (1998)
Berman Kyman
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Danny Kyman
(Academy Players Directory) (2002)
Max Kyman
(Academy Players Directory) (2002)
Paul Kynell
(Academy Players Directory) (1967-68)
John Kyriacou
A Bit of Fry and Laurie (1990, UK; TV Series) "Episode 2.2" as Trick-Or-Treater
Larry Kyte
(Screen Children's Casting Directory) (1948)
Tyler Kyte - b.24Jul1984
The Defenders: Payback (1997, US; TV Film) as Hockey Kid
Due South [Direction: Sud] (1997; TV Series) "Eclipse" as Stanley Raymond Kowalski as a Boy
Goosebumps [Ultimate Goosebumps] (1997, CA; TV Anthology) "Don't Go To Sleep" as Matthew Joseph Amsterdam (12)
Real Kids, Real Adventures (1998, US; TV Anthology) "Runaway Balloon: The Alex Nicholos Story" as Alex Nicholos (11)
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1999, CA; TV Anthology) "The Tale of the Wisdom Glass" as Allan
Popular Mechanics for Kids [PMK] (1999, Canada; TV Series) as Tyler
Exhibit A: Secrets of Forensic Science [Secrets of Forensic Science] (2001; TV Series) "Deadly Thrills" as Kyle Morrison
Interstate 60 [I-60; Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road] (2002; Film) as Philip
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