Child and Teen Actors in Films and Television
Actors With Surnames beginning with "U"
Unverified Actor entries are enclosed in [square brackets]
Format for title listings:
Main Title [Alternate Title] ("TV Episode Name") (year, medium) as Character Name
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Guillermo Ubago
Secretos del corazon [Secrets of the Heart] (1997, FR/Portugal/ES; Film) as Actor En La Obra de La Escuela
Pablo Ucanay
El Viaje [One Day Trip] (2005; Short) as Tito
Dariusz M. Uczkowski - b.07Oct1993
The Hebrew Hammer (2003, US; Film) as Hasidic Boy / K-Mart Shopper
Kid Fitness Jungle Adventure Exercise Video (2003; Film) as Club Fit Kid
Law and Order: Criminal Intent [Law and Order: CI] (2004; TV Series) "Semi-Detached" as Ray Garrett's Son
Falling (2005, US; Film) as Paul Junior
Captain Valedor (2006; Short) as Freddie
Just Another Romantic Wrestling Comedy (2006; Film) as Marty Shalom Weinstein as a Boy
Shadayim (2006; Short) as Daniel
Gunmen (2007; Short) as Malkiya as a Boy
Afterschool (2008; Film) as Peter
The Hollow Tree (2008; Short) as David Wolfincrass
Autopilot (2009; Short) as Mark
Luci (2009; Short) as Luci
Morning Star (2010; Film) as Luci
You Have the Right to Remain Violent (2010; Film) as Brett Peterson
Win Win (2011; Film) as Zachary Lowenstein
Jan Uczkowski - b.07Oct1996
The Hebrew Hammer (2003, US; Film) as K-Mart Shopper
Law and Order: Criminal Intent [Law and Order: CI] (2004; TV Series) "Semi-Detached" as Ray Garrett's Son
Just Another Romantic Wrestling Comedy (2006; Film) as John Bond
Wander (2006; Short) as Boy
Gunmen (2007; Short) as Gene as a Boy
Moon, Stars, Earth, Horse (2008; Short) as Jared
Snap-Shot (2008; Short) as Luke
Autopilot (2009; Short) as Luke
Bohemibot (2009; Short) as Bohemibot's Son
The Key of Awesome (2009-13; TV Series)
Knife Point (2009; Short) as Jake
Lower Providence (2009; Short) as Terp Franklin
Luci (2009; Short) as Ryan
The Absence (2010; Short) as Jonathan Gardner
Crush (2010; Short) as Nate Young
Morning Star (2010; Film) as Ryan
You Have the Right to Remain Violent (2010; Film) as Pothead
Contest (2013; Film) as Philip King
Playing Doctor (2013; Film) as Andrew
The Vigilante (2014; Short) as Artemis Parker
No Letting Go (2015; Film) as Kyle as a Teen (17)
Marc Uda
(Academy Players Directory) (1988-89)
Jordan Udko
(Academy Players Directory) (1983)
Chris Udvarnoky - b.23May1961;d.25Oct2010
The Other [L'Autre] (1972, US; Film) as Niles Perry
Martin Udvarnoky - b.23May1961
The Other [L'Autre] (1972, US; Film) as Holland William Perry
Jei Uesuto -- see: Jai West
Toby Uffindell-Phillips
Jim Henson's Mother Goose Stories (1989; TV Anthology) "Duke of York" as Youngblood
The Return of the Sand Fairy (1993; TV Film) as George
Preben Uglebjerg - b.16Jan1931;d.31May1968
Op med lille Martha [Cheers for Little Martha] (1946, DK; Film)
Tommy Uhlar
Lady in Cement (1968; Film) as Tighe Santini
Josh Uhler
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-04)
Raymond Uhler
(Academy Players Directory) (1984)
Ky Huot Uk
Treasure Train (1981; Film) as Han
Damian Ul - b.15Jan1997
Sztuczki [Tricks] (2007, PO; Film) as Stefek
Raviv Ullman -- see: Ricky Ullman [2]
Ricky Ullman [1]
(Academy Players Directory) (1971-72)
Ricky Ullman [2] (Raviv Ullman) - b.24Jan1986
Crossfire (1998; Film) as Aziz
The Boys of Sunset Ridge (2001; Film) as John Burroughs (13)
Law and Order: Criminal Intent [Law and Order: CI] (2002; TV Series) "Crazy" as Boy #1
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit [Law and Order's Sex Crimes] (2004; TV Series) "Obscene" as Danny Spencer
Phil of the Future (2004-06, US; TV Series) as Phil Diffy
Pixel Perfect (2004; TV Film) as Roscoe
Searching for David's Heart (2004; TV Film) as Sam
Robert Ullman
Lummox (1930, US; Film)
William Ullrich
Beyond the Sea (2004, US; Film) as Bobby Darin as a Boy
Mika Ullritz
Der Junge Hauptling Winnetou [The Young Chief Winnetou] (2022; Film) as Winnetou
Teddy Ulmer
(Academy Players Directory) (1974)
Anthony Ulrich
(Academy Players Directory) (2002-04)
Sean Ulrich
(Academy Players Directory) (1987)
Bruce Umeck
(Academy Players Directory) (1966-67)
Fauzi Ummar
Buti nga sa iyo [Atsay Killer; You Are Really Good] (1984, PH; Film)
Andreas Umnig
Schone Tage [Fine Days] (1981, AT; Film)
Jay Underwood (Jay D. Underwood) - b.01Oct1968
The Invisible Kid (1985; Film) as Grover Dunn
The Boy Who Could Fly (1986, US; Film) as Eric
Abe Unger -- see: Abraham Unger
Abraham Unger (Abe Unger)
(Players Guide [New York]) (1976)
The Bad News Bears Go to Japan (1978, US; Film) as Abe Bernstein
(Academy Players Directory) (1981)
Charles Unger
(Talking Picture Children) (1930)
Wanderlust (1930, US; Film)
(Children's Casting Directory) (1935-36)
Gypsy Night [Dark Eyes] (1935, US; Film)
The Hoosier Schoolmaster [The Schoolmaster] (1935, US; Film)
The Night is Young (1935, US; Film)
Unwelcome Stranger [Gimpy; Stranger in His House] (1935, US; Film)
Vanessa: Her Love Story (1935, US; Film)
The Whole Town's Talking (1935, US; Film)
Come and Get It [Roaring Timber; Roaring Timbers] (1936, US; Film)
Go West, Young Man (1936, US; Film)
Hearts in Bondage [The Glory Parade] (1936, US; Film)
Pepper [Public Nuisance No. 1] (1936, US; Film)
The Plough and the Stars (1936, US; Film)
(Academy Players Directory) (1937)
Love in an Oven (c.1937, US; Film) as Andy (unconfirmed)
The Staff of Life (c.1937, US; Short) as Andy (unconfirmed)
Robert Unger
(Academy Players Directory) (1965)
Sean Unger
The Red Wagon (1987, US; TV Short) as Boy
Victor Ungureanu
Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula (2000, US; TV Film) as Vlad III (8)
Morris Unicomb
Bush Christmas [Bush Country Adventure] (1947, GB; Film) as John Thompson
Sean Unruh
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-00)
Bogdan Untaru - b.13Jul1959
Naica (1963, RO; Short) as Naica
Naica si barza [Naica and the Stork] (1966, RO; Short) as Naica
Columna (1968; Film)
Babysitters (1969; Film) as Johnny
Silent Friends (1969; Film)
Naica si veverita [Naica and the Squirrel] (1970, RO; Short) as Naica
Deux ans de vacances (1974; TV Film) as Ben
Karl Unterholzner
The Alfred G. Graebner Memorial High School Handbook of Rules and Regulations (1984, US; TV Short) as Tony
Kelly Upson
(Academy Players Directory) (1967-71)
William Upton -- see: Willie Aames
James Urbain -- see: Jimmy Urbain
Jimmy Urbain (James Urbain) - b.06Dec1943
On n'aime qu'une fois [You Only Love Once] (1949, FR; Film)
Le Tresor de Cantenac [The Treasure of Cantenac] (1949, FR; Film)
Le Poison [Poison] (1951, FR; Film)
Lettre ouverte a un mari [Open Letter to a Husband] (1952, FR; Film)
La Loterie du bonheur [The Lottery of Happiness] (1952, FR; Film)
Gamin de Paris [Paris Kid] (1953, FR; Film)
Tourments [Torments] (1953, FR; Film)
Les Diaboliques [Diabolique; The Devils; The Fiends] (1954, FR; Film)
Leguignon guerisseur [Leguignon the Healer] (1954, FR; Film)
Ces sacrees vacances [These Bloody Holidays] (1955, FR; Film)
Chiens perdus sans collier [Lost Dogs Without Collars; The Little Rebels] (1955, FR/IT; Film) as Alain Robert
Culottes courtes [Short Pants] (1955, FR; Film)
Un Jeudi a Paris [Thursday in Paris] (1955, ER; Film)
Les Carottes sont cuites [The Goose is Cooked] (1956, FR; Film)
Fric-frac en dentelles [Burglars in Lace] (1956, FR; Film)
The Happy Road [The Happy Journey] (1956, US; Film)
Miss Catastrophe (1956, FR; Film)
Les Jeux dangereux [Dangerous Games] (1958, FR/IT; Film)
Les Miserables (1958, FR/IT; Film)
Tai Urban
The Drew Carey Show (2001; TV Series) "Drew and the Baby" as Baby in Cloud
Dexter (2009, US; TV Series) "Lost Boys" as Alexander 'Arcade Fascination
Bones (2010, US; TV Series) "The Predator in the Pool" as 4th Grader
Ghost Whisperer (2010; TV Series) "The Children's Parade" as Devil Mask Child
Jonas [Jonas L.A.] (2010; TV Series) "Up in the Air" as Teresa's Friend #1
Mike and Molly (2010; TV Series) "Pilot" as Laughing Student
Pair of Kings [King Sibling] (2010; TV Series) "Oh Brother, Where Arr Thou?" as Pirate Boy Calico Jack Jr
Parenthood (2010; TV Series) "What's Goin' on Down There?" as Park Kid
Sons of Tucson (2010; TV Series) "The Debate Trip" as Dancer James
Sons of Tucson (2010; TV Series) "Pilot" as Student Kevin
Bloody Slasher (2011; Short) as Steven
Brothers and Sisters [Brothers and Sisters] (2011; TV Series) "Thanks for the Memories"
Disorders: The Dark Side of the Human Mind (2011; Film) as Student Jeff
Goodbye (2011; Short) as David
Happy Cabin Song (2011; Short) as Camper Boy #1
Hiding Game (2011; Short) as Aiden
Imagination Laboratory (2011; Short) as Tai
Little in Common (2011; TV Film) as Boy Michael
OowieWanna (2011; Short) as Student Mark
Sirk! (2011; Short) as Child Audience Philippe
A.B.S (2012; Short) as Student Xavier
ADDicted (2012; Short) as Student Antonio
The Avengers [Avengers; Avengers Assemble] (2012; Film) as Child on News #1
Be with Me (2012; Short) as Eddie
Beauty (2012; Film) as Bobby
Blue-Eyed Butcher (2012; TV Film) as Beach Gymnast Max
Forsake Me Not (2012; Short) as Foster Home Kid #2
Gulliver Quinn (2012; TV Film) as Student Adam
Inside the Box (2012; Short) as Dan as a Boy
Lil Tokyo Reporter (2012; Short) as Paperboy Akio
Long Distance Soup (2012; Short) as Edmond Thomas
Matchmakers (2012; TV Series) "Our Middle School Adventure" as Jake/Party Goer
My Funny Valentine (2012; Film) as Student Daryl
No Tomorrow (2012; Short) as Jacob
Operation: CTF (2012; Short) as Snake as a Boy
Popular Girls (2012; Film) as Student #2
Pusher (2012; Short) as Young Employee Gymnast Freedie
TalhotBlond (2012; TV Film) as Beach Gymnast Nick
A Vengeful Silence (2012; Short) as Jeremy Rendell
Wolves from Another Kingdom (2012; Short) as Lost Boy #1
Abduction (2013; Film) as Daniel Lee
Alchemy (2013; Short) as Cousin #1
Connect (2013; Short) as Classmate
Conversations with Breakfast (2013; Film) as Soccer Boy
No Child Left Deprived (2013; Short) as Student #1
Spare the Kid (2013; Short) as Ty
Talent Watch (2013; TV Series) "Global Officials of Dignity Awards" as Host
Broken Angels (2014; Short) as Snoring Classmate
Emily (2014; Short) as Party Guest #3
The Massively Mixed-Up Middle School Mystery [Junior Eye] (2014, US; TV Film)
Perfection at the Plate (2014; Short) as Heath
Por Pun (2014; Short) as Mark Manalo as a Teen
R.A.D.I.C.A.L.S (2014; Film) as Playground Boy Thomas
Shameless (2014; TV Series) "Emily" as Gary
Shameless (2014; TV Series) "Iron City" as Gary
Shameless (2014; TV Series) "Lazarus" as Gary
Shameless (2014; TV Series) "There's the Rub" as Gary
Silent Struggles (2014; Short) as Audience Member #6
Broken Angels (2015; Film) as Jenny's Snoring Classmate
Puzzled (2015; Film) as Kevin
Red Team Go (2015; Film) as Dodgeball Player Alex
Sins of the Father (2015; Film) as Jun
Sascha Urchs
Bubchen [Der kleine Vampir; Little Vampire] (1968; Film) as Achim
Der kleine Vampir [Bubchen; The Little Vampire] (1968, DE; Film)
Zuruck, wo ich begann [Back Where I Started] (1970; TV Film) as Paris
Maxwell Uretsky
The School (2003, Canada; Short) as Joseph
Anonymous Rex (2004; TV Film) as Hoon Boy
Independent Lens (2004; TV Series) "Short, Not Sweet" as Joseph
The Multiple Selves of Hannah Maynard (2005; Short) as Boy
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (2005, US; Film) as Dave Ryan as a Toddler (4)
True Crime Scene (2006; TV Series) "Family Secrets" as Devon Routier
King of Sorrow [Trail of a Serial Killer 2: King of Sorrow] (2007; Film) as Max Baker
P.U.R.E. (2007; Short) as Corey
The Poet [Hearts of War] (2007; Film) as Saul Rostig
'Til Death Do Us Part [Love You to Death] (2007; TV Series) "The Clown Case" as Kevin
My Dad Ralph (2008; Short) as Zack
The Young Prime Minister (2009; Short) as Greg
Life with Boys (2011; TV Series) "Monkey Talk with Boys" as Billy
Mistletoe Over Manhattan (2011; TV Film) as Boy in Diner
Oliver Bump's Birthday (2011; Short) as Max Bump
The Daily Special (2012; Short) as Andrew
Witchslayer Gretl (2012; TV Film) as Hansel as a Boy
Alejandro Uribe (Alex Uribe)
Matt Houston (1983, US; TV Series) "Needle in a Haystack" as Tony Estrada
(Academy Players Directory) (1986-88)
Alex Uribe -- see: Alejandro Uribe
Evan Uribe
(Academy Players Directory) (1995-03)
Virtuosity (1995, US; Film)
Liar Liar (1997, US; Film)
Justin Urich
(Academy Players Directory) (1992)
Ryan Urich - b.25Dec1978
Spenser: For Hire (1987, US; TV Series) (unconfirmed)
Night Walk (1989; TV Film) as Matt
Survive the Savage Sea (1992; TV Film) as Brian Carpenter
Mark Urista
(Academy Players Directory) (1998-99)
Van Urre
(Academy Players Directory) (1980)
Noah Urrea - b.31Mar2001
Grand Escape (2011; Short) as Charlie as a Boy
Childrens Hospital (2012; TV Series) "Chief's Origin" as Trevor
Tyler Perry's A Madea Christmas [A Madea Christmas] (2013; Film) as Bailey
Eleven (2014; Short) as James as a Boy
The Identical (2014; Film) as Ryan Wade as a Boy (9)
Mr Robinson (2015-25, US; TV Series) as Shaun
Sam and Cat (2014, US; TV Series) "#GettinWiggy" as Jett Zander
See Dad Run (2014; TV Series) "See Dad Run Until He Drops" as Hi-Def Boy #1
Jacob Urrutia
The District (2000, US; TV Series) "Surveillance" as Kid #2
Providence (2000; TV Series) "Rescue Me" as Carlos
The 4th Tenor (2002; Film) as Mario
The Division [Heart of the City] (2002-04; TV Series) as Benjamin Ramirez
Taina (2002; TV Series) "Bad Review" as Santito Morales
Taina (2002; TV Series) "Crouching Actor, Hidden Chicken" as Santito Morales
Taina (2002; TV Series) "Crushin'" as Santito Morales
Taina (2002; TV Series) "Papi Don't Preach" as Santito Morales
Loco Love [Mi Casa, Su Casa] (2003; Film)
Two and a Half Men (2003, US; TV Series) "Twenty-five Little Pre-pubers Without a Snoot-ful" as Luis
ER [Emergency Room] (2006; TV Series) "Darfur" as Jose Rodriguez
ER [Emergency Room] (2006; TV Series) "Out on a Limb" as Jose Rodriguez
Jessie Usher (Jessie T. Usher Jr) - b.29Feb1992
Without a Trace [Vanished; W.A.T.] (2005, US; TV Series) "Neither Rain Nor Sleet" as Malcolm
Hannah Montana [Hannah Montana Forever; Secret Idol Hannah Montana] (2007; TV Series) "Cuffs Will Keep Us Together" as Guy
Lincoln Heights (2008; TV Series) "Glass House" as Baby G
Numb3rs [Numbers] (2008; TV Series) "Frienemies" as Robber #1
Criminal Minds (2009; TV Series) "To Hell . . . And Back" as Daniel
The Mentalist (2009, US; TV Series) "Red Rum" as Daniel Brown
Beautiful Boy (2010; Film) as Basketball Teen
Summer Camp (2010; TV Film) as R.J.
Jessie T. Usher Jr -- see: Jessie Usher
Tom Usher
I'm You, Dickhead (2014; Short) as Young Richard (10)
Peter Usle
(Academy Players Directory) (1971)
Premi Usquin
La Petite Bande (1982; Film)
Menderes Utku - b.05Apr1963
Suclu cocuklar [Guilty Children] (1965, TR; Film)
Yara [The Wound] (1968, TR; Film)
Ana mezari [Mother's Grave] (1969, TR; Film)
Iffet [Honour] (1969, TR; Film)
Sabirtasi [The Patience Stone] (1969, TR; Film)
Afacan kucuk serseri [Afacan the Little Rascal] (1971, TR; Film)
Afacan harika cocuk [Afacan the Wonder-Boy] (1972, TR; Film)
Darrell Thomas Utley
Family Ties (1988, US; TV Series)
Once in a Lifetime [Danielle Steel's 'Once in a Lifetime'] (1994; TV Film) as Andrew
Alex Utroska
Problem Child (1990, US; Film) as Kid in Dugout
David Uva
Trick or Treats (1982, US; Film) as Trick or Treater
Michael Uyehara
Kicking and Screaming [Soccer Dads] (2005, US; Film) as Gladiators Player
Wynand Uys (Dirkie Hayes)
Dirkie [Lost in the Desert] (1970, ZA; Film)
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