Gnothe Se Auton - Pearls
Pearls of Wisdom (so we believe)
These individual pieces of thought are the product of
the founder of this Web site, unless otherwise attributed.
- Everything intelligent returns regularly to the basic.
- Routine tasks teach us humility.
- Efficiency by itself is not acceptable. There must always be
style as well; furthermore, if they compete, style must win.
(inspired by the writings of the late
Quentin Crisp
[pseudonym of Denis Charles Pratt, 1908-1999])
- Be not structured. Be thou motivated.
- Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)
The Rock, first performed at Sadler's Wells Theatre, London, 28 May 1934
- Be dependable, not predictable.
- If it could happen, it will. If you're absolutely sure it
couldn't happen, it could.
- Efficiency and competition are socialized in, therefore unnatural.
Consciously slow down. Get back the detail.
- One of the best things about our [Western industrialized]
society is the Free Market;
one of the worst things about our society is competition.
- OPTIMUM is not necessarily MAXIMUM.
[cf.: Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien.
(The best is the enemy of the good.)
--Voltaire (1694-1778), "Art Dramatique" in Dictionnaire Philosophique, 1764]
- When you do something, do it for a reason. Never do anything just
because you can.
- Our society currently prepares teens to be consumers via
mass media and mega-corporations controlling most commerce.
In the past, we prepared teens to be contributors via apprenticeships
and community-centered mentoring. Which is better?
- We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
- Die Knabenliebe ist so alt wie die Menschheit, und man könne daher
sagen, sie liege in der Natur, ob sie gleich gegen die Natur sei.
[Boy-love is as old as humanity, and thus we could even say that, though
it is contrary to nature, it nevertheless conforms to it.]
variant: Die Knabenliebe ist so alt wie die Menschheit, und man kann
daher sagen, sie liege in der Natur; obwohl sie gegen die Natur ist.
[Boylove is as old as humanity, from which one can deduce
that it lies in Nature, in spite of being against Nature.]
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
in C.A.H. Burkhardt. Goethes Unterhaltungen mit dem Kanzler Friedrich von Müller
[Goethe's Conversations with Chancellor Friedrich von Müller]
Stuttgart: Verlag der J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung. 1870, p.138
Maxwell E.
Perkins (1884-1947),
an influential editor at Charles Scribner's Sons Publishers in the 1930s,
worked with
Kinnan Rawlings (1896-1953) to publish
The Yearling (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1938; Pulitzer Prize, 1939).
He shared with her his ideas about classic books
such as Huckleberry Finn (Twain), Kim (Kipling), and
Treasure Island (Stevenson) in a letter dated 19 November 1930:
"All these books are primarily for boys.
All of them are read by men, and they are
the favorite books of some men.
The truth is the best part of a man is a boy."
(From an essay by Robert Gottlieb in the New York Times
Book Section,
2 July 2000.)
From eight to fourteen is a period of life piquantly interesting to
the congenial observer; for in studying it he may perceive unconcealed
in the boy not only what is later to be found coated over in the man
but something also of the history of all mankind.
No earthly object is so attractive as a well-built, growing boy.
--Henry William Gibson (1867-c.1941)
Boyology, or Boy Analysis
New York: Association Press (YMCA), 1916/1922
The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in
possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world.
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